ray.rllib.common.CLIArguments# class ray.rllib.common.CLIArguments[source]# Dataclass for CLI arguments and options. We use this class to keep track of common arguments, like “run” or “env” that would otherwise be duplicated. PublicAPI (alpha): This API is in alpha and may change before becoming stable. Methods Attributes Algo AlgoRequired Checkpoint CheckpointAtEnd CheckpointFreq CheckpointScoreAttr Config ConfigFile ConfigRequired Env EnvRequired Episodes ExperimentName FileType Framework KeepCheckpointsNum LocalDir LocalMode NumSamples Out RayAddress RayNumCpus RayNumGpus RayNumNodes RayObjectStoreMemory RayUi Render ResourcesPerTrial Restore Resume SaveInfo Scheduler SchedulerConfig Steps Stop StoragePath Trace TrackProgress UploadDir UseShelve V VV WandBKey WandBProject WandBRunName