Ads Data Hub table schema - Advertisers

Affinity segment

affinity_category string
Affinity category.
affinity_id int
Affinity identifier.
affinity_name string
Affinity name.

Age group

age_group_id int
Age group identifier.
age_group_name string
Age group name.


browser_id int
Browser identifier.
browser_name string
Browser name.
major_version string
Major version of the browser (whole number version).
minor_version string
Minor version of the browser (incremental or decimal version).


city_id int
Unique ID of the city.
city_name string
City name.
country_code string
Two character country code.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer account info

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
timezone_name string
Timezone of the account.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer Active View plus

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of cm_dt_active_view_plus:
  • cm_dt_active_view_plus_policy_isolated_youtube
  • cm_dt_active_view_plus_policy_isolated_network
  • cm_dt_active_view_plus_policy_isolated_search
event struct
event.active_view_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Audible
event.active_view_audible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_audible_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible and Visible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_background_count int
Active View: Impressions In Background
event.active_view_complete_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Completion
event.active_view_eligible_impressions int
Whether the impression was eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if (a) the ad's creative has an Active View tag and (b) the tag successfully communicates with Google Marketing Platform servers at the time of the impression.
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at First Quartile
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at First Quartile
event.active_view_fullscreen_count int
Active View: Impressions Full-Screen
event.active_view_impressions_audible_and_visible_at_completion int
Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion
event.active_view_impressions_visible10_seconds int
Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds
event.active_view_measurable_impressions int
Whether the impression was measurable with Active View.
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Midpoint
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Midpoint
event.active_view_plus_measurable_count int
Active View Plus: Measurable Impressions
event.active_view_start_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Start
event.active_view_start_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Start
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_tos_msec int
Active View: Time on Screen (milliseconds)
event.active_view_viewable_impressions int
Whether the impression was viewable.
event.active_view_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Video Visible Time (milliseconds)
event.activity_count int
Activity Quantity
event.activity_id int
The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event.
event.ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad placement.
event.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser
event.audience_segment_id int
Unique ID of the audience segment.
event.browser_platform_id string
ID of the browser type.
event.browser_version string
Browser/Platform Version
event.campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign
event.city_id int
City ID
event.conversion_id int
Indicates whether an activity has been matched as a post-click (value of 1) or post-impression (value of 2), or unmatched (value of 0).
event.country_code string
event.creative_version string
Creative version number.
event.dma_region_id int
Designated Market Area ID (US/Canada).
event.dv360_ad_position int
Specifies the position of the ad on the page if known. 1 represents above the fold, 2 represents below the fold.
event.dv360_advertiser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the advertiser related to the event, for example 164332.
event.dv360_adx_page_categories string
DV360 Adx Page Categories
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_external_id string
The external ID of the attributed inventory source that Display & Video 360 selected as the best match from those accessible to the advertiser related to the view event based on floor price and auction type.
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_is_public string
True if inventory source is available to all buyers. False otherwise.
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_partner_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_usd int
event.dv360_auction_id string
A string used to join events among view/click/conversion types, for example"ABCDEFGH_abcdefgh-0123456789". Do not assume any ordering, structure or meaning to the auction_id value.
event.dv360_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in advertiser currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_partner_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in partner currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_usd int
The bid price sent to the exchange in USD nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics..
event.dv360_bid_request_publisher_id string
The publisher id in the field of bid request.
event.dv360_billable_cost_advertiser_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in advertiser currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_partner_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in partner currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_usd int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in USD nanos.
event.dv360_browser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the browser related to this event.
event.dv360_browser_timezone_offset_minutes int
The difference in minutes between the active timezone on the user's browser and GMT-12, for example 1320 represents a browser timezone of GMT+10.
event.dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the linked Display & Video 360 campaign.
event.dv360_city_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the best-guess city of the impression.
event.dv360_country_code string
2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code identifying the best-guess country of the impression, for example "US".
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 1 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 2 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 3 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 4 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 5 usd
event.dv360_creative_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the creative related to the event, for example 367487.
event.dv360_data_fees_advertiser_currency int
DV360 data fees advertiser currency
event.dv360_data_fees_partner_currency int
DV360 data fees partner currency
event.dv360_data_fees_usd int
DV360 data fees usd
event.dv360_device_type int
The numerical value of the identified device type. 0 = Computer, 1 = Other, 2 = Smart Phone, 3 = Tablet, 4 = Smart TV, 5 = Connected TV, 6 = Set Top Box, 7 = Connected Device.
event.dv360_exchange_id string
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the exchange that requested the ad.
event.dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, for example 1079941.
event.dv360_isp_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the best-guess Internet Service Provider of the impression. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_language string
The ISO-639-1 code or "zh_CN" (Chinese (simplified)), "zh_TW" (Chinese (traditional)) or "other" representing the language related to the view event.
event.dv360_line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, for example 1155785.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_keywords string
A comma separated string containing a list of targeted keywords matching the page related to the view event, for example "apple,orange,banana". Although the page related to the view event may match many keywords, only those which were targeted will be included; if the list of keywords is large we may impose a limit to the number of keywords returned.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_segments string
Space-separated IDs of targeted user lists that match the visitor, for example "-4 456". If the visitor is in a user list that is not targeted by the ad associated with this event it will not be included here.
event.dv360_media_cost_advertiser_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in advertiser currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_partner_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in the partner currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_usd int
The amount paid for the impression in USD nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_usd int
DV360 media fee 1 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_usd int
DV360 media fee 2 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_usd int
DV360 media fee 3 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_usd int
DV360 media fee 4 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_usd int
DV360 media fee 5 usd
event.dv360_mobile_make_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile make. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_mobile_model_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile model. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_net_speed int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID representing the network speed related to the view event. 1=Dial-up, 2=EDGE/2G, 3=UMTS/3G, 4=Basic DSL, 5=HSDPA/3.5G, 6=Broadband/4G, 7=Unknown.
event.dv360_operating_system_id int
Operating System ID.
event.dv360_request_time int
A Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when we received the ad request, for example1330403779608570 represents Tuesday February 28th 2012 04:36:19.608570. Although this value is consistent across the view, click and conversion even it is not guaranteed to be unique - use auction_id to join events
event.dv360_revenue_advertiser_currency int
The total amount in advertiser currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_partner_currency int
The total amount in partner currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_usd int
The total amount in USD nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_site_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the most specific universal site that matches the url.
event.dv360_state_region_id int
DV360 Region ID
event.dv360_supply_chain_complete boolean
Indicates whether the supply chain object is complete in the bid request.
event.dv360_supply_chain_domain array
The domain in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_supply_chain_seller_id array
Array of strings. The seller ID in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_url string
The raw URL taken from the bid request received from the exchange, for example "". As some exchanges mask the URL in their bid requests this value may be: "source_url_hidden"
event.dv360_view_state string
Populated for wrapped tags. (Two impression records when both events occur.) Possible values are: "OUTER", DV360 returned wrapped tag; "INNER", ad served post wrapped tag; "3PAS_MERGED", wrapped tag tracked by CM; "3PAS_OUTER", tracking ping sent to CM but no response, 3rd party blocked ad serving.
event.dv360_zip_postal_code string
DV360 ZIP/Postal Code
event.event_sub_type string
Contains further details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "POSTVIEW", "POSTCLICK" or blank for conversion events.
event.event_time int
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.event_type string
event.floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
event.impression_id string
Impression ID
event.interaction_time_utc_seconds string
Interaction time UTC seconds
event.landing_page_url_id int
Unique ID of the landing page URL. Only populates for clicks, NULL for other tables.
event.operating_system_id int
ID of the operating system.
event.ord_value string
The advertiser's ordinal ID, if relevant for a given activity type. Passed in the 'ord=' key-value (also used for storing the client's Order-ID in sales tags)
event.other_data string
Stores key-value data from the activity string which is not otherwise labeled. (Any key-value that is NOT "src=", "type=", "cat=", "ord=", "u=", "cost=", "qty=", "tran=", "a=", or "b="). Custom Floodlight Variables, such as "u1=" and "u2=", are available and can be used for further product breakdown.
event.placement_id int
Unique ID for the site page / placement where the ad ran.
event.platform_type_id int
Identifier that maps to the platform on which the event occurred. Possible values are: 30000: desktop, 30001: high-end smartphone, 30002: tablet, 30003: mid-range smartphone, 30004: connected TV, 30005: unknown, 30006: set top box.
event.referrer_url string
Contains the URL on which the ad appeared, when possible. May also be empty, or return ad server URLs.
event.rendering_id int
Unique ID of the creative for Data Transfer. Does not correspond to the UI-Creative-ID.
event.rich_media_event_counters int
MET Counter Value (the ecn= value).
event.rich_media_event_id int
MET Event ID for the Rich Media ad.
event.rich_media_event_timers double
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.rich_media_event_type_id int
ID of Rich Media Event Type.
event.segment_value_1 int
Segment Value 1
event.site_id int
Unique ID for the site where the ad ran.
event.state string
ID for user's state or province (US/Canada)
event.tran_value string
TRAN Value
event.u_value string
U Value
event.zip_code string
Postal-Code (US/Canada).
network_id int
The network ID.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer activities attributed

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of cm_dt_activities_attributed:
  • cm_dt_activities_attributed_policy_isolated_youtube
  • cm_dt_activities_attributed_policy_isolated_network
  • cm_dt_activities_attributed_policy_isolated_search
event struct
event.activity_id int
The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event.
event.ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad placement.
event.ad_words_campaign_id int
Google Ads Campaign ID.
event.ad_words_criterion_id int
Google Ads Criterion ID.
event.ad_words_customer_id int
Google Ads Customer ID.
event.ad_words_group_id int
Google Ads Group ID.
event.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser
event.attribution_model_config_id int
Unique ID of the attribution model.
event.audience_segment_id int
Unique ID of the audience segment.
event.browser_platform_id string
ID of the browser type.
event.browser_version string
Browser/Platform Version
event.campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign
event.city_id int
City ID
event.conversion_event_id string
The unique ID of the conversion event.
event.country_code string
event.creative_version string
Creative version number.
event.dma_region_id int
Designated Market Area ID (US/Canada).
event.dv360_ad_position int
Specifies the position of the ad on the page if known. 1 represents above the fold, 2 represents below the fold.
event.dv360_advertiser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the advertiser related to the event, for example 164332.
event.dv360_adx_page_categories string
DV360 Adx Page Categories
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_external_id string
The external ID of the attributed inventory source that Display & Video 360 selected as the best match from those accessible to the advertiser related to the view event based on floor price and auction type.
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_is_public string
True if inventory source is available to all buyers. False otherwise.
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_partner_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_usd int
event.dv360_auction_id string
A string used to join events among view/click/conversion types, for example"ABCDEFGH_abcdefgh-0123456789". Do not assume any ordering, structure or meaning to the auction_id value.
event.dv360_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in advertiser currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_partner_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in partner currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_usd int
The bid price sent to the exchange in USD nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics..
event.dv360_bid_request_publisher_id string
The publisher id in the field of bid request.
event.dv360_billable_cost_advertiser_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in advertiser currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_partner_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in partner currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_usd int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in USD nanos.
event.dv360_browser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the browser related to this event.
event.dv360_browser_timezone_offset_minutes int
The difference in minutes between the active timezone on the user's browser and GMT-12, for example 1320 represents a browser timezone of GMT+10.
event.dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the linked Display & Video 360 campaign.
event.dv360_city_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the best-guess city of the impression.
event.dv360_country_code string
2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code identifying the best-guess country of the impression, for example "US".
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 1 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 2 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 3 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 4 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 5 usd
event.dv360_creative_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the creative related to the event, for example 367487.
event.dv360_data_fees_advertiser_currency int
DV360 data fees advertiser currency
event.dv360_data_fees_partner_currency int
DV360 data fees partner currency
event.dv360_data_fees_usd int
DV360 data fees usd
event.dv360_device_type int
The numerical value of the identified device type. 0 = Computer, 1 = Other, 2 = Smart Phone, 3 = Tablet, 4 = Smart TV, 5 = Connected TV, 6 = Set Top Box, 7 = Connected Device.
event.dv360_exchange_id string
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the exchange that requested the ad.
event.dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, for example 1079941.
event.dv360_isp_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the best-guess Internet Service Provider of the impression. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_language string
The ISO-639-1 code or "zh_CN" (Chinese (simplified)), "zh_TW" (Chinese (traditional)) or "other" representing the language related to the view event.
event.dv360_line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, for example 1155785.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_keywords string
A comma separated string containing a list of targeted keywords matching the page related to the view event, for example "apple,orange,banana". Although the page related to the view event may match many keywords, only those which were targeted will be included; if the list of keywords is large we may impose a limit to the number of keywords returned.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_segments string
Space-separated IDs of targeted user lists that match the visitor, for example "-4 456". If the visitor is in a user list that is not targeted by the ad associated with this event it will not be included here.
event.dv360_media_cost_advertiser_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in advertiser currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_partner_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in the partner currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_usd int
The amount paid for the impression in USD nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_usd int
DV360 media fee 1 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_usd int
DV360 media fee 2 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_usd int
DV360 media fee 3 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_usd int
DV360 media fee 4 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_usd int
DV360 media fee 5 usd
event.dv360_mobile_make_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile make. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_mobile_model_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile model. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_net_speed int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID representing the network speed related to the view event. 1=Dial-up, 2=EDGE/2G, 3=UMTS/3G, 4=Basic DSL, 5=HSDPA/3.5G, 6=Broadband/4G, 7=Unknown.
event.dv360_operating_system_id int
Operating System ID.
event.dv360_request_time int
A Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when we received the ad request, for example1330403779608570 represents Tuesday February 28th 2012 04:36:19.608570. Although this value is consistent across the view, click and conversion even it is not guaranteed to be unique - use auction_id to join events
event.dv360_revenue_advertiser_currency int
The total amount in advertiser currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_partner_currency int
The total amount in partner currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_usd int
The total amount in USD nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_site_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the most specific universal site that matches the url.
event.dv360_state_region_id int
DV360 Region ID
event.dv360_supply_chain_complete boolean
Indicates whether the supply chain object is complete in the bid request.
event.dv360_supply_chain_domain array
The domain in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_supply_chain_seller_id array
Array of strings. The seller ID in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_url string
The raw URL taken from the bid request received from the exchange, for example "". As some exchanges mask the URL in their bid requests this value may be: "source_url_hidden"
event.dv360_view_state string
Populated for wrapped tags. (Two impression records when both events occur.) Possible values are: "OUTER", DV360 returned wrapped tag; "INNER", ad served post wrapped tag; "3PAS_MERGED", wrapped tag tracked by CM; "3PAS_OUTER", tracking ping sent to CM but no response, 3rd party blocked ad serving.
event.dv360_zip_postal_code string
DV360 ZIP/Postal Code
event.event_sub_type string
Contains further details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "POSTVIEW", "POSTCLICK" or blank for conversion events.
event.event_time int
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.event_type string
Contains "CONVERSION" or "MODELED_CONVERSION" for conversion events.
event.floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
event.interaction_time_utc_seconds string
Interaction time UTC seconds
event.landing_page_url_id int
Unique ID of the landing page URL. Only populates for clicks, NULL for other tables.
event.operating_system_id int
ID of the operating system.
event.ord_value string
The advertiser's ordinal ID, if relevant for a given activity type. Passed in the 'ord=' key-value (also used for storing the client's Order-ID in sales tags)
event.other_data string
Stores key-value data from the activity string which is not otherwise labeled. (Any key-value that is NOT "src=", "type=", "cat=", "ord=", "u=", "cost=", "qty=", "tran=", "a=", or "b="). Custom Floodlight Variables, such as "u1=" and "u2=", are available and can be used for further product breakdown.
event.placement_id int
Unique ID for the site page / placement where the ad ran.
event.platform_type_id int
Identifier that maps to the platform on which the event occurred. Possible values are: 30000: desktop, 30001: high-end smartphone, 30002: tablet, 30003: mid-range smartphone, 30004: connected TV, 30005: unknown, 30006: set top box.
event.referrer_url string
Contains the URL on which the ad appeared, when possible. May also be empty, or return ad server URLs.
event.rendering_id int
Unique ID of the creative for Data Transfer. Does not correspond to the UI-Creative-ID.
event.rich_media_event_counters int
MET Counter Value (the ecn= value).
event.rich_media_event_id int
MET Event ID for the Rich Media ad.
event.rich_media_event_timers double
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.rich_media_event_type_id int
ID of Rich Media Event Type.
event.segment_value_1 int
Segment Value 1
event.site_id int
Unique ID for the site where the ad ran.
event.state string
ID for user's state or province (US/Canada)
event.total_conversions double
The amount of conversion credit in nanos credited to the attributed event. For sales activities, Floodlight might count more than one conversion per event. For example, you can set up Floodlight to count the number of items purchased as the number of conversions for a single event. (The double value of the int event.activity_count in activities_events.)
event.total_conversions_revenue double
The amount of revenue in USD credited to the attributed event. (The attributed version of event.activity_revenue in activities_events.)
event.total_transaction_count double
The number of transactions or activity tag fires in nanos credited to the attributed event.
event.tran_value string
TRAN Value
event.u_value string
U Value
event.zip_code string
Postal-Code (US/Canada).
network_id int
The network ID.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer activities events

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of cm_dt_activities_events:
  • cm_dt_activities_events_policy_isolated_youtube
  • cm_dt_activities_events_policy_isolated_network
  • cm_dt_activities_events_policy_isolated_search
event struct
event.activity_count int
Activity Quantity
event.activity_id int
The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event.
event.activity_revenue double
The amount of revenue in USD megas credited to the event. You can multiply by 1,000,000 to see it as a dollar amount.
event.browser_platform_id string
ID of the browser type.
event.browser_version string
Browser/Platform Version
event.conversion_event_id string
The unique ID of the conversion event.
event.cookie_consented_floodlight_impressions int
The number of Floodlight impressions in which users have consented to cookie tracking.
event.country_code string
event.duplicate_floodlight_impressions int
Floodlight impressions which are logged after the user has consented to cookies, but have been previously been logged as unconsented events. Thus, these are considered to be duplicate events.
event.event_time int
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.event_type string
Event Type
event.floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
event.operating_system_id int
ID of the operating system.
event.ord_value string
The advertiser's ordinal ID, if relevant for a given activity type. Passed in the 'ord=' key-value (also used for storing the client's Order-ID in sales tags)
event.other_data string
Stores key-value data from the activity string which is not otherwise labeled. (Any key-value that is NOT "src=", "type=", "cat=", "ord=", "u=", "cost=", "qty=", "tran=", "a=", or "b="). Custom Floodlight Variables, such as "u1=" and "u2=", are available and can be used for further product breakdown.
event.platform_type_id int
Identifier that maps to the platform on which the event occurred. Possible values are: 30000: desktop, 30001: high-end smartphone, 30002: tablet, 30003: mid-range smartphone, 30004: connected TV, 30005: unknown, 30006: set top box.
event.state string
ID for user's state or province (US/Canada)
event.tran_value string
TRAN Value
event.u_value string
U Value
network_id int
The network ID.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer activity category

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
activity string
User defined category report interface name for floodlight tags.
activity_group_id int
ID of the group to which this advertiser belongs. An advertiser may be a member of only one group.
activity_id int
Unique ID of the Floodlight activity.
activity_sub_type string
User defined string corresponding to cat= value from Floodlight tag.
activity_type string
User defined string corresponding to type= value from Floodlight tag.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
tag_counting_method_id int
User defined type - describing Floodlight tag type. Key: 1 - standard, 2 - unique, 3 - custom, 4 - integer of transactionfor sales tags only, 5 - integer of items sold.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer activity type

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
activity_group string
Name for this activity group.
activity_group_id int
ID of the group to which this advertiser belongs. An advertiser may be a member of only one group.
activity_type string
User defined string corresponding to type= value from Floodlight tag.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer ad

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
ad string
User defined ad name.
ad_click_url string
Click through URL of Click Ad type creatives only (aka Click Commands)
ad_comments string
User defined ad level comments.
ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad.
ad_type string
Type of ad. Possible values are: Standard, Interstitial, Static Click, Dynamic Click, Tracking, In-Steam Video, DART Search, Affiliate, PInclusion, Product feeds, Natural Search, Default, Interstitial Default, InStream Default, Ad Brand-neutral
ad_type_id int
Unique ID of the ad type.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign.
creative_size string
The creative size in pixels: width x height. Empty size is represented by "0X0".
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer Ad placement assignments

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
placement_id int

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer Advertiser

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
advertiser string
User entered name of the advertiser.
advertiser_group string
User specified group to which this advertiser belongs. An advertiser may be a member of only one group.
advertiser_group_id int
Group ID to which this advertiser belongs. An advertiser may be a member of only one group.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer asset

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
asset string
Name of the creative asset.
asset_category string
Category of the creative asset.
asset_id int
Unique ID of the asset.
asset_orientation string
Screen orientation of the asset.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer audience segments

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
audience_segment string
Name of the audience segment.
audience_segment_id int
Unique ID of the audience segment.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer browser

browser_platform string
browser_platform_id int
Browser / Platform ID

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer campaign

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
billing_invoice_code string
The code entered in the billing invoice.
campaign string
User entered campaign name.
campaign_end_date int
Campaign end date as YYYYMMDD.
campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign.
campaign_start_date int
Campaign start date as YYYYMMDD.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer city

city string
The city name
city_id int
Unique ID of the city.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer clicks

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of cm_dt_clicks:
  • cm_dt_clicks_policy_isolated_youtube
  • cm_dt_clicks_policy_isolated_network
  • cm_dt_clicks_policy_isolated_search
event struct
event.active_view_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Audible
event.active_view_audible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_audible_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible and Visible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_background_count int
Active View: Impressions In Background
event.active_view_complete_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Completion
event.active_view_eligible_impressions int
Whether the impression was eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if (a) the ad's creative has an Active View tag and (b) the tag successfully communicates with Google Marketing Platform servers at the time of the impression.
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at First Quartile
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at First Quartile
event.active_view_fullscreen_count int
Active View: Impressions Full-Screen
event.active_view_impressions_audible_and_visible_at_completion int
Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion
event.active_view_impressions_visible10_seconds int
Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds
event.active_view_measurable_impressions int
Whether the impression was measurable with Active View.
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Midpoint
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Midpoint
event.active_view_plus_measurable_count int
Active View Plus: Measurable Impressions
event.active_view_start_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Start
event.active_view_start_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Start
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_tos_msec int
Active View: Time on Screen (milliseconds)
event.active_view_viewable_impressions int
Whether the impression was viewable.
event.active_view_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Video Visible Time (milliseconds)
event.activity_count int
Activity Quantity
event.activity_id int
The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event.
event.ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad placement.
event.ad_words_campaign_id int
Google Ads Campaign ID.
event.ad_words_criterion_id int
Google Ads Criterion ID.
event.ad_words_customer_id int
Google Ads Customer ID.
event.ad_words_group_id int
Google Ads Group ID.
event.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser
event.audience_segment_id int
Unique ID of the audience segment.
event.browser_platform_id string
ID of the browser type.
event.browser_version string
Browser/Platform Version
event.campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign
event.city_id int
City ID
event.conversion_id int
Indicates whether an activity has been matched as a post-click (value of 1) or post-impression (value of 2), or unmatched (value of 0).
event.country_code string
event.creative_version string
Creative version number.
event.dma_region_id int
Designated Market Area ID (US/Canada).
event.dv360_ad_position int
Specifies the position of the ad on the page if known. 1 represents above the fold, 2 represents below the fold.
event.dv360_advertiser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the advertiser related to the event, for example 164332.
event.dv360_adx_page_categories string
DV360 Adx Page Categories
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_external_id string
The external ID of the attributed inventory source that Display & Video 360 selected as the best match from those accessible to the advertiser related to the view event based on floor price and auction type.
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_is_public string
True if inventory source is available to all buyers. False otherwise.
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_partner_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_usd int
event.dv360_auction_id string
A string used to join events among view/click/conversion types, for example"ABCDEFGH_abcdefgh-0123456789". Do not assume any ordering, structure or meaning to the auction_id value.
event.dv360_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in advertiser currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_partner_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in partner currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_usd int
The bid price sent to the exchange in USD nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics..
event.dv360_bid_request_publisher_id string
The publisher id in the field of bid request.
event.dv360_billable_cost_advertiser_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in advertiser currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_partner_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in partner currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_usd int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in USD nanos.
event.dv360_browser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the browser related to this event.
event.dv360_browser_timezone_offset_minutes int
The difference in minutes between the active timezone on the user's browser and GMT-12, for example 1320 represents a browser timezone of GMT+10.
event.dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the linked Display & Video 360 campaign.
event.dv360_city_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the best-guess city of the impression.
event.dv360_country_code string
2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code identifying the best-guess country of the impression, for example "US".
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 1 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 2 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 3 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 4 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 5 usd
event.dv360_creative_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the creative related to the event, for example 367487.
event.dv360_data_fees_advertiser_currency int
DV360 data fees advertiser currency
event.dv360_data_fees_partner_currency int
DV360 data fees partner currency
event.dv360_data_fees_usd int
DV360 data fees usd
event.dv360_device_type int
The numerical value of the identified device type. 0 = Computer, 1 = Other, 2 = Smart Phone, 3 = Tablet, 4 = Smart TV, 5 = Connected TV, 6 = Set Top Box, 7 = Connected Device.
event.dv360_exchange_id string
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the exchange that requested the ad.
event.dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, for example 1079941.
event.dv360_isp_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the best-guess Internet Service Provider of the impression. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_language string
The ISO-639-1 code or "zh_CN" (Chinese (simplified)), "zh_TW" (Chinese (traditional)) or "other" representing the language related to the view event.
event.dv360_line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, for example 1155785.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_keywords string
A comma separated string containing a list of targeted keywords matching the page related to the view event, for example "apple,orange,banana". Although the page related to the view event may match many keywords, only those which were targeted will be included; if the list of keywords is large we may impose a limit to the number of keywords returned.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_segments string
Space-separated IDs of targeted user lists that match the visitor, for example "-4 456". If the visitor is in a user list that is not targeted by the ad associated with this event it will not be included here.
event.dv360_media_cost_advertiser_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in advertiser currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_partner_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in the partner currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_usd int
The amount paid for the impression in USD nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_usd int
DV360 media fee 1 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_usd int
DV360 media fee 2 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_usd int
DV360 media fee 3 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_usd int
DV360 media fee 4 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_usd int
DV360 media fee 5 usd
event.dv360_mobile_make_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile make. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_mobile_model_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile model. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_net_speed int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID representing the network speed related to the view event. 1=Dial-up, 2=EDGE/2G, 3=UMTS/3G, 4=Basic DSL, 5=HSDPA/3.5G, 6=Broadband/4G, 7=Unknown.
event.dv360_operating_system_id int
Operating System ID.
event.dv360_request_time int
A Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when we received the ad request, for example1330403779608570 represents Tuesday February 28th 2012 04:36:19.608570. Although this value is consistent across the view, click and conversion even it is not guaranteed to be unique - use auction_id to join events
event.dv360_revenue_advertiser_currency int
The total amount in advertiser currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_partner_currency int
The total amount in partner currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_usd int
The total amount in USD nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_site_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the most specific universal site that matches the url.
event.dv360_state_region_id int
DV360 Region ID
event.dv360_supply_chain_complete boolean
Indicates whether the supply chain object is complete in the bid request.
event.dv360_supply_chain_domain array
The domain in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_supply_chain_seller_id array
Array of strings. The seller ID in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_url string
The raw URL taken from the bid request received from the exchange, for example "". As some exchanges mask the URL in their bid requests this value may be: "source_url_hidden"
event.dv360_view_state string
Populated for wrapped tags. (Two impression records when both events occur.) Possible values are: "OUTER", DV360 returned wrapped tag; "INNER", ad served post wrapped tag; "3PAS_MERGED", wrapped tag tracked by CM; "3PAS_OUTER", tracking ping sent to CM but no response, 3rd party blocked ad serving.
event.dv360_zip_postal_code string
DV360 ZIP/Postal Code
event.dynamic_profile string
Studio dynamic profile name.
event.dynamic_profile_id int
Studio dynamic profile ID.
event.event_sub_type string
Contains further details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "POSTVIEW", "POSTCLICK" or blank for conversion events.
event.event_time int
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.event_type string
Contains "CLICK".
event.feed array
Feed ID.
event.feed_reporting_dimension1 array
event.feed_reporting_dimension2 array
event.feed_reporting_dimension3 array
event.feed_reporting_dimension4 array
event.feed_reporting_dimension5 array
event.feed_reporting_dimension6 array
event.feed_reporting_label array
Dynamic Feed Reporting Label.
event.feed_unique_id array
event.floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
event.gclid string
Google click identifier (GCLID). Can be used in queries, but can't be exported in reports.
event.impression_id string
Impression ID
event.interaction_time_utc_seconds string
Interaction time UTC seconds
event.landing_page_url_id int
Unique ID of the landing page URL. Only populates for clicks, NULL for other tables.
event.operating_system_id int
ID of the operating system.
event.ord_value string
The advertiser's ordinal ID, if relevant for a given activity type. Passed in the 'ord=' key-value (also used for storing the client's Order-ID in sales tags)
event.other_data string
Stores key-value data from the activity string which is not otherwise labeled. (Any key-value that is NOT "src=", "type=", "cat=", "ord=", "u=", "cost=", "qty=", "tran=", "a=", or "b="). Custom Floodlight Variables, such as "u1=" and "u2=", are available and can be used for further product breakdown.
event.placement_id int
Unique ID for the site page / placement where the ad ran.
event.platform_type_id int
Identifier that maps to the platform on which the event occurred. Possible values are: 30000: desktop, 30001: high-end smartphone, 30002: tablet, 30003: mid-range smartphone, 30004: connected TV, 30005: unknown, 30006: set top box.
event.referrer_url string
Contains the URL on which the ad appeared, when possible. May also be empty, or return ad server URLs.
event.rendering_id int
Unique ID of the creative for Data Transfer. Does not correspond to the UI-Creative-ID.
event.rich_media_event_counters int
MET Counter Value (the ecn= value).
event.rich_media_event_id int
MET Event ID for the Rich Media ad.
event.rich_media_event_timers double
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.rich_media_event_type_id int
ID of Rich Media Event Type.
event.segment_value_1 int
Segment Value 1
event.site_id int
Unique ID for the site where the ad ran.
event.state string
ID for user's state or province (US/Canada)
event.tran_value string
TRAN Value
event.u_value string
U Value
event.zip_code string
Postal-Code (US/Canada).
network_id int
The network ID.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer creative

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
creative string
Creative Name as entered into the Campaign Manager 360 interface.
creative_id int
The Creative ID in Campaign Manager 360 UI.
creative_image_url string
Location of creative image (Does not apply to rich media).
creative_last_modified_date int
Unix epoch timestamp (milliseconds) of the last time this creative was modified.
creative_size string
The creative size in pixels: width x height. Empty size is represented by "0X0".
creative_type string
The type of creative.
creative_type_id int
creative_version int
Used for change management to capture different versions
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
rendering_id int
Unique ID of the creative for Data Transfer. This isn't the creative ID in the Campaign Manager 360 UI.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer creative ad assignment

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
ad_click_url string
Click through URL of Click Ad type creatives only (aka Click Commands)
ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
creative_end_date int
Rotation end date and time in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
creative_group1 string
User defined value from creative group 1.
creative_group1_id int
Unique ID of creative group 1.
creative_group2 string
User defined value from creative group 2.
creative_group2_id int
Unique ID of creative group 2.
creative_id int
The Creative ID in Campaign Manager 360 UI.
creative_rotation_type string
Rotation type.
creative_rotation_type_id int
Id of the rotation type.
creative_start_date int
Rotation start date and time in Unix epoch time (milliseconds).
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer custom creative field

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
creative_field_id int
The Creative ID in Campaign Manager 360 UI.
creative_field_name string
User defined name associated to a particular custom creative field.
creative_field_number int
Slot ID assigned to this custom creative field (typically IDs from 1-20).
creative_field_value string
User defined value as available option to named field.
creative_field_value_id int
ID of the user defined creative value.
creative_id int
The Creative ID in Campaign Manager 360 UI.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer custom floodlight variable

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
floodlight_variable_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight variable.
floodlight_variable_name string
User defined name of the custom floodlight variable.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer custom rich media

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
rich_media_event_id int
ID of the rich media event.
rich_media_event_name string
Name of the rich media event.
rich_media_event_type string
Possible values are: "Timer", "Exit", or "Counter".
rich_media_event_type_id int
ID of the rich media event type.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer designated market area

dma_region string
dma_region_id int

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer impressions

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of cm_dt_impressions:
  • cm_dt_impressions_policy_isolated_youtube
  • cm_dt_impressions_policy_isolated_network
  • cm_dt_impressions_policy_isolated_search
event struct
event.active_view_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Audible
event.active_view_audible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_audible_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible and Visible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_background_count int
Active View: Impressions In Background
event.active_view_complete_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Completion
event.active_view_eligible_impressions int
Whether the impression was eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if (a) the ad's creative has an Active View tag and (b) the tag successfully communicates with Google Marketing Platform servers at the time of the impression.
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at First Quartile
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at First Quartile
event.active_view_fullscreen_count int
Active View: Impressions Full-Screen
event.active_view_impressions_audible_and_visible_at_completion int
Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion
event.active_view_impressions_visible10_seconds int
Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds
event.active_view_measurable_impressions int
Whether the impression was measurable with Active View.
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Midpoint
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Midpoint
event.active_view_plus_measurable_count int
Active View Plus: Measurable Impressions
event.active_view_start_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Start
event.active_view_start_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Start
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_tos_msec int
Active View: Time on Screen (milliseconds)
event.active_view_viewable_impressions int
Whether the impression was viewable.
event.active_view_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Video Visible Time (milliseconds)
event.activity_count int
Activity Quantity
event.activity_id int
The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event.
event.ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad placement.
event.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser
event.audience_segment_id int
Unique ID of the audience segment.
event.browser_platform_id string
ID of the browser type.
event.browser_version string
Browser/Platform Version
event.campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign
event.city_id int
City ID
event.conversion_id int
Indicates whether an activity has been matched as a post-click (value of 1) or post-impression (value of 2), or unmatched (value of 0).
event.country_code string
event.creative_version string
Creative version number.
event.dma_region_id int
Designated Market Area ID (US/Canada).
event.dv360_ad_position int
Specifies the position of the ad on the page if known. 1 represents above the fold, 2 represents below the fold.
event.dv360_advertiser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the advertiser related to the event, for example 164332.
event.dv360_adx_page_categories string
DV360 Adx Page Categories
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_external_id string
The external ID of the attributed inventory source that Display & Video 360 selected as the best match from those accessible to the advertiser related to the view event based on floor price and auction type.
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_is_public string
True if inventory source is available to all buyers. False otherwise.
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_partner_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_usd int
event.dv360_auction_id string
A string used to join events among view/click/conversion types, for example"ABCDEFGH_abcdefgh-0123456789". Do not assume any ordering, structure or meaning to the auction_id value.
event.dv360_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in advertiser currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_partner_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in partner currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_usd int
The bid price sent to the exchange in USD nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics..
event.dv360_bid_request_publisher_id string
The publisher id in the field of bid request.
event.dv360_billable_cost_advertiser_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in advertiser currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_partner_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in partner currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_usd int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in USD nanos.
event.dv360_browser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the browser related to this event.
event.dv360_browser_timezone_offset_minutes int
The difference in minutes between the active timezone on the user's browser and GMT-12, for example 1320 represents a browser timezone of GMT+10.
event.dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the linked Display & Video 360 campaign.
event.dv360_city_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the best-guess city of the impression.
event.dv360_country_code string
2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code identifying the best-guess country of the impression, for example "US".
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 1 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 2 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 3 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 4 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 5 usd
event.dv360_creative_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the creative related to the event, for example 367487.
event.dv360_data_fees_advertiser_currency int
DV360 data fees advertiser currency
event.dv360_data_fees_partner_currency int
DV360 data fees partner currency
event.dv360_data_fees_usd int
DV360 data fees usd
event.dv360_device_type int
The numerical value of the identified device type. 0 = Computer, 1 = Other, 2 = Smart Phone, 3 = Tablet, 4 = Smart TV, 5 = Connected TV, 6 = Set Top Box, 7 = Connected Device.
event.dv360_exchange_id string
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the exchange that requested the ad.
event.dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, for example 1079941.
event.dv360_isp_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the best-guess Internet Service Provider of the impression. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_language string
The ISO-639-1 code or "zh_CN" (Chinese (simplified)), "zh_TW" (Chinese (traditional)) or "other" representing the language related to the view event.
event.dv360_line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, for example 1155785.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_keywords string
A comma separated string containing a list of targeted keywords matching the page related to the view event, for example "apple,orange,banana". Although the page related to the view event may match many keywords, only those which were targeted will be included; if the list of keywords is large we may impose a limit to the number of keywords returned.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_segments string
Space-separated IDs of targeted user lists that match the visitor, for example "-4 456". If the visitor is in a user list that is not targeted by the ad associated with this event it will not be included here.
event.dv360_media_cost_advertiser_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in advertiser currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_partner_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in the partner currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_usd int
The amount paid for the impression in USD nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_usd int
DV360 media fee 1 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_usd int
DV360 media fee 2 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_usd int
DV360 media fee 3 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_usd int
DV360 media fee 4 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_usd int
DV360 media fee 5 usd
event.dv360_mobile_make_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile make. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_mobile_model_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile model. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_net_speed int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID representing the network speed related to the view event. 1=Dial-up, 2=EDGE/2G, 3=UMTS/3G, 4=Basic DSL, 5=HSDPA/3.5G, 6=Broadband/4G, 7=Unknown.
event.dv360_operating_system_id int
Operating System ID.
event.dv360_request_time int
A Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when we received the ad request, for example1330403779608570 represents Tuesday February 28th 2012 04:36:19.608570. Although this value is consistent across the view, click and conversion even it is not guaranteed to be unique - use auction_id to join events
event.dv360_revenue_advertiser_currency int
The total amount in advertiser currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_partner_currency int
The total amount in partner currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_usd int
The total amount in USD nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_site_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the most specific universal site that matches the url.
event.dv360_state_region_id int
DV360 Region ID
event.dv360_supply_chain_complete boolean
Indicates whether the supply chain object is complete in the bid request.
event.dv360_supply_chain_domain array
The domain in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_supply_chain_seller_id array
Array of strings. The seller ID in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_url string
The raw URL taken from the bid request received from the exchange, for example "". As some exchanges mask the URL in their bid requests this value may be: "source_url_hidden"
event.dv360_view_state string
Populated for wrapped tags. (Two impression records when both events occur.) Possible values are: "OUTER", DV360 returned wrapped tag; "INNER", ad served post wrapped tag; "3PAS_MERGED", wrapped tag tracked by CM; "3PAS_OUTER", tracking ping sent to CM but no response, 3rd party blocked ad serving.
event.dv360_zip_postal_code string
DV360 ZIP/Postal Code
event.dynamic_profile string
Studio dynamic profile name.
event.dynamic_profile_id int
Studio dynamic profile ID.
event.event_sub_type string
Contains further details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "POSTVIEW", "POSTCLICK" or blank for conversion events.
event.event_time int
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.event_type string
Contains "VIEW".
event.feed array
Feed ID.
event.feed_reporting_dimension1 array
event.feed_reporting_dimension2 array
event.feed_reporting_dimension3 array
event.feed_reporting_dimension4 array
event.feed_reporting_dimension5 array
event.feed_reporting_dimension6 array
event.feed_reporting_label array
Dynamic Feed Reporting Label.
event.feed_unique_id array
event.floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
event.impression_id string
Impression ID
event.interaction_time_utc_seconds string
Interaction time UTC seconds
event.landing_page_url_id int
Unique ID of the landing page URL. Only populates for clicks, NULL for other tables.
event.operating_system_id int
ID of the operating system.
event.ord_value string
The advertiser's ordinal ID, if relevant for a given activity type. Passed in the 'ord=' key-value (also used for storing the client's Order-ID in sales tags)
event.other_data string
Stores key-value data from the activity string which is not otherwise labeled. (Any key-value that is NOT "src=", "type=", "cat=", "ord=", "u=", "cost=", "qty=", "tran=", "a=", or "b="). Custom Floodlight Variables, such as "u1=" and "u2=", are available and can be used for further product breakdown.
event.placement_id int
Unique ID for the site page / placement where the ad ran.
event.platform_type_id int
Identifier that maps to the platform on which the event occurred. Possible values are: 30000: desktop, 30001: high-end smartphone, 30002: tablet, 30003: mid-range smartphone, 30004: connected TV, 30005: unknown, 30006: set top box.
event.referrer_url string
Contains the URL on which the ad appeared, when possible. May also be empty, or return ad server URLs.
event.rendering_id int
Unique ID of the creative for Data Transfer. Does not correspond to the UI-Creative-ID.
event.rich_media_event_counters int
MET Counter Value (the ecn= value).
event.rich_media_event_id int
MET Event ID for the Rich Media ad.
event.rich_media_event_timers double
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.rich_media_event_type_id int
ID of Rich Media Event Type.
event.segment_value_1 int
Segment Value 1
event.site_id int
Unique ID for the site where the ad ran.
event.state string
ID for user's state or province (US/Canada)
event.tran_value string
TRAN Value
event.u_value string
U Value
event.zip_code string
Postal-Code (US/Canada).
network_id int
The network ID.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer keyword value

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
keyword string
Targeted key/value pair.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer landing page url

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
landing_page_url string
The URL a user was sent to when they clicked on an ad.
landing_page_url_id int
Unique ID of the landing page URL. Only populates for clicks, NULL for other tables.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer operating system

operating_system string
operating_system_id int
Unique ID of OS just for Data Transfer. Operating System IDs in DT files that are greater than 22 have a direct match in this table. For DT file Operating System IDs less than 23, you must raise 2 to the power of the Operating System ID in the Data Transfer file to find its corresponding match in this table. Match Table Operating System ID = 2 ^ DT file operating system ID. For example 2 ^ 12 = 8192 (Linux).
ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
paid_search_ad_group string
User defined keyword group.
paid_search_ad_group_id int
Unique ID of the keyword group.
paid_search_ad_id int
Unique ID associated with a Search Ads 360 ad.
paid_search_bid_strategy string
User defined keyword bid strategy. Returns a value of (not set) if empty.
paid_search_bid_strategy_id int
ID of the keyword bid strategy.
paid_search_campaign string
User defined name of campaign as entered into Search Ads 360.
paid_search_campaign_id int
ID of the Search Ads 360 campaign.
paid_search_keyword string
User defined keyword value as entered into Search Ads 360.
paid_search_keyword_id int
Unique ID from Search Ads 360. Uses the "long" format
paid_search_landing_page_url string
User defined landing page URL as entered into Search Ads 360.
paid_search_legacy_keyword_id int
Unique ID from Search Ads 360. Uses the "short" format in which the leading 43* is removed.
paid_search_match_type string
User selected

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer placement

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
activity_id int
Unique ID of the Floodlight activity.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign.
content_category string
User defined content category.
content_category_id int
ID of content category.
flighting_activated boolean
Indicates whether this is a flighted (billing) placement.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
package_roadblock_id int
package_roadblock_type string
package_roadblock_type_id int
placement string
placement_cap_cost_option int
User entered cost capping amount.
placement_cost_structure string
placement_end_date int
End date of the flight in 'YYYYMMDD' format.
placement_id int
placement_start_date int
Start date of the flight in 'YYYYMMDD' format.
placement_strategy string
User defined placement strategy.
placement_strategy_id int
ID of the placement strategy.
site_id int
Unique ID of the site.
site_keyname string

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer placement cost

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
placement_comments string
User entered placement pricing comments.
placement_end_date int
End date of the flight in 'YYYYMMDD' format.
placement_id int
Placement ID
placement_rate int
Purchased rate expressed in nanos of the network's currency. 1 nano = 1 billionth. 1 nano USD = $0.000000001.
placement_start_date int
Start date of the flight in 'YYYYMMDD' format.
placement_total_booked_units int
The number of purchased units.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer rich media

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of cm_dt_rich_media:
  • cm_dt_rich_media_policy_isolated_youtube
  • cm_dt_rich_media_policy_isolated_network
  • cm_dt_rich_media_policy_isolated_search
event struct
event.active_view_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Audible
event.active_view_audible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_audible_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible and Visible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_background_count int
Active View: Impressions In Background
event.active_view_complete_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Completion
event.active_view_eligible_impressions int
Whether the impression was eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if (a) the ad's creative has an Active View tag and (b) the tag successfully communicates with Google Marketing Platform servers at the time of the impression.
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at First Quartile
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at First Quartile
event.active_view_fullscreen_count int
Active View: Impressions Full-Screen
event.active_view_impressions_audible_and_visible_at_completion int
Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion
event.active_view_impressions_visible10_seconds int
Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds
event.active_view_measurable_impressions int
Whether the impression was measurable with Active View.
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Midpoint
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Midpoint
event.active_view_plus_measurable_count int
Active View Plus: Measurable Impressions
event.active_view_start_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Start
event.active_view_start_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Start
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_tos_msec int
Active View: Time on Screen (milliseconds)
event.active_view_viewable_impressions int
Whether the impression was viewable.
event.active_view_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Video Visible Time (milliseconds)
event.activity_count int
Activity Quantity
event.activity_id int
The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event.
event.ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad placement.
event.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser
event.audience_segment_id int
Unique ID of the audience segment.
event.browser_platform_id string
ID of the browser type.
event.browser_version string
Browser/Platform Version
event.campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign
event.city_id int
City ID
event.conversion_id int
Indicates whether an activity has been matched as a post-click (value of 1) or post-impression (value of 2), or unmatched (value of 0).
event.country_code string
event.creative_version string
Creative version number.
event.dma_region_id int
Designated Market Area ID (US/Canada).
event.dv360_ad_position int
Specifies the position of the ad on the page if known. 1 represents above the fold, 2 represents below the fold.
event.dv360_advertiser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the advertiser related to the event, for example 164332.
event.dv360_adx_page_categories string
DV360 Adx Page Categories
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_external_id string
The external ID of the attributed inventory source that Display & Video 360 selected as the best match from those accessible to the advertiser related to the view event based on floor price and auction type.
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_is_public string
True if inventory source is available to all buyers. False otherwise.
event.dv360_auction_id string
A string used to join events among view/click/conversion types, for example"ABCDEFGH_abcdefgh-0123456789". Do not assume any ordering, structure or meaning to the auction_id value.
event.dv360_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in advertiser currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_partner_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in partner currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_usd int
The bid price sent to the exchange in USD nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics..
event.dv360_bid_request_publisher_id string
The publisher id in the field of bid request.
event.dv360_billable_cost_advertiser_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in advertiser currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_partner_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in partner currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_usd int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in USD nanos.
event.dv360_browser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the browser related to this event.
event.dv360_browser_timezone_offset_minutes int
The difference in minutes between the active timezone on the user's browser and GMT-12, for example 1320 represents a browser timezone of GMT+10.
event.dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the linked Display & Video 360 campaign.
event.dv360_city_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the best-guess city of the impression.
event.dv360_country_code string
2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code identifying the best-guess country of the impression, for example "US".
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 1 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 2 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 3 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 4 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 5 usd
event.dv360_creative_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the creative related to the event, for example 367487.
event.dv360_data_fees_advertiser_currency int
DV360 data fees advertiser currency
event.dv360_data_fees_partner_currency int
DV360 data fees partner currency
event.dv360_data_fees_usd int
DV360 data fees usd
event.dv360_device_type int
The numerical value of the identified device type. 0 = Computer, 1 = Other, 2 = Smart Phone, 3 = Tablet, 4 = Smart TV, 5 = Connected TV, 6 = Set Top Box, 7 = Connected Device.
event.dv360_exchange_id string
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the exchange that requested the ad.
event.dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, for example 1079941.
event.dv360_isp_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the best-guess Internet Service Provider of the impression. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_language string
The ISO-639-1 code or "zh_CN" (Chinese (simplified)), "zh_TW" (Chinese (traditional)) or "other" representing the language related to the view event.
event.dv360_line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, for example 1155785.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_keywords string
A comma separated string containing a list of targeted keywords matching the page related to the view event, for example "apple,orange,banana". Although the page related to the view event may match many keywords, only those which were targeted will be included; if the list of keywords is large we may impose a limit to the number of keywords returned.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_segments string
Space-separated IDs of targeted user lists that match the visitor, for example "-4 456". If the visitor is in a user list that is not targeted by the ad associated with this event it will not be included here.
event.dv360_media_cost_advertiser_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in advertiser currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_partner_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in the partner currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_usd int
The amount paid for the impression in USD nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_usd int
DV360 media fee 1 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_usd int
DV360 media fee 2 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_usd int
DV360 media fee 3 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_usd int
DV360 media fee 4 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_usd int
DV360 media fee 5 usd
event.dv360_mobile_make_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile make. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_mobile_model_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile model. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_net_speed int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID representing the network speed related to the view event. 1=Dial-up, 2=EDGE/2G, 3=UMTS/3G, 4=Basic DSL, 5=HSDPA/3.5G, 6=Broadband/4G, 7=Unknown.
event.dv360_operating_system_id int
Operating System ID.
event.dv360_request_time int
A Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when we received the ad request, for example1330403779608570 represents Tuesday February 28th 2012 04:36:19.608570. Although this value is consistent across the view, click and conversion even it is not guaranteed to be unique - use auction_id to join events
event.dv360_revenue_advertiser_currency int
The total amount in advertiser currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_partner_currency int
The total amount in partner currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_usd int
The total amount in USD nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_site_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the most specific universal site that matches the url.
event.dv360_state_region_id int
DV360 Region ID
event.dv360_supply_chain_complete boolean
Indicates whether the supply chain object is complete in the bid request.
event.dv360_supply_chain_domain array
The domain in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_supply_chain_seller_id array
Array of strings. The seller ID in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_url string
The raw URL taken from the bid request received from the exchange, for example "". As some exchanges mask the URL in their bid requests this value may be: "source_url_hidden"
event.dv360_view_state string
Populated for wrapped tags. (Two impression records when both events occur.) Possible values are: "OUTER", DV360 returned wrapped tag; "INNER", ad served post wrapped tag; "3PAS_MERGED", wrapped tag tracked by CM; "3PAS_OUTER", tracking ping sent to CM but no response, 3rd party blocked ad serving.
event.dv360_zip_postal_code string
DV360 ZIP/Postal Code
event.event_sub_type string
Contains further details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "POSTVIEW", "POSTCLICK" or blank for conversion events.
event.event_time int
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.event_type string
event.floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
event.impression_id string
Impression ID
event.interaction_time_utc_seconds string
Interaction time UTC seconds
event.landing_page_url_id int
Unique ID of the landing page URL. Only populates for clicks, NULL for other tables.
event.operating_system_id int
ID of the operating system.
event.ord_value string
The advertiser's ordinal ID, if relevant for a given activity type. Passed in the 'ord=' key-value (also used for storing the client's Order-ID in sales tags)
event.other_data string
Stores key-value data from the activity string which is not otherwise labeled. (Any key-value that is NOT "src=", "type=", "cat=", "ord=", "u=", "cost=", "qty=", "tran=", "a=", or "b="). Custom Floodlight Variables, such as "u1=" and "u2=", are available and can be used for further product breakdown.
event.placement_id int
Unique ID for the site page / placement where the ad ran.
event.platform_type_id int
Identifier that maps to the platform on which the event occurred. Possible values are: 30000: desktop, 30001: high-end smartphone, 30002: tablet, 30003: mid-range smartphone, 30004: connected TV, 30005: unknown, 30006: set top box.
event.referrer_url string
Contains the URL on which the ad appeared, when possible. May also be empty, or return ad server URLs.
event.rendering_id int
Unique ID of the creative for Data Transfer. Does not correspond to the UI-Creative-ID.
event.rich_media_event_counters int
MET Counter Value (the ecn= value).
event.rich_media_event_id int
MET Event ID for the Rich Media ad.
event.rich_media_event_timers double
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.rich_media_event_type_id int
ID of Rich Media Event Type.
event.segment_value_1 int
Segment Value 1
event.site_id int
Unique ID for the site where the ad ran.
event.state string
ID for user's state or province (US/Canada)
event.tran_value string
TRAN Value
event.u_value string
U Value
event.zip_code string
Postal-Code (US/Canada).
network_id int
The network ID.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer site

account_id int
Unique ID of the account.
site string
The name of the site.
site_directory string
Global unique name for this site.
site_directory_id int
Global unique ID for this site.
site_id int
Unique ID of the site.

Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer state

region string
Abbreviated state/province name.
region_full_name string
Region name in English.

DV360 Data Transfer Active View plus

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of dv360_dt_active_view_plus:
  • dv360_dt_active_view_plus_policy_isolated_youtube
  • dv360_dt_active_view_plus_policy_isolated_network
  • dv360_dt_active_view_plus_policy_isolated_search
event struct
event.active_view_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Audible
event.active_view_audible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_audible_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible and Visible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_background_count int
Active View: Impressions In Background
event.active_view_complete_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Completion
event.active_view_eligible_impressions int
Whether the impression was eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if (a) the ad's creative has an Active View tag and (b) the tag successfully communicates with Google Marketing Platform servers at the time of the impression.
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at First Quartile
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at First Quartile
event.active_view_fullscreen_count int
Active View: Impressions Full-Screen
event.active_view_impressions_audible_and_visible_at_completion int
Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion
event.active_view_impressions_visible10_seconds int
Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds
event.active_view_measurable_impressions int
Whether the impression was measurable with Active View.
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Midpoint
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Midpoint
event.active_view_plus_measurable_count int
Active View Plus: Measurable Impressions
event.active_view_start_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Start
event.active_view_start_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Start
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_tos_msec int
Active View: Time on Screen (milliseconds)
event.active_view_viewable_impressions int
Whether the impression was viewable.
event.active_view_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Video Visible Time (milliseconds)
event.activity_count int
Activity Quantity
event.activity_id int
The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event.
event.ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad placement.
event.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser
event.audience_segment_id int
Unique ID of the audience segment.
event.browser_platform_id string
ID of the browser type.
event.browser_version string
Browser/Platform Version
event.campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign
event.city_id int
City ID
event.conversion_id int
Indicates whether an activity has been matched as a post-click (value of 1) or post-impression (value of 2), or unmatched (value of 0).
event.country_code string
event.creative_version string
Creative version number.
event.dma_region_id int
Designated Market Area ID (US/Canada).
event.dv360_ad_position int
Specifies the position of the ad on the page if known. 1 represents above the fold, 2 represents below the fold.
event.dv360_advertiser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the advertiser related to the event, for example 164332.
event.dv360_adx_page_categories string
DV360 Adx Page Categories
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_external_id string
The external ID of the attributed inventory source that Display & Video 360 selected as the best match from those accessible to the advertiser related to the view event based on floor price and auction type.
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_is_public string
True if inventory source is available to all buyers. False otherwise.
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_partner_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_usd int
event.dv360_auction_id string
A string used to join events among view/click/conversion types, for example"ABCDEFGH_abcdefgh-0123456789". Do not assume any ordering, structure or meaning to the auction_id value.
event.dv360_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in advertiser currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_partner_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in partner currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_usd int
The bid price sent to the exchange in USD nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics..
event.dv360_bid_request_publisher_id string
The publisher id in the field of bid request.
event.dv360_billable_cost_advertiser_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in advertiser currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_partner_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in partner currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_usd int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in USD nanos.
event.dv360_browser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the browser related to this event.
event.dv360_browser_timezone_offset_minutes int
The difference in minutes between the active timezone on the user's browser and GMT-12, for example 1320 represents a browser timezone of GMT+10.
event.dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the linked Display & Video 360 campaign.
event.dv360_city_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the best-guess city of the impression.
event.dv360_country_code string
2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code identifying the best-guess country of the impression, for example "US".
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 1 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 2 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 3 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 4 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 5 usd
event.dv360_creative_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the creative related to the event, for example 367487.
event.dv360_data_fees_advertiser_currency int
DV360 data fees advertiser currency
event.dv360_data_fees_partner_currency int
DV360 data fees partner currency
event.dv360_data_fees_usd int
DV360 data fees usd
event.dv360_device_type int
The numerical value of the identified device type. 0 = Computer, 1 = Other, 2 = Smart Phone, 3 = Tablet, 4 = Smart TV, 5 = Connected TV, 6 = Set Top Box, 7 = Connected Device.
event.dv360_exchange_id string
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the exchange that requested the ad.
event.dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, for example 1079941.
event.dv360_isp_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the best-guess Internet Service Provider of the impression. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_language string
The ISO-639-1 code or "zh_CN" (Chinese (simplified)), "zh_TW" (Chinese (traditional)) or "other" representing the language related to the view event.
event.dv360_line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, for example 1155785.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_keywords string
A comma separated string containing a list of targeted keywords matching the page related to the view event, for example "apple,orange,banana". Although the page related to the view event may match many keywords, only those which were targeted will be included; if the list of keywords is large we may impose a limit to the number of keywords returned.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_segments string
Space-separated IDs of targeted user lists that match the visitor, for example "-4 456". If the visitor is in a user list that is not targeted by the ad associated with this event it will not be included here.
event.dv360_media_cost_advertiser_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in advertiser currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_partner_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in the partner currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_usd int
The amount paid for the impression in USD nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_usd int
DV360 media fee 1 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_usd int
DV360 media fee 2 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_usd int
DV360 media fee 3 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_usd int
DV360 media fee 4 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_usd int
DV360 media fee 5 usd
event.dv360_mobile_make_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile make. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_mobile_model_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile model. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_net_speed int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID representing the network speed related to the view event. 1=Dial-up, 2=EDGE/2G, 3=UMTS/3G, 4=Basic DSL, 5=HSDPA/3.5G, 6=Broadband/4G, 7=Unknown.
event.dv360_operating_system_id int
Operating System ID.
event.dv360_request_time int
A Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when we received the ad request, for example1330403779608570 represents Tuesday February 28th 2012 04:36:19.608570. Although this value is consistent across the view, click and conversion even it is not guaranteed to be unique - use auction_id to join events
event.dv360_revenue_advertiser_currency int
The total amount in advertiser currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_partner_currency int
The total amount in partner currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_usd int
The total amount in USD nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_site_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the most specific universal site that matches the url.
event.dv360_state_region_id int
DV360 Region ID
event.dv360_supply_chain_complete boolean
Indicates whether the supply chain object is complete in the bid request.
event.dv360_supply_chain_domain array
The domain in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_supply_chain_seller_id array
Array of strings. The seller ID in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_url string
The raw URL taken from the bid request received from the exchange, for example "". As some exchanges mask the URL in their bid requests this value may be: "source_url_hidden"
event.dv360_view_state string
Populated for wrapped tags. (Two impression records when both events occur.) Possible values are: "OUTER", DV360 returned wrapped tag; "INNER", ad served post wrapped tag; "3PAS_MERGED", wrapped tag tracked by CM; "3PAS_OUTER", tracking ping sent to CM but no response, 3rd party blocked ad serving.
event.dv360_zip_postal_code string
DV360 ZIP/Postal Code
event.event_sub_type string
Contains further details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "POSTVIEW", "POSTCLICK" or blank for conversion events.
event.event_time int
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.event_type string
event.floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
event.impression_id string
Impression ID
event.interaction_time_utc_seconds string
Interaction time UTC seconds
event.landing_page_url_id int
Unique ID of the landing page URL. Only populates for clicks, NULL for other tables.
event.operating_system_id int
ID of the operating system.
event.ord_value string
The advertiser's ordinal ID, if relevant for a given activity type. Passed in the 'ord=' key-value (also used for storing the client's Order-ID in sales tags)
event.other_data string
Stores key-value data from the activity string which is not otherwise labeled. (Any key-value that is NOT "src=", "type=", "cat=", "ord=", "u=", "cost=", "qty=", "tran=", "a=", or "b="). Custom Floodlight Variables, such as "u1=" and "u2=", are available and can be used for further product breakdown.
event.placement_id int
Unique ID for the site page / placement where the ad ran.
event.platform_type_id int
Identifier that maps to the platform on which the event occurred. Possible values are: 30000: desktop, 30001: high-end smartphone, 30002: tablet, 30003: mid-range smartphone, 30004: connected TV, 30005: unknown, 30006: set top box.
event.referrer_url string
Contains the URL on which the ad appeared, when possible. May also be empty, or return ad server URLs.
event.rendering_id int
Unique ID of the creative for Data Transfer. Does not correspond to the UI-Creative-ID.
event.rich_media_event_counters int
MET Counter Value (the ecn= value).
event.rich_media_event_id int
MET Event ID for the Rich Media ad.
event.rich_media_event_timers double
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.rich_media_event_type_id int
ID of Rich Media Event Type.
event.segment_value_1 int
Segment Value 1
event.site_id int
Unique ID for the site where the ad ran.
event.state string
ID for user's state or province (US/Canada)
event.tran_value string
TRAN Value
event.u_value string
U Value
event.zip_code string
Postal-Code (US/Canada).
network_id int
The network ID.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

DV360 Data Transfer activities attributed

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of dv360_dt_activities_attributed:
  • dv360_dt_activities_attributed_policy_isolated_youtube
  • dv360_dt_activities_attributed_policy_isolated_network
  • dv360_dt_activities_attributed_policy_isolated_search
event struct
event.activity_id int
The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event.
event.ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad placement.
event.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser
event.attribution_model_config_id int
Unique ID of the attribution model.
event.audience_segment_id int
Unique ID of the audience segment.
event.browser_platform_id string
ID of the browser type.
event.browser_version string
Browser/Platform Version
event.campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign
event.city_id int
City ID
event.conversion_event_id string
The unique ID of the conversion event.
event.country_code string
event.creative_version string
Creative version number.
event.dma_region_id int
Designated Market Area ID (US/Canada).
event.dv360_ad_position int
Specifies the position of the ad on the page if known. 1 represents above the fold, 2 represents below the fold.
event.dv360_advertiser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the advertiser related to the event, for example 164332.
event.dv360_adx_page_categories string
DV360 Adx Page Categories
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_external_id string
The external ID of the attributed inventory source that Display & Video 360 selected as the best match from those accessible to the advertiser related to the view event based on floor price and auction type.
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_is_public string
True if inventory source is available to all buyers. False otherwise.
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_partner_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_usd int
event.dv360_auction_id string
A string used to join events among view/click/conversion types, for example"ABCDEFGH_abcdefgh-0123456789". Do not assume any ordering, structure or meaning to the auction_id value.
event.dv360_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in advertiser currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_partner_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in partner currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_usd int
The bid price sent to the exchange in USD nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics..
event.dv360_bid_request_publisher_id string
The publisher id in the field of bid request.
event.dv360_billable_cost_advertiser_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in advertiser currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_partner_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in partner currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_usd int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in USD nanos.
event.dv360_browser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the browser related to this event.
event.dv360_browser_timezone_offset_minutes int
The difference in minutes between the active timezone on the user's browser and GMT-12, for example 1320 represents a browser timezone of GMT+10.
event.dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the linked Display & Video 360 campaign.
event.dv360_city_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the best-guess city of the impression.
event.dv360_country_code string
2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code identifying the best-guess country of the impression, for example "US".
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 1 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 2 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 3 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 4 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 5 usd
event.dv360_creative_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the creative related to the event, for example 367487.
event.dv360_data_fees_advertiser_currency int
DV360 data fees advertiser currency
event.dv360_data_fees_partner_currency int
DV360 data fees partner currency
event.dv360_data_fees_usd int
DV360 data fees usd
event.dv360_device_type int
The numerical value of the identified device type. 0 = Computer, 1 = Other, 2 = Smart Phone, 3 = Tablet, 4 = Smart TV, 5 = Connected TV, 6 = Set Top Box, 7 = Connected Device.
event.dv360_exchange_id string
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the exchange that requested the ad.
event.dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, for example 1079941.
event.dv360_isp_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the best-guess Internet Service Provider of the impression. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_language string
The ISO-639-1 code or "zh_CN" (Chinese (simplified)), "zh_TW" (Chinese (traditional)) or "other" representing the language related to the view event.
event.dv360_line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, for example 1155785.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_keywords string
A comma separated string containing a list of targeted keywords matching the page related to the view event, for example "apple,orange,banana". Although the page related to the view event may match many keywords, only those which were targeted will be included; if the list of keywords is large we may impose a limit to the number of keywords returned.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_segments string
Space-separated IDs of targeted user lists that match the visitor, for example "-4 456". If the visitor is in a user list that is not targeted by the ad associated with this event it will not be included here.
event.dv360_media_cost_advertiser_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in advertiser currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_partner_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in the partner currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_usd int
The amount paid for the impression in USD nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_usd int
DV360 media fee 1 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_usd int
DV360 media fee 2 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_usd int
DV360 media fee 3 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_usd int
DV360 media fee 4 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_usd int
DV360 media fee 5 usd
event.dv360_mobile_make_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile make. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_mobile_model_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile model. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_net_speed int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID representing the network speed related to the view event. 1=Dial-up, 2=EDGE/2G, 3=UMTS/3G, 4=Basic DSL, 5=HSDPA/3.5G, 6=Broadband/4G, 7=Unknown.
event.dv360_operating_system_id int
Operating System ID.
event.dv360_request_time int
A Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when we received the ad request, for example1330403779608570 represents Tuesday February 28th 2012 04:36:19.608570. Although this value is consistent across the view, click and conversion even it is not guaranteed to be unique - use auction_id to join events
event.dv360_revenue_advertiser_currency int
The total amount in advertiser currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_partner_currency int
The total amount in partner currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_usd int
The total amount in USD nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_site_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the most specific universal site that matches the url.
event.dv360_state_region_id int
DV360 Region ID
event.dv360_supply_chain_complete boolean
Indicates whether the supply chain object is complete in the bid request.
event.dv360_supply_chain_domain array
The domain in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_supply_chain_seller_id array
Array of strings. The seller ID in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_url string
The raw URL taken from the bid request received from the exchange, for example "". As some exchanges mask the URL in their bid requests this value may be: "source_url_hidden"
event.dv360_view_state string
Populated for wrapped tags. (Two impression records when both events occur.) Possible values are: "OUTER", DV360 returned wrapped tag; "INNER", ad served post wrapped tag; "3PAS_MERGED", wrapped tag tracked by CM; "3PAS_OUTER", tracking ping sent to CM but no response, 3rd party blocked ad serving.
event.dv360_zip_postal_code string
DV360 ZIP/Postal Code
event.event_sub_type string
Contains further details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "POSTVIEW", "POSTCLICK" or blank for conversion events.
event.event_time int
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.event_type string
event.floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
event.interaction_time_utc_seconds string
Interaction time UTC seconds
event.landing_page_url_id int
Unique ID of the landing page URL. Only populates for clicks, NULL for other tables.
event.operating_system_id int
ID of the operating system.
event.ord_value string
The advertiser's ordinal ID, if relevant for a given activity type. Passed in the 'ord=' key-value (also used for storing the client's Order-ID in sales tags)
event.other_data string
Stores key-value data from the activity string which is not otherwise labeled. (Any key-value that is NOT "src=", "type=", "cat=", "ord=", "u=", "cost=", "qty=", "tran=", "a=", or "b="). Custom Floodlight Variables, such as "u1=" and "u2=", are available and can be used for further product breakdown.
event.placement_id int
Unique ID for the site page / placement where the ad ran.
event.platform_type_id int
Identifier that maps to the platform on which the event occurred. Possible values are: 30000: desktop, 30001: high-end smartphone, 30002: tablet, 30003: mid-range smartphone, 30004: connected TV, 30005: unknown, 30006: set top box.
event.referrer_url string
Contains the URL on which the ad appeared, when possible. May also be empty, or return ad server URLs.
event.rendering_id int
Unique ID of the creative for Data Transfer. Does not correspond to the UI-Creative-ID.
event.rich_media_event_counters int
MET Counter Value (the ecn= value).
event.rich_media_event_id int
MET Event ID for the Rich Media ad.
event.rich_media_event_timers double
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.rich_media_event_type_id int
ID of Rich Media Event Type.
event.segment_value_1 int
Segment Value 1
event.site_id int
Unique ID for the site where the ad ran.
event.state string
ID for user's state or province (US/Canada)
event.total_conversions double
The amount of conversion credit in nanos credited to the attributed event. For sales activities, Floodlight might count more than one conversion per event. For example, you can set up Floodlight to count the number of items purchased as the number of conversions for a single event. (The double value of the int event.activity_count in activities_events.)
event.total_conversions_revenue double
The amount of revenue in USD credited to the attributed event. (The attributed version of event.activity_revenue in activities_events.)
event.total_transaction_count double
The number of transactions or activity tag fires in nanos credited to the attributed event.
event.tran_value string
TRAN Value
event.u_value string
U Value
event.zip_code string
Postal-Code (US/Canada).
network_id int
The network ID.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

DV360 Data Transfer advertiser

dv360_advertiser string
Name of the advertiser.
dv360_advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
dv360_partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.

DV360 Data Transfer campaign

dv360_advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
dv360_campaign string
Name of the campaign
dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Display & Video 360 campaign.
dv360_partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.

DV360 Data Transfer clicks

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of dv360_dt_clicks:
  • dv360_dt_clicks_policy_isolated_youtube
  • dv360_dt_clicks_policy_isolated_network
  • dv360_dt_clicks_policy_isolated_search
event struct
event.active_view_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Audible
event.active_view_audible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_audible_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible and Visible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_background_count int
Active View: Impressions In Background
event.active_view_complete_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Completion
event.active_view_eligible_impressions int
Whether the impression was eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if (a) the ad's creative has an Active View tag and (b) the tag successfully communicates with Google Marketing Platform servers at the time of the impression.
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at First Quartile
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at First Quartile
event.active_view_fullscreen_count int
Active View: Impressions Full-Screen
event.active_view_impressions_audible_and_visible_at_completion int
Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion
event.active_view_impressions_visible10_seconds int
Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds
event.active_view_measurable_impressions int
Whether the impression was measurable with Active View.
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Midpoint
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Midpoint
event.active_view_plus_measurable_count int
Active View Plus: Measurable Impressions
event.active_view_start_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Start
event.active_view_start_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Start
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_tos_msec int
Active View: Time on Screen (milliseconds)
event.active_view_viewable_impressions int
Whether the impression was viewable.
event.active_view_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Video Visible Time (milliseconds)
event.activity_count int
Activity Quantity
event.activity_id int
The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event.
event.ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad placement.
event.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser
event.audience_segment_id int
Unique ID of the audience segment.
event.browser_platform_id string
ID of the browser type.
event.browser_version string
Browser/Platform Version
event.campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign
event.city_id int
City ID
event.conversion_id int
Indicates whether an activity has been matched as a post-click (value of 1) or post-impression (value of 2), or unmatched (value of 0).
event.country_code string
event.creative_version string
Creative version number.
event.dma_region_id int
Designated Market Area ID (US/Canada).
event.dv360_ad_position int
Specifies the position of the ad on the page if known. 1 represents above the fold, 2 represents below the fold.
event.dv360_advertiser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the advertiser related to the event, for example 164332.
event.dv360_adx_page_categories string
DV360 Adx Page Categories
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_external_id string
The external ID of the attributed inventory source that Display & Video 360 selected as the best match from those accessible to the advertiser related to the view event based on floor price and auction type.
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_is_public string
True if inventory source is available to all buyers. False otherwise.
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_partner_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_usd int
event.dv360_auction_id string
A string used to join events among view/click/conversion types, for example"ABCDEFGH_abcdefgh-0123456789". Do not assume any ordering, structure or meaning to the auction_id value.
event.dv360_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in advertiser currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_partner_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in partner currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_usd int
The bid price sent to the exchange in USD nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics..
event.dv360_bid_request_publisher_id string
The publisher id in the field of bid request.
event.dv360_billable_cost_advertiser_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in advertiser currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_partner_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in partner currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_usd int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in USD nanos.
event.dv360_browser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the browser related to this event.
event.dv360_browser_timezone_offset_minutes int
The difference in minutes between the active timezone on the user's browser and GMT-12, for example 1320 represents a browser timezone of GMT+10.
event.dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the linked Display & Video 360 campaign.
event.dv360_city_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the best-guess city of the impression.
event.dv360_country_code string
2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code identifying the best-guess country of the impression, for example "US".
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 1 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 2 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 3 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 4 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 5 usd
event.dv360_creative_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the creative related to the event, for example 367487.
event.dv360_data_fees_advertiser_currency int
DV360 data fees advertiser currency
event.dv360_data_fees_partner_currency int
DV360 data fees partner currency
event.dv360_data_fees_usd int
DV360 data fees usd
event.dv360_device_type int
The numerical value of the identified device type. 0 = Computer, 1 = Other, 2 = Smart Phone, 3 = Tablet, 4 = Smart TV, 5 = Connected TV, 6 = Set Top Box, 7 = Connected Device.
event.dv360_exchange_id string
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the exchange that requested the ad.
event.dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, for example 1079941.
event.dv360_isp_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the best-guess Internet Service Provider of the impression. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_language string
The ISO-639-1 code or "zh_CN" (Chinese (simplified)), "zh_TW" (Chinese (traditional)) or "other" representing the language related to the view event.
event.dv360_line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, for example 1155785.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_keywords string
A comma separated string containing a list of targeted keywords matching the page related to the view event, for example "apple,orange,banana". Although the page related to the view event may match many keywords, only those which were targeted will be included; if the list of keywords is large we may impose a limit to the number of keywords returned.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_segments string
Space-separated IDs of targeted user lists that match the visitor, for example "-4 456". If the visitor is in a user list that is not targeted by the ad associated with this event it will not be included here.
event.dv360_media_cost_advertiser_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in advertiser currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_partner_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in the partner currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_usd int
The amount paid for the impression in USD nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_usd int
DV360 media fee 1 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_usd int
DV360 media fee 2 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_usd int
DV360 media fee 3 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_usd int
DV360 media fee 4 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_usd int
DV360 media fee 5 usd
event.dv360_mobile_make_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile make. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_mobile_model_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile model. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_net_speed int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID representing the network speed related to the view event. 1=Dial-up, 2=EDGE/2G, 3=UMTS/3G, 4=Basic DSL, 5=HSDPA/3.5G, 6=Broadband/4G, 7=Unknown.
event.dv360_operating_system_id int
Operating System ID.
event.dv360_request_time int
A Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when we received the ad request, for example1330403779608570 represents Tuesday February 28th 2012 04:36:19.608570. Although this value is consistent across the view, click and conversion even it is not guaranteed to be unique - use auction_id to join events
event.dv360_revenue_advertiser_currency int
The total amount in advertiser currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_partner_currency int
The total amount in partner currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_usd int
The total amount in USD nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_site_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the most specific universal site that matches the url.
event.dv360_state_region_id int
DV360 Region ID
event.dv360_supply_chain_complete boolean
Indicates whether the supply chain object is complete in the bid request.
event.dv360_supply_chain_domain array
The domain in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_supply_chain_seller_id array
Array of strings. The seller ID in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_url string
The raw URL taken from the bid request received from the exchange, for example "". As some exchanges mask the URL in their bid requests this value may be: "source_url_hidden"
event.dv360_view_state string
Populated for wrapped tags. (Two impression records when both events occur.) Possible values are: "OUTER", DV360 returned wrapped tag; "INNER", ad served post wrapped tag; "3PAS_MERGED", wrapped tag tracked by CM; "3PAS_OUTER", tracking ping sent to CM but no response, 3rd party blocked ad serving.
event.dv360_zip_postal_code string
DV360 ZIP/Postal Code
event.event_sub_type string
Contains further details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "POSTVIEW", "POSTCLICK" or blank for conversion events.
event.event_time int
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.event_type string
Contains "CLICK".
event.floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
event.impression_id string
Impression ID
event.interaction_time_utc_seconds string
Interaction time UTC seconds
event.landing_page_url_id int
Unique ID of the landing page URL. Only populates for clicks, NULL for other tables.
event.operating_system_id int
ID of the operating system.
event.ord_value string
The advertiser's ordinal ID, if relevant for a given activity type. Passed in the 'ord=' key-value (also used for storing the client's Order-ID in sales tags)
event.other_data string
Stores key-value data from the activity string which is not otherwise labeled. (Any key-value that is NOT "src=", "type=", "cat=", "ord=", "u=", "cost=", "qty=", "tran=", "a=", or "b="). Custom Floodlight Variables, such as "u1=" and "u2=", are available and can be used for further product breakdown.
event.placement_id int
Unique ID for the site page / placement where the ad ran.
event.platform_type_id int
Identifier that maps to the platform on which the event occurred. Possible values are: 30000: desktop, 30001: high-end smartphone, 30002: tablet, 30003: mid-range smartphone, 30004: connected TV, 30005: unknown, 30006: set top box.
event.referrer_url string
Contains the URL on which the ad appeared, when possible. May also be empty, or return ad server URLs.
event.rendering_id int
Unique ID of the creative for Data Transfer. Does not correspond to the UI-Creative-ID.
event.rich_media_event_counters int
MET Counter Value (the ecn= value).
event.rich_media_event_id int
MET Event ID for the Rich Media ad.
event.rich_media_event_timers double
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.rich_media_event_type_id int
ID of Rich Media Event Type.
event.segment_value_1 int
Segment Value 1
event.site_id int
Unique ID for the site where the ad ran.
event.state string
ID for user's state or province (US/Canada)
event.tran_value string
TRAN Value
event.u_value string
U Value
event.zip_code string
Postal-Code (US/Canada).
network_id int
The network ID.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

DV360 Data Transfer impressions

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of dv360_dt_impressions:
  • dv360_dt_impressions_policy_isolated_youtube
  • dv360_dt_impressions_policy_isolated_network
  • dv360_dt_impressions_policy_isolated_search
event struct
event.active_view_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Audible
event.active_view_audible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_audible_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Play Time Audible and Visible (milliseconds)
event.active_view_background_count int
Active View: Impressions In Background
event.active_view_complete_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Completion
event.active_view_eligible_impressions int
Whether the impression was eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if (a) the ad's creative has an Active View tag and (b) the tag successfully communicates with Google Marketing Platform servers at the time of the impression.
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at First Quartile
event.active_view_first_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at First Quartile
event.active_view_fullscreen_count int
Active View: Impressions Full-Screen
event.active_view_impressions_audible_and_visible_at_completion int
Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion
event.active_view_impressions_visible10_seconds int
Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds
event.active_view_measurable_impressions int
Whether the impression was measurable with Active View.
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Midpoint
event.active_view_midpoint_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Midpoint
event.active_view_plus_measurable_count int
Active View Plus: Measurable Impressions
event.active_view_start_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Start
event.active_view_start_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Start
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_audible_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible and Audible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_third_quartile_viewable_impressions int
Active View: Impressions Visible at Third Quartile
event.active_view_tos_msec int
Active View: Time on Screen (milliseconds)
event.active_view_viewable_impressions int
Whether the impression was viewable.
event.active_view_visible_time_msec int
Active View: Video Visible Time (milliseconds)
event.activity_count int
Activity Quantity
event.activity_id int
The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event.
event.ad_id int
Unique ID of the ad placement.
event.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser
event.audience_segment_id int
Unique ID of the audience segment.
event.browser_platform_id string
ID of the browser type.
event.browser_version string
Browser/Platform Version
event.campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 campaign
event.city_id int
City ID
event.conversion_id int
Indicates whether an activity has been matched as a post-click (value of 1) or post-impression (value of 2), or unmatched (value of 0).
event.country_code string
event.creative_version string
Creative version number.
event.dma_region_id int
Designated Market Area ID (US/Canada).
event.dv360_ad_position int
Specifies the position of the ad on the page if known. 1 represents above the fold, 2 represents below the fold.
event.dv360_advertiser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the advertiser related to the event, for example 164332.
event.dv360_adx_page_categories string
DV360 Adx Page Categories
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_external_id string
The external ID of the attributed inventory source that Display & Video 360 selected as the best match from those accessible to the advertiser related to the view event based on floor price and auction type.
event.dv360_attributed_inventory_source_is_public string
True if inventory source is available to all buyers. False otherwise.
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_partner_currency int
event.dv360_auction_bid_price_usd int
event.dv360_auction_id string
A string used to join events among view/click/conversion types, for example"ABCDEFGH_abcdefgh-0123456789". Do not assume any ordering, structure or meaning to the auction_id value.
event.dv360_bid_price_advertiser_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in advertiser currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_partner_currency int
The bid price sent to the exchange in partner currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics.
event.dv360_bid_price_usd int
The bid price sent to the exchange in USD nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics..
event.dv360_bid_request_publisher_id string
The publisher id in the field of bid request.
event.dv360_billable_cost_advertiser_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in advertiser currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_partner_currency int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in partner currency nanos.
event.dv360_billable_cost_usd int
The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in USD nanos.
event.dv360_browser_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the browser related to this event.
event.dv360_browser_timezone_offset_minutes int
The difference in minutes between the active timezone on the user's browser and GMT-12, for example 1320 represents a browser timezone of GMT+10.
event.dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the linked Display & Video 360 campaign.
event.dv360_city_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the best-guess city of the impression.
event.dv360_country_code string
2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code identifying the best-guess country of the impression, for example "US".
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_1_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 1 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_2_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 2 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_3_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 3 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_4_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 4 usd
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 CPM fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_cpm_fee_5_usd int
DV360 CPM fee 5 usd
event.dv360_creative_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the creative related to the event, for example 367487.
event.dv360_data_fees_advertiser_currency int
DV360 data fees advertiser currency
event.dv360_data_fees_partner_currency int
DV360 data fees partner currency
event.dv360_data_fees_usd int
DV360 data fees usd
event.dv360_device_type int
The numerical value of the identified device type. 0 = Computer, 1 = Other, 2 = Smart Phone, 3 = Tablet, 4 = Smart TV, 5 = Connected TV, 6 = Set Top Box, 7 = Connected Device.
event.dv360_exchange_id string
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the exchange that requested the ad.
event.dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, for example 1079941.
event.dv360_isp_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the best-guess Internet Service Provider of the impression. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_language string
The ISO-639-1 code or "zh_CN" (Chinese (simplified)), "zh_TW" (Chinese (traditional)) or "other" representing the language related to the view event.
event.dv360_line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, for example 1155785.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_keywords string
A comma separated string containing a list of targeted keywords matching the page related to the view event, for example "apple,orange,banana". Although the page related to the view event may match many keywords, only those which were targeted will be included; if the list of keywords is large we may impose a limit to the number of keywords returned.
event.dv360_matching_targeted_segments string
Space-separated IDs of targeted user lists that match the visitor, for example "-4 456". If the visitor is in a user list that is not targeted by the ad associated with this event it will not be included here.
event.dv360_media_cost_advertiser_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in advertiser currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_partner_currency int
The amount paid for the impression in the partner currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_cost_usd int
The amount paid for the impression in USD nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_media_fee_1_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 1 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_1_usd int
DV360 media fee 1 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_2_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 2 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_2_usd int
DV360 media fee 2 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_3_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 3 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_3_usd int
DV360 media fee 3 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_4_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 4 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_4_usd int
DV360 media fee 4 usd
event.dv360_media_fee_5_advertiser_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 advertiser currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_partner_currency int
DV360 media fee 5 partner currency
event.dv360_media_fee_5_usd int
DV360 media fee 5 usd
event.dv360_mobile_make_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile make. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_mobile_model_id int
The numerical ID for the mobile model. This value may be missing.
event.dv360_net_speed int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID representing the network speed related to the view event. 1=Dial-up, 2=EDGE/2G, 3=UMTS/3G, 4=Basic DSL, 5=HSDPA/3.5G, 6=Broadband/4G, 7=Unknown.
event.dv360_operating_system_id int
Operating System ID.
event.dv360_request_time int
A Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when we received the ad request, for example1330403779608570 represents Tuesday February 28th 2012 04:36:19.608570. Although this value is consistent across the view, click and conversion even it is not guaranteed to be unique - use auction_id to join events
event.dv360_revenue_advertiser_currency int
The total amount in advertiser currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_partner_currency int
The total amount in partner currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_revenue_usd int
The total amount in USD nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero.
event.dv360_site_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the most specific universal site that matches the url.
event.dv360_state_region_id int
DV360 Region ID
event.dv360_supply_chain_complete boolean
Indicates whether the supply chain object is complete in the bid request.
event.dv360_supply_chain_domain array
The domain in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_supply_chain_seller_id array
Array of strings. The seller ID in the supply path, the order is the same as the order in the supply chain JSON.
event.dv360_url string
The raw URL taken from the bid request received from the exchange, for example "". As some exchanges mask the URL in their bid requests this value may be: "source_url_hidden"
event.dv360_view_state string
Populated for wrapped tags. (Two impression records when both events occur.) Possible values are: "OUTER", DV360 returned wrapped tag; "INNER", ad served post wrapped tag; "3PAS_MERGED", wrapped tag tracked by CM; "3PAS_OUTER", tracking ping sent to CM but no response, 3rd party blocked ad serving.
event.dv360_zip_postal_code string
DV360 ZIP/Postal Code
event.event_sub_type string
Contains further details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "POSTVIEW", "POSTCLICK" or blank for conversion events.
event.event_time int
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.event_type string
Contains "VIEW".
event.floodlight_config_id int
Unique ID of the floodlight configuration.
event.impression_id string
Impression ID
event.interaction_time_utc_seconds string
Interaction time UTC seconds
event.landing_page_url_id int
Unique ID of the landing page URL. Only populates for clicks, NULL for other tables.
event.operating_system_id int
ID of the operating system.
event.ord_value string
The advertiser's ordinal ID, if relevant for a given activity type. Passed in the 'ord=' key-value (also used for storing the client's Order-ID in sales tags)
event.other_data string
Stores key-value data from the activity string which is not otherwise labeled. (Any key-value that is NOT "src=", "type=", "cat=", "ord=", "u=", "cost=", "qty=", "tran=", "a=", or "b="). Custom Floodlight Variables, such as "u1=" and "u2=", are available and can be used for further product breakdown.
event.placement_id int
Unique ID for the site page / placement where the ad ran.
event.platform_type_id int
Identifier that maps to the platform on which the event occurred. Possible values are: 30000: desktop, 30001: high-end smartphone, 30002: tablet, 30003: mid-range smartphone, 30004: connected TV, 30005: unknown, 30006: set top box.
event.referrer_url string
Contains the URL on which the ad appeared, when possible. May also be empty, or return ad server URLs.
event.rendering_id int
Unique ID of the creative for Data Transfer. Does not correspond to the UI-Creative-ID.
event.rich_media_event_counters int
MET Counter Value (the ecn= value).
event.rich_media_event_id int
MET Event ID for the Rich Media ad.
event.rich_media_event_timers double
Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
event.rich_media_event_type_id int
ID of Rich Media Event Type.
event.segment_value_1 int
Segment Value 1
event.site_id int
Unique ID for the site where the ad ran.
event.state string
ID for user's state or province (US/Canada)
event.tran_value string
TRAN Value
event.u_value string
U Value
event.zip_code string
Postal-Code (US/Canada).
network_id int
The network ID.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

DV360 Data Transfer insertion order

dv360_advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Display & Video 360 campaign.
dv360_insertion_order string
Name of the insertion order.
dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
dv360_partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.

DV360 Data Transfer line item

dv360_advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
dv360_campaign_id int
The unique ID of the Display & Video 360 campaign.
dv360_insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
dv360_line_item string
Name of the line item.
dv360_line_item_id int
Unique ID of the line item.
dv360_partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.

DV360 YouTube Active Views

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of dv360_youtube_active_views:
  • dv360_youtube_active_views_policy_isolated_youtube
  • dv360_youtube_active_views_policy_isolated_network
content_url string
URL of the page on which the ad appeared. Part of the URL is removed for privacy.
impression_data struct
Impression of the ad that was clicked
impression_data.adgroup_id int
ID of the Display & Video 360 YouTube ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
impression_data.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
impression_data.campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
impression_data.creative_id int
Unique ID of the creative. Joins with creative_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
impression_data.insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
impression_data.line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, e.g. 1155785.
impression_data.partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.
impression_id string
Unique identifier for impression.
num_active_view_viewable_impression int
1 = impression is active view eligible, 0 = impression isn't active view eligible.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts. Joins with query_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that managed the ad request. Used to identify unique events for joins.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.
view_id struct
Unique identifier for view_id has multiple parts.
view_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
view_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
view_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
view_type string
viewability_metrics struct
Summable viewability metrics intended for Core and Advanced tiers of viewability. Metrics are organized by measurability pools. For each measurability pool, there is a sub-field containing the number of impressions that were measurable and the metrics that are available.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics struct
Measures a variety of viewability metrics (including quartiles) that share a common measurability denominator.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.ad_duration_msec int
Total ad duration in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_count int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at any point during playback.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.background_count int
Number of backgrounded impressions.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fullscreen_count int
Number of fullscreened impressions. Note that this count only increments on YouTube platforms that have a toggle between normal/fullscreen state. YouTube Platforms that are always in fullscreen (like YouTube CTV Apps) will show up as 0.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.measurable_count int
Number of impressions where Active View Plus metrics were able to be measured.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.viewable_10_sec_count int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen for at least 10 seconds (cumulative).
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.visible_watchtime_msec int
Total visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.watchtime_msec int
Total watchtime in milliseconds. This may differ from the value reported in Google Ads, as it is only populated when Ads Data Hub is able to measure Active View metrics.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible_and_visible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) and 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.reached int
Number of impressions that reached this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.visible int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.enabled_count int
1 if Active View was enabled, else 0. To get the total number of impressions with Active View enabled, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Similar to groupm_viewable_impressions, but with an additional requirement on playback time for measurability. Impressions must reach the GroupM threshold of 15 seconds or 50% duration in addition to being GroupM measurable to be considered GroupM TrueView measurable.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured and the impression reached the GroupM playback threshold, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured and that reached the GroupM playback threshold, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% pixels on screen with audio volume > 0% for playback of at least 15 seconds or 50% of the ad duration, whichever is shorter.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% on screen for 2 continuous seconds.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions struct
Viewability metrics based on the MRC standard. That is, whether a video ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 2 continuous seconds of playback, or a display ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 1 continuous second.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the MRC standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen struct
Measures the total time on screen for viewable impressions as determined by the MRC standard. The measurable count for impressions in this metric is zero for impressions that do not meet the MRC viewability threshold.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.measureable_count int
1 if Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.msec int
Visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds, for impressions that met the MRC viewable standard.

DV360 YouTube ad group

adgroup_id int
ID of the Display & Video 360 YouTube ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
adgroup_name string
Ad group name.
adgroup_status string
The ad group. Possible values are: "status", "paused", or "enabled".
adgroup_type string
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, e.g. 1155785.
partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.

DV360 YouTube advertiser

advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
advertiser_name string
Name of the advertiser.
advertiser_timezone string
The DV360 advertiser time zone default set in account settings.
partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.

DV360 YouTube campaign

advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
campaign_name string
Name of the campaign
partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.

DV360 YouTube clicks (deprecated - use dv360_youtube_creative_conversions)

advertiser_click_cost_local_micros double
The advertiser's cost in local currency micros.
advertiser_click_cost_usd double
The advertiser's click cost in dollars.
click_id struct
Unique identifier for click has multiple parts. Joins with click_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
click_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
click_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
click_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
click_type int
The click type.
impression_data struct
Impression of the ad that was clicked
impression_data.adgroup_id int
ID of the Display & Video 360 YouTube ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
impression_data.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
impression_data.campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
impression_data.creative_id int
Unique ID of the creative. Joins with creative_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
impression_data.insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
impression_data.line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, e.g. 1155785.
impression_data.partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.
impression_id string
Unique identifier for impression.
is_trueview boolean
True if the event was a TrueView view. False if the event was not a TrueView view.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts. Joins with query_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that managed the ad request. Used to identify unique events for joins.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

DV360 YouTube conversions

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of dv360_youtube_conversions:
  • dv360_youtube_conversions_policy_isolated_youtube
  • dv360_youtube_conversions_policy_isolated_network
attribution_event_type string
Primary interaction this conversion is attributed to. Valid values: INTERACTION, CLICK, ENGAGED_VIEW, OTHER.
click_id struct
Unique identifier for click has multiple parts. Joins with click_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
click_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
click_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
click_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
conversion_id struct
Unique identifier for conversion has multiple parts.
conversion_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
conversion_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
conversion_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
conversion_type int
The type of conversion.
impression_data struct
Impression of the ad that was clicked
impression_data.adgroup_id int
ID of the Display & Video 360 YouTube ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
impression_data.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
impression_data.campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
impression_data.creative_id int
Unique ID of the creative. Joins with creative_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
impression_data.insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
impression_data.line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, e.g. 1155785.
impression_data.partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.
impression_id string
Unique identifier for impression.
label string
Name of conversion event.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts. Joins with query_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that managed the ad request. Used to identify unique events for joins.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

DV360 YouTube creative

adgroup_id int
ID of the Display & Video 360 YouTube ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
advertiser_id int
Multiple Display & Video 360 "advertisers" generally exist underneath a single partner. Vendor client IDs are saved here.
campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
creative_id int
Unique ID of the creative. Joins with creative_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
creative_name string
The name of the Display & Video 360 creative.
creative_type int
Enum corresponding to the creative type.
insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, e.g. 1155785.
partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.
third_party_vast_url string
URL used for VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) redirect creatives. Formatting doesn't match yt_reserve_creative.third_party_vast_url.
video_message struct
Multipart identifier for video data.
video_message.video_ad_duration int
Duration of the video in milliseconds.
video_message.youtube_video_id string
Video ID string representation as it appears on YouTube watch url.

DV360 YouTube creative conversions

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of dv360_youtube_creative_conversions:
  • dv360_youtube_creative_conversions_policy_isolated_youtube
  • dv360_youtube_creative_conversions_policy_isolated_network
advertiser_cost_local_micros double
The advertiser's cost in local currency micros.
advertiser_cost_usd double
The advertiser's click cost in dollars.
click_id struct
Unique identifier for click has multiple parts. Joins with click_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
click_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
click_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
click_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
content_url string
URL of the page on which the ad appeared. Part of the URL is removed for privacy.
conversion_id struct
Unique identifier for conversion has multiple parts.
conversion_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
conversion_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
conversion_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
conversion_type int
The type of conversion.
impression_data struct
Impression of the ad that was clicked
impression_data.adgroup_id int
ID of the Display & Video 360 YouTube ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
impression_data.advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
impression_data.campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
impression_data.creative_id int
Unique ID of the creative. Joins with creative_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
impression_data.insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
impression_data.line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, e.g. 1155785.
impression_data.partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.
impression_id string
Unique identifier for impression.
label string
Name of conversion event.
num_clicks int
Number of clicks.
num_video_views int
Number of video views.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts. Joins with query_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that managed the ad request. Used to identify unique events for joins.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.
viewability_metrics struct
Summable viewability metrics intended for Core and Advanced tiers of viewability. Metrics are organized by measurability pools. For each measurability pool, there is a sub-field containing the number of impressions that were measurable and the metrics that are available.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics struct
Measures a variety of viewability metrics (including quartiles) that share a common measurability denominator.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.ad_duration_msec int
Total ad duration in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_count int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at any point during playback.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.background_count int
Number of backgrounded impressions.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fullscreen_count int
Number of fullscreened impressions. Note that this count only increments on YouTube platforms that have a toggle between normal/fullscreen state. YouTube Platforms that are always in fullscreen (like YouTube CTV Apps) will show up as 0.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.measurable_count int
Number of impressions where Active View Plus metrics were able to be measured.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.viewable_10_sec_count int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen for at least 10 seconds (cumulative).
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.visible_watchtime_msec int
Total visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.watchtime_msec int
Total watchtime in milliseconds. This may differ from the value reported in Google Ads, as it is only populated when Ads Data Hub is able to measure Active View metrics.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible_and_visible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) and 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.reached int
Number of impressions that reached this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.visible int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.enabled_count int
1 if Active View was enabled, else 0. To get the total number of impressions with Active View enabled, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Similar to groupm_viewable_impressions, but with an additional requirement on playback time for measurability. Impressions must reach the GroupM threshold of 15 seconds or 50% duration in addition to being GroupM measurable to be considered GroupM TrueView measurable.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured and the impression reached the GroupM playback threshold, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured and that reached the GroupM playback threshold, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% pixels on screen with audio volume > 0% for playback of at least 15 seconds or 50% of the ad duration, whichever is shorter.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% on screen for 2 continuous seconds.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions struct
Viewability metrics based on the MRC standard. That is, whether a video ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 2 continuous seconds of playback, or a display ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 1 continuous second.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the MRC standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen struct
Measures the total time on screen for viewable impressions as determined by the MRC standard. The measurable count for impressions in this metric is zero for impressions that do not meet the MRC viewability threshold.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.measureable_count int
1 if Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.msec int
Visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds, for impressions that met the MRC viewable standard.

DV360 YouTube impressions

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of dv360_youtube_impressions:
  • dv360_youtube_impressions_policy_isolated_youtube
  • dv360_youtube_impressions_policy_isolated_network
adgroup_id int
ID of the Display & Video 360 YouTube ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
advertiser_impression_cost_local_micros double
The advertiser's local currency in micros.
advertiser_impression_cost_usd double
The advertiser's impression cost in dollars.
affinity array
ID of affinity group. Joins with affinity_id in adh.affinity table. Does not support YouTube line items.
app_id string
Numerical identifier for the app's ID. Combined with the app_store_id, users can look up more information about the app. For example, 284815942 is the ID of Google's search app on Apple's App store. It only populates for Google Display Network (GDN) and Google Video Partner (GVP), which can be identified as INVENTORY_TYPE = OTHER. You can look up the app name by joining with the mobile_app_info table.
app_store_id int64
Numerical identifier corresponding to the app store which the app belongs to. e.g. 1 = "Apple App Store", 2 = "Google Play", or 8 = "PlayStation Store". It only populates for Google Display Network (GDN) and Google Video Partner (GVP), which can be identified as INVENTORY_TYPE = OTHER. You can look up the app store name by joining with the mobile_app_info table.
browser string
Possible values are: "Chrome", "Cobalt", "Dalvik", "Edge", "Firefox", "IE", "Opera", "Other", "Safari", "Samsung Browser", "Roku", "Silk", "Unknown", "Yandex"
campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
content_url string
URL of the page on which the ad appeared. Part of the URL is removed for privacy.
creative_id int
Joins with creative_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
demographics struct
demographics.age_group int
Code for age group. Joins with age_group_id in adh.age_group table.
demographics.gender int
Code for gender. Joins with gender_id in adh.gender table.
device_height int
Device height in px.
device_width int
Device width in px.
format_category string
YouTube ad format. Possible values are AUDIO, DISPLAY, VIDEO, UNSPECIFIED.
impression_id string
Unique identifier for impression.
in_market array<int64>
ID of in-market group. Joins with in_market_id in adh.in_market table. Does not support TrueView line items.
insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
inventory_type string
The inventory type. Possible values: YOUTUBE, YOUTUBE_TV, YOUTUBE_MUSIC, SEARCH, GMAIL, OTHER. Other refers to either the Google Display or Video network.
is_app_traffic boolean
true if the event happened in a native app.
line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, e.g. 1155785.
location struct
Unique identifier for location has multiple parts string
location.geo_city_id int
Code for city. Joins with city_id in table.
location.geo_metro int
Code for metro region. Joins with metro_id in adh.metro table.
location.geo_region string
Region as string e.g. US-CA.
mobile_browser_class int
Type of browser. Possible values are: desktop, tablet, smart tv consoles, or mobile. Joins with mobile_browser_class_id in adh.mobile_browser table.
operating_system string
Possible values are: "Android", "AppleTV", "Chrome OS", "Fire OS", "Google TV", "iOS", "Linux", "Mac", "Unknown", "PlayStation", "Roku", "Tizen", "Xbox", "Windows", "Windows Phone"
partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.
physical_screen_height int
Device screen height in mm.
physical_screen_width int
Device screen width in mm.
publisher_domain string
Domain of the page on which ad appeared.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts. Joins with query_id in any adh.dv360_youtube table.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that managed the ad request. Used to identify unique events for joins.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
query_language string
Language used by user.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.
viewability_metrics struct
Summable viewability metrics intended for Core and Advanced tiers of viewability. Metrics are organized by measurability pools. For each measurability pool, there is a sub-field containing the number of impressions that were measurable and the metrics that are available.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics struct
Measures a variety of viewability metrics (including quartiles) that share a common measurability denominator.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.ad_duration_msec int
Total ad duration in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_count int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at any point during playback.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.background_count int
Number of backgrounded impressions.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fullscreen_count int
Number of fullscreened impressions. Note that this count only increments on YouTube platforms that have a toggle between normal/fullscreen state. YouTube Platforms that are always in fullscreen (like YouTube CTV Apps) will show up as 0.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.measurable_count int
Number of impressions where Active View Plus metrics were able to be measured.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.viewable_10_sec_count int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen for at least 10 seconds (cumulative).
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.visible_watchtime_msec int
Total visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.watchtime_msec int
Total watchtime in milliseconds. This may differ from the value reported in Google Ads, as it is only populated when Ads Data Hub is able to measure Active View metrics.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible_and_visible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) and 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.reached int
Number of impressions that reached this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.visible int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.enabled_count int
1 if Active View was enabled, else 0. To get the total number of impressions with Active View enabled, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Similar to groupm_viewable_impressions, but with an additional requirement on playback time for measurability. Impressions must reach the GroupM threshold of 15 seconds or 50% duration in addition to being GroupM measurable to be considered GroupM TrueView measurable.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured and the impression reached the GroupM playback threshold, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured and that reached the GroupM playback threshold, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% pixels on screen with audio volume > 0% for playback of at least 15 seconds or 50% of the ad duration, whichever is shorter.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% on screen for 2 continuous seconds.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions struct
Viewability metrics based on the MRC standard. That is, whether a video ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 2 continuous seconds of playback, or a display ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 1 continuous second.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the MRC standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen struct
Measures the total time on screen for viewable impressions as determined by the MRC standard. The measurable count for impressions in this metric is zero for impressions that do not meet the MRC viewability threshold.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.measureable_count int
1 if Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.msec int
Visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds, for impressions that met the MRC viewable standard.
youtube_page_type string

DV360 YouTube insertion order

advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
insertion_order_name string
Name of the insertion order.
partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.

DV360 YouTube line item

advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
insertion_order_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, e.g. 1079941.
line_item_end_time int
Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when the line item ended, e.g. 1330403779608570
line_item_id int
The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, e.g. 1155785.
line_item_name string
The Display & Video 360 name for the line item related to the event, e.g. 164332.
line_item_reservation_type enum
Reservation type for a Display & Video 360 line item. Can be one of "Programmatic", "InstantReserve", or "None" (meaning standard auction).
line_item_start_time int
Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when the line item started, e.g. 1330403779608570
line_item_status int
Integer indicating the status of the line item. 3 = ACTIVE. 5 = PAUSED. 7 = DELETED.
partner_id int
Unique ID of the partner.

Freewheel impressions

browser string
Possible values are: "Chrome", "Cobalt", "Dalvik", "Edge", "Firefox", "IE", "Opera", "Other", "Safari", "Samsung Browser", "Roku", "Silk", "Unknown", "Yandex"
format_category string
YouTube ad format. Possible values are AUDIO, DISPLAY, VIDEO, UNSPECIFIED.
impression_id string
Unique identifier for an impression.
operating_system string
Possible values are: "Android", "AppleTV", "Chrome OS", "Fire OS", "Google TV", "iOS", "Linux", "Mac", "Unknown", "PlayStation", "Roku", "Tizen", "Xbox", "Windows", "Windows Phone"
youtube_page_type enum


gender_id int
Gender identifier.
gender_name string
Gender name. Possible values are: "male", "female", or "unknown".
To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of google_ads_active_views:
  • google_ads_active_views_policy_isolated_youtube
  • google_ads_active_views_policy_isolated_network
content_url string
URL of the page on which the ad appeared. Part of the URL is removed for privacy.
impression_data struct
Impression of the ad that was clicked
impression_data.ad_format_type string
Serving ad format type, e.g. "INSTREAM_SKIPPABLE", "INFEED", "SHORTS".
impression_data.ad_group_creative_id int
ID for creative trafficked in given ad group. Joins with ad_group_creative_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_data.adgroup_id int
ID of Google Ads ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_data.campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
impression_data.customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_id string
Unique identifier for impression.
num_active_view_viewable_impression int
1 when impression is active view eligible; 0 when impression is not active view eligible.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts. Joins with query_id in any adh.google_ads table.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that managed the ad request. Used to identify unique events for joins.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
view_id struct
Unique identifier for view_id has multiple parts.
view_id.process_id int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
view_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
view_id.time_usec int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
viewability_metrics struct
Summable viewability metrics intended for Core and Advanced tiers of viewability. Metrics are organized by measurability pools. For each measurability pool, there is a sub-field containing the number of impressions that were measurable and the metrics that are available.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics struct
Measures a variety of viewability metrics (including quartiles) that share a common measurability denominator.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.ad_duration_msec int
Total ad duration in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_count int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at any point during playback.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.background_count int
Number of backgrounded impressions.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fullscreen_count int
Number of fullscreened impressions. Note that this count only increments on YouTube platforms that have a toggle between normal/fullscreen state. YouTube Platforms that are always in fullscreen (like YouTube CTV Apps) will show up as 0.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.measurable_count int
Number of impressions where Active View Plus metrics were able to be measured.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.viewable_10_sec_count int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen for at least 10 seconds (cumulative).
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.visible_watchtime_msec int
Total visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.watchtime_msec int
Total watchtime in milliseconds. This may differ from the value reported in Google Ads, as it is only populated when Ads Data Hub is able to measure Active View metrics.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible_and_visible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) and 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.reached int
Number of impressions that reached this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.visible int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.enabled_count int
1 if Active View was enabled, else 0. To get the total number of impressions with Active View enabled, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Similar to groupm_viewable_impressions, but with an additional requirement on playback time for measurability. Impressions must reach the GroupM threshold of 15 seconds or 50% duration in addition to being GroupM measurable to be considered GroupM TrueView measurable.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured and the impression reached the GroupM playback threshold, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured and that reached the GroupM playback threshold, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% pixels on screen with audio volume > 0% for playback of at least 15 seconds or 50% of the ad duration, whichever is shorter.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% on screen for 2 continuous seconds.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions struct
Viewability metrics based on the MRC standard. That is, whether a video ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 2 continuous seconds of playback, or a display ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 1 continuous second.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the MRC standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen struct
Measures the total time on screen for viewable impressions as determined by the MRC standard. The measurable count for impressions in this metric is zero for impressions that do not meet the MRC viewability threshold.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.measureable_count int
1 if Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.msec int
Visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds, for impressions that met the MRC viewable standard.
adgroup_id int
ID of Google Ads ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.google_ads table.
adgroup_name string
Name of the ad group in Google Ads.
adgroup_status string
The ad group. Possible values are: "status", "paused", or "enabled".
adgroup_type string
campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
label_ids array
Label IDs. Joins with label_id in the adh.google_ads_label table.
ad_group_creative_id int
ID for creative trafficked in given ad group. Joins with ad_group_creative_id in any adh.google_ads table.
adgroup_creative_status STRING
The status of the creative within the ad group.
adgroup_id int
ID of Google Ads ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.google_ads table.
creative_id int
A unique identifier for the creative, specific to the ad group containing it. Joins with creative_id in any adh.google_ads table.
customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
label_ids array
Label IDs. Joins with label_id in the adh.google_ads_label table.
advertising_channel_type string
The primary serving target for ads within the campaign. It can be set only when a campaign is newly created in Google Ads. Possible values are: "SEARCH", "DISPLAY", "VIDEO", "DEMAND_GEN" or "OTHER".
campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
campaign_name string
Campaign name.
campaign_status int
Campaign status. 3 = ACTIVE. 5 = PAUSED. 7 = DELETED.
customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
end_time int
Timestamp when the campaign ends in milliseconds.
label_ids array
Label IDs. Joins with label_id in the adh.google_ads_label table.
reservation_type string
The type of the reservation. Can be either "InstantReserve" or "None" (meaning standard auction).
start_time int
Timestamp when the campaign begins in milliseconds.
To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of google_ads_clicks:
  • google_ads_clicks_policy_isolated_youtube
  • google_ads_clicks_policy_isolated_network
  • google_ads_clicks_policy_isolated_gmail
advertiser_click_cost_local_micros double
The advertiser's cost in local currency micros.
advertiser_click_cost_usd double
The advertiser's click cost in dollars.
click_id struct
Unique identifier for click has multiple parts. Joins with click_id in any adh.google_ads table.
click_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
click_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
click_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
click_type int
The click type.
impression_data struct
Impression of the ad that was clicked
impression_data.ad_format_type string
Serving ad format type, e.g. "INSTREAM_SKIPPABLE", "INFEED", "SHORTS".
impression_data.ad_group_creative_id int
ID for creative trafficked in given ad group. Joins with ad_group_creative_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_data.adgroup_id int
ID of Google Ads ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_data.campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
impression_data.customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_id string
Unique identifier for impression.
is_trueview bool
True if the event was a TrueView view. False if the event was not a TrueView view.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts. Joins with query_id in any adh.google_ads table.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that managed the ad request. Used to identify unique events for joins.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.
action_optimization string
"Valid values: Primary, Secondary."
attribution_model string
"Valid values: LAST_CLICK, DATA_DRIVEN."
conversion_category string
"Valid values: Purchase, Add-to-cart, Sign-up, Download, Engagement, Other."
conversion_type_id int64
Valid values: Positive integers.
counting_type string
"Valid values: One-conversion, Every-conversion."
ctc_lookback_window int64
"Valid values: 0-90, inclusive. Default is 30."
engaged_view_lookback_window int64
"Valid values: 0-30, inclusive."
is_eligible_for_data_driven_attribution bool
name string
Value set by customer.
To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of google_ads_conversions:
  • google_ads_conversions_policy_isolated_youtube
  • google_ads_conversions_policy_isolated_network
  • google_ads_conversions_policy_isolated_gmail
attribution_event_type string
"Primary interaction this conversion is attributed to. Valid values: INTERACTION, CLICK, ENGAGED_VIEW, OTHER."
click_id struct
Unique identifier for click has multiple parts. Joins with click_id in any adh.google_ads table.
click_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
click_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
click_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
conversion_attribution_model_type string
"Model used to calculate credit for this conversion. Valid values: LAST_CLICK, DATA_DRIVEN."
conversion_id struct
Unique identifier for conversion has multiple parts.
conversion_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
conversion_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
conversion_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
conversion_type int
The type of conversion.
event_occurrence_time_usec int
Timestamp (microseconds). Valid values: Positive integers.
impression_data struct
Impression of the ad that was clicked
impression_data.ad_format_type string
Serving ad format type, e.g. "INSTREAM_SKIPPABLE", "INFEED", "SHORTS".
impression_data.ad_group_creative_id int
ID for creative trafficked in given ad group. Joins with ad_group_creative_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_data.adgroup_id int
ID of Google Ads ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_data.campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
impression_data.customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_id string
Unique identifier for impression.
label string
Name of conversion event.
model_comparison.data_driven_conversion_micros int
Valid values: Positive integers.
model_comparison.last_click_conversion_micros int
Valid values: Positive integers.
num_conversion_micros int
Valid values: Positive integers.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts. Joins with query_id in any adh.google_ads table.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that managed the ad request. Used to identify unique events for joins.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.
creative_id int
A unique identifier for the creative, specific to the ad group containing it. Joins with creative_id in any adh.google_ads table.
creative_name string
Creative name.
creative_type int
Creative type.
customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
template_id int
Template ID of the creative.
video_message struct
Multipart identifier for video data.
video_message.video_ad_duration int
Duration of the video in milliseconds.
video_message.youtube_video_id string
Video id string representation as it appears on YouTube watch url.
To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of google_ads_creative_conversions:
  • google_ads_creative_conversions_policy_isolated_youtube
  • google_ads_creative_conversions_policy_isolated_network
  • google_ads_creative_conversions_policy_isolated_gmail
advertiser_cost_local_micros double
The advertiser's cost in local currency micros.
advertiser_cost_usd double
The advertiser's click cost in dollars.
click_id struct
Unique identifier for click has multiple parts. Joins with click_id in any adh.google_ads table.
click_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
click_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
click_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
content_url string
URL of the page on which the ad appeared. Part of the URL is removed for privacy.
conversion_id struct
Unique identifier for conversion has multiple parts.
conversion_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
conversion_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
conversion_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
conversion_type int
The type of conversion.
impression_data struct
Impression of the ad that was clicked
impression_data.ad_format_type string
Serving ad format type, e.g. "INSTREAM_SKIPPABLE", "INFEED", "SHORTS".
impression_data.ad_group_creative_id int
ID for creative trafficked in given ad group. Joins with ad_group_creative_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_data.adgroup_id int
ID of Google Ads ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_data.campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
impression_data.customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
impression_id string
Unique identifier for impression.
label string
Name of conversion event.
num_clicks int
Number of clicks.
num_video_views int
Number of video views.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts. Joins with query_id in any adh.google_ads table.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that managed the ad request. Used to identify unique events for joins.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.
viewability_metrics struct
Summable viewability metrics intended for Core and Advanced tiers of viewability. Metrics are organized by measurability pools. For each measurability pool, there is a sub-field containing the number of impressions that were measurable and the metrics that are available.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics struct
Measures a variety of viewability metrics (including quartiles) that share a common measurability denominator.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.ad_duration_msec int
Total ad duration in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_count int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at any point during playback.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.background_count int
Number of backgrounded impressions.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fullscreen_count int
Number of fullscreened impressions. Note that this count only increments on YouTube platforms that have a toggle between normal/fullscreen state. YouTube Platforms that are always in fullscreen (like YouTube CTV Apps) will show up as 0.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.measurable_count int
Number of impressions where Active View Plus metrics were able to be measured.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.viewable_10_sec_count int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen for at least 10 seconds (cumulative).
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.visible_watchtime_msec int
Total visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.watchtime_msec int
Total watchtime in milliseconds. This may differ from the value reported in Google Ads, as it is only populated when Ads Data Hub is able to measure Active View metrics.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible_and_visible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) and 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.reached int
Number of impressions that reached this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.visible int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.enabled_count int
1 if Active View was enabled, else 0. To get the total number of impressions with Active View enabled, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Similar to groupm_viewable_impressions, but with an additional requirement on playback time for measurability. Impressions must reach the GroupM threshold of 15 seconds or 50% duration in addition to being GroupM measurable to be considered GroupM TrueView measurable.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured and the impression reached the GroupM playback threshold, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured and that reached the GroupM playback threshold, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% pixels on screen with audio volume > 0% for playback of at least 15 seconds or 50% of the ad duration, whichever is shorter.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% on screen for 2 continuous seconds.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions struct
Viewability metrics based on the MRC standard. That is, whether a video ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 2 continuous seconds of playback, or a display ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 1 continuous second.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the MRC standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen struct
Measures the total time on screen for viewable impressions as determined by the MRC standard. The measurable count for impressions in this metric is zero for impressions that do not meet the MRC viewability threshold.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.measureable_count int
1 if Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.msec int
Visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds, for impressions that met the MRC viewable standard.
creative_id int
A unique identifier for the creative, specific to the ad group containing it. Joins with creative_id in any adh.google_ads table.
legacy_pixel string
vendor_string string
customer_company_name string
Company name.
customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
customer_name string
Google Ads account name.
customer_timezone string
Google Ads account configured timezone, in IANA TZ Database Name format.
external_customer_id int
Google Ads account ID.
mcc_ids array
My Client Center: dashboard view in Google Ads that is provided to large advertisers and third-party agencies who manage and optimize multiple Google Ads accounts.
To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of google_ads_impressions:
  • google_ads_impressions_policy_isolated_youtube
  • google_ads_impressions_policy_isolated_network
  • google_ads_impressions_policy_isolated_gmail
active_view_data int
Whether the impression was enabled for active view measurement.
ad_format_type string
Serving ad format type, e.g. "INSTREAM_SKIPPABLE", "INFEED", "SHORTS".
ad_group_creative_id int
ID for creative trafficked in given ad group. Joins with ad_group_creative_id in any adh.google_ads table.
adgroup_id int
ID of Google Ads ad group. Joins with adgroup_id in any adh.google_ads table.
advertiser_impression_cost_local_micros double
The advertiser's local currency in micros.
advertiser_impression_cost_usd double
The advertiser's impression cost in dollars.
affinity array
ID of affinity group. Joins with affinity_id in adh.affinity table. Does not support YouTube line items.
app_id string
"Numerical identifier for the app's ID. Combined with the app_store_id, users can look up more information about the app. For example, 284815942 is the ID of Google's search app on Apple's App store. It only populates for Google Display Network (GDN) and Google Video Partner (GVP), which can be identified as INVENTORY_TYPE = OTHER. You can look up the app name by joining with the mobile_app_info table."
app_store_id int64
'Numerical identifier corresponding to the app store which the app belongs to. e.g. 1 = "Apple App Store", 2 = "Google Play", or 8 = "PlayStation Store". It only populates for Google Display Network (GDN) and Google Video Partner (GVP), which can be identified as INVENTORY_TYPE = OTHER. You can look up the app store name by joining with the mobile_app_info table.'
browser string
Possible values are: "Chrome", "Cobalt", "Dalvik", "Edge", "Firefox", "IE", "Opera", "Other", "Safari", "Samsung Browser", "Roku", "Silk", "Unknown", "Yandex"
campaign_id int
Unique ID of the campaign.
content_url string
URL of the page on which the ad appeared. Part of the URL is removed for privacy.
customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
demographics struct
demographics.age_group int
Code for age group. Joins with age_group_id in adh.age_group table.
demographics.gender int
Code for gender. Joins with gender_id in adh.gender table.
device_height int
Device height in px.
device_width int
Device width in px.
format_category string
"YouTube ad format. Possible values are AUDIO, DISPLAY, VIDEO, or UNSPECIFIED. Display includes infeed and masthead."
impression_id string
Unique identifier for impression.
in_market array
"ID of in-market group. Joins with in_market_id in adh.in_market table. Does not support TrueView line items."
inventory_type string
"The inventory type. Possible values: YOUTUBE, YOUTUBE_TV, YOUTUBE_MUSIC, SEARCH, GMAIL, OTHER. Other refers to either the Google Display or Video network."
is_app_traffic boolean
true if the event happened in a native app. FALSE if the event happened in HTML5 app or webview.
location struct
Unique identifier for location has multiple parts string
location.geo_city_id int
Code for city. Joins with city_id in table.
location.geo_country_id int
location.geo_metro int
Code for metro region. Joins with metro_id in adh.metro table.
location.geo_region string
Region as string e.g. US-CA.
location.geo_region_id int
mobile_browser_class int
Type of device. Possible values are: desktop, tablet, smart tv consoles, or mobile. Joins with mobile_browser_class_id in adh.mobile_browser_class table.
num_active_view_eligible_impression int
1 when impression is active view eligible; 0 when impression is not active view eligible.
num_active_view_measurable_impression int
1 when impression is active view measurable; 0 when impression is not active view measurable.
operating_system string
Possible values are: "Android", "AppleTV", "Chrome OS", "Fire OS", "Google TV", "iOS", "Linux", "Mac", "Unknown", "PlayStation", "Roku", "Tizen", "Xbox", "Windows", "Windows Phone"
operating_system_version_ids array
(Deprecated) Use operating_system instead. ID of OS. Joins with operating_system_version_id in adh.os_version table.
physical_screen_height int
Device screen height in mm.
physical_screen_width int
Device screen width in mm.
publisher_domain string
Domain of the page on which ad appeared.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts. Joins with query_id in any adh.google_ads table.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that managed the ad request. Used to identify unique events for joins.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
query_language string
Language used by user.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.
viewability_metrics struct
Summable viewability metrics intended for Core and Advanced tiers of viewability. Metrics are organized by measurability pools. For each measurability pool, there is a sub-field containing the number of impressions that were measurable and the metrics that are available.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics struct
Measures a variety of viewability metrics (including quartiles) that share a common measurability denominator.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.ad_duration_msec int
Total ad duration in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_count int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at any point during playback.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.background_count int
Number of backgrounded impressions.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fullscreen_count int
Number of fullscreened impressions. Note that this count only increments on YouTube platforms that have a toggle between normal/fullscreen state. YouTube Platforms that are always in fullscreen (like YouTube CTV Apps) will show up as 0.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.measurable_count int
Number of impressions where Active View Plus metrics were able to be measured.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.viewable_10_sec_count int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen for at least 10 seconds (cumulative).
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.visible_watchtime_msec int
Total visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.watchtime_msec int
Total watchtime in milliseconds. This may differ from the value reported in Google Ads, as it is only populated when Ads Data Hub is able to measure Active View metrics.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible_and_visible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) and 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.reached int
Number of impressions that reached this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.visible int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.enabled_count int
1 if Active View was enabled, else 0. To get the total number of impressions with Active View enabled, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Similar to groupm_viewable_impressions, but with an additional requirement on playback time for measurability. Impressions must reach the GroupM threshold of 15 seconds or 50% duration in addition to being GroupM measurable to be considered GroupM TrueView measurable.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured and the impression reached the GroupM playback threshold, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured and that reached the GroupM playback threshold, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% pixels on screen with audio volume > 0% for playback of at least 15 seconds or 50% of the ad duration, whichever is shorter.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% on screen for 2 continuous seconds.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions struct
Viewability metrics based on the MRC standard. That is, whether a video ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 2 continuous seconds of playback, or a display ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 1 continuous second.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the MRC standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen struct
Measures the total time on screen for viewable impressions as determined by the MRC standard. The measurable count for impressions in this metric is zero for impressions that do not meet the MRC viewability threshold.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.measureable_count int
1 if Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.msec int
Visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds, for impressions that met the MRC viewable standard.
youtube_page_type enum
customer_id int
Google Ads account ID. Joins with customer_id in any adh.google_ads table.
description string
Label description.
label_id int64
Label ID. Joins with label_ids in adh.google_ads tables that contain label_ids.
label_name string
Label name.
status int
Label status. 1 = ENABLED. 2 = DELETED.

In-market segment

in_market_category string
The category of market vertical.
in_market_id int
In-market identifier.
in_market_name string
A more specific in-market name based on category.


country_code string
Two character country code.
metro_id int
Metro identifier.
metro_name string
Metro name.

Mobile app info

app_id string
Numerical identifier for the app's ID. Combined with the app_store_id, users can look up more information about the app. For example, 284815942 is the ID of Google's search app on Apple's App store. It only populates for Google Display Network (GDN) and Google Video Partner (GVP), which can be identified as INVENTORY_TYPE = OTHER. You can look up the app name by joining with the mobile_app_info table.
app_name string
The name of the app as it appears in the app store.
app_store_id int64
Numerical identifier corresponding to the app store which the app belongs to. e.g. 1 = "Apple App Store", 2 = "Google Play", or 8 = "PlayStation Store". It only populates for Google Display Network (GDN) and Google Video Partner (GVP), which can be identified as INVENTORY_TYPE = OTHER. You can look up the app store name by joining with the mobile_app_info table.
app_store_name string
The name of the app store.

Mobile browser class

mobile_browser_class_id int
Mobile browser class identifier.
mobile_browser_class_name string
Name of the mobile browser class.


country_code string
Two character country code.
region_id int
Region identifier.
region_name string
Region name.

YouTube Reserve Active Views

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of yt_reserve_active_views:
  • yt_reserve_active_views_policy_isolated_youtube
impression_data struct
impression_data.creative_id int
The ID of the creative.
impression_data.line_item_id int
Line item id for this impression.
impression_data.media_plan_id int
ID of the YouTube Reserve media plan.
impression_data.order_id int
impression_id bytes
Unique identifier for impression.
num_active_view_viewable_impression int
1 when impression is active view viewable; 0 when impression is not active view viewable.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
view_id struct
Unique identifier for view has multiple parts.
view_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
view_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
view_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
viewability_metrics struct
Summable viewability metrics intended for Core and Advanced tiers of viewability. Metrics are organized by measurability pools. For each measurability pool, there is a sub-field containing the number of impressions that were measurable and the metrics that are available.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics struct
Measures a variety of viewability metrics (including quartiles) that share a common measurability denominator.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.ad_duration_msec int
Total ad duration in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_count int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at any point during playback.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.background_count int
Number of backgrounded impressions.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fullscreen_count int
Number of fullscreened impressions. Note that this count only increments on YouTube platforms that have a toggle between normal/fullscreen state. YouTube Platforms that are always in fullscreen (like YouTube CTV Apps) will show up as 0.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.measurable_count int
Number of impressions where Active View Plus metrics were able to be measured.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.viewable_10_sec_count int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen for at least 10 seconds (cumulative).
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.visible_watchtime_msec int
Total visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.watchtime_msec int
Total watchtime in milliseconds. This may differ from the value reported in Google Ads, as it is only populated when Ads Data Hub is able to measure Active View metrics.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible_and_visible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) and 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.reached int
Number of impressions that reached this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.visible int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.enabled_count int
1 if Active View was enabled, else 0. To get the total number of impressions with Active View enabled, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Similar to groupm_viewable_impressions, but with an additional requirement on playback time for measurability. Impressions must reach the GroupM threshold of 15 seconds or 50% duration in addition to being GroupM measurable to be considered GroupM TrueView measurable.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured and the impression reached the GroupM playback threshold, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured and that reached the GroupM playback threshold, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% pixels on screen with audio volume > 0% for playback of at least 15 seconds or 50% of the ad duration, whichever is shorter.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% on screen for 2 continuous seconds.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions struct
Viewability metrics based on the MRC standard. That is, whether a video ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 2 continuous seconds of playback, or a display ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 1 continuous second.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the MRC standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen struct
Measures the total time on screen for viewable impressions as determined by the MRC standard. The measurable count for impressions in this metric is zero for impressions that do not meet the MRC viewability threshold.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.measureable_count int
1 if Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.msec int
Visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds, for impressions that met the MRC viewable standard.

YouTube Reserve clicks

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of yt_reserve_clicks:
  • yt_reserve_clicks_policy_isolated_youtube
click_id struct
Unique identifier for click has multiple parts.
click_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
click_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
click_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
click_type int
The click type.
impression_data struct
impression_data.creative_id int
The ID of the creative.
impression_data.line_item_id int
Line item id for this impression.
impression_data.media_plan_id int
ID of the YouTube Reserve media plan.
impression_data.order_id int
impression_id bytes
Unique identifier for impression.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

YouTube Reserve conversions

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of yt_reserve_conversions:
  • yt_reserve_conversions_policy_isolated_youtube
click_id struct
Unique identifier for click has multiple parts.
click_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
click_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
click_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
conversion_id struct
Unique identifier for conversion has multiple parts.
conversion_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
conversion_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
conversion_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
conversion_type int
The type of conversion.
impression_data struct
impression_data.creative_id int
The ID of the creative.
impression_data.line_item_id int
Line item id for this impression.
impression_data.media_plan_id int
ID of the YouTube Reserve media plan.
impression_data.order_id int
impression_id bytes
Unique identifier for impression.
label string
Name of conversion event.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.

YouTube Reserve creative

creative_format_type string
Some formats map directly to a type. Other types have multiple formats like: html, image, or video.
creative_id int
The ID of the creative.
creative_name string
Name of the creative.
creative_type string
The type of creative.
is_masthead boolean
True if this is a masthead creative.
skippable_ad_type string
Possible values are: "SKIPPABLE", "NOT_SKIPPABLE", "UNKNOWN", or "OTHER".
third_party_vast_url string
VAST url of the creative if the creative is a third party hosted video. Doesn't support creatives from programmatic items. Formatting doesn't match dv360_youtube_creative.third_party_vast_url
video_message struct
Multipart identifier for video data.
video_message.video_ad_duration int
Duration of the video in milliseconds.
video_message.youtube_channel_id string
Id of the channel that provides this video.
video_message.youtube_video_id string
Video id string representation as it appears on YouTube watch url.

YouTube Reserve creative conversions

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of yt_reserve_creative_conversions:
  • yt_reserve_creative_conversions_policy_isolated_youtube
click_id struct
Unique identifier for click has multiple parts.
click_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
click_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
click_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
content_url string
URL of the page on which ad appeared. Part of the url is removed for privacy.
conversion_id struct
Unique identifier for conversion has multiple parts.
conversion_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
conversion_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
conversion_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
conversion_type int
The type of conversion.
impression_data struct
impression_data.creative_id int
ID of the creative.
impression_data.line_item_id int
Line item ID for this impression.
impression_data.media_plan_id int
ID of the YouTube Reserve media plan.
impression_data.order_id int
ID of Display & Video 360 customer. Joins with customer_id in any adh.dv360 table.
impression_id bytes
Unique identifier for impression.
label string
Name of conversion event.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query has multiple parts.
query_id.process_id int
Integer that identifies the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
The IPv4 address of the server that generated this event.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.
viewability_metrics struct
Summable viewability metrics intended for Core and Advanced tiers of viewability. Metrics are organized by measurability pools. For each measurability pool, there is a sub-field containing the number of impressions that were measurable and the metrics that are available.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics struct
Measures a variety of viewability metrics (including quartiles) that share a common measurability denominator.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.ad_duration_msec int
Total ad duration in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_count int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at any point during playback.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.background_count int
Number of backgrounded impressions.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fullscreen_count int
Number of fullscreened impressions. Note that this count only increments on YouTube platforms that have a toggle between normal/fullscreen state. YouTube Platforms that are always in fullscreen (like YouTube CTV Apps) will show up as 0.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.measurable_count int
Number of impressions where Active View Plus metrics were able to be measured.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.viewable_10_sec_count int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen for at least 10 seconds (cumulative).
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.visible_watchtime_msec int
Total visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.watchtime_msec int
Total watchtime in milliseconds. This may differ from the value reported in Google Ads, as it is only populated when Ads Data Hub is able to measure Active View metrics.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible_and_visible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) and 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.reached int
Number of impressions that reached this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.visible int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.enabled_count int
1 if Active View was enabled, else 0. To get the total number of impressions with Active View enabled, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Similar to groupm_viewable_impressions, but with an additional requirement on playback time for measurability. Impressions must reach the GroupM threshold of 15 seconds or 50% duration in addition to being GroupM measurable to be considered GroupM TrueView measurable.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured and the impression reached the GroupM playback threshold, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured and that reached the GroupM playback threshold, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% pixels on screen with audio volume > 0% for playback of at least 15 seconds or 50% of the ad duration, whichever is shorter.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% on screen for 2 continuous seconds.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions struct
Viewability metrics based on the MRC standard. That is, whether a video ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 2 continuous seconds of playback, or a display ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 1 continuous second.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the MRC standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen struct
Measures the total time on screen for viewable impressions as determined by the MRC standard. The measurable count for impressions in this metric is zero for impressions that do not meet the MRC viewability threshold.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.measureable_count int
1 if Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.msec int
Visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds, for impressions that met the MRC viewable standard.

YouTube Reserve impressions

To query EEA user data, use the policy-isolated tables in place of yt_reserve_impressions:
  • yt_reserve_impressions_policy_isolated_youtube
affinity array
ID of affinity group. Joins with affinity_id in adh.affinity table. Does not support YouTube line items.
browser string
Possible values are: "Chrome", "Cobalt", "Dalvik", "Edge", "Firefox", "IE", "Opera", "Other", "Safari", "Samsung Browser", "Roku", "Silk", "Unknown", "Yandex"
content_url string
URL of the page on which ad appeared. Part of the url is removed for privacy.
creative_id int
The ID of the creative.
demographics struct
Unique identifier for demographics, which has multiple parts: age_group, gender.
demographics.age_group int
Code for age group. Joins with age_group_id in adh.age_group table.
demographics.gender int
Code for gender. Joins with gender_id in adh.gender table.
device_height int
Device height in px.
device_width int
Device width in px.
format_category string
YouTube ad format. Possible values are AUDIO, DISPLAY, VIDEO, UNSPECIFIED.
impression_id bytes
Unique identifier for impression.
in_market array
ID of in-market group. Joins with in_market_id in adh.in_market table. Does not support YouTube line items.
inventory_type string
The inventory type. Possible values: YOUTUBE, YOUTUBE_TV, YOUTUBE_MUSIC, SEARCH, GMAIL, OTHER. Other refers to either the Google Display or Video network.
is_app_traffic boolean
TRUE if the event happened in a native app. FALSE if the event happened in HTML5 app or webview.
line_item_id int
Line item id for this impression.
location struct
Unique identifier for location, which has multiple parts: geo_city_id, geo_metro, geo_region. string
Two-letter code for country, for example "US".
location.geo_city_id int
Code for city. Joins with city_id in table.
location.geo_metro int
Code for metro region. Joins with metro_id in adh.metro table.
location.geo_region string
Region as string, e.g. US-CA.
media_plan_id int
ID of the YouTube Reserve media plan.
mobile_browser_class int
Type of device. Possible values are: desktop, tablet, smart tv consoles, or mobile. Joins with mobile_browser_class_id in adh.mobile_browser_class table.
operating_system string
Possible values are: "Android", "AppleTV", "Chrome OS", "Fire OS", "Google TV", "iOS", "Linux", "Mac", "Unknown", "PlayStation", "Roku", "Tizen", "Xbox", "Windows", "Windows Phone"
order_id int
ID of the Google Ad Manager order.
physical_screen_height int
Device screen height in mm.
physical_screen_width int
Device screen width in mm.
publisher_domain string
Domain of page on which ad appeared.
query_id struct
Unique identifier for query, which has multiple parts: process_id, server_ip, time_usec.
query_id.process_id int
ID of the process on the machine that generated the event.
query_id.server_ip int
IP address of the server that generated the event.
query_id.time_usec int
The number of microseconds since the epoch as an int64: 1e6 * (unix time) + microseconds.
query_language string
Language used by user.
user_id opaque
The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons. User IDs support counting and joining (across tables in ADH). They can't be exported or cast as conventional datatypes.
viewability_metrics struct
Summable viewability metrics intended for Core and Advanced tiers of viewability. Metrics are organized by measurability pools. For each measurability pool, there is a sub-field containing the number of impressions that were measurable and the metrics that are available.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics struct
Measures a variety of viewability metrics (including quartiles) that share a common measurability denominator.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.ad_duration_msec int
Total ad duration in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_and_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) and visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_count int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at any point during playback.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.audible_watchtime_msec int
Total audible (volume > 0%) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.background_count int
Number of backgrounded impressions.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fullscreen_count int
Number of fullscreened impressions. Note that this count only increments on YouTube platforms that have a toggle between normal/fullscreen state. YouTube Platforms that are always in fullscreen (like YouTube CTV Apps) will show up as 0.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.fully_visible_watchtime_msec int
Total fully visible (100% on screen) watchtime in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.measurable_count int
Number of impressions where Active View Plus metrics were able to be measured.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.viewable_10_sec_count int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen for at least 10 seconds (cumulative).
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.visible_watchtime_msec int
Total visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.watchtime_msec int
Total watchtime in milliseconds. This may differ from the value reported in Google Ads, as it is only populated when Ads Data Hub is able to measure Active View metrics.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.audible_and_visible int
Number of impressions that were audible (volume > 0%) and 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.reached int
Number of impressions that reached this point.
viewability_metrics.active_view_plus_metrics.{start, q1, q2, q3, q4}.visible int
Number of impressions that were at least 50% on screen at this point.
viewability_metrics.enabled_count int
1 if Active View was enabled, else 0. To get the total number of impressions with Active View enabled, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Similar to groupm_viewable_impressions, but with an additional requirement on playback time for measurability. Impressions must reach the GroupM threshold of 15 seconds or 50% duration in addition to being GroupM measurable to be considered GroupM TrueView measurable.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured and the impression reached the GroupM playback threshold, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured and that reached the GroupM playback threshold, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_trueview_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% pixels on screen with audio volume > 0% for playback of at least 15 seconds or 50% of the ad duration, whichever is shorter.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if GroupM viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where GroupM viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.groupm_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the GroupM standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the GroupM standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions struct
(Video only) Measures video ads playing 100% on screen for 2 continuous seconds.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Cross-Media MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_cross_media_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the Cross-Media MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions struct
Viewability metrics based on the MRC standard. That is, whether a video ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 2 continuous seconds of playback, or a display ad showed 50% pixels on screen for 1 continuous second.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.measureable_count int
1 if MRC viewability was able to be measured, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where MRC viewability was able to be measured, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.mrc_viewable_impressions.viewable_count int
1 if the impression met the MRC standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions that met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen struct
Measures the total time on screen for viewable impressions as determined by the MRC standard. The measurable count for impressions in this metric is zero for impressions that do not meet the MRC viewability threshold.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.measureable_count int
1 if Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, else 0. To get the total number of impressions where Time On Screen was able to be measured and met the MRC viewable standard, sum this field.
viewability_metrics.time_on_screen.msec int
Visible (at least 50% on screen) watchtime, in milliseconds, for impressions that met the MRC viewable standard.
youtube_page_type enum

YouTube Reserve line item

cost_per_unit int
Cost per unit served in micros
cost_type string
Cost per click, conversion, impression, and Active View.
creative_id array
Array of creative ids for this line item. Joins with creative_id in any table.
end_time timestamp
Time the line item stopped being served.
line_item_id int
Ad Manager line item serving.
line_item_name string
Ad Manager line item name.
order_id int
Ad Manager Order identifier used for serving.
order_name string
Name of the insertion order.
programmatic boolean
True if the line item was programmatic.
start_time timestamp
Time the line item started to be served.
value_cost_per_unit int
The value cost per unit of the line item.

YouTube Reserve order

advertiser_id int
Unique ID of the advertiser.
advertiser_name string
User entered name of the advertiser.
advertiser_timezone string
The YouTube Reserve advertiser time zone default set in account settings.
media_plan_id int
ID of the YouTube Reserve media plan.
media_plan_name string
Name of the YouTube Reserve media plan.
order_id int
Ad Manager Order identifier used for serving.
order_name string
Name of Ad Manager order