Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Union of equality: Strategy on the rights of persons with disabilities 2021-2030 (easy-to-read version)

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The European Union is a group
of 27 countries in Europe.
These countries came together
to make things better, easier and safer for people.

Map with all the countries of the Europan Union


The European Commission is the body of the European Union
that runs its day-to-day work.
It takes actions and suggests laws for the European Union.

The European Commission also takes actions
to protect the rights of people with disabilities.
In March 2021,
the European Commission put out
a new European strategy
on the rights of people with disabilities
for 2021-2030.
In short, we call it
‘the European Disability Strategy’.



The European Disability Strategy is a plan
that says how the European Union will work
to protect the rights of people with disabilities
in the next 10 years.

With this plan, the European Commission wants to make sure
that all people with disabilities can enjoy their rights
and have the same chances in life as everyone else.

To make this happen, in the next 10 years
the European Commission will work to make sure
that all people with disabilities can:

  • Move and live freely in any country of the European Union.

A man pushing the wheelchair of a woman with disability at the airport

  • Get the right support to be able to have a good life. 

A woman helping a blind man with a guidedog with his groceries

  • Live independently.
    They should not live in institutions away from their families
    and friends.


A man in wheelchair using a ramp to enter a building and a woman greeting him

  • Be part of the community together with other people.

Group of people with disabilities in a city

  • Make their own decisions about their lives.
    For example, they have the right to decide
    where, how and with whom they want to live.


Group of friends having different disabilities

  • Have the same chances to study and work
    as all other people.

Woman in wheelchair and other people studying and working together

  • Have access to health care
    and other important things and services.

Man in wheelchair going to a hospital

  • Are treated in a fair way and with respect.
    They should not be left out or be treated badly
    because they have a disability.  

Woman with disability being left out

The European Commission will work closely together
with all countries in the European Union
to make this plan happen
and protect the rights of all people with disabilities.


More information

If you have questions, you can send us an email.


This text is written by Lila Sylviti
and checked by Soufiane El Amrani
The images we used in this text
are available on a website of images
that is called 'Shutterstock'.

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