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Servicios de alimentos y bebidas

FUSILLI is an EU-funded Horizon2020 project to foster urban food system transformation through innovative Living Labs

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FUSILLI is a project funded by the European Union's Horizon2020 program. It aims to promote the sustainable transformation of urban food systems by setting up 12 innovative "Living Labs" across Europe - real-world test environments for new ideas and technologies that make the food system more sustainable. #FOOD2030 Each of our 12 Living Labs have different priorities and innovation actions to implement in their city to transform their urban food system. These actions cover all stages of the food system from producer to consumer and government officials. FUSILLI account run by Steinbeis Europa Zentrum Impressum:

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  • 🌟What a wonderful look back into Kolding's progress achieved in 4 years, the difference made, and the exciting new opportunities their work in FUSILLI set into motion! 💪

    Ver la página de empresa de Kolding2030 - Sammen om bæredygtighed

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    REJSEN MED MOD ET BÆREDYGTIGT FØDEVARESYSTEM ER GODT BEGYNDT - OG FORTSÆTTER🚀 Tilbage i 2020 fik vi – sammen med Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark - 8,2 mio. kr. fra EU til at skabe et ’Living Lab’-eksperimentarium i Kolding for, hvordan man skaber et mere bæredygtigt fødevaresystem. I 2021 hoppede vi i arbejdstøjet og her fire år siger vi tak til EU’s Horizon-program for støtten, til SDU for parløbet, til en lang række borgere, skoler, køkkener, forskellige fødevareaktører og virksomheder for deltagelse i projektet og for samarbejde og til politikerne i Kolding Byråd for opbakningen. Der har i alle årene været fuld blus på komfuret og godt kog i gryderne♨️ 🍽️🍲 I alt har SDU og Kommunen igangsat i omegnen af 50 innovative tiltag. Værd at nævne er fx uddannelse af personalet i kommunens køkkener og kantiner i at kunne tilberede velsmagende og ernæringsrigtig klimavenlig mad, samarbejde med skolerne om undervisning i at dyrke egne grøntsager, en skolehavekonkurrence, en lang række fællesspisninger og et Food Lab. Desuden har Kolding, som en af landets første kommuner, fået et fødevareråd og projektet har resulteret i et forslag til Danmarks første helhedsorienterede fødevarestrategi, som er sendt til politisk godkendelse og kommer på dagsordenen i de politiske udvalg og Kolding Byråd de næste par måneder. Og endelig har EU-projektet betydet, at de mange fødevare-aktiviteter har givet Koldings fødevareteam et stort nationalt og internationalt netværk og stor bevågenhed med invitationer til at holde oplæg på Folkemødet, i virksomheder og på Københavns Universitet for at nævne nogle få steder. - Der er heller ingen tvivl om, at EU-projektet har betydet, at vi i Kolding nu bliver inviteret indenfor og kommer i betragtning i forbindelse med nye bæredygtige fødevareprojekter. Før jul kunne vi offentliggøre, at vi har fået penge fra Fonden for Økologisk Landbrug til et kompetenceforløb for seks kommunale køkkener i samarbejde med Meyers Madhus og om få uger kan vi løfte sløret for et andet stort projekt, vi deltager i. Det var givetvis ikke kommet så vidt, hvis vi ikke havde været en del af EU-projektet, fortæller HELLE VILSBØLL, projektleder for fødevare-projektet. FUSILLI Project - - har med andre ord sat gang i en rejse mod et mere bæredygtigt fødevaresystem og den rejse slutter ikke med EU-projektet. Den 1. januar blev Helle Vilsbøll ansat som bæredygtighedskonsulent med speciale i fødevaresystemet og i den rolle skal hun først og fremmest omsætte den kommende fødevarestrategi til handling. Helle har i alle fire år i EU-projektet været en del af Bæredygtighedssekretariatet i Bæredygtighedshuset på Kolding Bibliotek og det er også her, at Helle får sin daglige gang fremover. Hvis du er blevet nysgerrig på at høre mere om projektets mange aktiviteter og den viden og de erfaringer, der er samlet op i projektet, så kontakt Helle Vilsbøll. #FUSILLI

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  • 📖Have you read FUSILLI's Lessons Learned Cookbook? It is a unique 'menu' of insights and experiences gained by our 12 FUSILLI Living Labs. Together, we have tested innovative solutions and tackled food system challenges in different ways. 💬 "This cookbook is more than a collection of actions taken. It is a story of change in which each city contributes its own contribution, its unique story and the results of its innovation. You will find detailed accounts of our journey and the challenges we faced. We offer practical advice that reflects the cultural richness and diversity of our partner cities," says coordinator Julia Pinedo Gil, a researcher at CARTIF, in her introduction. ✨ We hope this cookbook inspires and guides all actors in their efforts to promote sustainable and resilient urban food systems. Download yours from our website 👉🔗 #FUSILLIProject #sustainablefood #LessonsLearned

  • 🌱FUSILLI might be ending, but together, we have sparked the transition and planted the seeds of change towards suustainable urban food! 📖 As we start to close the last pages of FUSILLI, most of us at the consortium can't help but be a little emotional. Looking back at the starting days of the project to today, the amount progress we achieved, individually, as a researcher, as a Living Lab, and even more so as an entire project, is an immense step forward and something to be proud of. 🚀 FUSILLI has implemented local innovative actions at our 12 Living Labs, focusing on the different actors and stages of the food system, from the consumers, producers, distributors, waste, and importantly, governance. But these actions alone are nothing without all the citizens, food system stakeholders, and politicians we have engaged along the way and have given their support to the ambition of transforming the urban food system, together. 🍽️It is now up to each of our Living Labs to continue their journey and write their own sequels on their transformation of the food system. ✨ Watch, share, and like ▶️ #foodsystemtransformation #urbanfood #sustainablefood #accessiblefood #healthyfood #FUSILLIproject FUSILLI-hanke FUSILLI - Castelo Branco Kolding2030 - Fremtidens bæredygtige samfund Torino City Lab Laura Fernández Casal Julia Pinedo Gil CARTIF Steinbeis Europa Zentrum Tecnoalimenti S.C.p.A. Demir Enerji Danismanlik Athena - Research and Education Institute Torino Urban Lab OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University İzmir Demokrasi Üniversitesi Projects Blog Leitat Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark University of Valladolid Tampere University of Applied Sciences V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University WINGS ICT Solutions ENCO Engineering and Consulting srl Donostia Sustapena - Fomento San Sebastián Nilüfer Belediyesi Oslo kommune Kolding Kommune Ville de Differdange City of Rijeka Tampereen kaupunki - City of Tampere Município de Castelo Branco City of Athens, Greece ΔΑΕΜ Roma Capitale Risorse per Roma S.p.A. Elisabetta Luzzi Fondazione della Comunità di Mirafiori onlus Ekokumppanit Oy - Ecofellows Ltd. AhlmanEdu University of Luxembourg

  • 🌍 Reflecting on FUSILLI Rome's Round Trip: Sustainably Crossing Borders  On their final stop, thanked and applauded at an assembly of Rome's Food Policy Council Delegates, the Delegates would remember that FUSILLI sowed, and disseminated the foundations of Rome's Food Policy. 🌱 The FUSILLI Rome team recently had the opportunity to attend two of their milestone events in Brussels and Turin, traveling sustainably by train 🚂 🦾They first attended the "ACTION!" conference from EFUA, which gathered agriculture enthusiasts and professionals from across the EU. Elisabetta Luzzi, representing our Rome team, hosted the workshop "Collaborating for food systems change: Uniting food policy councils and urban agriculture" revealing significant potential for collaboration between urban agriculture communities and food policy councils to drive systemic change in food systems. The event featured lively field visits, discussions, 'ready-to-implement' insights, knowledge exchange and stimulating workshops. 🐌 Followed by a long journey with train adventures and delays, our Rome team finally arrived to Terra Madre in Turin, hosted by Slow Food. In front of a colorful audience, Elisabetta along with Laura Ribotta from the city of Turin and Line Tveiten from the city of Oslo, followed the trajectories of their cities toward sustainable food systems in the focus event "FUSILLI: Implementation tools for urban policy" ✨ To end spectacularly, once back home, the FUSILLI Rome team was thanked by the president of the food Council and publicly applauded by the Food Council Assembly of 156 delegates. In this occasion on the 3rd of December, the Delegates would remember that FUSILLI sowed, and disseminated the foundations of Rome's Food Policy. Read the full article 🔗 #Sustainability #UrbanFoodSystems #FUSILLIProject #foodpolicycouncil #urbanagriculture

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  • 🍽️Oslo is paving the way forward for sustainable and healthy meals for children at their 2nd Annual Food Conference 2024! 👥 This year, the conference gathered ~200 employees who are involved in serving meals to children in kindergartens and schools. 🥕"The Carrot" is an award to public institutions in Oslo setting excellent example of sustainable and healthy public meals, given out for the first time this year! ✨ Our Oslo Living Lab coordinator, Line Tveiten, led the jury work for "The Carrot" award 🔗 #Sustainability #HealthyEatingatSchools #FUSILLIProject #OsloFoodConference Photo credit: Nikolai Kobets Freund, Oslo Kommune

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    Urban #foodsystems face a range of social, economic, and environmental issues, due in part to efficiency-driven supply chains that rely heavily on imports. These supply chains contribute to increased waste and emissions, and leave many communities without access to affordable, nutritious food. As seen during recent crises, a reliance on global imports can leave cities vulnerable to disruptions in food supply.  Over the last four years, the EU-funded FUSILLI Project aimed at implementing integrated, systemic food policies in cities across Europe. Policies that support city-regional transitions towards sustainable food systems. To achieve this, 12 municipalities throughout Europe set up #LivingLabs: experimental policy and action spaces. MG van der Meij, Barbara Regeer, Lara Mauch and Jonathan Luger from Athena coordinated the reflexive learning processes of those Living Labs using workshops and other interactive learning methodologies, along with FUSILLI partners and the project's wider (online) knowledge community.     FUSILLI is now approaching its final stages, and to celebrate the main lessons learned and joint efforts by 34 partners from 13 countries, the project organised a final conference on the 19th and 20th of November, in Nilüfer, Turkey - one of the FUSILLI partner municipalities. Some key lessons learned that were shared at the FUSILLI Final Conference:     🏛️ Focus on governance: integrating novel food initiatives into existing municipal structures is crucial to ensure long-term commitment for food policy  🥕Support citizen engagement: actively involve citizens and key stakeholders, both to address issues of food (in)justice and to build motivation and support for inclusive food policies  ♻️Establish partnerships: both within and outside the confines of government, support networks and partnerships among civil servants and stakeholders, to integrate the otherwise siloed food system domains such as production, consumption, distribution and waste     Although the project is ending, the transformation it sparked continues. FUSILLI has planted the seeds of change, engaged communities, and built organizational structures necessary for lasting change.

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  • 🌱 Seeds Planted for Building the Future: Nilüfer's Journey #Nilüfer Municipality recently hosted the FUSILLI Final Conference and 9th Periodic Meeting, marking the culmination of an incredible four-year journey. The conference highlighted economic impacts, urban planning, and participation models, with site visits on day 2 to key sustainable food projects across Nilufer, including the Konak Local Producers' Market, Altınşehir Neighborhood Garden, and the Hasanağa Food Hub. They had explained the activities in Nilüfer many times in FUSILLI meetings, but despite the positive reactions there was always an impression that Nilüfer's activities seemed 'too good to be true', tells Mehmet Can Yilmaz, the local coordinator of the Nilüfer Living Lab. The Final Conference and final periodic meeting, was finally a chance to show the entire consortium that "We actually cannot explain Nilufer well enough, we know that and for this reason we would like you to come and see it all in person." These visits showcased Nilüfer's tangible progress in transitioning to a sustainable food system. Guests experienced firsthand the municipality’s dedication to local production, food accessibility, waste reduction, and community engagement, reinforced by cultural connections to ancient culinary traditions. The FUSILLI project has been a transformative catalyst, giving Nilufer new perspectives and strategies for sustainable food systems. Moving forward, the municipality is committed to what Mehmet calls, "Nilufer Food System 2.0," fostering scientific approaches to agriculture, supporting local producers, promoting awareness among consumers, and reducing food injustice. Future plans are already in motion: 🗺️ Expanding land-use mapping to 100% of Nilüfer's lands 🪱Waste management of tea and coffee waste from university canteens 💻a demo version of a food ecosystem mobile application with product tracking from the Nilüfer Bostan, harvest calenders, food ecosystem map, and so much more! 🚸educational programs for children—all while prioritizing collaboration with local universities and communities. What we have learned from the cities in the FUSILLI consortium is endless and very inspiring, says Mehmet. Food system transformation requires long-term effort and cities cannot do it alone. "We will continue to do what we know best and of course, we will cultivate the seeds we planted together with FUSILLI". As Mehmet Can Yılmaz writes, “We will keep working to build another future for our children and a resilient food system for all.” Or in the words of Douglas Adams’ book, the last message left by dolphins to humans before the destruction of the world: "so long and thanks for all the fish". 🐟 Read the complete blog 🔗 #foodsystemtransformation #foodsystem #sustainablefood #FUSILLIProject

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  • 🌍Kharkiv's wartime community action for sustainable food Despite the challenges of wartime, Kharkiv is making impressive strides towards a sustainable food system through various civil and business initiatives. During August-September 2024, our project researchers embarked on a local tour to connect with stakeholders in food policy, security, circular production, and Zero Waste principles. Key highlights from our tour include: 🍼 Visiting the «Kharkiv Dairy Kitchen for Baby Food», a unique enterprise providing natural dairy products for children since 1978. 🥒 Engaging with the «De-occupation Shop», a volunteer project supporting residents of de-occupied villages by helping them sell their produce in Kharkiv. 🍫 Learning about Julias_Kitchen, a volunteer food initiative producing nutritious meals and energy bars for those in need. 🐌 Exploring a snail farm that has become a source of new opportunities and jobs in the region. ♻️ Collaborating with Zero Waste Kharkiv to promote resource conservation and environmental protection. These initiatives not only enhance food security but also foster economic independence and environmental sustainability in the region. The tour has been an invaluable platform for sharing best practices and supporting local efforts to improve the ecological status of Kharkiv. Read the full article🔗 #Sustainability #FoodSecurity #Kharkiv #CommunityAction #ZeroWaste #CircularEconomy #FUSILLIProject

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  • 🌱 Empowering Health and Sustainability through Education! 📖 We are excited to share the amazing work being done by Eroski's Food School as part of the FUSILLI project! 🎉 Eroski's Food School is making a significant impact by educating young children about healthy eating habits and sustainable lifestyle choices. Through interactive sessions and engaging activities, children are empowered to make healthier food choices and understand the importance of sustainability. 🍎🌍 The Food school involves: 📚 Practical information and interactive activities to promote healthy eating 🎮 Engaging children through games and hands-on learning experiences 📝 Encouraging children to create action plans for healthier changes in their families and schools This initiative not only fosters a commitment to healthier lifestyles but also emphasizes the importance of sustainability in our food systems. Let's support and celebrate these efforts to build a healthier and more sustainable future for all! 🌟 Read the full article to learn more about this inspiring initiative: #Sustainability #HealthyEating #Education #FUSILLIProject #Eroski #FutureGenerations

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  • ⭐ A food strategy for #Kolding! Kolding is immensely proud to announce that their very first food strategy is in the final stage of the approval process ! The public hearing showed the anchoring commitment of the municipality and city council for sustainable urban food. The spark for sustainable food in Kolding continues🔥 Starting from foundational work of mapping the food system, the achievement started from a place of #understanding. But how do they engage the public to relate to it yet see how important a milestone this was? Et voila: a successful event starting with an actor reading out the 'story' of Kolding's food system, a social dinner, and a dive into the concrete focus areas. The event sold out, and the citizens are fueled with engagement for sustainable food! Read more about Kolding's food strategy 🔗 #sustainablefood #foodstrategy #foodgovernance #citizenengagement

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