We are delighted to announce we’ve completed a seed funding round of €1,28M led by Fundación Botín with participation from BStartup of Banco Sabadell. This will allow the company to continue advancing development of #ONR001, a first-in-class drug for eliminating persistent tumour cells that remain after conventional treatment. We are so grateful to the investors, Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), Universitat de Barcelona - Fundació Bosch i Gimpera and Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, ICREA for believing in Oniria Therapeutics. Press release: https://lnkd.in/ex5n4HAe 📷 Xavier Barril, Carles Galdeano, Esther Riambau, Josep Tabernero MD, PhD, Hector G Palmer and Isabel Puig Borreil, PhD, founders of Oniria Therapeutics. #cancer #CancerPersistence #PrecisionOncology #biotechnology #health
Oniria Therapeutics
Investigación biotecnológica
Barcelona, Spain 2246 seguidores
A shift in cancer treatment methodology makes a world of difference.
Sobre nosotros
A shift in cancer treatment methodology makes a world of difference. Oniria Therapeutics is a spin-off from Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA). Oniria Therapeutics is a biotech company focused on the development of first-in-class drugs in the field of precision oncology. It develops therapies to modulate and eliminate dormant tumor cells as a novel targeted strategy to overcome their persistence. Our flagship product allosterically activates TET2, a master epigenetic enzyme.
- Sitio web
Enlace externo para Oniria Therapeutics
- Sector
- Investigación biotecnológica
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 2 a 10 empleados
- Sede
- Barcelona, Spain
- Tipo
- De financiación privada
- Fundación
- 2021
- Especialidades
- Biotechnology, cancer, cell dormancy, first-in-class, biopharmaceutical, precision oncology, cancer persistence, Spin-off, Targeted therapy y TET2
CELLEX CENTER, c/ Natzaret 115-117
Barcelona, Spain 08035, ES
Empleados en Oniria Therapeutics
Marc Ramis Castelltort
Creating Life Sciences Ventures | Biotech & Children's Health
Natalia Ricco
Innovation Manager at Oniria Therapeutics & Clinical Trial Project Manager at Leukos.
Carles Galdeano
Associate Professor at University of Barcelona
Hector G Palmer
Principal Investigator of the Stem Cells and Cancer Group
The EACR Conference “Persister Cells: from Bacteria to Cancer” is taking place this week in Lyon, bringing together 🔝 researchers and physicians who study cancer persister cells in various contexts to discuss key questions in the field and lay the foundations for generating a community dedicated to the study of non-genetic drug resistance. A big thank you to everyone who attended our poster presentation “First-in-class TET2 small drug allosteric activator to fight #CancerPersistence” by our Research Scientist David Aguilar Recarte, PhD. Special thanks to Dr Yaara Oren, chair of the EACR Conference Scientific Committee and principal investigator at Oren Lab (Tel Aviv University). European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
We invite you to the poster presentation “First-in-class TET2 small drug allosteric activator to fight #CancerPersistence” by our Research Scientist David Aguilar Recarte, PhD at the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) Conference in Lyon. 📄 Poster number 53 🗓️ Tuesday, 18 March 🕕 6:15 pm – 7:45 pm 🔗 For more information visit the web of the event: https://lnkd.in/dbWFnvQR See you there 👋 #PrecisionOncology #cancer #biotech
Oniria Therapeutics ha compartido esto
La III edición de #UnDíaConUnaMujerBiotech continúa. 🚀 Celia Mata del grado de Biotecnología en la Universidad de Granada comparte una jornada inspiradora con Esther Riambau Gascó, CEO en Oniria Therapeutics, S.L. Mujeres que impulsan el cambio científico. 🌿 #MujeresBiotech #SomosBiotecnología
This week we are enjoying the MWC Barcelona & 4YFN, the most influential event for innovation and technology. As a biopharmaceutical company focused on #PrecisionOncology, we want to show our innovative therapy ONR-001 for aggressive solid and liquid tumors that don't respond to current treatments. Visit us! 📍 Hall 8.1 - Stand 8.1C23.1A - Fira Barcelona (Gran Via) https://lnkd.in/dXJi2Pis #MWC25 #4YFN25 #CancerPersistence #cancer
Oniria Therapeutics ha compartido esto
🔬Esther Riambau es una de las investigadoras contra el cáncer que apoya la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer. Con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la ciencia, te acercaremos al trabajo de mujeres que hoy están cambiando el futuro del cáncer con investigación, con el objetivo de superar el 70% de supervivencia en cáncer en 2030. #Investigandoencáncer #TodosContraElCáncer
We wish you #MerryChristmas and a Happy #NewYear2025
⭐ Congratulations to our Co-Founders Esther Riambau and Isabel Puig Borreil, PhD for being named #Top10MujeresEmprendedoras of Catalonia by EAE Business School, an initiative to highlight female entrepreneurial talent and empower their vision and leadership by providing useful solutions for society. Esther has 19 years of experience in #TechTransfer in the healthcare field. She has helped over 150 projects contributing on business plans elaboration, private and public seed fundraising and team building. Under her leadership as Oniria Therapeutics CEO and Board Member, we work to translate hard-won knowledge on #cancer cell resistance to advanced treatments for patients 💙 Isabel is a passionate about discovering new targets for developing innovative drugs to treat #CancerResistance. She is strongly committed to translating this science into the clinic for oncology patients’ benefit 🧡. Since 2009 she has been a researcher at Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) and since 2024, she has also served as Science Research Director at Oniria Therapeutics. We love Isabel because she is driven and resourceful, always stays positive and is resilient in the face of new challenges. 📷 Yesterday’s gala at EAE Business School Barcelona #WomenEntrepreneurshipDay #STEMWomen #WomenInBusiness
Oniria Therapeutics ha compartido esto
🦠 #Sabiesque gairebé el 90% de les morts per càncer es deuen a recaigudes o resistència als tractaments? ✅ Oniria Therapeutics ofereix ONR-001, un fàrmac oral innovador que sobreactiva el supresor tumoral TET2, induint la mort de les cèl·lules canceroses. En assajos preclínics, ha mostrat alta eficàcia i bona tolerabilitat en melanoma, tumors colorectals i leucèmia mieloide aguda. 🔁 Mentre que la majoria dels tractaments dirigits per oncologia posen el focus en inhibir el que no funciona, des d'Oniria Therapeutics aposten per l'activació del sistema de la pròpia cèl·lula que funciona correctament i intentar reprogramar l'estadi tumoral. 💡 El seu projecte és un clar exemple d'innovació disruptiva amb un fort component d'impacte social positiu. Precisament per això, Oniria Therapeutics és una de les #CataloniaExponential Leaders 2024 juntament amb BlindStairs, Cuatrecasas, Magnetika, Navozyme™, Ocean Ecostructures, Suara Cooperativa, SCENT XP (Puig), Time is Brain i UOBO. Vols conèixer les empreses més disruptives de Catalunya? No et perdis el vídeo 📹 💥 https://lnkd.in/d98hzX68
Amazing talk about #ONR001, our first-in-class molecule that activates TET2 and significantly inhibits tumor progression in #leukemia cells and metastatic #melanoma models, by David Aguilar Recarte, PhD, Torres Quevedo Postdoctoral Researcher of Oniria Therapeutics, at the 19th ASEICA - Asociación Española de Investigación sobre el Cáncer Congress. These preclinical findings position ONR-001 as a promising new #CancerPersistence therapy. The #ASEICACongress continues until tomorrow in Zaragoza, Spain with over 400 international cancer scientists 🔝
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