A boutique agency with focus on creativity, strategy and digital. Champions a media neutral approach to communication and has a heritage and history as one of the best creative agencies in the Nordics.
“We create contagious enthusiasm for corporations and brands with creative communication. Leveraging the brand experience based on human insights. The creative idea that naturally applies to consumer situations with relevant messaging thus creating an integrated and media independent platform”
When it comes to supporting Børnecancerfonden, we’re all on the same team!
It’s #FodboldtrøjeFredag, which means that all of us here in the office have donned our favorite kits and put aside our rivalries for the common goal of showing support and raising awareness for Børnecancerfonden — who work tirelessly year-round to fund research, provide resources and improve conditions for Danish children and young people with cancer and their families.
Want to show your support? Head over to fodboldtroejefredag.dk or MobilePay your donation to 201717 ❤️
Are you our new PR & PA Intern?
GREY (Part of Uncle Grey) is seeking 2-3 ambitious PR & PA Interns for an exciting and challenging internship program in Fall 2025.
Start your career and build a strong network in a dynamic environment across various industries. We also represent the global communications agency Burson in Denmark, so you will be working in an international environment.
With us, you will have the opportunity to fine-tune your communication skills – whether you need to pitch a story to Politiken, create a post for LinkedIn, or contact politicians and civil servants. Here you will have the chance to learn from both young talents and experienced seniors, and we dare to promise that it will boost your career opportunities.
The goal is for you to gain a broad understanding of the communication profession, how PR and PA work together today, and how a communication campaign is created, executed, followed through, and reported back to the client.
• Practical experience with a wide range of PR and PA disciplines, including press contact, stakeholder management, drafting consultation responses, political analyses, media and political monitoring, as well as preparation of debate articles, opinion pieces, press releases, political campaigns, etc.
• A dedicated mentor who continuously adjusts the program so that your specific skills and ambitions come into play.
• A dynamic and inspiring work environment with a strong community and a good network across the agency. You will, among other things, work with industries within streaming, energy, and defense.
• Close collaboration with our European colleagues and our own departments within creativity and analysis.
• You’ll be served amazing food from our in-house chef Eric on a daily basis. Then wash it down with Italian coffee from our kick-ass Espresso machine.
• You possess a strong drive and ambition in the field of communication, with a proactive and engaged approach.
• You follow the general societal debate from the diversity in boardrooms to the green transition, and what should happen with Greenland.
• You are not afraid to throw yourself into new challenges.
• You have a sharp pen, write flawless Danish, and speak fluent English, as
80% percent of your emails will be in English, but we speak Danish in the office.
Send your application and CV to andreas.hedensten@grey.com by May 1st, 2025.
Internship Dates: September 2025 - January 2026.
Uncle Grey is looking for a full-time Editor / Motion Design guru to join our in-house production team.
• You are a wizard in the Adobe Package, using your ninja skills in both Premiere Pro and After Effects to create moving visuals with impact. If you also have experience in color grading – that’s a big bonus!
• You have experience from other ad agencies or media companies, well-versed in cutting all types of films for all types of clients.
• You’re creative, engaged, positive, optimistic, willing to learn, and just as professional working on smaller tasks as bigger ones.
• You’re based in Copenhagen with a permit to work in Denmark. We will not provide a work visa for non-EU citizens.
• You’ll join a team of award-winning, highly creative, and fun-loving people. We work hard and play hard to create work that matters.
• You’ll become part of a local ad agency with international roots. We do lots of work for Danish clients as well as international ones, co-labbing with our friends at AKQA, Ogilvy and other agencies within our mother company WPP.
• You’ll cut films for major brands like Canon, Bolia, David Beckham, Carlsberg, Swatch and many more.
• You’ll be served amazing food from our in-house chef Eric on a daily basis. Then wash it down with Italian coffee from our kick-ass Espresso machine.
To make the final cut, send your CV and Showreel to our Head of Production at 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗹.𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘇@𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘆.𝗰𝗼𝗺
What’s cooking LinkedIn? Our new platform for Amo is officially live and we’re launching with a series of mouthwatering visuals.
Hungry for more? https://lnkd.in/d3MYrGCq
Helle Bækgaard Ågren
Big news!
We're thrilled to announce the launch of Grey Burson, our new dedicated PR and Public Affairs agency combining the best of Uncle Grey and Mindshare. Learn more (in Danish, sorry): https://lnkd.in/dh7STNFP
Med Uncle Grey ! Det prisbelønnede bureau er kendt for sit høje kreative niveau og sin varme velkomst til unge kreative, blandt andet ved afholdelse af arrangementer i Cannes.
Om det bliver rosé eller fadøl, vides ikke endnu, men eventet er landet på en fredag, så vi kan slå netværksarrangementet sammen med en rigtig god fredagsbar efterfølgende.
Aftenen finder sted fredag d. 7. februar fra kl. 17:00-21:00 i Greys lokaler på Rosenborggade 15, 3. sal. Her vil bureauets kreative fortælle om, hvem de er, og de vil sidde klar til at give jer feedback på jeres portfolier eller udvalgte projekter.
Du tilmelder dig ved at sende en PM med link til dit/jeres portfolio, som du/I gerne vil have feedback på. Pladserne fordeles løbende, så send den allerede nu. Tilmeldingsfristen er 31. januar.
Alle, der er nye i branchen, er velkomne – uanset om du har et flyvefærdigt portfolio eller lige er begyndt i reklamebranchen og endnu ikke har så meget at vise frem. Der er et begrænset antal pladser, så skynd dig at sende dit/jeres portfolio!
Herudover vil der være mulighed for at deltage uden portfolio som ”netværksdeltager.” Her vil man ikke få alenetid med de kreative, men man kan høre deres oplæg, hilse på dem og de andre deltagere og få en mere casual snak over en øl eller sodavand. Ønsker du at være netværksdeltager, kan du tilmelde dig ved at skrive en PM til os.
Der vil være drikkevarer og aftensmad til alle, der kommer.
Ansigt til Ansigt er et arrangement, der inviterer unge kreative om bag kulisserne på en række danske reklamebureauer. Her får du indblik i bureauet og dets tilgang til arbejdet samt mulighed for at møde og vise dit arbejde til branchens topkreative.
OBS: Du er først garanteret en plads, når du modtager en bekræftelse fra os.
Read a few words (in Danish sorry) about Arbejdernes Landsbank's new brand platform “Det handler om værdier”, which was recently launched with the platform's first campaign.
Our team has enjoyed working with a bank that is known for its human perspectives on values. This platform, along with new product offerings, should help position the bank as one that truly cares about people and their values - in more than one sense.
New work! For the launch of jem & fix's new CITY store format, we targeted city dwellers and their DIY struggles and accompanied it with a healthy dose of tool-related puns.
Anna Lund PaludanMette Frost Schrøder