


Copenhagen, Copenhagen 5.469 følgere

Impactful, low-cost renewable electricity for companies.

Om os

Reel is the next-generation electricity supplier for climate-conscious companies. Reel matches your company with renewable electricity to reduce your emissions and electricity costs. How we work: With Reel as your electricity supplier, your company will sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). This agreement builds a new solar or wind park to match your company’s electricity consumption. In return, your company reduces its emissions and receives electricity at an attractive, fixed price. Who we are: Reel’s team of electricity specialists and sustainability experts is driven by a single purpose: to empower all companies to accelerate the renewable energy transition. Start your journey at

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Copenhagen, Copenhagen


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    Overgaden Neden Vandet 17

    Copenhagen, Copenhagen 1414, DK

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    TOGETHER FOR THE ENERGY TRANSITION The energy transition isn’t something any of us can achieve alone. It requires collaboration between innovative businesses, ambitious energy developers, local communities, and policymakers. 🤝 Our newest video highlights those that make our mission to accelerate the energy transition possible: our customers, represented by Skallerup Seaside Resort A/S, and renewable energy developers, represented by Villerup Hovedgård. At Reel, we connect businesses and renewable energy developers committed to accelerating the energy transition. Through our Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), developers gain the financial certainty needed to build new solar and wind parks, while businesses secure fixed electricity prices and align their electricity use with the growth of renewable energy. Together we are accelerating the energy transition ⚡ Watch a clip of our new video below, or head over to our website to see the full version (link in comments).

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

    5.469 følgere

    BUILDING HEALTHY BIODIVERSITY 🌸 ⚡ The Mesballe solar park is quickly taking shape, a project made possible by the electricity agreement of 25 leading companies. From the start, the project’s developer Energicenter Nord recognised the importance of biodiversity, integrating it into the project. This reflects one of Reel’s guiding beliefs: addressing the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis must go hand in hand – one cannot be addressed without the other. To support local biodiversity, 22% of the park (around 3 hectares) will remain free from solar panels, dedicated to planting 28 native plant species and fruit trees. This space will create essential habitats for honeybees, bumblebees, and other pollinators, while also preserving the home of local bats 🐝🦇. As the project evolves, we'll explore additional measures such as allowing sheep to graze the land, and make ongoing improvements to cultivate a thriving ecosystem. 🌱 Read more about the project through the link in the comment section below 👇

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    Meet us at RE-Source in Amsterdam! Reel is headed to #RESource2024 on October 24 - 25th, and we’re bringing a stellar group: Hanna Ahlqvist, our PPA Originator, Maria Flora Middelboe Andersen, our Head of Partnerships, and Jon Sigvert, our CEO. Reel is transforming how companies and renewable energy developers buy and sell electricity with tech-driven PPAs. We expand market access to PPAs, cut developer risks and costs, and maximize PPA value - all while accelerating the energy transition ⚡. If you’d like to learn more about our approach or just want to nerd out over PPAs, drop us a comment and we’ll schedule a chat! You can also catch Maria Flora on the Veilingzaal stage on the 25th, from 15 - 16, where she’ll be speaking about the German and Nordic PPA markets. Looking forward to seeing you there 🇳🇱

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    4 C-Level executives on why they chose Power Purchase Agreements for their electricity needs 👇 Power Purchase Agreements are more popular than ever. In 2023, the corporate sector signed a record-breaking 2,000 PPAs, with the majority in Europe. So, why the growing interest? #PPAs offer a unique solution to help businesses meet both financial and sustainability goals. They provide companies with fixed electricity prices while simultaneously ensuring the construction of new renewable energy.  👉 Swipe through to discover why four executives made PPAs a core part of their energy strategies. You can find their full testimonials in the comments below.

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    THIS IS ADDITIONALITY IN ACTION When we talk about additionality, it can sometimes feel abstract - but it doesn’t have to. Put simply: When an action or investment is additional, it has a real world impact. For example, an electricity agreement is additional if it results in the construction of a new renewable energy project - like the solar park shown in the video ⚡ 📹 . This solar park is being built thanks to the collective electricity agreements of 25 companies. But additionality isn’t only important for the electricity a company buys. It’s important to entire sustainability strategies because it ensures that commitments lead to measurable, positive outcomes. To incorporate additionality into your sustainability strategy, consider these critical questions: 👉 Does my investment or action create a new outcome? 👉 Would this outcome exist without my investment or action? In practice this means that if your electricity agreement helps build a new solar park or your carbon offset leads to the planting of a new forest, then it’s additional. And if that solar park or forest wouldn’t have existed without your involvement, then it’s even more additional (this can be trickier to prove but it’s a point worth considering). Read more about additionality in the blog post linked in the comments 👇

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

    5.469 følgere

    Meet Edoardo Simioni, our Head of Trading and Flexibility at Reel! Edo joined us 6 months ago and is responsible for managing and optimizing Reel’s power portfolio. In simple terms, he ensures we always have enough electricity to meet the growing consumption of our customers ⚖️. With 10 years of experience in the energy sector at Ørsted, Edo brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the team. His deep understanding of energy markets makes him a go-to expert, especially during our team quizzes! Originally from Italy, Edo has called Copenhagen home for the past 10 years. When he's not trading energy for Reel, you’ll find him skiing in the dolomites or riding his gravel bike in the forests around Copenhagen. We asked Edo a few questions and here’s what he had to say: 👀 Why Reel? "I always thought I would join a startup at some point in my career - the fast-moving, big-goals style matches my personality. And when Jon, our CEO, reached out for an introduction chat I could not say no. Ultimately I joined because I truly believe that unlocking PPAs for the SME segment is something that needs to be done if we want to continue to build a ton of renewable energy. And the prospect of building a modern trading setup from scratch was irresistible!" 🤸 Can you explain the importance of flexibility for the energy transition? "Electricity is very special because supply and demand need to match exactly at all times. And since renewables fluctuate with the weather, we need flexibility to integrate more and more renewables in the system. That could be in the form of demand shifting, battery charging and discharging, or interconnectors that move power across Europe. We need more flexibility in all forms!" 🚴♂️ You’re an avid cyclist - what’s the best cycling journey you’ve ever taken? "Tough question! Probably the best was a bikepacking trip across west and northern Jutland which I did in summer 2020. We slept in tents and biked all day from Esbjerg to Skagen and finally back to Copenhagen. I have to say that the beauty of the north-west coast of Jutland is massively underrated! The trip also stopped by the Østerild wind turbine test center which is a legendary place for renewable energy wonks like myself." We're grateful to have you Edo! We look forward to all the exciting, impact-driven work we have planned together 🚀

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    ELECTRICITY AGREEMENTS THAT BUILD NEW RENEWABLE ENERGY Power Purchase Agreements (#PPAs) play a critical role in building new renewable energy parks - and in accelerating the energy transition. When signing a PPA, companies commit to buying electricity from an unbuilt solar or wind park at a fixed price, for a fixed period of time (usually 5 - 10 years). This commitment allows energy developers to move forward with the construction of the park. A common misconception is that only large corporations can sign PPAs. While this was true for years, it's no longer the case—today, businesses of all sizes can sign a PPA. Here’s how PPAs stand out from your typical electricity agreement: ⚡ Impact: A PPA ensures that your company’s energy purchase directly supports the development of a new renewable energy park. 🛡️ Price stability: A PPA locks in a fixed price for electricity, shielding your company from volatile electricity prices. 📣 Brand storytelling: A PPA allows your company to take an active role in the energy transition, creating unique brand stories. Learn why PPAs are the most effective green power solution for companies in the comments below👇

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    I tirsdags annoncerede Reel sin seneste PPA, der sikrer opførelsen af en ny solcellepark på Djursland. Solcelleparken bliver til virkelighed takket være en rekordstor sammenslutning af 25 virksomheder, der alle ønsker at bidrage til den grønne omstilling. Solcelleparken udvikles af Energicenter Nord. Udover at sætte rekord for antal deltagende virksomheder, er PPA’en bemærkelsesværdig på flere måder. Lad os dykke ned i de vigtigste detaljer 👇 🏭 Store som små: Det er en mangfoldig gruppe af virksomheder, der er gået sammen i PPA'en, der både tæller nogle af Danmarks store og velkendte virksomheder, bureauer og konsulenthuse samt en række lokale virksomheder (inklusive den lokale kirke ⛪). For de fleste virksomheder har PPA’er været utilgængelige – indtil nu. Reel har gjort PPA’er lige så tilgængelige som at indgå en helt almindelig elaftale. ✨ Tech-optimeret: Hver eneste virksomheds aftale er blevet individuelt optimeret af Reels algoritme og tilpasset deres unikke forbrugs- og risikoprofil. Vi opdeler parkens energiproduktion helt ned til 0,1%, hvilket giver den enkelte kunde mulighed for at købe den præcist optimerede mængde solenergi. 🏡 Lokal værdiskabelse: Flere af de involverede virksomheder er naboer til parken, og har været involveret tidligt i processen. Mange af de initiativer, der skal udvikle og forbedre parkens biodiversitet er blevet til i samarbejde mellem udvikleren Energicenter Nord og lokalsamfundet. Det gør vi for at sikre, at PPA’en ikke kun leverer vedvarende energi, men også bidrager til bæredygtighed lokalt. Link til artiklen af Morten Madsen og pressemeddelelse i kommentarfeltet, hvor man kan læse mere om PPA’en og samarbejdet med de 25 virksomheder.

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    Reel indgår banebrydende aftale: Rekordhøjt antal danske virksomheder sætter strøm til opførelsen af ny solcellepark på Djursland. 🇬🇧 Reel has entered a record breaking power purchase agreement (PPA) with 25 Danish companies to ensure construction of a new solar park in Eastern Jutland. Find the full story in English in the comments. Aftalen er en sejr for klimaet og markerer en historisk milepæl i virksomheders adgang til vedvarende energi. Med aftalen sikres de deltagende virksomheder faste priser på strøm fra solcelleanlægget, samtidig med at de minimerer deres CO2-aftryk. Aftalen er en Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), der er en aftale om køb af vedvarende energi, som mange af verdens største virksomheder har benyttet igennem mange år. Den nye aftale sætter rekord for højeste antal virksomheder, der går sammen i en PPA 🏅. Historisk set har de fleste virksomheder haft begrænsede muligheder for at købe vedvarende energi, og har derfor ofte været afhængige af grønne certifikater, som ikke direkte øger produktionen af vedvarende energi. Reel giver alle virksomheder mulighed for at købe elektricitet på samme attraktive vilkår som Danmarks største virksomheder, samtidig med at de aktivt bidrager til energiomstillingen. Den nye solcellepark opføres af Energicenter Nord og kommer til at producere ca 14 millioner kWh årligt, svarende til forbruget i 3100 danske husstande ☀️. 👏 Tillykke til de 25 ambitiøse virksomheder og organisationer, der er med til at accellerere omstillingen til vedvarende energi: Aquaporin A/S, Arkitema, Baettr, BI-plast, Bobach Stålentreprise A/S, Brdr. Kjeldahl I/S, Combitherm A/S, Connected Wind Services Danmark, COWI, Danica Ejendomme, ExamVision, Gardit A/S, Genan, GPV, Hornslet Menighedsråd, IDA, JP/Politikens Hus, Knebel Drilling A/S, Kvadrat, Lead Agency, Samsø Redningskorps, SIF Gruppen A/S, SwipBox, Viggo, White Labs Inc. Link til mere information i kommentarsporet👇 #ESG #PPA #sustainability

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    At the heart of sustainable action lies a critical question: Does this action truly make a difference? When your company invests in carbon removal, you expect your purchase to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. Similarly, when you buy renewable energy, you likely assume you’re helping finance new renewable capacity. If you’re not expecting that impact - well, wouldn’t it be great if it did? The assurance that your sustainable action is having a real-world impact is known as ‘additionality’. When purchasing renewable energy, additionality ensures that your purchase actually increases renewable energy capacity, accelerating the energy transition. Of the two options companies typically have when buying renewable energy, renewable energy certificates are not additional, while Power Purchase Agreements are. The latter ensures that new solar and wind parks are built as a result of your electricity purchase 👏. Additionality is the key to ensuring that your company’s renewable energy purchases truly accelerate the shift to a more renewable future. Want to learn more about the importance of additionality? Read our blog post linked in the comments below 👇 #additionality #PPAs #renewableenergy

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