

Tecnología, información e internet

We help charities to go online and implement donations into checkout flow.

Sobre nosotros

Fandy empowers businesses with impact-marketing tools and automates fundraising for charities. 📍8 the green, ste a, Dover, DE, 19901

Sitio web
Tecnología, información e internet
Tamaño de la empresa
De 2 a 10 empleados
De financiación privada


Empleados en Fandy


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    33 seguidores

    Everyone is welcome to join in!

    🚀 Enhancing Nonprofit Campaigns with Digital Marketing Tools! Join us for a series of insightful webinars designed to help CSOs and activists navigate the digital fundraising landscape! 🎯 Webinar 1: Digital Marketing Tools for CSO Campaigns 📅 10th April 2024 🕐 13:00-14:30 CET (Brussels time) ☀ Learn about the various digital marketing tools available for non-profits, including user-friendly guides on how to use them effectively. Discover how analytics can enhance your fundraising efforts and get practical tips on running effective Facebook Ads campaigns. ⚡ Register now to get Zoom connection details: 🎯 Webinar 2: Dedicated Platforms for Charity Fundraising 📅 11th April 2024 🕐 13:00-14:30 CET (Brussels time) ☀ Explore Google's support for non-profits and how to run Google Ads campaigns. Get introduced to, a dedicated platform created by webinar host Yury Kukhalski to assist CSOs with online fundraising. ⚡ Register now to get Zoom connection details: Read more about the webinars and the speaker:

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    Ver la página de empresa de FinTech Poland, gráfico

    5639 seguidores

    Nasza społeczność mówi dziś: Dzień dobry Fandy 🎉 Witajcie w naszym Ekosystemie! 🍀 Fandy to platforma, która łączy firmy e-commerce z UE z lokalnymi organizacjami charytatywnymi i pomaga im dokonywać znaczących wpłat poprzez wdrażanie darowizn do przepływu płatności, a także czerpać korzyści ze zwiększonej lojalności klientów. 💬 "Po pracy w kilku krajach UE stało się dla mnie jasne, że polska technologia w ogóle, a fintech w szczególności, jest na fali wznoszącej. Liczba możliwości i świetnych projektów jest tutaj bardzo duża. Co więcej, spotkaliśmy się z naprawdę ciepłym przyjęciem ze strony społeczności, dużym zainteresowaniem ze strony organizacji charytatywnych i silnym pragnieniem polskich firm, aby przyjąć nasze rozwiązania fintechowe. Dlatego decyzja o dołączeniu do Fintech Poland była dla nas oczywista i jesteśmy bardzo wdzięczni za tę możliwość" podsumowuje Yury Kukhalski, founder #Fandy. #FintechPoland #ImpactFintech #TechForGood Gabriela Mrozek Pawel Widawski Piotr Brewiński

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Fandy, gráfico

    33 seguidores

    🌍 Go Global, Act Local with Fandy Hey folks, ever noticed how we're more likely to trust our next-door neighbor than a distant relative we've only met once at a family reunion? Turns out, the same logic applies to charities. A recent survey among UK donators showed that 56% of people trust local community charities more than national (29%) or international ones (17%). Why does this matter for your business? Research indicates that checkout donations can elevate customer lifetime value by up to 18% and increase conversion rates by as much as 19%. More so, it can raise the average order value by 20%. This not only boosts customer loyalty but also sets a business apart as a community-conscious brand. Major players like Amazon and Revolut are already benefiting from the power of integrated donations. But for small and medium-sized enterprises, the charity landscape can seem overwhelming. Here's where Fandy, your impact marketing tools provider steps in. We streamline the complexities of compliance, reporting, and distribution, empowering businesses to effortlessly engage with their communities. In return, we provide detailed reports and marketing materials that will highlight businesses Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. 📊 By making giving back a seamless, rewarding part of the shopping experience, we're opening the door for businesses and individuals alike to contribute meaningfully to their local communities with every purchase, as well as benefit from such contributions. Join us in this exciting journey and transform every transaction into an opportunity to make a real difference.

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Fandy 1 ronda en total

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70.000,00 US$


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