Sunday, June 30, 2013

Allers and Default hair clipping: Fix the Gap

Update 07.15.2013 - This mod fits the default hair to a custom Shepard, with no need for LOD editing.

Dizzig on the Bioware Social Network was kind enough to provide the following info:

Open up your save in Gibbed and navigate to 
Raw -> Player -> Appearance -> Headmorph -> LOD #0 Vertices

Open the collection and you'll see a crapton of numbers.

Default Jane Hair

Change the following where x/y:

250 = 5/2
251 = 6/1
252 = 5/1
253 = 4/2
254 = 3/2
255 = 3/1
256 = 1/1
257 = 1/2
269 = 0.5/5.5
270 = 1/5.5
271 = 1.5/5.5
287 = 3/4
288 = 4/4
289 = 5/3
290 = 4/3
291 = 2/4
292 = 3/3
293 = 1/4
300 = 2.5/5.5
330 = 1.5/4.5
331 = 2.5/4.5
340 = 1/4.5
355 = 5.5/1.5
356 = 6.5/1.5
357 = 3.5/1
358 = 3.5/1.5
369 = 2/4.5
1460 = 6.5/1.5
1461 = 6.5/0.860723436
1462 = 5.5/3.5
1463 = 4.5/4.5
1464 = 6.5/2.5
1465 = 3.5/5.5

1466 = 3.5/5.5

Additional tweaks from riesenwiesel:

Change the following x-values
415 = 4.9
416 = 5.2
417 = 4.7
418 = 2.7
419 = 1.7

420 = 3.9

Additional research from Skaldfish: link

And Cecilia L: "I subtracted 0.5 from Y value in 363-368 and that got rid of that small edge of scalp remaining on her right.
I also noticed Shepard's forehead becomes a little deformed when making the suggested corrections in 1460-1466. Nothing major, but seen from certain angles there is a big bump in her forehead under the hair. I found that only subtracting 0.5 from the original Y values (while leaving X alone) fixes the same things as before, but without affecting the forehead too much."

Allers Hair

Change the z-codes for the following to 175: 256 to 263, 302, 311, 338, 339, 360, 361, 362, 380 to 390, 480 to 485.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Could do you better organize the statistics for Aller's Hair? I can't understand nothing....

  3. @Roxas13 - On the left column, where you see "Members"...see how the numbers 1 on down appear? Scroll down to 256, then click it. In the box to the right you will see "Misc." with the X, Y, and Z values. Change the Z value by highlighting it and inputting the new value right over it. Then go to 257...change the Z value again....then 258, 259, 260....etc.

    You are only changing the Z values....get them all changed to 175 then click on OK....Then Save. I make a new save so that if anything haven't messed up any of my previous saves.

    But that is all there is to it. Nothing terribly difficult, though a bit confusing if you haven't done it before.

    1. yeah, the changing values is easy enough. but reading whats written above is not easy at all. whoever wrote this in first place should have put it in the other way, because I spent like 5 minutes just reading that line and trying to understand what I need to change to what...

      Just change "to" for "-", like in "256-263, 302, 311..." and no one will be confused

  4. I got my shepards hair to work right (Allers) but the collarbones are still glitching when I wear the dress or am seen in the underwear scene. What do I need to do in order to fix the clipping on the shoulder? The rest of the hair is fine otherwise. Any help would be appreciated

  5. I can't understand squat of this post. It's all fun and games until the number part comes. Why do modders assume the regular gamer already has mad gibbed skills?

  6. Thank you for everyone's help! It's very useful and I'll be sure to try it out :)

  7. is it just me that gets a green neck? is there a way to fix it?

  8. Following all the proper steps..AS LISTED ABOVE... All X/Y factors changed... Why does she have a wicked bald center part right in the middle Horrid... Someone needs to go back to the drawing board on this one... Think I'll just stick with Cyberbabe...

  9. i'm a dumb but sorry i don't understand basically nothing

    i scroll for example down to the vertex number 250 but that 250 = 5/2 i don't get i mean the x original value for me is 8,58646 and the y is 3,33979.

    what i'm supposed to do? change the values to 5 and 2 or what?

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