Egyptian Drug Authority

Egyptian Drug Authority

تصنيع المستحضرات الصيدلانية

هيئة مستقلة تتبع رئيس مجلس الوزراء

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موظفين في Egyptian Drug Authority


  • عرض صفحة منظمة Egyptian Drug Authority، رسم بياني

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    After a high-level delegation from the World Health Organization visited the Egyptian Drug Authority: A step towards international accreditation A high-level delegation from the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded its visit to the Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA), which lasted for three days. During the visit, the delegation reviewed the significant efforts made by the EDA to enhance Egypt's drug regulatory system and secure WHO accreditation in the pharmaceutical field. Dr. Ali El-Ghamrawy emphasized during the closing session that the EDA is keen on obtaining this accreditation, following its prior success in achieving the third maturity level in the field of vaccines. These efforts are part of Egypt’s Vision 2030 and the directives of the country's leadership to localize pharmaceutical manufacturing in Egypt, while strengthening confidence in the safety, quality, and efficacy of Egyptian medicines both locally and internationally. The WHO delegation praised the progress made by the EDA, noting that these developments will play a key role in obtaining international accreditation. The delegation also expressed appreciation for the rapid improvements in Egypt's regulatory system to align with global regulatory standards. This visit represents an important step in boosting the reputation of Egyptian medicines and opening new opportunities for investment and export to global markets. #WHO #EgyptianDrugAuthority #PharmaceuticalSectorDevelopment #InternationalAccreditations #Medicines #Egypt2030 #PharmaceuticalIndustry #Investment #Export

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Egyptian Drug Authority، رسم بياني

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    Within the Initiative "Aware Pharmacist, Aware Community" Egyptian Drug Authority Organizes 3 Awareness Webinars for Community Pharmacists The Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA) organized 3 awareness webinars for community pharmacists during August and September, as part of the monthly events and activities of the "Aware Pharmacist, Aware Community" initiative, under the title "Unlock the Pharmacist Potential". During the webinars, participants were introduced to the EDA and the efforts it exerts in community awareness and initiatives. Additionally, the principles of drug education for cancer and diabetes patients and how to manage drug interactions were explained. It is worth noting that the "Aware Pharmacist, Aware Community" initiative is a training grant provided by the EDA, presented in the form of a series of lectures in virtual meetings (online). Virtual meetings are held monthly by the General Administration of Pharmaceutical Practices and Pharmacy at the EDA, targeting a number of different topics. These virtual meetings, along with registration instructions, are announced through the EDA's official social media pages. This comes in light of the EDA's encouragement of sound pharmaceutical practices, as well as achieving continuous professional development, supporting community pharmacists, and developing their skills. #EDA #Egypt #Pharmacist #Community #Awareness #Webinar #Healthcare #Training #DrugEducation #Cancer #Diabetes #DrugInteractions #Health #Wellness #ProfessionalDevelopment

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Egyptian Drug Authority، رسم بياني

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    The Egyptian Drug Authority is pleased to announce the opening of registration for a #workshop on research tools in regulatory authorities and scientific websites. The workshop aims to provide a theoretical and practical understanding of searching regulatory authorities and scientific websites, extracting reliable information to support regular research on scientific websites, vigilance activities, coding basics using MedDRA, and how to use MedDRA in building queries. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM at the Egyptian Drug Authority headquarters in Maadi. The target audience is vigilance representatives from pharmaceutical companies. The registration deadline is Monday, October 14, 2024. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance from the Egyptian Drug Authority's Center for Continuing Professional Development. For registration and agenda details, please visit the following links: and #EgyptianDrugAuthority #CenterforContinuingProfessionalDevelopment

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Egyptian Drug Authority، رسم بياني

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    "Registration is now open for a training program on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for Biological Products (Basic Level) The #EgyptianDrugAuthority announces the opening of registration for a training program on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for Biological Products (Basic Level). Scope of programe: The training program aims to introduce the principles of Good Manufacturing Practices for biological products, teach the basics of GMP for sterile products, and familiarize participants with the latest updates to international guidelines. Data & Location: The program is scheduled to start on Monday, October 28, 2024, and will continue for four consecutive days at the Egyptian Drug Authority headquarters in Agouza. (The training program will start at 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM) Target audiance :The training program is intended for representatives of biological product manufacturing facilities, and quality assurance and production pharmacists. Registeration due date :The last date to register and pay the training fee is Thursday, October 24, 2024. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance accredited by the Egyptian Drug Authority's Center for Continuing Professional Development. To register, please click on the following link: #EgyptianDrugAuthority #CenterforContinuingProfessionalDevelopment"

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Egyptian Drug Authority، رسم بياني

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    "Registration is now open for an awareness #webinar on "Medication Management for Cancer Patients" under the initiative "Unlock The Pharmacist Potential"" The Egyptian Drug Authority announces the opening of registration for an awareness webinar focusing on medication management for cancer patients as part of the initiative "Unlock The Pharmacist Potential" The webinar aims to introduce community pharmacists to the Egyptian Drug Authority's activities and outputs related to drug awareness, oncology pharmacy, and the principles of medication management for cancer patients. Additionally, it will equip pharmacists with the necessary skills to provide medication counseling to cancer patients. The webinar is scheduled to take place on Sunday, October 13, 2024, via an online platform. The webinar is designed for community pharmacists. The webinar will commence at 12:00 PM and end at 2:00 PM. The last day to register for the webinar is Thursday, October 10, 2024. To register, please click on the following link: To view the agenda, please click on the following link: #EgyptianDrugAuthority #ContinuousDevelopmentCenter

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Egyptian Drug Authority، رسم بياني

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    L'Égypte, représentée par l'Autorité Égyptienne du Médicament (EDA), et l'Afrique du Sud, représentée par l'Autorité Sud-Africaine de Régulation des Produits de Santé (SAHPRA), invitent les partenaires industriels à participer à la phase pilote de l'Initiative de Partage de Travail (Work- Sharing Initiative WSI), visant à rationaliser le processus d'enregistrement des produits biologiques dans les deux pays par le biais d'une évaluation conjointe. En tant qu'acteurs des secteurs pharmaceutique et biotechnologique, votre collaboration est essentielle au succès de cette initiative. En participant à cette initiative d'évaluation conjointe, les partenaires industriels auront l'opportunité de : - Collaborer avec les principales autorités de réglementation africaines pour façonner l'avenir des politiques et pratiques réglementaires. - Contribuer au développement de cadres réglementaires favorisant la confiance mutuelle et l'accès aux médicaments et vaccins. Nous vous invitons à manifester votre intérêt pour participer à cette initiative transformative en soumettant une demande formelle dans le formulaire joint après avoir examiné le document conceptuel de l'initiative et ses procédures de fonctionnement. La date limite pour recevoir votre demande est le [28 février 2025] par email : EDA :   SAHPRA :  le document conceptuel du WSI : l'Annexe I du WSI_Formulaire de demande:  l'Annexe II du WSI_Procédures de fonctionnement: #Egyptian_drug_authority #EDA #SAHPRA #WSI #Registration

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Egyptian Drug Authority، رسم بياني

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    Implementing the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Egyptian Drug Authority and the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). Egypt, as represented by the Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA), and South Africa, as represented by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA), are extending an invitation to industry partners to participate in the pilot phase of the Work Sharing Initiative (WSI) aimed at streamlining the registration process for biological products in both countries through joint assessment. As stakeholders in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, your collaboration is paramount to the success of this initiative. By participating in this joint assessment initiative, industry partners will have the opportunity to: Collaborate with the leading African regulatory authorities to shape the future of regulatory policies and practices. Contribute to the development of regulatory frameworks that support mutual reliance and access to medicines and vaccines. We invite you to express your interest in participating in this transformative initiative by submitting a formal application in the enclosed form after reviewing the concept paper of the initiative and its operating procedures. Deadline to receive your application is [28th February 2025] via email: EDA: SAHPRA: WSI_Concept Note Link: WSI_Annex I_Application Form Link: WSI_Annex II_Operating Procedures Link: #Egyptian_drug_authority #EDA #SAHPRA #WSI #Registration

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Egyptian Drug Authority، رسم بياني

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    "Workshop on Fundamentals of Quality Systems in Pharmaceutical Institutions and Pharmaceutical Ethics" The Egyptian Drug Authority announces the opening of registration for a workshop on the fundamentals of implementing quality systems in pharmaceutical institutions and discussing pharmaceutical ethics. The workshop aims to guide all pharmacists on the basics of applying quality systems to achieve institutional development and excellence. It will also discuss the ethical principles that pharmacists must adhere to and their duties towards society. The training program is scheduled for Monday, October 21, 2024, at the Egyptian Drug Authority headquarters in Agouza or via an online platform. The training program is open to all graduated pharmacists and pharmacy students. The training program will start at 9:30 AM and end at 2:30 PM. The deadline for registration and fee payment is Thursday, October 17, 2024. Participants will receive a certified certificate of attendance from the Egyptian Drug Authority's Continuing Professional Development Center. To register, please click on the following link: #EgyptianDrugAuthority #ContinuousProfessionalDevelpmentCenter

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Egyptian Drug Authority، رسم بياني

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    The Egyptian Drug Authority is pleased to announce the opening of registration for a #workshop on research tools in regulatory authorities and scientific websites. The workshop aims to provide a theoretical and practical understanding of searching regulatory authorities and scientific websites, extracting reliable information to support regular research on scientific websites, vigilance activities, coding basics using MedDRA, and how to use MedDRA in building queries. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM at the Egyptian Drug Authority headquarters in Maadi. The target audience is vigilance representatives from pharmaceutical companies. The registration deadline is Monday, October 14, 2024. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance from the Egyptian Drug Authority's Center for Continuing Professional Development. For registration and agenda details, please visit the following links: and #EgyptianDrugAuthority #CenterforContinuingProfessionalDevelopment

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Egyptian Drug Authority، رسم بياني

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    To explore cooperation and pharmaceutical investment opportunities, The Egyptian Drug Authority hosts a delegation from the Swedish Trade and Investment Council The Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA) hosted a delegation from the Swedish Trade and Investment Council, along with representatives from leading Swedish companies, in a meeting attended by EDA officials. The delegation also included representatives from the Development Finance Institute under the Swedish government, the Swedish Export Credit Agency, and other prominent Swedish companies. The purpose of the meeting was to explore avenues of cooperation in pharmaceutical-related projects and discuss investment opportunities in Egypt. Present at the meeting were Dr. Yasser Ragai, Assistant to the EDA President for Media, Public Communication, and Investment Support, Dr. Miriam Boulos, Head of the Central Administration for Medical Devices, and Dr. Asmaa Fouad, Head of the Central Administration for Biological, Innovative Products, and Clinical Studies. Mr. Masoud Biouki, Head of the Middle East and North Africa region at the Swedish Trade and Investment Council, expressed his appreciation for the continuous support provided by the EDA to the Egyptian pharmaceutical sector, which positively impacts the growth of the Egyptian economy. During the meeting, discussions focused on the incentives offered by the EDA to promote investment in the pharmaceutical and medical devices sectors in Egypt, as well as on supporting partnerships with Swedish companies. This comes within the framework of the EDA’s commitment to fostering economic growth and achieving the goals of sustainable development as part of Egypt’s Vision 2030. The authority is dedicated to creating an enabling environment that offers Egypt opportunities to attract further investments that support the national economy. #PharmaceuticalInvestment #EgyptianDrugAuthority #InternationalCooperation #SustainableDevelopment #InvestmentOpportunities #SwedenEgyptPartnership #Vision2030 #PharmaIndustry

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