Fan Content Guidelines

We at Pearl Abyss love the awesome fan content that our community makes and are continuously amazed by the never-ending stream of creativity and enthusiasm we see. In order to support your creation process and to help out with any questions you may have, we’ve written up these fan content guidelines which you can refer to when making your content.

Fan content is anything created using Pearl Abyss’ IP (intellectual property), like images, music/audio, videos, story etc. No matter what your fan content is, please follow the guidelines outlined below.

What can you create with Pearl Abyss’ IP?
Fan content can take many different forms, and you can make any kind of content so long as they fall within these guidelines. Fan content and fan content sharing can include, but are not limited to:
1. Uploading videos about or streaming Pearl Abyss’ IPs on platforms like YouTube and Twitch
2. Sharing your own creations (e.g. art, images, videos, music) on community sites and social media
3. Sharing in-game screenshots or content made using in-game screenshots
4. Creating and managing community sites, blogs, and fan pages

If you are unsure whether your fan content falls within what we consider permitted content, email

Fan content must be non-commercial.
You can only use Pearl Abyss’ IP to make fan content for personal and non-commercial purposes. That means you cannot:

- charge any sort of fee(s) to access or license your content, or provide rewards to those who access your content,
- transfer the ownership of your content to others in exchange for a fee(s).

However, you may obtain benefits such as advertising revenue, donations, subscription-based benefits, premium service-based benefits etc. with your fan content through systems provided by the sites on which your content is posted, provided that a method to access your fan content for free is available. (e.g. YouTube, Twitch etc.)

Tell the community it’s unofficial.
The community should be able to look at your content and know, without a doubt, that it is neither created nor endorsed by Pearl Abyss. When sharing your fan content, please take steps to avoid any confusion about whether the content is official, such as by including the following statement with your content:
“This is unofficial content which contains copyrighted materials and IP from Pearl Abyss, and is not official/endorsed content.”

Do not include inappropriate content.
Please help us to create and maintain a healthy community environment by avoiding the creation and sharing of inappropriate, offensive, damaging, and/or defamatory content. We may request you to remove content that we – on our sole discretion – determine to be inappropriate.

Respect everyone’s IPs.
Please do not include other people’s or other companies’ IPs in your fan creation if you don’t have permission to use them. This also goes the other way around; do not include Pearl Abyss’ IPs in third-party products.
Additionally, the Pearl Abyss game connected to the IP you’re using in your fan content have ratings that state which audience the game is appropriate for. Please keep the ratings of our IPs in mind when creating fan content.

Follow the laws and rules - of the land and game.
Make sure to follow the laws of your region and country when creating fan content, as well as Pearl Abyss’ Terms of Service. Anything that is not mentioned in these guidelines are subject to the Terms of Service. These fan content guidelines may be modified at any time.

1) Who owns the rights to fan content?
You own the rights to the fan content you create, and Pearl Abyss owns the rights to the game content that directly or indirectly make up your fan content. We may share your content externally for the purpose of introducing it to our community and other users. If we would like to use it for any other purpose than that, we will get in touch with you beforehand.

2) If I add a disclaimer to the content, can I make content that does not comply with Pearl Abyss’ fan content guidelines?

No. All fan content must comply with these guidelines.

3) Can I make physical products using Pearl Abyss’ IPs?
No. If you want to use Pearl Abyss’ IPs to produce physical products like goods, you must get our express permission in advance. However, you may produce small quantities for personal collection or for non-commercial reasons, like to present to a friend or to show it off online. Contact for marketing or partnership inquiries regarding the production of goods using Pearl Abyss’ IPs.

4) Can I put Pearl Abyss’ logo on a hat or t-shirt?
Putting Pearl Abyss’ logo on physical items requires our express permission in advance.

5) Can I make changes to Pearl Abyss’ IP and use it in my fan content?
IP like game content can be modified so long as any alterations comply with these fan content guidelines. However, logos and trademark rights must not be altered in any form.

6) Where can I get more information about things that are not outlined in these guidelines?
If you have any questions about Pearl Abyss’ fan content guidelines, please send an email to Please note that if you do not hear from us, this does not mean that we approve your usage request.
