Our Members

Set up in 1974, the EEB is the largest network of environmental citizens’ organisations in Europe. It currently consists of over 185 member organisations in 41 countries, including a growing number of networks, and representing some 30 million individual members and supporters.

The EEB has four membership categories: full members, associate members, affiliate members and honorary members. The first three categories are for organisations; the fourth, honorary membership, is a status conferred on a small number of individuals on the basis of the moral support they have given or work they have undertaken towards protecting the environment.

Our honorary members are: Hubert David, Robin Grove-White, John Hontelez, Mikael Karlsson, Michael Scoullos, Geneviève Verbrugge, Gerrit Vonkeman, Jeremy Wates, Johanna Sandahl and Jouni Nissinen.

Member organisations, whether full, associate or affiliate members, may be may be national member organisations, European member organisations or others. Below you will find a list of our member organisations starting with our national members followed by our European members, other types of member organisations and our affiliate members.

National Members

European Members


Affiliate Members