Urban Living Lab Center

Urban Living Lab Center


Capacity building for the transformation of urban mobility, energy, and resource sectors


The Urban Living Lab Center provides a space for collaboration among implementation oriented projects in the field of urban climate action. This includes international cooperation projects with transformative potential in key urban sectors. This partnership starts with projects funded by the International Climate Initiative and the European Union and reaches also out to other key funders to maximise synergies among projects and foster effectiveness in an effort to boost local climate change mitigation action and foster sustainable development.

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    ¡Prepárate para el Desafío EcoZonas 2024! Conoce la metodología y herramientas del proyecto EcoZonas: una aproximación para co-diseñar, escalar y replicar la acción climática a nivel barrial y únete al desafío. El primer seminario informativo es el 10 de septiembre a las 09:00 – 10:00 GMT-5 / 11:00 – 13:00 GMT-3. En esta sesión descubrirás la app móvil desarrollada para encuestas y mapeos colaborativos y el sitio web para visualización de datos. Además podrás tener más información sobre como formar parte del Desafío EcoZonas durante Octubre, en el contexto de la iniciativa Octubre Urbano de ONU-Hábitat. Para participar regístrate aquí: https://rb.gy/j1xqfu ¡Te esperamos!

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    🌍🚗 Driving Sustainable Mobility in Pasig with the SOLUTIONSplus Project! 🚗🌿 The SOLUTIONSplus project in Pasig is accelerating the transition to sustainable urban mobility through innovative electric mobility solutions. Here's how we're making a difference: 💡 Key Achievements: 🏭 Local Manufacturing: Development of Flexible Electric Vehicle and e-quadricycle prototypes, with the latter seating 4 passengers and a carrying capacity of 450 kg. 📅 Launch & Enhancement: E-quadricycle prototypes launched in Dec 2022 and enhanced in Nov 2023. 🚚 Practical Applications: Vehicles designated for mail and parcel delivery, shared use with Pasig Public Market, and waste collection – advancing the city’s sustainable mobility goals. 📱 Innovative Tech Solutions: A dedicated booking app, designed through consultations with city offices, enables efficient vehicle scheduling. 🌍 Potential for Replication: The e-quadricycles have the potential for replication in other cities and are being considered for scaling under the Philippines Electric Mobility ASAP project.

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    Quedan pocos días para el primer webinar informativo del #DesafíoEcoZonas2024!!! El 10 de septiembre presentaremos las herramientas digitales de acceso libre para acelerar la acción climática a nivel barrial que queremos probar con todxs Uds. en el marco del #OctubreUrbano de UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme). Las herramientas fueron desarrolladas en el contexto del Proyecto EcoZonas financiado por la International Climate Initiative e implementado por el Urban Living Lab Center desde el Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy y por World Resources Institute México. Lee más sobre el Desafío, las herramientas y el potencial de la escala barrial para propiciar la acción climática urbana en el blog del Laboratorio de Ciudades del Inter-American Development Bank (BID). Si no te has registrado aún, puedes hacerlo dándole click en el siguiente enlace: https://lnkd.in/e6WhDC-d Únete #DesafíoEcoZonas2024 por barrios y ciudades más sostenibles, resilientes y habitables. https://lnkd.in/eDteAnbw https://lnkd.in/ezP__Mke

    El gran potencial de la escala barrial: acción ciudadana para la resiliencia climática a pequeña escala

    El gran potencial de la escala barrial: acción ciudadana para la resiliencia climática a pequeña escala


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    🚍🌱 Madrid Leads the Charge in E-Bus Adoption and Sustainable Transit 🌱🚍 Madrid has made impressive strides in electrifying its bus fleet and advancing sustainable transit solutions: 105 E-Buses by 2020: Successfully deployed, supported by a robust charging infrastructure. Innovative Charging Technologies: Introduced inverted pantograph technology, accelerating fleet electrification. Knowledge Sharing and Training: Engaged in peer-to-peer training and knowledge exchange through the SOLUTIONSplus toolbox, covering micromobility and e-bike systems. Smart Charging at Carabanchel Depot: Implemented smart charging strategies that optimize energy use, cut peak load from 3 MW to 1.5 MW, and achieved significant cost savings. Recent Achievements: Training and Presentations: Participated in conferences like TRA in Lisbon, sharing insights and initial results. Regional Training Programs: Covered low-carbon logistics, LEV regulations, and e-buses, including a visit to an electric bus depot. Study Tours: Hosted a tour on electric bus policy and retrofitting, featuring an e-bus depot visit. New Developments: New Mobility Hub: Launched at Fuente de la Mora P&R, integrating diverse services with advanced charging solutions. Impact: Enhanced Safety and Efficiency: Inverted pantograph technology simplifies e-bus charging, speeding up fleet expansion. Cost Savings: Adjusted charging schedules to reduce peak load by 50%, saving €50,000 annually without altering the power tariff. Madrid’s commitment to sustainability and innovation continues to set a benchmark for cities worldwide. 🌍💡 #ElectricBuses #Sustainability #SmartCharging #Innovation #TransitTech #Madrid #GreenTransport

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    🌿 Vietnam's Path to Sustainable Urban Mobility: Hanoi's Green Transformation 🌿 Vietnam is stepping up its fight against climate change and urban transportation challenges with ambitious goals and innovative solutions. The Green Growth Strategy 2021-2030 and the upcoming Climate Change Strategy 2021-2030 set the stage for a low-carbon future, focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to green energy. Current State and Future Vision: 🏙️ Urban Transport Challenges: Hanoi’s rapid urbanization and high dependence on private vehicles highlight the need for an improved public transport system. With a growing population and traffic congestion, expanding and enhancing public transportation is essential. 🌬️ Air Quality and Emissions: The transport sector is a major contributor to Hanoi’s air pollution, with significant levels of PM2.5. Addressing this through effective policies and sustainable transport solutions is vital for improving urban air quality. Vietnam’s journey towards sustainable urban transport is marked by both challenges and opportunities. 🚨 Addressing Urban Challenges: Hanoi faces critical issues related to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, traffic congestion, and traffic accidents. To meet the government’s COP26 commitments, the city must prioritize policies that encourage public transportation, particularly shared two-wheelers. 🚲 Shared Two-Wheeler Solutions: The shared two-wheeler service has proven effective globally in reducing emissions and easing traffic congestion. In Vietnam, this model is expanding with successful implementations in cities like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. By expanding electric and shared transport solutions, enhancing public transport infrastructure, and implementing effective policies, the country can pave the way for cleaner, more efficient cities. Read the full publication 👉 https://lnkd.in/eq2AdWKF #Vietnam #Hanoi #SustainableTransport #ClimateAction #ElectricVehicles #PublicTransport #GreenMobility #UrbanInnovation

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    Hamburg is paving the way for sustainable urban transport through the SOLUTIONSplus Hamburg demonstration. 🚀 🔌 E-Mobility Initiatives: E-Scooter Demonstration: 🚲 Launched a successful shared e-scooter trial. 📊 Gathered valuable data showing peak ridership during commutes. 📈 High demand led to the expansion from 200 to 400 scooters! E-Taxi Project: 🚕 Launched the "Zukunftstaxi" initiative, electrifying the city’s taxi fleet. 🌍 Significant emission reductions through eco-driving practices. ⚡ Increased e-taxi count from 2 to 400 in just 18 months. 🔍 Knowledge Sharing: Hamburg actively disseminated expertise through the SOLUTIONSplus Hamburg demonstration by: 🗣️ Hosting a City Dialogue on taxi electrification. 🚌 Organizing a site visit showcasing e-bus and e-scooter operations. 🛠️ Contributing to the SOLUTIONSplus online toolbox with informative resources. 🎓 Capacity Building: Hosted a workshop for European cities on integrating shared micro-mobility services into existing public transport systems. Insightful e-bus depot visit and e-scooter test rides provided real-world examples of electrification efforts. The SOLUTIONSplus Hamburg demonstration is a shining example of how cities can lead the transition to sustainable, integrated urban mobility. 🚀🌍 Learn more about the demonstration 👉 https://lnkd.in/eh2RNw4K #UrbanMobility #Sustainability #SmartCities #ElectricVehicles #SOLUTIONSplus #Hamburg

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    India's journey towards sustainable urban transportation is accelerating with its innovative e-Bus initiatives. Since 2013, the country's commitment to electric mobility has grown through various schemes, including the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan and the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (FAME) program. 🌍 Case Studies: Pune & Kolkata Pune: Leading the way with its successful adoption of e-Buses, Pune is on track to exceed its electrification targets. Key factors include strong political support, effective coordination, and economic viability. Kolkata: In response to severe air pollution, Kolkata integrated 80 e-Buses into its fleet. The city tackled challenges related to charging infrastructure with innovative solutions and is paving the way for cleaner urban transit. Challenges & Solutions: Despite progress, the e-Bus initiative faces hurdles: Financial Risks & Scaling Issues: OEMs face risks due to recent changes in contract models. Solutions include developing alternative financing models and enhancing private sector involvement. Charging Infrastructure: Current setups limit e-Bus movement and accessibility. Expanding charging infrastructure and standardizing equipment are crucial for wider adoption. Policy & Support: Continued fiscal incentives and support are essential. Recommendations include exploring leasing options for smaller operators and improving collaboration for grid optimization. India’s e-Bus revolution highlights the potential of electric mobility to transform urban transit, making it more sustainable, efficient, and equitable. With ongoing innovations and strong policy support, the future of public transportation in India looks brighter than ever. Read the full publication 👉 https://lnkd.in/emQzNRAF #ElectricBuses #SustainableTransport #UrbanMobility #India #CleanEnergy

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    🚀 Accelerating Sustainable Urban Mobility: Introducing the SOLUTIONSplus Replication Guide 🌍 Why is the Replication Guide Important? 🧐 The guide shares the insights and successes of the SOLUTIONSplus project, enabling cities worldwide to improve urban mobility and enhance the quality of life. By leveraging these strategies, you can join the global movement towards sustainable, low-carbon transport. 🌿 How Does the Replication Guide Work? 🔍 Starting Points (Why): 🌎 This chapter reflects on the starting points of the SOLUTIONSplus project, the global climate and sustainable development targets, and outlines some of the key challenges of international cooperation projects in the area of sustainable electric mobility. Implementation Steps (How): 🛠️ The second chapter of the Replication Guide focuses on the practical and conceptual steps towards implementation at the project and wider programming level. This aims to provide some practical guidance to project implementers for efficient operations and also to project funders for more effective programming.  Innovative Solutions (What): 💡 This section provides a short summary of the innovative urban e-mobility solutions that have been tested across various transport modes by the SOLUTIONSplus team. A vast repository of knowledge products is being provided in the emobility toolbox and on the SOLUTIONSplus website. 🌟 SOLUTIONSplus stands out by showcasing real-world city projects across Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Follow the guide and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable urban future! 🌆 🔗 Discover the SOLUTIONSplus Replication Guide here 👉 https://lnkd.in/e4cKAgpf #UrbanMobility #Sustainability #EMobility #SmartCities #SOLUTIONSplus #ClimateAction

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    🌍 Presentación del proyecto EcoZones: Construir barrios sostenibles, resilientes y habitables El concepto EcoZones, arraigado en el enfoque de Urban Labs, consiste en crear barrios sostenibles, inclusivos y resilientes al cambio climático. 🏘️💚 Desde septiembre de 2022, hemos estado desarrollando una metodología y un conjunto de herramientas digitales para ayudar a las comunidades urbanas a abordar las vulnerabilidades climáticas en sus barrios. El corazón de esta iniciativa es la aplicación móvil EcoZones 📱, que permite a las comunidades mapear colaborativamente sus barrios y evaluar las áreas clave de preocupación. Principales características del kit de herramientas: 🗺️ Cartografía y encuestas colaborativas: Involucre a su comunidad para generar una evaluación integral del vecindario. Cuadro de mando e informes: Acceda a las Soluciones Urbanas Sostenibles (SUS) priorizadas a través de nuestro panel de control en línea o descargue informes y recursos detallados. 🔑 Cuatro dimensiones clave: Enfoque en el entorno urbano, la calidad medioambiental, el bienestar socioeconómico y el riesgo de catástrofes. Financiado por la Iniciativa Climática Internacional (IKI) del Ministerio Federal de Asuntos Económicos y Acción Climática de Alemania (BMWK), e implementado por el Instituto Wuppertal para el Clima, Medio Ambiente y Energía (WI) y WRI México, el Proyecto EcoZonas es un esfuerzo de colaboración para impulsar el cambio a nivel de base. 🚀 ¡Únete a nosotros en Octubre Urbano 2024! 🚀 Este año, lanzaremos el Reto EcoZonas 2024 durante Octubre Urbano, e invitamos a todos -desde gobiernos locales hasta ONG y miembros de la comunidad- a participar. 🗓️ Próximas actividades: Seminario web: Únete al Desafío EcoZonas por unos barrios sostenibles, resilientes y habitables 📅 10 de septiembre de 2024 🌐 Conoce las herramientas y cómo unirte al Desafío regístrese en 👉 https://lnkd.in/ezRGAQrA Webinar: Sesión de preguntas y respuestas 📅 24 de septiembre de 2024 🌐 Obtén respuestas a tus preguntas antes de que comience el Desafío El Desafío EcoZonas en acción 📅 1-31 de octubre de 2024 🌐 Evaluaciones participativas lideradas por organizaciones latinoamericanas Webinar: El Desafío de las EcoZonas 2024 - La experiencia 📅 31 de octubre de 2024 (por confirmar) 🌐 Compartir y aprender de las experiencias de los demás ¡Únete a nosotros en este viaje para hacer que nuestros barrios sean más sostenibles, resilientes y habitables para todos! 🙌 #EcoZones #UrbanSustainability #ClimateAction #ResilientCities #UrbanOctober #SustainableNeighborhoods #CommunityEngagement #LatinAmerica

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    🌍 Introducing the EcoZones Project: Building Sustainable, Resilient, and Livable Neighborhoods The EcoZones concept, rooted in the Urban Labs approach, is all about creating neighborhoods that are sustainable, inclusive, and resilient to climate change. 🏘️💚 Since September 2022, we've been developing a methodology and a digital toolkit to help urban communities address climate vulnerabilities in their neighborhoods. The heart of this initiative is the EcoZones mobile app 📱, which enables communities to collaboratively map their neighborhoods and assess key areas of concern. Key Features of the Toolkit: 🗺️ Collaborative Mapping & Surveys: Engage your community to generate a comprehensive neighborhood assessment. 📊 Dashboard & Reporting: Access prioritized Sustainable Urban Solutions (SUS) through our online dashboard or download detailed reports and resources. 🔑 Four Key Dimensions: Focus on Urban Environment, Environmental Quality, Socioeconomic Well-being, and Disaster Risk. Funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany (BMWK), and implemented by the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (WI) and WRI Mexico, the EcoZones Project is a collaborative effort to drive change at the grassroots level. 🚀 Join Us in Urban October 2024! 🚀 This year, we’re launching the EcoZones Challenge 2024 during Urban October, and we invite everyone—from local governments to NGOs and community members—to participate. 🗓️ Upcoming Activities: Webinar: Join the EcoZones Challenge for Sustainable, Resilient, and Livable Neighborhoods 📅 September 10, 2024 🌐 Learn about the tools and how to join the Challenge Register 👉 https://lnkd.in/ezRGAQrA Webinar: Q&A Session 📅 September 24, 2024 🌐 Get your questions answered before the Challenge kicks off The EcoZones Challenge in Action 📅 October 1-31, 2024 🌐 Participatory assessments led by Latin American organizations Webinar: The EcoZones Challenge 2024 – The Experience 📅 October 31, 2024 (tbc) 🌐 Share and learn from the experiences of others Join us in this journey to make our neighborhoods more sustainable, resilient, and livable for everyone! 🙌 #EcoZones #UrbanSustainability #ClimateAction #ResilientCities #UrbanOctober #SustainableNeighborhoods #CommunityEngagement #LatinAmerica

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