IWGIAs coverbillede


Internationale anliggender

Over 50 years defending Indigenous Peoples' rights

Om os

We are an international human rights organisation defending indigenous peoples’ rights. For almost 50 years, we have documented the fight for indigenous peoples’ rights. We are working through a global network of indigenous peoples’ organisations and international mechanisms. We promote the recognition, respect and implementation of indigenous people’s rights to land, cultural integrity and development on their own terms. OUR MISSION We work for a world where indigenous peoples’ voices are heard and their rights are implemented. www.iwgia.org

Internationale anliggender
11-50 medarbejdere
Indigenous peoples, The Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Land rights, Climate action og Global governance


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    Prinsessegade 29 B, 3rd floor

    Copenhagen, 1422, DK

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    🌊 On this #WorldWaterDay, we celebrate the deep connection Indigenous Peoples have with aquatic ecosystems. 🌀 For fishing-dependent Indigenous communities, fishing is far more than an occupation - it is a vital part of their cultures, spiritual beliefs, traditional knowledge, and food systems. Yet, the rights of #IndigenousPeoples in fisheries are often misunderstood and overlooked. Many Indigenous fishers are criminalized for practicing their customary fishing rights, especially when marine conservation measures are implemented without Indigenous Peoples' meaningful participation or consideration for their traditional knowledge. 📘 Our publication "Indigenous Peoples’ Customary Fishing Rights: Key Issues and Input from the Expert Meeting on Indigenous Peoples and Fisheries“ explores these challenges and highlights ways to advocate for #IndigenousPeoplesRights in fisheries governance. 💧 Let’s ensure #Indigenous voices are heard and their rights are respected in protecting aquatic ecosystems. 🔗 Read more here: https://lnkd.in/e2p4MnyS #IndigenousRights #HumanRights #Fishing #Water

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  • 🌳 Today, on #InternationalDayOfForests, we honor the vital role forests play in sustaining life and the Indigenous Peoples who have protected them for generations. 🌍 Despite their environmental stewardship, #IndigenousPeoples are disproportionately affected by climate change, including forest fires, and face harm from top-down climate actions imposed on their lands. 🌿 Protecting forests starts with respecting #IndigenousRights, wisdom, and leadership. #Indigenous #HumanRights #Justice #ClimateJustice

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  • ✊ On this #InternationalDayForTheEliminationOfRacialDiscrimination, we stand for equality, non-discrimination and justice. 🌍 #IndigenousPeoples continue to face systemic discrimination and marginalization, eroding their rights, livelihoods, and cultural heritage. States must fulfill their legal obligations to recognize, respect and protect Indigenous rights, ensuring these commitments are reflected in policies and reporting. ✨ True progress in eliminating racial discrimination requires justice for #Indigenous Peoples. Together, let us stand for dignity, equality, and a more just future for all. #IndigenousPeoplesRights #HumanRights #Equality #Justice

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  • 🔙 #TBT This report on the Southeast Asia Consultation on Development, Access to Justice, and the Human Rights of Indigenous Women highlights the severe rights violations Indigenous women face as both women and Indigenous Peoples - especially when state and corporate projects encroach on their territories. 📖 The report sheds light on the often-overlooked violence against #IndigenousWomen, emphasizing their vital roles in promoting sustainable resource management and driving holistic community development. 🌏 Let’s stand together to promote and respect the rights of #Indigenous women. 🔗 Read the full report here: https://bit.ly/4jzghsz #IndigenousPeoples #IndigenousPeoplesRights #IndigenousRights #HumanRights #Women

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  • DEADLINE TODAY IWGIA is looking for an independent, external consultant to carry out a final evaluation of the third phase of The Indigenous Navigator project. 👉 Find the full TOR here: https://bit.ly/3QDJ9mg 👈 The purpose of the final evaluation is: ▪️To assess the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the Project in accordance with the Description of the Action and objectives, and as per the guiding questions of the OECD DAC evaluation. ▪️To assess the inclusion of gender and Indigenous persons with disabilities among its activities. ▪️To identify lessons learned and provide recommendations that can guide the project stakeholders in future work. ▪️To assess the project set-up and effectiveness of the different levels of partnership. Interested candidates meeting the requirements, must submit the following to Ena Alvarado Madsen ea@iwgia.org no later than 14 March 2025: ▪️CV: Individual CV of all proposed team members (Max. 3 pages/each) ▪️Technical Proposal: Containing: i) An expression of interest highlighting why the consultant considers themselves the most suitable for the assignment (max. 1 page), and ii) A proposed methodology on how they will approach and complete the assignment (max. 1 page) ▪️Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should provide a detailed breakdown of all cost items (professional fees, travel costs, living allowances etc.) based on the requirements of the ToR. 👉 Find the full TOR here: https://bit.ly/3QDJ9mg 👈 #Indigenous #IndigenousPeoples #HumanRights

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  • IWGIA is looking for an independent, external consultant to carry out a final evaluation of the third phase of The Indigenous Navigator project. 👉 Find the full TOR here: https://bit.ly/3QDJ9mg 👈 The purpose of the final evaluation is: ▪️To assess the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the Project in accordance with the Description of the Action and objectives, and as per the guiding questions of the OECD DAC evaluation. ▪️To assess the inclusion of gender and Indigenous persons with disabilities among its activities. ▪️To identify lessons learned and provide recommendations that can guide the project stakeholders in future work. ▪️To assess the project set-up and effectiveness of the different levels of partnership. Interested candidates meeting the requirements, must submit the following to Ena Alvarado Madsen ea@iwgia.org no later than 17 March 2025: ▪️CV: Individual CV of all proposed team members (Max. 3 pages/each) ▪️Technical Proposal: Containing: i) An expression of interest highlighting why the consultant considers themselves the most suitable for the assignment (max. 1 page), and ii) A proposed methodology on how they will approach and complete the assignment (max. 1 page) ▪️Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should provide a detailed breakdown of all cost items (professional fees, travel costs, living allowances etc.) based on the requirements of the ToR. 👉 Find the full TOR here: https://bit.ly/3QDJ9mg 👈 #Indigenous #IndigenousPeoples #HumanRights

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  • Tillykke med valget! Vi vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at fremhæve en pointe fra IWGIA’s bestyrelsesmedlem, Nauja Bianco, som i dag deltog i Foreningen Norden 's efter-valgarrangement. Nauja havde et budskab om, at danskerne bør tilegne sig mere viden om Grønland. "Besøg de grønlandske huse. Besøg Grønland. Dyrk kunst og kultur fra Grønland. Få derigennem en fornemmelse af den grønlandske folkesjæl." Der er på mange måder stærke bånd mellem Danmark og Grønland, men der er også uvidenhed om det moderne Kalaallit Nunaat og om inuit, et af nordens to oprindelige folk. Uvidenhed skaber misforståelser, og det gavner ingen.

  • IWGIA is looking for an independent, external consultant to carry out a final evaluation of the third phase of The Indigenous Navigator project. 👉 Find the full TOR here: https://bit.ly/3QDJ9mg 👈 The purpose of the final evaluation is: ▪️To assess the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the Project in accordance with the Description of the Action and objectives, and as per the guiding questions of the OECD DAC evaluation. ▪️To assess the inclusion of gender and Indigenous persons with disabilities among its activities. ▪️To identify lessons learned and provide recommendations that can guide the project stakeholders in future work. ▪️To assess the project set-up and effectiveness of the different levels of partnership. Interested candidates meeting the requirements, must submit the following to Ena Alvarado Madsen ea@iwgia.org no later than 14 March 2025: ▪️CV: Individual CV of all proposed team members (Max. 3 pages/each) ▪️Technical Proposal: Containing: i) An expression of interest highlighting why the consultant considers themselves the most suitable for the assignment (max. 1 page), and ii) A proposed methodology on how they will approach and complete the assignment (max. 1 page) ▪️Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should provide a detailed breakdown of all cost items (professional fees, travel costs, living allowances etc.) based on the requirements of the ToR. 👉 Find the full TOR here: https://bit.ly/3QDJ9mg 👈 #Indigenous #IndigenousPeoples #HumanRights

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  • 📣Join us at today at #CSW69 ♀️AIPP, IWGIA, PEREMPUAN AMAN, and Innabuyog have worked on analysing and addressing the links between violence against Indigenous women and the impacts of climate change and environmental policies in 🇮🇩 Indonesia and the 🇵🇭 Philippines. 🌱 In this side-event, we will highlight the findings from our research, experiences and activities with Indigenous communities encountering environmental changes, violence against Indigenous women and the lack of proper environmental policies addressing these lived experiences of Indigenous women. 🗣️Confirmed speakers: • Sushila Thapa Magar (moderator) • Sushmita Lama (AIPP) • Signe Leth (IWGIA) • Devi Anggraini (PEREMPUAN AMAN) • Sarah Bestang Dekdeken (Innabuyog/Cordillera Peoples’ Alliance) 🗓️Tuesday March 11 ⏰8:30-10 am 📍UN Church Center, 777 United Nation Plz, 8th floor The event will be in-person only and in English 🇬🇧. #IndigenousPeoples #Women #Climate

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