Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Need help?

If you have not found an answer to your question on this website and its frequently asked questions, there are other ways of getting help.

Your first step: find a solution in your country

  • The first step is to contact the social security institution of the place where you are working, living or staying. Remember that your actual rights depend on the social security rules of the country that is competent for your case
    Use our directory to find a contact institution
  • If you think a decision on your case is wrong, you may rely on the methods of appeal provided by national legislation. EU regulations apply directly in all EU countries, so you may have recourse to them before the competent authorities and courts.
  • Court procedures differ in each country. Normally, you must have exhausted all appeals before the social security institutions before bringing your case to court. We recommend that you first contact a legal adviser who can tell you what to do and assess your chances of success.

EU information and problem-solving tools 

  • To request information, make an enquiry via Europe Direct
  • To solve a problem with a national administration, make an enquiry via Solvit
  • To receive tailor-made legal advice, free of charge, make an enquiry via the Your Europe Advice service

If you consider that the legislation or the administrative practices of a particular country conflict with the EU rules, you can write a complaint to the European Commission.


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