GMV, ¡muchas gracias por la afectuosa bienvenida! Contentos, ilusionados y orgullosos ("no cabíamos en la camiseta" 😉) de formar parte de GMV. Compartimos los mismos valores. #GMVteam #AutekIngeniería #CrossDomain
Last Friday, we welcomed our colleagues from Autek Ingeniería🎉 Ignacio Ramos Gorostiola shared the history and values of GMV with them, followed by Mª José Germán Ayuso, Juan Antonio Abánades, and Manuel Pérez Cortés, who provided a deeper understanding of what it means to be a GMVita. To wrap up, they posed for a photo with familiar faces, proudly donning their new colors 👕. These new team members bring great expectations for the future. Welcome to the #GMVteam!