Titelbild von VIDAVIDA


Klimadaten und Klimadatenanalytik

Software enabling companies to identify and monitor climate risks and impact opportunities.


VIDA (www.vida.place) is the leading software for infrastructure investors to assess climate risks, track their impact, and meet reporting requirements. Our mission is to help people understand the world we need and empower them to take swift action toward a better future.

Klimadaten und Klimadatenanalytik
11–50 Beschäftigte
data, AI, machinelearning, economic development, investment, climate change, decision-making, software, SaaS, earth observation, investment, software, climate risk und climate and ESG data


Beschäftigte von VIDA


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    🥁 Introducing our handy new e-guide: Getting Started with Climate Risk Assessment for Physical Assets! Is physical climate risk assessment fully integrated into your operational management, due diligence, and compliance reporting? A robust physical climate risk assessment is a key element of fiduciary responsibility and new sustainability regulations — and it’s now required for large and listed companies in Europe. Regulators are highly specific about the data a credible assessment requires. Assessing physical climate risk is complex. It requires access to high-quality data and advanced modelling tools capable of capturing the complexity of infrastructure investments over time and across various climate scenarios. ➡️ Download the guide to map out how to assess your assets and meet compliance requirements for physical climate risk → https://lnkd.in/d6YnpAkA We cover: ✅ What regulators require in a physical climate risk assessment (specifically including the CSRD and ESRS framework) ✅ Materiality as the basis for any assessment ✅ The three must-haves for credible physical climate risk assessment ✅ The 4 steps of assessment (including how VIDA can help) ➡️ Book a call with us to find out more - our team of climate and data experts are here to help you develop integrated solutions for your physical climate risk reporting and assessment needs → https://lnkd.in/dq6rFqmJ

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    Have a great discussion in DC, Nabin! Digitising development work is critical to targeting programs, delivering them effectively and measuring the impact they have. This is particularly important as large donor countries (the US, the UK, Switzerland, the Netherlands) reduce their commitments. Our global challenges, such as climate change or biodiversity loss, don't slow down just because our development politics change. With VIDA, we are proud to play our role.

    Profil von Nabin Raj Gaihre anzeigen

    COO of VIDA - software for climate, environmental, biodiversity and social risk data

    I will be presenting VIDA at the World Bank Global Digital Summit 2025, showcasing how AI and cutting-edge digital technologies empower investors, donors, and governments to drive data-based investments and accelerate access to essential infrastructure. If you're there this Tuesday, don’t miss the discussion on how VIDA accelerates deployment of energy infrastructure. I will be joined by an esteemed panel, including Getu Geremew, CEO of Ethiopian Electric Utility; Dr Michel Boukar, Minister of Communications, Digital Economy, and Administrative Digitalisation, Chad;  Jake Oster, Director of Sustainability at AmazonSarah Malm, CEO of GOGLA; and Zainab Usman, Ph.D. as Moderator.

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    Letzte Woche hat Sascha Koch in einem Webinar mit Mitarbeitern von führenden deutschen Banken das Thema #Klimarisiken und #Biodiversität für Gebäude diskutiert, und dabei VIDA's Datenprodukte präsentiert, die über Website der vdpResearch GmbH für Standorte weltweit innerhalb von wenger als einer Minute bezogen werden können. Vielen Dank an vdpPfandbriefAkademie und Ariane Remmel.

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    776 Follower:innen

    Biodiversität und Klimarisiken - diesem Thema widmeten sich heute Ariane Remmel von der vdpResearch GmbH und Sascha Koch von VIDA. 🪴 In einem 1,5 Stündigen Webinar standen die Biodiverstität und das Klima im Fokus. Wie Immobilienfinanzierer durch Biodiversitäts- und Klimadaten nachhaltigere Entscheidungen treffen können und welche Daten für die EU-Taxonomie relevant sind, wurden von Sascha Koch erläutert. 🪴 Die daraus enstandene neue Partnerschaft zwischen vdpResearch GmbH und VIDA bietet tolle und neue Möglichkeiten. 🪴 Ab sofort stellt die vdpResearch über eine Daten-Schnittstelle (API), als PDF oder zukünftig direkt über das User Interface der VIDA Software aktuelle und wissenschaftlich fundierte Daten für Ihre tägliche Arbeit zur Verfügung. Durch die Integration dieser Daten können Sie noch präziser bewerten und fundierte Entscheidungen im Einklang mit Nachhaltigkeitszielen treffen. Ergänzt werden die Daten zukünftig durch KI-basierte Drei-Jahres-Prognosen und Informationen zu aktuellen Flutereignissen. 🪴 Eröffnungsaktion: Exklusive Angebote für die ersten Teilnehmer, die VIDA-Daten über vdpResearch nutzen möchten.

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    Some businesses might be thinking "phew" - fewer climate related regulations in the US and Europe (#omnibus)! But here's a fact: climate change is real. Whether regulators force businesses to account for it or not, it has a significant impact. Standard & Poors Ratings Services went through the trouble to quantify it. Report link below. What can you do? ✅ Check the climate risk of your investment and strategy decisions, before you implement them. (VIDA data can help) ✅ Regularly check the risk exposure of your operations, assets, supply-chains, markets, etc. (VIDA data can help) ✅ Make contingency plans for when extreme weather hits. ✅ Think about physical reinforcements and adaptation measures to make your assets and operations more resilient. ✅ Look into insurance options. (✅ And if you care about limiting the risk for everyone, look at ways to reduce emissions.) https://lnkd.in/dNXc5mEK

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    We want to bring the best geospatial data to our users across the world - on climate change, biodiversity, people, infrastructure and more. In doing so, we are part of a cutting-edge ecosystem, with a constant give-and-take on best practices, open-source data and innovations. In that spirit, two of our senior data engineers, Maarten de Jong and Giorgio Basile, gave talks last week at the GeoPython event in Basel and met fellow leaders of the open source community (GeoPandas maintainer (Joris Van den Bossche), DuckDB-spatial maintainer (Max Gabrielsson), GeoParquet contributor (Dewey Dunnington), and more.

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  • VIDA hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Tobias Engelmeier anzeigen

    CEO of VIDA, the data software to manage climate risks, ESG and impact investments

    A sign of a changing world - less aid, more defence. Keir Starmer just announced that the UK will reduce the aid budget (from 0.5 to 0.3% of GDP) and increase the defence budget (to 2.5%). The US, of course, went all radical on shutting down USAID. Perhaps less visibly, the Dutch and the Swiss also slashed aid budgets. Perhaps some day we will look back at these years as the big retrenchment, when the West shifted focus from trying to solve global problems (aid) to protecting itself from the fall-out of global problems (defence). VIDA News here: https://lnkd.in/d3rmdAQy Picture: Adobestock

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    👏 We’re excited to share a great milestone: a new collaboration with Germany’s vdpResearch GmbH. Together, we’ll deliver our trusted climate, natural hazard and biodiversity risk data to hundreds of real estate financiers across Germany. This will help them make more informed, sustainable credit decisions, in line with BaFin's latest call to action (for more, see here: https://lnkd.in/dsCrSiXh). As part of this partnership, vdp Research will make VIDA's data and analyses for evaluating real estate locations and portfolios available to its customers via API, as location PDFs or directly via VIDA's user interface. Germany’s vdpResearch focuses on real estate market analysis and provides critical data like property price indices and risk assessments for financial institutions and policymakers. In addition to climate risks, including all EU Taxonomy required hazards, vdp Research customers can now request relevant information on biodiversity, current flood events, AI-based 3-year forecasts of climate risks and other relevant data sets. The partnership marks a milestone for both companies, to combine their expertise in the areas of location assessment and environmental analyses. The integration of this data will enable an even more differentiated picture of location qualities and risks for real estate developers across Germany. ➡️ Interested to find out more? Sascha Koch and Tobias Engelmeier would love to talk to you. Get in touch to book a free demo or call. Association of German Pfandbrief Banks, Cusp Capital

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  • VIDA hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Tobias Engelmeier anzeigen

    CEO of VIDA, the data software to manage climate risks, ESG and impact investments

    We need to get better at assessing how extreme weather - like floods or fires - can impact assets. The head of Germany's banking regulator BaFin, Mark Branson, noted in his speech today (on the release of their annual risk report) that "...regulation and supervision have not paid sufficient attention to physical risks up to now. At BaFin, we will be putting a particular focus on these risks in 2025..." - for more, see the link below. ☺️ Stay tuned for big news at VIDA tomorrow about how we help Germany's banks address these risks with best-in-class data. https://lnkd.in/dzy22hMq

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