VELUX Commercials coverbillede
VELUX Commercial

VELUX Commercial


Daylight and ventilation solutions

Om os

VELUX Commercial is a division in the VELUX Group, offering daylight and ventilation solutions for industrial, commercial, and public buildings. We offer to support building professionals throughout the entire process from specification to delivery and maintenance of daylight and ventilation solutions. Our product program ranges from high-end bespoke glazing solutions for prestigious architectural buildings to domes and continuous roof lights for industrial and agricultural buildings and warehouses. VELUX Commercial has 1,100 employees working in Sales, Production and support functions in 14 countries.

1.001 – 5.000 medarbejdere


Medarbejdere hos VELUX Commercial


  • Thinking about a building renovation? With VELUX Commercial’s innovative glazing solutions, you can bring natural light, fresh air, and energy efficiency to your space. From customised glass roof systems to skylights for schools and offices, we help you bring in more natural light, improve energy efficiency, and enhance overall comfort. Key benefits include: Boosted natural light Modern, inviting aesthetics Improved thermal insulation and heat control Better indoor air quality Ready to elevate your space? Explore our renovation services and let us help you create a brighter, more sustainable environment! #VELUXCommercial #BuildingRenovation #DaylightSolutions #EnergyEfficiency #SustainableDesign #GlazingSolutions

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    Kik vagyunk ❓ Ádám több mint 5 éve, a kezdetektől kereskedői csapatunk oszlopos tagja. Segített felépíteni és megerősíteni a cég magyarországi jelenlétét és számos sikeres projektünk az ő lendületes, pozitív és agilis hozzáállásának köszönhetően valósult meg. “Azért döntöttem a Velux Commercial - akkor még JET csoport – mellett, mert korábbról már ismertem a cég megbízható hátterét és minőségi termékeit és szerettem volna egy dinamikus, nemzetközi, de mégis családias csapat tagja lenni és a magyar sikerekhez hozzájárulni. Ez teljes mértékben sikerült is. Minden nap kihívás, de én pont ezt élvezem.”

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    Se profil for Piotr Juszczyk

    Wspieram Architektów, Generalnych Wykonawców i Inwestorów w realizacji projektów przeszkleń dachowych, systemów naturalnej wentylacji i oddymiania. W poszukiwaniu rozwiązań wspierających zrównoważone budownictwo.

    EDUKACJA I KULTURA 2025 - szkolenie dla architektów, projektantów, inwestorów. Gdańsk 11.03.2025 Za nami kolejne spotkanie w ramach cyklu szkoleń Edukacja i Kultura organizowanych przez eduArch. Tym razem szkolenie dla architektów miało miejsce w Gdańsku w nowoczesnym akademiku Collegia przy ulicy Sobieskiego. O funkcjonalności i dostępności architektonicznej w tym i innych obiektach zamieszkania zbiorowego opowiedziała dr inż. arch. Iwona BENEK. Ja reprezentowałem firmę VELUX Commercial - producenta świetlików i dachowych przeszkleń świetlnych. Mówiłem o prefabrykowanych, modułowych świetlikach szklanych VMS i VMR. O ich zaletach, możliwościach, parametrach technicznych, o rozwiązaniach i zrealizowanych projektach. Prospekt świetlików VMS do pobrania w linku: Prospekt świetlików VMR do pobrania w linku: Bardzo dziękuję organizatorkom: Agnieszka Berens i Magdalena Lissner za zaproszenie i profesjonalne przygotowanie wydarzenia, profesorowi dr hab.xn--in-xva.arch. Markowi Wysockiemu za bardzo ciekawą, pouczająca i konstruktywną rozmowę oraz wszystkim licznie zgromadzonym uczestnikom. Nazywam się Piotr Juszczyk. Wspieram Architektów w procesie projektowania, Generalnych Wykonawców i Inwestorów w doborze najlepszych, spełniających wymagania rozwiązań w zakresie: świetlików dachowych, świetlnych pasm dachowych, systemów przeszkleń dachowych, systemów wentylacji i oddymiania renomowanego producenta - firmy VELUX Commercial.   Zapraszam do kontaktu: Piotr Juszczyk - Manager of Architectural Solutions tel: 571-099-106, mail:   #świetliki #światłosłoneczne #światłodzienne #wentylacja #naturalnawentylacja #oddymianie #veluxcommercial #renowacje #zrównoważonebudownictwo #pomagamarchitektom

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  • International Women’s Day 2025 Celebrating Women’s Day is an important opportunity to acknowledge the ongoing fight for gender equality. At the same time, it is equally important to celebrate and appreciate the incredible contributions of women in every sphere of life. We want VELUX Commercial to be a workplace where everyone feels welcome and has the same opportunities to grow, lead, and succeed. By acknowledging this day, VELUX Commercial not only honors the achievements of women but also celebrates the reinforces the importance of gender equality, innovation, and collaboration in driving our company forward. Today, we pay tribute to the women who have paved the way, and to the contributions of women across our organization and industry. One of the cool women in VELUX Commercial is Product Manager, Signe Risager, who has an educational background in engineering, innovation, and product development. She plays a key role in shaping our glazing product portfolio, ensuring that customers receive the best possible daylight and ventilation solutions. "At VELUX Commercial no two days are alike. I really like that we have an informal and respectful working environment, where we are trusted to take charge of our own projects," says Signe who is one of the many incredible women in our team. Let's continue to celebrate the achievements of women and strive for a future where gender equality is the norm. Today and tomorrow. Happy International Women's Day! #IWD2025 #ForALLWomenAndGirls #VELUXCommercial #womensday

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  • Introducing a Bright Future: VELUX Commercial Helps Illuminate a Modern School in Toruń, Poland We're thrilled to share the video of Primary School No. 12 in Toruń, an example of modern educational facilities. Key highlights: STEAM-focused learning: Encourages hands-on, experiential education. Sustainable features: Photovoltaic panels, heat recovery, and VELUX Modular Skylights contribute to a green environment. Student well-being: Quiet zones, spacious courtyards, and sports facilities promote physical and mental health. Our role: VELUX Commercial provided innovative Modular Skylights for the school's auditorium, bringing in natural light and creating a modern, inspiring learning environment. Our customized solution seamlessly integrated with the existing design, ensuring a smooth installation. Watch the video here! #veluxcommercial #education #sustainability #Innovation #schoolarchitecture #naturallight #veluxmodularskylights

    Velux Commercial Modular Skylights provide primary school with natural light

  • Sustainable Design and Natural Light: A New Library in Warsaw We're excited to share our latest case study featuring a new library in Warsaw, Poland. This innovative project showcases the power of sustainable construction and natural light. Built in just six months using prefabricated timber modules, the library offers a modern and welcoming space for all ages. Featuring VELUX Commercial Modular Skylights, the children's area is bathed in natural light, creating an ideal environment for learning and exploration. Key features: • Sustainable construction with eco-friendly materials • Innovative heating system with solar panels • Award-winning design • Versatile spaces for work, relaxation, and community events Watch the full video to learn more about this inspiring project! #sustainablearchitecture #greenbuilding #naturallight #veluxcommercial #architecture #librarydesign #veluxmodularskylights

    VELUX Modular Skylights provide a supply of fresh air and natural daylight in Warsaw's new Library

  • From trainee to full-time employee – Andreas' journey at VELUX Commercial Denmark We are proud to announce that Andreas, our first trainee at VELUX Commercial Denmark, has accepted an offer to continue as a full-time employee starting June 1! Being a trainee at VELUX Commercial has provided him with both theory and practice. It has been a valuable learning experience for Andreas, and he has developed both professionally and personally. He has learned to handle pressure, prioritize tasks, and work effectively in a fast-paced environment. The biggest challenge has been adapting to the early working hours, but with good support from his colleagues, he has quickly settled in. Andreas’ advice for future trainees: Be patient – get to know the products and the organization. Listen and be open to networking across departments. Take responsibility and be independent – it will develop you both professionally and personally. We look forward to continuing to follow Andreas' journey at VELUX Commercial and anticipate his continued growth and contribution to our success. #VELUXCommercial

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  • Discover the importance of the U-value in building energy efficiency in our latest blog post. The U-value measures heat transfer, and lower values mean better insulation. Learn about the mechanisms of heat transfer—radiation, convection, and conduction—and why rooflights, despite having higher U-values, offer more natural light. Understand the difference between whole-unit and centre pane values for accurate comparisons. Read the full article here:

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