Less. Fashion

Less. Fashion

Teknologi, information og internet

Empowering fashion brands to join the circular economy with ease

Om os

Less, is an all-in-one plug-in solution empowering fashion brands to seamlessly join the circular economy. As the first company, we're offering an easy way for you as a brand to rent out new items multiple times and subsequently resell the worn items directly on your existing website, creating two sustainable revenue streams. Less plug-in is seamlessly integrated into your product site, aligning with your tone of voice, design, and brand DNA. We handle the return, inspection and cleaning of your products, ensuring sustainability every step of the way. With our solution, customers can rent new items or purchase pre-loved ones directly from your brand. Sounds like something for you? Book a demo today and let’s make your business even greener!

Teknologi, information og internet
2-10 medarbejdere
Less Fashion, Circular-as-a-service, Fashion industry, Lifestyle brands, Circular economy, Sustainable solutions, Rental services, Fashion rental, Online business, Scalable solutions, Sustainable practices, Ethical consumption, Circular fashion, Sustainability initiatives, Fashion innovation, Fashion marketplace, Sustainable growth, Fashion sustainability, B2B rentals, Plugin solution, Saas technology, Furniture brands, Rental-as-a-service, Recommerce og Commerce


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  • Se organisationssiden for Less. Fashion, grafik

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    You can't chase excess and call it sustainable ❕ It doesn’t matter how much fast fashion has lowered prices if it’s driving production to an all-time high. As the Copenhagen Fashion Summit reported, over 100 billion garments are produced each year, with millions discarded into landfills. No amount of recycling can neutralize the damage caused by creating so much in the first place. You can do more for the world than creating ‘more stuff.’ Your customers don’t need new; they need to rediscover what they already own. Brands can lead by offering services that not only repair, alter, or customize garments but also provide opportunities for resale and rental. Imagine giving customers access to a rotating wardrobe, allowing them to stay on trend without the burden of clutter. This is about innovating with less and embracing recommerce as a path to sustainability. The potential to reduce waste and maximize profits is there, but it’s up to brands to lead the way. Are they ready to commit to sustainability? After all, old ways won’t open new doors. https://lnkd.in/dxThni2j.

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    Se profil for Abbie Morris, grafik
    Abbie Morris Abbie Morris er en influencer

    Follow for posts about sustainability, policy and business | Forbes 30U30 | Scaling environmental and human rights compliance AI tech - CompareEthics.com

    🗞 BIG NEWS FROM CALIFORNIA: The state has passed a bill requiring fashion brands to pay for clothing waste recycling. It only needs sign off from Governor Gavin Newsom to become law. Here are the top-line details 👇 • The bill would make fashion brands financially responsible for the collection and recycling of clothing waste. • It follows a growing trend of extended producer responsibility (EPR), where businesses are held accountable for the entire lifecycle of their products. • While it may increase operational costs in the short-term, it also opens up opportunities to INNOVATE—whether through more sustainable materials or circular business models that keep clothes out of landfills. Textile waste is a major problem worldwide, with over 11 MILLION tonnes of clothing ending up in US landfills every year 🤯. This new legislation aims to reduce that impact by encouraging recycling and reuse 🙌. Don't forget—THIS IS NOTHING NEW. While California is leading the way in the US, European countries have already introduced similar EPR programmes. Brands need to stay on top of these global regulatory changes to ensure compliance and stay competitive. _____ ➕ Follow Abbie Morris for posts about sustainability, policy, and startups. 📧 Drop me a DM if you want to learn more about tackling the mountain of sustainability regulation facing the retail industry.

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    Se profil for Brittany Sierra, grafik

    Founder & CEO at the Sustainable Fashion Forum, Host of the Green Behavior Podcast

    At the root of fashion's most pressing problems lies overproduction and overconsumption. Each year, an estimated 100 billion garments are purchased (probably even more), and 92 million tonnes are discarded (definitely likely more), with projections for significant increases by 2030. As sustainability advocates and industry professionals, we’re all too familiar with the harsh realities of the fashion industry’s negative environmental and social impact. Driven by resource constraints, growing regulatory pressure, investor expectations, and an increasing consumer focus on environmental/social impact, brands are increasingly committing to sustainability and rolling out eco-friendly initiatives. Yet, despite *wanting* to champion sustainability, brands also don't want to produce less, and they definitely don't want you to stop buying their products. After all, they are businesses driven by profitability. 🙃 But it's not just brands. Consumers claim to care about sustainability and the environmental impact of their purchases, yet they still crave cheap, trendy clothing. 🙃 Enter circular fashion and textile recycling. ♻️👗 If the fashion industry could achieve a closed-loop system, nothing would ever end up in landfills and clothes would be endlessly recycled. The problem is, we can't currently achieve that. Despite significant investments and high-profile commitments from various industry players, as well as the excitement surrounding innovative technologies and partnerships, the reality remains stark. Less than 1% of textiles are currently recycled into new ones. Even for those of us in the industry, understanding these initiatives can be challenging. 🤔 We see massive investments, but where is the money being allocated, and why does the problem persist despite such significant financial backing? 🤔 We see lengthy timelines, but if the technology exists and pilots are underway, why does scaling take so long? 🤔 We see press releases and exciting conference announcements, but why is the tangible impact so slow, and the real-world progress lagging behind the hype? Without insider knowledge, it’s hard to understand the full scope of the work, timelines, and obstacles involved. It’s also hard not to feel skeptical when the work behind sustainability efforts isn't visible, and it feels like questions are being overlooked or ignored. 👀 To bridge these gaps and provide a clearer picture, I’m incredibly excited to host an exclusive fireside chat TOMORROW (9/4) with Dennis Nobelius, CEO of Syre, inside the Sustainable Fashion Forum's new membership community, SFF Insiders! This conversation will offer a behind-the-scenes look at the current state of textile recycling, how major investments are allocated, the challenges and timelines involved in driving meaningful progress, and how these initiatives are evolving to truly drive change. Have questions or just want the tea? 👀 RSVP and come hang out! 😎 https://lnkd.in/gPCCzr-i

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    Se profil for Brittany Sierra, grafik

    Founder & CEO at the Sustainable Fashion Forum, Host of the Green Behavior Podcast

    Where is the money in sustainable fashion?! Why is it that those driving the most innovative and forward-thinking work are often struggling with a lack of funds or no budget at all? 👀 Are we mismanaging our budgets? Are we failing to monetize? Or is the industry not fully backing the changes we claim to want? We’re conducting a survey to explore these questions and more! 📊 Click here (https://lnkd.in/gXp4z_Ct) to share your experiences anonymously and help us uncover the barriers, challenges, and opportunities in securing funding and support for sustainable fashion. Your insights will contribute to an upcoming Sustainable Fashion Forum project launching in October and will fuel a broader conversation on how we can collectively tackle these financial hurdles and drive meaningful change in the industry. 📝 Take the survey: https://lnkd.in/gXp4z_Ct

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    Se organisationssiden for Kreation, grafik

    162 følgere

    UPGRADE YOUR BRAND. NOT YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT ♻️ We partnered with the Danish tech startup Less. Fashion to craft engaging copy, from snappy social media content to a full rewrite of their website. Beyond copywriting, we produced a brand video to showcase their concept and supported the founder, Drita Memisi, with LinkedIn posts to strengthen her personal brand. #copywriting #videoproduction #branding #personalbranding

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    Se profil for Jonathan Løw, grafik

    Serie-iværksætter & Foredragsholder om AI og LISTEN LOUDER 👂 Vært på EXTRAORDINARY 👂 AI-blogger på Børsen og Finans

    Disse 20 iværksættere er for seje. De fortjener, at langt flere kender til dem! Nogle er godt i gang med at bygge lovende virksomheder, mens andre allerede lever (af) deres drøm. De er i mine øjne #rollemodeller for deres egne og fremtidige generationer, når vi taler #iværksætteri. Jeg laver ofte opslag herinde, hvor jeg fremhæver iværksættere, og de er som regel vidt forskellige. Nogle er unge; nogle er mænd; nogle er fra Jylland; nogle har et handicap; nogle holder med AGF (ikke nok!) osv. Jeg opfordrer altid til at fokusere på MENNESKER frem for enkeltmarkører som fx. køn, alder, etnicitet osv. Derfor er dette opslag også blot tænkt som endnu et bud på vigtige rollemodeller, som nogle vil kunne spejle sig i - andre ikke. Hvis DU kender nogle, der fortjener at blive nævnt, så ‘tag’ dem meget gerne i tråden. Det gælder uanset, om de måtte have ting til fælles med de 20, jeg fremhæver her i opslaget, eller ej. Men tilbage til de 20 og derfor nu et kæmpe SHOUT OUT til … Angela Namere - stifter af MyBelly ApS som laver sports- og badetøj til aktive, gravide kvinder. Aya Li Skafte-Holm - founder af AYA LI og co-founder af VANDAYA. Drita Memisi - skaber af fashion-tech-virksomheden Less. Fashion samt best. medlem hos Women In Tech Denmark. Ellie Jokar - rapper, skuespillerinde, komiker, rebel og kulturel iværksætter. Gina Périer - stifter af Lapee - et urinal til kvinder. Hafsa Jama - står bag startup- og modevirksomheden NU-Modest. Hayel Celik-Graversen - selvstændig juridisk rådgiver og stifter af udlejningskonceptet The Guesthouse - A Slow Living Concept. Kristin Assaad - erhvervsjurist, serieiværksætter, Berlingske talent 100 og stifter af bla. LegalUp. Maria Jarjis - videnskabsinfluencer og formidler videnskab, primært til børn og unge på de sociale medier. Mellissa Hussein - forfatter, foredragsholder og podcast-vært med fokus på at styrke piger/kvinder. Nadia Alanti - kage-kreatør og skaber af virksomheden Comfycakes. Nadia Jun - Co-founder af DUFFBEAUTY, et af skandinaviens hurtigst voksende beauty brands. Nagin Ravand – stifter af wearegloball som får flere piger med minoritetsetniskbaggrund ud på fodboldbanen. Rosa Faizzad - modedesigner, én af Aarhus førende iværksættere og featured i Vogue m.m. Dr. Sabba Mirza - CEO for My Law Story - en juridisk medieplatform med fokus på diversitet, ligestilling og trivsel. Saira Ali – grundlægger af legal-tech virksomheden Karva, som beskæftiger sig med dødsboopgørelser. Samina Usman - Femilog® - en prisvindende app der hjælper kvinder med at navigere i overgangsalderen. Sarah Fourian - Kommunikations- og brandingvirksomheden Fourian.dk, Berlingske Talent 100. Shakila Shaheen - rådgiver omkring digital transformation til virksomheder i health-tech og lifescience. Suheeyla Mohamed - arbejder på at lancere et bæredygtigt alternativ til duftlys. Sumeya Hassan - har lanceret et one-size træningstørklæde – Reclaim Active. Zuhal Kocan - kreativ iværksætter med fokus på fotografi, video og arkitektur.

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    Se profil for Drita Memisi, grafik

    Founder | Strategic Advisor | Board Member | Driving Innovation, Growth & Digital Transformation | Recommerce & Sustainability Expert | Advocate for Diversity in Tech |

    Globalt ser vi en stigning i udlejning, men Danmark halter bagefter. Jeg mener dog, at det kun er et spørgsmål om tid, før 'rental revolutionen' rammer os. "Jeg er overbevist om, at især de yngre generationer er klar til at ændre deres forhold til tøj. De ønsker frihed og at eje mindre." Det har jeg bl.a. udtalt mig om i nedenstående artikel. Tak for at dele og bidrage 💚 Karoline Rahbek & Verdens Bedste Nyheder Heidi Svane Pedersen Lifestyle & Design Cluster #lessfashion #rentalrevolution #lessismore

    Har du tøj hængene i skabet, som du kun har brugt én eller få gange? De fleste kender det, og mange køber alligevel nyt næste gang, de bliver inviteret til fest. Det gør flere og flere forbrugere nu op med kloden over. De lejer i stedet deres tøj et par dage eller en måned ad gangen 👗 Det globale marked for udlejning af tøj oplever lige nu en markant vækst efter nogle hårde corona-år. Herhjemme lader det danske marked dog stadig vente på sig. Jeg har talt med Heidi Svane Pedersen fra Lifestyle & Design Cluster og Drita Memisi fra Less. Fashion om det potentiale, der ligger og venter ♻️

    Cirkulær ekspert og selverklæret Bilka-dansker: ”Hvis selv jeg kan blive overbevist om fordelene ved at leje tøj, så kan alle”

    Cirkulær ekspert og selverklæret Bilka-dansker: ”Hvis selv jeg kan blive overbevist om fordelene ved at leje tøj, så kan alle”


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    Se organisationssiden for Global Fashion Agenda, grafik

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    Today marks the beginning of the highly anticipated Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2024! ✨ Ahead of the Summit Days, we brought together press, speakers, and GFA partners in Copenhagen for a Policy Masterclass to unpack Global Policy in the Fashion Industry and for a Press Conference at the beautiful Danish Architecture Center - home to the Global Fashion Agenda Headquarters. We're thrilled to kick off the Summit tomorrow! #GlobalFashionSummit #UnlockingTheNextLevel

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  • Less. Fashion genopslog dette

    Se profil for Drita Memisi, grafik

    Founder | Strategic Advisor | Board Member | Driving Innovation, Growth & Digital Transformation | Recommerce & Sustainability Expert | Advocate for Diversity in Tech |

    Se organisationssiden for INTENTIONAL, grafik

    673 følgere

    Founder Friday: Spotlight on Drita Memisi from Less. Fashion 🌱 In this edition of Founder Friday we dive into the inspiration behind Less Fashion, a tech-driven B2B rental solution empowering fashion brands to embrace circular fashion seamlessly. ✨ What inspired you to start Less Fashion? ✨ The inspiration behind starting Less Fashion comes from personal experiences and values. My parents' upbringing in scarcity and my father's stories of sharing clothes taught me about mindful consumption. I always had a strong interest in fashion, and growing up, I loved creating and sewing my own clothes, guided by these values. In 2018, while searching for a new outfit for a gala, I wanted something new, but the demand for constant "newness" conflicted with my values. I began exploring sustainable online fashion options and discovered the concept of clothing rental. I saw the potential for B2B rentals, which inspired the founding of Less Fashion in 2022 ✨ How has the product been received so far in the trials? ✨ Since 2022, we have been dedicated to developing a valuable product that meets the needs of both fashion brands and consumers. Securing funding from Innovation Fund Denmark in 2023 enabled us to further refine our product and conduct trials with online fashion brands. As a result, our platform has garnered interest in Denmark, Sweden, Holland, and especially the UK, where the fashion rental market is most mature. ✨ What is the impact of Less Fashion in the industry? ✨ The impact of Less Fashion is promising, although it's still early to see full results as we are in the early stages. However, based on our market analysis, trials, and experience in the US and UK, implementing rental solutions for fashion brands has shown significant impact. We are reducing waste and boosting profitability. Our solution promotes circular fashion by integrating rental and resale revenue streams, reducing the environmental impact of each garment by 20-30%. Our solution addresses the urgent need for sustainable shopping in fashion, appealing to eco-conscious consumers and offering an alternative to ultra-fast fashion giants like Shein and Temu. ✨ What are your ambitions for Less Fashion in 2024? ✨ We are now ready to scale our operations in Denmark starting in 2024. Following this, we plan to launch pilots with fashion brands in Sweden, Holland, and the UK by the end of 2024 / early 2025. The demand from consumers, particularly Gen Z and Millennials, indicates the promising future of our circular fashion platform. We are actively working on two significant marketing and PR initiatives, including a sustainable pledge commitment starting in Denmark with key stakeholders. These efforts will strengthen our community connections, enhance our brand perception, and drive the revolutionary change we seek in the fashion industry. Finally, We aim to secure funding to scale our operations, invest in sales and marketing, and further develop our product. #lessfashion

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