FORESIGHT Media Group is a producer of high-end magazines since 2011. Serious investigative journalism is the heart of an independent press. The importance of the role of an independent press as the fourth pillar of democratic society has never been more clearly recognised than in these troubled times.
The FORESIGHT stable of publications includes FORESIGHT Climate & Energy, a renowned energy transition publication established in 2016, and, until recently, FORESIGHT Global Health, a publication launched with Dalberg Media in 2020 on non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In 2022, FORESIGHT Global Health was acquired (and later rebranded) by Dalberg Media.
FORESIGHT Media Group is now 100% dedicated to much needed independent journalism focusing on the policy and operational issues of achieving an affordable energy transition.
Climate change is at the top of the political agenda. Governments are promising to do much more to move from a fossil fuel economy to one based on renewable energies and greater efficiency. But there is a world of difference between knee-jerk reactions and well-thought-out change for long-term climate and societal gain.
This is where FORESIGHT Climate & Energy comes in with its in-depth articles and expert opinions on the solutions and remaining barriers to a clean energy economy.
FORESIGHT Climate & Energy is the essential read on the global energy transition. Led by our Editor in London, our network of expert journalists and writers report objectively on what really matters.
Over 100,000 policy makers, energy experts in business, finance and academia, city leaders and leading NGOs have access to our website, while our magazine is read by over 60,000 influential stakeholders.
Visit to learn how you and your company can join the FORESIGHT community and access the latest and most in-depth knowledge on the global energy transition.
11-50 medarbejdere
Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark
High-end Publishing, Communication, Advertising, Marketing, Print and Online Media, Targeted Reports, Branding, Storytelling, Energy Transition, Climate & Energy og Thought leadership