en English

EU Cohesion Policy: inauguration of the €1.1bn PEACE PLUS programme

  • 11 September 2023
EU Cohesion Policy: inauguration of the €1.1bn PEACE PLUS programme

Today the PEACE PLUS programme 2021-2027 was inaugurated during a ceremony in Belfast, Northern Ireland, attended by European Commission Executive Vice-President for the European Green deal, Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, Maroš Šefčovič. This programme will support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland.

Also attended by senior government representatives from Ireland and the United Kingdom and with Gina McIntyre, the Chief Executive of the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB), a cross-border body established under the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement, the launch of this significant programme marks the continuation of the almost 35-year commitment of the EU to the support and protection of peace in Northern Ireland. The PEACE PLUS programme builds on the legacy of previous PEACE programmes offering support for peace and reconciliation and for the promotion of social, economic and regional stability and cooperation in Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland. With the combined EU funding from the European Territorial Cooperation allocation of the European Regional Development Fund, the contributions from the UK and from Ireland, the programme area will benefit from a total investment of €1.1 billion in peace and prosperity. 

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