Palmproject Europe

Palmproject Europe

Arkitektur og planlægning

Kolding, Syddanmark 216 følgere

Om os

Palmproject Europe designs, project plans, plants and manages atriums and winter gardens in the Nordic countries and Europe. We assist with broad knowledge and experience after 30 years in the industry and can help with all the pertinent issues surrounding the plants in the winter gardens.

Arkitektur og planlægning
2-10 medarbejdere
Kolding, Syddanmark


  • Primær

    Kokmose 16

    Kolding, Syddanmark 6000, DK

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  • Andersrudveien 1

    Ytre Enebakk, 1914, NO

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Medarbejdere hos Palmproject Europe


  • Se organisationssiden for Palmproject Europe, grafik

    216 følgere

    The first Bovieran project in Norway is now filled with more than 2.000 plants to the benefit of seniors 🌴✅   After four days of hard work, we have now transformed the 1.400 square meters indoor space to a winter garden filled with more than 2.000 exotic plants, trees and palm trees inspired by the Mediterranean area and the French Riviera. Bovieran Norge is behind this beautiful senior housing project, where the lucky plants and residents within the winter garden never experience temperatures colder than 10 degrees – and have the benefit of lots of plants, cozy areas and plenty of “HYGGE”!   The idea behind Bovieran is to create a pleasant and safe community among the residents. Here, there are good conditions for new pleasant friendships and the housing itself is built for good fellowship. There are pétanque courts, dining areas, a small lake and lots of places to meet with neighbours, family and friends. There is something for everyone - whether you want to do something together, or find peace all by yourself.   We have had the pleasure of being responsible for everything green from design to import of plants, construction of the irrigation system, planting of all plants and have found a partner for the following maintenance of the plants. Also a big thank you to Jydsk Planteservice A/S and Växtlaget Sverige AB who provided staff and helped with the project.   The first residents will move in later this year – we wish them the best of luck with their new beautiful surroundings!

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    Se organisationssiden for Jydsk Planteservice A/S, grafik

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    Drømmer du om en tur sydpå? Det behøver de ikke hos Bovieran Danmark A/S, for de har taget den franske riviera med til Danmark i deres seniorboliger med overdækket atriumgård og 1.800 eksotiske planter 🌴🌺 Når beboerne træder ud af deres private hoveddør, træder de direkte ind i en glasoverdækket vinterhave, inspireret af Middelhavet. Denne vinterhave er fyldt med eksotiske planter, palmer og blomster, og byder på et behageligt klima og temperatur hele året. Her er fællesskab og velvære i fokus, og vejret er altid godt. Visionen bag Bovierans store projekt er at skabe fremtidens seniorboliger med optimale betingelser for helbred, samvær og velvære. Derfor er målet at skabe et trygt, lyst og levende udemiljø året rundt, hvor der er masser af muligheder for at være social med fælles middage, fester under palmerne, spille petanque eller slappe af i en af de mange hyggekroge omgivet af planter. Det første projekt i Danmark stod klar til indflytning den 1. maj 2020, hvor 55 lejligheder blev beboet af seniorer. I dag er der 7 Bovieran-projekter i Danmark, og flere er på vej. Vi har bidraget med alt det grønne, og vores dygtige gartnere sørger for, at omgivelserne forbliver lige så smukke, grønne og frodige. Et fantastisk projekt for krop og sjæl.

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  • Se organisationssiden for Palmproject Europe, grafik

    216 følgere

    Day 1 vs. day 500 of an indoor winter garden ☀🌴 We love Bovieran projects, where we get to transform 1400 square meters indoor space to a winter garden filled with 1800 exotic plants, trees and palm trees inspired by the Mediterranean area and the French Riviera. This project is senior homes from Bovieran Danmark A/S, and the lucky plants and residents never experience temperatures colder than 10 degrees. These pictures are taken on day 1 in Frederiksværk (year 2021), compared with pictures taken on day 500 from our first project in Frederikssund (year 2020). Since then we have now done seven Bovieran projects in Denmark. We are very happy to say that the plants three and four years later still look great, and that the senior residents still love the garden. The plants are growing well, and a big thank you and a huge pat on the back must go to the talented gardeners at Jydsk Planteservice A/S for their great efforts! 👨🌾👩🌾🌳

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  • Se organisationssiden for Palmproject Europe, grafik

    216 følgere

    Bringing South Europe to Esbjerg, Denmark: The Krebsehusene Project 🌴 Krebsehusene consists of 76 senior homes surrounded by two 600 square meter glass-covered atrium courtyards filled with green plants, trees and palms. It's a unique housing development that offers a taste of the Mediterranean in Denmark. Our role included offering guidance on plant selection, irrigation systems, soil composition, lighting, and rainwater recycling. We advised on which “seeds” to sow first in terms of plants and irrigation systems, and then we handpicked each plant and recommended the propper lighting for growth and decorative effects. Read more about the project here: Developed by: Claus Sørensen Ejendomme A/S Atrium Project Planning: Palmproject Europe Landscaping Work: HAVIA A/S General Contractor: Dansk Boligbyg a/s Atrium Plants and Services: Jydsk Planteservice A/S Architect: Arkitekt Friis & Moltke Consulting Engineers: Ingeniør’ne

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  • Se organisationssiden for Palmproject Europe, grafik

    216 følgere

    Timelapse: An indoor wintergarden from 0 to 1800 plants in 2,5 minutes 🌱🌴 - Senior homes blossoming with greenery ✅ A paradise of exotic plants, pleasant climate, and a unique sense of community – this is what the future holds for senior living, thanks to Bovieran Danmark A/S. The project which Sjælsø Management ApS has done with us at Palmproject Europe as responsible for everything green. We have made the first seven Bovieran projects in Denmark, in addition to the already 20 Bovieran projects in Sweden – with more projects coming on the horizon. 55 elderly couples can now step out of their private front door, and will find themself entering a glass-covered 1.400 square meter winter garden inspired by the Mediterranean. This winter garden is filled with exotic plants, palm trees, flowers, and a comfortable climate where community and well-being take center stage. We helped with: - Advice and project planning - Design - Import of 1.800 plants and trees - Construction of the irrigation system - Planting, maintenance and plant care through Jydsk Planteservice A/S We help companies, architects, builders, landscapers, interior designers and property managers to realize their big green ideas and dreams in all of Europe and Scandinavia - feel free to contact us any time.

  • Se organisationssiden for Palmproject Europe, grafik

    216 følgere

    The underground garage at Operaparken in Copenhagen - a hidden green gem 🌱🌴 Amidst the iconic Operaparken construction, there’s a hidden gem beneath the surface — an exquisite 12-meter tall Ficus Longifolia Alii surrounded by plants and smaller trees in every size and shade of green creates an underground oasis. An astonishing first impression when visiting the area or the Copenhagen Opera House. Palmproject Europe took charge of the design, planning, procurement, planting, and subsequent maintenance of the underground oasis.

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