en English

Report on the implementation of the Communication: Putting people first, securing sustainable and inclusive growth, unlocking the potential of the EU’s outermost regions

Report on the implementation of the Communication: Putting people first, securing sustainable and inclusive growth, unlocking the potential of the EU’s outermost regions


Date: 03 oct 2024


Theme: Research and innnovation, Transport, Business support, Environment, Outermost regions

Languages:   en | es | fr | pt

The report presents the significant progress the Commission has made in implementing the 2022 strategy for the outermost regions, together with these regions and their Member States. The report shows that the Commission has delivered on its commitment to reflect the outermost regions’ specificities in legislative proposals, policy initiatives and programmes, across all EU policies, from cohesion policy to social policy and employment, digital connectivity, agriculture, fisheries, state aid, climate, environment, trade, etc.

The Commission has also created specific opportunities for the outermost regions in various EU programmes to support biodiversity, climate adaptation, coastal tourism, youth action, or culture. In addition, the Commission developed a dedicated advisory tool to support these regions and workshops on EU competitive programmes, from which the outermost regions are increasingly benefiting.

The Staff Working Document “Role of cohesion policy in the implementation of the Communication” accompanying the report illustrates the key support of cohesion policy in the outermost regions, focused on selected sectors where the needs are the greatest and the impact most significant.
