Cultura Inquieta

Cultura Inquieta

Edición de libros, periódicos y revistas

Barcelona, Madrid 19.060 seguidores

La cultura y el arte como herramientas para transformarnos a nosotros mismos y, de paso, al mundo.

Sobre nosotros

Cultura Inquieta es, presumiblemente, el prescriptor de arte y cultura más potente de España. Trabajamos en la creación y curación de contenidos culturales. Ideamos y desarrollamos estrategias de valor transmedia para marcas, en los que el digital juega un papel fundamental, y ofrecemos servicios de comunicación, formación y eventos disruptivos para empresas. Entre nuestros clientes habituales se encuentran grandes compañías, museos, Fundaciones, la industria del cine, la música y el espectáculo, etc. Producimos también o participamos activamente en propuestas artísticas y culturales en el ámbito offline. Curamos, diseñamos y producimos eventos para empr Cultura Inquieta is culture as a living thing in constant motion without fear of exhibiting new art or giving a platform to new voices. It is also a condition that gets you jumping out of bed every morning with the enthusiasm to take pleasure in all the beauty that real life has to offer us. Cultura Inquieta’s range of activities is diverse! We combine our global presence through our website, our social networks and the magazine with everything out there that is artistically moving. We could go on and on pseudo intellectualizing about our exquisite taste in art, or about how art endows society with its benefits. However, given that we are clear on both of these points, we simply accept the fact that we like having fun, being moved. Furthermore, holding that art and culture can be decidedly enjoyable and moving, we practice what we preach. We at Cultura Inquieta dedicate ourselves to enjoy!! Enjoy art, enjoy music, enjoy life. Our deep commitment is to beauty and our philosophy is "In Art we Trust". The primary objective of Cultura Inquieta is to democritise and popularise culture and the arts, making them accessible to everyone regardless of their passport, age or beliefs. We want to demonstrate that artistic languages, previously exclusive to a few, are in truth, the emotional heritage of everyone.

Edición de libros, periódicos y revistas
Tamaño de la empresa
De 11 a 50 empleados
Barcelona, Madrid
Empresa pública
Media, Publisher, Events, Social Networks, Festival, Producción, Comunicación y estrategias trasmedia


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