
The Board, consisting of up to 11 individuals, is the highest decision-making body under the General Assembly. It normally meets at least four times a year. All Board members are ‘ex officio’ members of the Council. Board meetings are chaired by the EEB President.

Toni Vidan

EEB President


EEB Treasurer

Axel Jansen has been the Finance, Administration and Development Director at BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation since 2009. He was previously working as Finance Manager at the EEB from 1997 to 2006. Axel entered the Brussels NGO world in 1992 and has no plans to return to the private sector! Axel studied applied economics – nowadays called MBA. Axel is really happy to bring his knowledge and qualifications to improve the environment. For the moment, he is involved in a cooperative shop in his neighbourhood and gives French lessons to migrants. And during his free time, he enjoys travelling and cycling.


EEB Vice President

Andriy Andrusevych is Senior Policy Expert at Resource & Analysis Center “Society and Environment”, an environmental think-tank organization in Ukraine. program of the Ukrainian Catholic University Law School. Mr. Andrusevych has many years of experience working with environmental public interest law organizations. Mr. Andrusevych is active member of the coordination body of the European ECO Forum, a coalition of environmental NGOs from all parts of Eurasia and delegation member for the Aarhus and Espoo Conventions, and SEA Protocol bodies. He has served for many years as European ECO Forum Legal Focal Point for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia and has extensive experience in promoting implementation of and compliance with multilateral environmental agreements, especially the Aarhus and Espoo Conventions. He authored several publications in the area of environmental human rights, international environmental law and compliance mechanisms under multilateral environmental agreements. In recent years he has focused on Ukraine’s implementation of the EU environmental and climate acquis.


EEB Vice President

Nuria Blázquez is a biologist and Ms of protected area management. She is the head of international affairs of Ecologistas en Acción, a Spanish grassroots confederation of over 300 environmental groups working in biodiversity, energy, transportation, agroecology, water, air quality, ecofeminism, and mining, among other environmental issues. She conducts EU-related activities and assists local organisations facing serious consequences in their areas in raising their voice in Europe.


EEB Vice President

Bjela Vossen is the head of the European Policy Department of Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR), for which she has been working since 2004. DNR is the umbrella organisation of German nature conservation, animal and environmental protection organizations. It currently has close to 100 member organisations which together represent about 15 million individual members. Bjela and her team coordinate the EU activities of German environmental organizations closely with Brussels based environmental organisations and influence EU policy – in Brussels and Berlin. The team informs German environmental protection and conservation organizations about current developments at the EU level through numerous meetings and publications like a weekly newsletter.


EEB Vice President

Bernhard Zlanabitnig is of Austrian origin, living and working in Vienna. He holds an M.A. in law from the University of Vienna and 2 post-graduate degrees, M.Sc. in humanitarian management & logistics from the University of Lugano and M.A.S. in renewable energy systems from the Technical University of Vienna. He is Director of the EU-Umweltbüro in Vienna and Vice-President of the EEB. He is also Steering Group member of SDG Watch Austria and SDG Watch Europe.


EEB Board member

Karima Hammouche is a lawyer and a member of the Luxembourg Bar and a founding partner of the law firm “Etude Hammouche, Avocats à la Cour ”. She specialises in national and international litigation, with a particular focus on environmental disputes. She is very active in the environmental field. She advices Natur&Ëmwelt ONG which works for the preservation of the biodiversity in a diverse and cultural landscape through awareness raising advice, practical, scientific and political actions. She has been appointed expert of the Luxembourg Bar in the CCBE (Council of European Bars) Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility and Comittee on Environment and Climate Change. She is editor-in-chief of the legal review "Jurisnews Droit de l'Environnement". Also, she is a regular lecturer in the Council of Europe's HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) programme on environment and human rights


EEB Board member

Pegah Moulana is a 26 years old British-Iranian, currently working as the Secretary General of Youth and Environment Europe (YEE). Pegah is the current Committee of Ministers Recommendation paper on Climate Crisis and young people rapporteur at the Youth Department of Council of Europe and has been the founding portfolio lead on climate crisis and young people at Council of Europe. She has been the chairperson of European Youth Foundation from 2019 to 2021, tasked with supporting youth led organisations across Europe to receive monetary assistance in running youth led, non-formal education centric programmes across Europe.


EEB Board member

Stefan Scheuer leads EU policy advocacy for CHEM Trust, a European member of the EEB, and represents civil society at the European Chemicals Agency. Stefan has been shaping EU environmental policies for the last 25 years. He headed the Coalition for Energy Savings to make it a climate priority and lead the EEB’s campaigns for the Water Framework Directive and the REACH regulation.


EEB Board member

Dr Anke Stock is a lawyer and board member of WECF, a European and international network of over 250 women’s and civil society organisations working on transformative gender equality and women’s human rights in interconnection with climate justice, sustainable energy and chemicals, safe water and sanitation for all. Anke is working on gender mainstreaming environmental projects and programmes within WECF’s network and beyond and is advocating for gender equality within multilateral environmental agreements and the European Green Deal.