🎉🌍✨ Congratulations to our COPE partners from Vilnius City Municipality, Municipality of Kavala and Københavns Kommune on their URBACT Good Practice awards! ✨🌍🎉 We’re thrilled to announce that three of our COPE partners have been recognized by the URBACT IV Monitoring Committee for their outstanding contributions to sustainable urban development! This year, 116 urban practices were awarded the URBACT Good Practice label for their impactful, inclusive, and innovative solutions. Here’s what our COPE cities are doing: 🌱 Vilnius: Climate Neutral Communities – A community-driven network prioritizing climate-neutral activities for a sustainable future. ♻️🏘️ 💼 Kavala: Centralised Procurement – Supporting economic diversity and environmental sustainability through effective procurement strategies. 💚🌎 🌿 Copenhagen: Climate Taskforce – A governance model that empowers citizens to drive the local green transition. 💪🌍 👉 Explore all the URBACT Good Practices here: https://lnkd.in/dpnpa8u9 ✨ #COPE #URBACT #UrbanInnovation #SustainableCities
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Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 179 følgere
Unlocking the green potentials of citizen action
Om os
A green and just transition in cities is key to achieving carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050. The URBACT network COPE (Coherent Place-based Climate Action) will unlock the green potentials of citizen action through a place-based approach, recognizing citizens and local action groups as fundamental stakeholders working to accelerate the green transition. By actively engaging communities that have traditionally been left out of climate action, COPE increases the scope and impact of municipal policies. Network members: Lead Partner: The City of Copenhagen, Denmark The City of Kavala, Greece The City of Pombal, Portugal The City of Bistrita, Romania The City of Saint-Quentin, France The City of A Coruna, Spain The City of Korydallos, Greece The City of Vilnius, Lithuania
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- 11-50 medarbejdere
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- Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark
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Islands Brygge
Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 2300, DK
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COPE genopslog dette
Sharing knowledge across Europe COPE is an URBACT network and our focus is to be able to engage the citizens in the 8 COPE municipalities across Europe. The City of Copenhagen is the Lead Partner of COPE and they had the pleasure of hosting a meeting with our sister network LET'S GO CIRCULAR! During the meeting we heard about the waste management of Copenhagen, how does it work, what works well and what still need to be developed and how can we push the development. And not least how do they work on engaging the citizens in sorting their waste. And we heard about some of the amazing results the project CIRcuIT: https://lnkd.in/dsPsBAnj We also went for a walk in Hørgården, which is the place of intervention in COPE. Here we heard about the use of urban gardens not only as a way to make a place more green and give children knowledge and experience with growing vegetables, but also a way to make a safe space by inviting kids and moms. We also heard about Hørgårdens genbrugstation, what opportunities and activities they offer the local residents and how swapping goods and materials are a success. Thank you Øystein Leonardsen, Eleni Feleki and Wibke Borngesser for planning such a great day for sharing of knowledge! #wastemanagement #circulareconomy #reuse #waste #sortingwaste #engagement
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🌆 Exploring Sustainable Futures in Sønderbro! 🌱 Last week, COPE was lucky to host a networking event that brought together minds focused on a greener, more sustainable Copenhagen! Our network was thrilled to host our sister network from URBACT LET'S GO CIRCULAR! for a city visit to Sønderbro’s urban renewal area, where we dove into some of Copenhagen’s inspiring green initiatives. 🌍✨ Highlights included: ♻️ Introduction to Circular Copenhagen – Exploring how circular economy practices are shaping our city. 🌱 Green Waste Communities – Learning about local initiatives making waste management more sustainable. 🚛 Hørgården Recycling Station Visit – Witnessing firsthand how recycling plays a pivotal role in building a greener Copenhagen. Finally, we wrapped up the day with a vibrant discussion on lessons learned and key takeaways for future projects! 💬💡 Thanks to everyone who joined us for this insightful day. Together, we’re building the roadmap for a sustainable urban future! 🌏💪 #Networking #UrbanRenewal #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #Copenhagen
COPE genopslog dette
🌍 La Ville de Saint-Quentin a eu le plaisir de participer à la 4ème réunion du réseau Urbact COPE, qui s'est tenue à Município de Pombal, au Portugal. 💡 Cet événement a permis de se former à l’élaboration d’un Plan d'Action Intégré (PAI), un outil stratégique essentiel pour définir une vision commune et des objectifs concrets en collaboration avec les citoyens. Le PAI accompagne les territoires dans la co-construction de solutions adaptées à leurs enjeux locaux. Un grand merci à Marion Cugnet, experte et membre du secrétariat d'URBACT 🚶♀️ En complément, une visite de terrain a été organisée pour découvrir un projet expérimental : la transformation du centre historique de Pombal en zone piétonne, un exemple inspirant d’implication citoyenne. Un grand merci à l'équipe local. 🤝 Participer au programme Urbact est une véritable opportunité pour renforcer les compétences de nos territoires, échanger sur des problématiques communes, et co-développer des solutions concrètes avec nos partenaires européens. Un remerciement à notre experte qui pilote la démarche, Stine Skot. avec Amaury Cherchour Frédérique Macarez Thomas Dudebout Agglo du Saint-Quentinois #Urbact #Europe
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🌱 Citizen-Led Green Transition in Vilnius 🌍 As part of the COPE initiative within the URBACT network, Vilnius City Municipality is actively engaging local communities in the green transition. Here are three inspiring projects making a difference: 🥕 Bendruomenės Šaldytuvas: A community fridge for sharing surplus food, reducing waste, and promoting food redistribution. 📚 Knygų ir Žaislų Namelis: A sharing station for kids to exchange toys and books, teaching responsibility and sustainability. 🌻 Idėjų Lysvė: Two thriving urban gardens that unite neighbors while fostering sustainable living and collaboration. Together, these initiatives are paving the way for climate-neutral communities! Let's inspire collective action for a greener future! 💚 Learn more on COPE website and check out the amazing video by Vilnius City Municipality: https://lnkd.in/djuNfJKy #GreenTransition #Sustainability #CommunityEngagement Laura Petruškė Egle Vankevice Olga Stravinskiene
Citizen-Led Green Transition in Vilnius
One week ago, we wrapped up our Core Network Meeting #4 in beautiful Portugal, and what an experience it was! 🇵🇹 It was packed with hands-on workshops and eye-opening site visits, all brilliantly hosted by the Pombal team ✨ So, what’s at the heart of the Core Network Meetings (CNMs) in COPE 💡 🔑 Our Lead Expert, Stine Skot, doesn’t just teach facilitation methods—she actively demonstrates them, breaking down the “why” behind each approach. This gives our partner cities practical tools for leading local meetings more effectively. 🏙️ Each meeting includes site visits, where the host city puts its key neighborhoods in focus, offering a firsthand look at local challenges and solutions that help all partners better understand the context. 🔎Next up, we’ll be taking a closer look at how local interventions in Município de Pombal can drive meaningful change, focusing on Small Scale Actions and its impact on the community. Once again, a huge thanks to the Pombal team, our Lead Expert, and our Lead Partners in Copenhagen for making CNM#4 so memorable and impactful!🙌✨ #UrbanDevelopment #SmallScaleAction #greenTransition #Pombal Cláudia Costa @vera domingues @nelson Carrasqueira @silvia ferreira Øystein Leonardsen David Kempel Lise Nygaard Arre Rannvá Pállson Joensen
COPE genopslog dette
Dialogas tarp miestiečių ir savivaldybės svarbus norint kurti aplinką, kurioje gera gyventi. Visi COPE projekto miestai dirba su skirtingais iššūkiais ir tai leidžia mokytis vieniems iš kitų. Ketvirtasis projekto susitikimas vyko Pombal mieste Município de Pombal, kur visi artimiau susipažinome su vietos kontekstu ir jo specifika. Pagrindinis savivaldybės iššūkis humanizuoti istorinį miesto centrą, pritaikant jį dar labiau pėstiesiems ir jų poreikiams. Pasirodo, kad opiausios dvi problemos: 1. Automobiliai paliekami nelegaliai visai dienai siaurose istorinio centro gatvėse. 2. Vairuotojai linkę sutaupyti 2min laiko važiuoja skersai per istorinį miesto centrą, vietoje to, kad jį apvažiuotų. Išgirdus tokias dvi problemas nežinant vietos specifikos, viskas atrodo labai paprasta- apriboti ir apmokestinti parkavietes bei riboti patekimą (tam tikromis valandomis) skersai per istorinį centrą. Tačiau viskas kiek sudėtingiau, o ir Pombal savivaldybė nusprendė problemą spręsti minkštuoju būdu- keičiant žmonių sąmoningumą visai kaip Bogotos ex-meras Antanas Mockus, kuris naudojo kūrybingus ir netradicinius metodus siekdamas keisti žmonių sąmoningumą ir pagerinti miesto gyvenimą. Jis pasitelkė meną, humorą ir simboliką, kad skatintų socialinę atsakomybę. Vienas iš jo garsiausių metodų buvo mimų pasamdymas, kad šie pademonstruotų pavyzdingą elgesį gatvėse ir kritikuotų neatsakingus vairuotojus. Mockus pabrėžė pilietinį bendradarbiavimą ir visuomenės dalyvavimą sprendžiant miesto problemas, skatindamas žmones keisti savo elgesį ne per prievartą, bet per sąmoningumą ir tarpusavio supratimą. Tikiu, kad Município de Pombal komanda atras kūrybingų būdų įtikinti miestelėnus džiaugtis gatvėmis. O gal jose trūksta iš esmės veiksmo ir gyvybės, kad būtų verta apsilankyti? Uždraudus parkavimą gatvėse, prekybininkai nuogąstauja, kad sumažės apyvarta. Bet ar tikrai? Per dvi intensyvias diskusijų dienas, taip pat galvojau kas labiausiai padėtų ir paskatintų bendruomeninių iniciatyvų aktyvumą ir virsmą Vilniaus mieste, kuriant ir plečiant klimatui neutralias veiklas ir projektus savo kaiminystėse. Manau, būtų šaunu, jei Vilniuje atsirastų bendruomenių platforma-skėtinė organizacija, kuri padėtų kurtis vietinėms grupėms, skatintų tarpusavio bendradarbiavimą ir nuimtų juridinio asmens steigimo ir buhalterinių apskaitų naštą. Pasirodo tokia panaši organizacija jau egzistuoja Kopenhagoje. ( Gal žinote ir kitų pavyzdžių?) https://gnf.green/ Ačiū Lise Nygaard Arre už pasidalinimą. Cláudia Costa Øystein Leonardsen Stine Skot Lise Nygaard Arre Rannvá Pállson Joensen Dr Mimina Pateraki Egle Vankevice Amaury Cherchour Romain Briet-Prévot #UrbactCOPE #Teamwork #Pombal #cocreation
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Augalais 🌱 prieš automobilius Šią senamiesčio gatvę nedidelio Portugalijos Pombal miesto savivaldybė Município de Pombal grąžina pėstiesiems. Iš pradžių vyko diskusijos su gyventojais, bandoma išsklaidyti smulkiųjų verslininkų baimę, kad apribojus automobilių stovėjimą centre, pas juos niekas nesilankys. Nepatenkinti buvo ir automobilių savininkai įpratę važiuoti per istorinį miesto centrą bei palikti čia automobilius. Vis dėlto gyventojų apklausa parodė, kad dauguma miesto gyventojų pritaria tokiam žingsniui. Įgyvendinant „žaliojo virsmo“ projektą COPE 💚pradėti pokyčiai: automobilių stovėjimo vietose buvo padėta nemažai vazonų su augalais, medeliais, įrengtos poilsio erdvės, suoleliai, stalai, knygų lentynos, vaikų kampelis, vieta augintiniams. Nors įrenginiai laikini, anot Pombal atstovų, jie norėjo parodyti gyventojams, kaip istorinis miesto centras galėtų atrodyti, jei žmonės į jį atvyktų be automobilio, ar automobilį paliktų toliau esančiose stovėjimo aikštelėse. Po eksperimento, kai kas vėl grįžo į savo vietas - pro siauras gatves vėl braunasi transportas, palei mažas parduotuves pristatyta automobilių. Vadinasi galima daryti išvadą, kad be draudimų ir baudų žmonės nepakeičia savo įpročių ir požiūrio? Ne visai. Po šio eksperimento, kai kurie parduotuvių savininkai savo noru paprašė, kad būtų palikti gėlių vazonai, kurie neleidžia prisiparkuoti automobiliams. Kai kurie gyventojai norėjo, kad būtų nedidelės poilsio stotelės su suolais ir stalais būtų paliktos. Taigi, pokytis po truputį skverbiasi ir į mąstyseną. O kiek Vilniuje pėsčiųjų alėjų? Ar mes jau pasirengę kai kurias gatves grąžinti miestiečiams, o ne atiduoti automobiliams?
COPE genopslog dette
FACILITATION: THE IMPORTANCE OF VARIETY In our URBACT network COPE we plan long and ambitious days to justify spending time, money and not least CO2 to travel and meet in person. To get the best out of our intense meetings the facilitation is super important. In my planning, I aim for having diverse days with different ways to interact using different methods and tools. It is also very important that everyone feel welcome and safe and that we are able to have fun while we learn from each other. And not least it is important to have space to be able to move around. In our meeting in Município de Pombal in Portugal we were located in perfect surroundings. During this 2-day meeting from 9 -18.30 we worked in plenum presentations, in different groupsettings, in peer reviews, site-visits, online feedback in Miro (where we keep our network tools), standing, sitting, walking. This time we did not work tactile creating things using different materials, but I love when we do that too. I always think this is extremely difficult and I fail in many ways. But I love when in glimpses I feel the good vibes in the room - almost like the feeling of harmony when singing in a choir. I always try to embrace critics because that is giving me an understanding of how I can improve. In COPE I try to be explicit about what we do - so taking a meta perspective - in order for our partners to go home and think about these things when they are the facilitators in their local groups. Cláudia Costa @vera domingues @nelson mendes @Sergio Carrasqueira @Silvia Ferreira Øystein Leonardsen Lise Nygaard Arre Rannvá Pállson Joensen David Kempel Dr Mimina Pateraki Sotiris Serdenis IO CHATZIVARYTI Panagiotis Moumtsakis Christina Paraskevopoulou Laura Petruškė Egle Vankevice Olga Stravinskiene María González Vázquez Amaury Cherchour Romain Briet-Prévot @Cristina Cudrec Democracy X Democracy X
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COPE genopslog dette
SHARING KNOWLEDGE ON HOW TO FACILITATE CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT Our COPE network of 8 European municipalities under the URBACT programme ROCK 🫶 Maybe I am a bit biased, but after spending two full packed days with our partners, listening to their discussions, watching their dedication to making a difference for their cities and citizens it bring me #hope All 8 cities are working on engaging their citizens in taking #green action - a process that also requires a change in the governance mindset. NOT easy! Município de Pombal hosted our meeting in their beautiful Casa Varela and showcased their actions for everyone to learn from it 💚 Thanks to Marion Cugnet for taking all partners a step further in the process of writing Integrated Action Plans 🤘 and to our URBACT project officer Irina ROTARU for guiding us 🙏 And a thousand thanks to our Lead Partner from City of Copenhagen and all COPE partners for engaging in our Midterm Review and everything else I put you through 🫶 #citizenengagement #greentransition #justtransition Cláudia Costa @vera domingues @nelson mendes @Sergio Carrasqueira @Silvia Ferreira Øystein Leonardsen Lise Nygaard Arre Rannvá Pállson Joensen David Kempel Dr Mimina Pateraki Sotiris Serdenis IO CHATZIVARYTI Panagiotis Moumtsakis Christina Paraskevopoulou Laura Petruškė Egle Vankevice Olga Stravinskiene María González Vázquez Amaury Cherchour Romain Briet-Prévot @Cristina Cudrec Democracy X Democracy X