BORGERMØDE OM HAVNEN Onsdag inviterede Økonomiudvalget til borgermøde om Frederikshavn Havn. Deltog du ikke i borgermødet om Frederikshavn Havn, kan du se kommunaldirektørens præsentation på linket i artiklen herunder. - Borgermødet understreger, hvor stor interesse, der er for havnen. Det er vigtigt, at vi er åbne og ærlige, og derfor kommer vi til at holde flere borgermøder, siger borgmester Birgit S. Hansen.
Om os
The Port of Frederikshavn is one of the most important commercial harbours in Denmark today. The port is among the ten largest in Denmark and includes a traffic harbour, a ferry harbour and a versatile service industry. It is a modern, centrally located, commercial port with good facilities and a service set-up, which ensures fast and efficient handling of ships and cargo. The port has an ambitious investment plan and a clear strategy to offer the best facilities and world calibre maritime services – now and in the future. #portoffrederikshavn #portofopportunities #portexpansion #maritimeservices #cargo #ferrytraffic #greenrecycling #sustainability Frederikshavn Havn er i dag en af Danmarks mest betydningsfulde erhvervshavne. Havnen er blandt Danmarks 10 største havne og omfatter færgehavn, fragthavn, og en alsidig serviceindustri. Det er en moderne erhvervshavn med central placering, gode faciliteter og et service-setup, der sikrer hurtig og effektiv håndtering af skibe og last. Havnen har en ambitiøs investeringsplan og en klar strategi om også i fremtiden at tilbyde de bedste faciliteter og maritim service i verdensklasse.
- Websted
Eksternt link til Port of Frederikshavn
- Branche
- Transport, logistik, forsyningkæde og opbevaring
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 11-50 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Frederikshavn
- Type
- Aktieselskab
- Grundlagt
- 1806
- Specialer
- Maritime service, Offshore, Ferry traffic, Cargo, Areas and warehouses for leasing, Environmental management og Recycling operations
Oliepieren 7
Frederikshavn, 9900, DK
Medarbejdere hos Port of Frederikshavn
Kennet Haunstrup
Psykolog | Kognitiv adfærdsterapi | Mindfulness | ACT | Individel terapi | Gruppeterapi | Psykometri | Testning | Udredning | Undervisning | Forskning
Ivar Tønnesen
Senior Software Engineer at Process Factory, Owner of Medvirk, Tour Guide at Best Travel, Denmark
Mikkel Seedorff Sørensen
Adm. direktør, CEO at Port of Frederikshavn. Executive MBA
Kasper Lykke Nielsen
Ejendomsmægler MDE. Ansvarlig indehaver home Skagen og home Frederikshavn
DELTAG I BORGERMØDE OM STATUS PÅ FREDERIKSHAVN HAVN 🌊 På borgermødet vil deltagerne få en status over arbejdet med og omkring Frederikshavn Havn. 👉 Borgermødet foregår Onsdag den 2. oktober kl. 16.00-18.00 i den store sal i Det Musiske Hus Rådhus Allé 98 i Frederikshavn Tilmelding er ikke nødvendig.
Økonomiudvalget inviterer til borgermøde
Frederikshavn Havn søger CFO Er du den erfarne økonomiske sparringspartner i direktionen? Mestrer du de økonomiske discipliner og den seneste teknologi? Er du en god kommunikator? Så er det måske dig, vi søger til Frederikshavn Havn. Frederikshavn Havn er i en vanskelig økonomisk situation og ser ind i en restruktureringsfase, og derfor opgraderes organisationens ledelse nu med en ny stilling som CFO. Som CFO får du det overordnede ansvar for økonomifunktionen, herunder økonomistyring, Business Controlling og it/digitalisering samt ledelsesansvar for medarbejdere. Du indgår i direktionen og fungerer som tæt strategisk sparringspartner til den administrerende direktør omkring den økonomiske og finansielle drift og udvikling af forretningen. Du deltager i bestyrelsesmøderne og sikrer præcis og troværdig ledelsesrapportering til både direktion og bestyrelse. Som person er du forretningsorienteret og helhedsorienteret og du tænker analytisk. Samtidig er du arbejdsom med et stort drive og gode kommunikative egenskaber. Du er hands-on typen og du tager gerne del i de operationelle opgaver. Uddannelsesmæssigt har du en relevant uddannelse som f.eks. cand.merc. i økonomistyring eller ingeniør med HD i regnskab. Derudover har du erfaring fra en økonomifunktion gerne fra en lignende virksomhed. Ansøgning sendes til CEO Poul Knudsgaard på mail senest tirsdag den 23. april 2024 kl 16.00. Der forventes afholdt samtaler den 24. og 25. april. Vil du vide mere om stillingen og Frederikshavn Havn, er du meget velkommen til at kontakte CEO Poul Knudsgaard på telefon 2086 8621 Frederikshavn Havn er i dag en af Danmarks mest betydningsfulde erhvervshavne med færgehavn, fragthavn, værft, ophugning, bunkring og en alsidig maritim serviceindustri, og er i dag en af den største færgehavne imellem det europæiske kontinent og Skandinavien. Havnen har en strategi om også i fremtiden at kunne tilbyde de bedste faciliteter og maritim service i verdensklasse. Frederikshavn Havn er velbesøgt med ca. 4.500 årlige skibsanløb og er et afgørende aktiv for Frederikshavn- ikke alene for byen, men for store dele af Nordjylland.
A unanimous board of directors for Port of Frederikshavn decided on Friday February 2nd, 2024, that the current deputy chairman, Poul Knudsgaard will be employed as the interim CEO with immediate effect until June 30th or to a permanent CEO is appointed, which will happen after a job posting and with the assistance of a recruitment agency. The decision has been submitted to the city council, and a chairman's decision has been made, enabling the accession to take place on February 2nd, 2024. The board has simultaneously constituted itself with Pia Ankerstjerne as the deputy chairman. Poul Knudsgaard will continue as ordinary member of the board. Furthermore, a directive has been prepared specifying that as long as Poul Knudsgaard holds the position of CEO, any supervision of the management and daily leadership will be carried out solely by the chairman of the board and another board member. Poul Knudsgaard, therefore, does not participate in such supervision through his board position in the company.
Stena Oil Commences Operations in Frederikshavn! Stena Oil has initiated operations at the new fuel terminal in Frederikshavn. Towards the end of last week, Stena Terminals A/S, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Stena Oil, and the Port of Frederikshavn, signed the takeover agreement, signifying that Stena Oil has taken possession of the terminal. - We have a good collaboration with the Port of Frederikshavn, and we have maintained an ongoing dialogue throughout the entire process. Our focus has consistently been to kickstart our operations in Frederikshavn and we are pleased that we have now achieved that goal, says Jonas Persson, MD of Stena Oil. The new terminal enables a more efficient infrastructure for Stena Oil and complements the existing operations in Gothenburg. In connection with the establishment in Frederikshavn, a newly built bunkering vessel will be deployed in the first quarter of this year which handles various types of fuels, including biofuels and methanol. One of the customers to be served from Frederikshavn is Stena Line with its ferry routes in Denmark and Kattegat. - We are moving into a newly built, state-of-the-art terminal with a capacity of 75,000 cubic metres. The geographical location brings us closer to our customers, allowing us to offer an even more efficient delivery with environmental benefits and solutions for future fuels, says Jonas Persson. Stena Oil is part of the Stena Metall Group, which reported a turnover of SEK 44 billion during the 2022/2023 fiscal year. - The startup of Stena Oil’s activities is a major milestone for Port of Frederikshavn, and it is with the greatest pleasure that we can now finally welcome Stena Oil to Frederikshavn, says Mikkel Seedorff Sørensen, CEO Port of Frederikshavn. The terminal is situated on the new areas of the port with 14 metres water depth, which were established in connection with an expansion of the port from 2016-2020. - It is a result of a close collaboration with Stena Oil that we are now able to hand over the bunker terminal after a construction period marked by challenges, and we look forward to the increasing level of activity, which the bunker operations will bring to Port of Frederikshavn, says Mikkel Seedorff Sørensen. #portoffrederikshavn #portofopportunities #fuelterminal
ORSKOV YARD has just published the financial accounts for the staggered fiscal year 2022/23 with closing of accounts on September 30, 2023. This year’s result after taxes accounts for 71 million DKK, which the management sees for very satisfying. The turnover in the financial year 2022/23 reached 781 million DKK against 699 million DKK the year before. The profit of 71 million DKK means that Orskov Yard for the second year in a row presents a historic result. In 2021/22 the result after taxes was 52 million DKK and this was a new record. - The market for ship repairs, maintenance and reconstruction of ships has been particularly favourable in the past year, where we have had a good and stable order intake with high use of our docks, workshops, and human resources. We have had some exciting assignments within the ship segments we work within, which confirm that our focus on safety, quality, flexibility, and delivery on time has great value for our customers, since the shipyards repeatedly come back to the yard for service or reconstruction of their ships, says CEO Lars Fischer. In extension of the traditional assignments for maintenance and reconstruction of ships, the yard has experienced an increase in CO2 reducing and energy effective retrofit solutions, which has contributed positively to the yard’s level of activity. This development is expected to continue the next years, where retrofit of available technical solutions will be an alternative to building new ships. With the increasing level of activity, Orskov Yard now has 225 employees, and it is concurrently assessed that another 500 people are engaged as sub-suppliers, which work for the yard. #portoffrederikshavn #portofopportunities #maritimeservices
Endnu et særdeles flot regnskab fra Orskov Yard i Frederikshavn
Port of Frederikshavn has entered into agreement with charging operator Clever on 22 new chargers for electric vehicles at Sydhavnsvej in the northern part of the ferry harbour on the parking area. The new charging station was inaugurated Thursday, 14th December and consists of 16 regular chargers and 6 fast chargers. The charging stations can be used by all electric vehicles 24/7 and we hope that the central location at the port will be beneficiary for both local electric vehicle drivers and those on the road for instance ferry guests and tourists. #portoffrederikshavn #portofopportunities
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Christmas is just around the corner and a new year is coming. We are grateful for an outstanding support in 2023 – and a good and constructive cooperation with customers, business partners and all of you who come to the port. We look forward to 2024 and to exciting projects and activities in the new year. With great gratitude for the year nearly gone, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! #portoffrederikshavn #portofopportunities
The maritime service industry VMS Group A/S expands and grows. Here Marketing Manager Steen Helberg talks about the major development the company is experiencing: - The simple explanation on why VMS Group moved from rented facilities on Havnepladsen 12 to owned domicile on Nordhavnsvej 1, is that we needed space. In part, we needed workshop space, but we also needed office space. We have therefore kept our workshop facilities on Havnepladsen, and with the new square metres on Nordhavnsvej, we increase our workshop area with nearly 3,000 square metres and our complete area in Frederikshavn is over 10,000 square metres. - We come from our best result ever in the financial year 2022 and will improve this result within present year. Fortunately, this covers some markets, which insomuch have considerable success. Not the least, the offshore business, where drilling rigs and vessel are activated in great numbers. This means that many engines are to be overhauled as an important part of the preparation operation. Also other of our businesses, such as the cruise business, with their focus on green solutions, and the wind power industry, give us considerable success. - We have hired more than 70 employees across our departments here in Frederikshavn, Brazil and Namibia and we could easily hire more, if we could find the people with the right qualifications. This is unfortunately now easy locally in Frederikshavn, so we are looking both in the south of Denmark and further into the world, when we must recruit people for our ambitious expansion plans for the next years. This even though we have already decided that Frederikshavn is and will remain the headquarters at VMS Group. #portoffrederikshavn #portofopportunities #maritimeservices