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Scent Emotions

Scent Emotions

Industria manufacturera

Barcelona, Catalonia 3397 seguidores

Polímeros con fragancia.

Sobre nosotros

Polímeros con fragancia.

Industria manufacturera
Tamaño de la empresa
De 11 a 50 empleados
Barcelona, Catalonia
De financiación privada
air treatment, bad smell neutralization, R&D, Manufacturing, bad odor neutralization, odors, smells, smart furniture y domotic


  • Principal

    Avenida Diagonal, 545

    Barcelona, Catalonia 08018, ES

    Cómo llegar
  • Ciencia 49, Viladecans Business Park

    Barcelona, Barcelona 08840, ES

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Empleados en Scent Emotions


  • After three years of remote collaboration, it was a pleasure to finally meet the Eybna team in person at Spannabis (Feria del Cáñamo). A great opportunity to strengthen our partnership and share progress on the use of cannabis terpenes in therapeutic applications. At NEUROBIOVANCE, division of Scent Emotions, we have been researching how to integrate these compounds into innovative polymers to enhance their effectiveness and stability in various medical applications. Thank you to the entire Eybna team for your commitment and shared vision. #Neurobiovance #spannabisbcn25 #Innovation

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  • An intense and eventful week for Scent Emotions. We are pleased to share that we have been deemed eligible for the next phase of the Tecnimede Open Innovation Competition in Pharmaceutical Technology. This recognition validates our commitment to innovation in pharmaceutical technology and reinforces our purpose of developing solutions that make a difference in the industry. We eagerly anticipate the next steps and the opportunity to continue progressing in this process. We extend our gratitude to the Tecnimede Group and HiSeedTech for this incredible opportunity and to our team for their dedication and hard work. #Innovation #PharmaceuticalTechnology #TecnimedeOpenInnovation

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  • The Plastics & Rubber Spain 2025 trade fair has concluded with a significant impact on the plastics and rubber industry, establishing itself as a key event for innovation and sustainable development. This year, the fair doubled its exhibition space, allowing for the participation of more strategic suppliers and expanding opportunities for networking and collaboration. One of the major focuses of this edition was sustainability, with special attention to plastic recycling and advances in compostable polymers. "The Recycling Zone" became a key reference point for the sector, bringing together experts and leading companies in circular economy solutions. Additionally, high-level conferences addressed the latest developments in sustainable materials and more efficient production processes. The growth of the fair and its focus on sustainable solutions demonstrate that the industry is constantly evolving towards more responsible practices. This commitment to sustainability aligns with our upcoming investment in the Integrated Waste Recycling Unit (IWRU) for Advanced Mechanical Recycling, reaffirming our leadership in circular economy and the development of responsible solutions for the industry. The IWRU will feature 12 high-performance crushers with cooling systems, designed to optimize mechanical recycling efficiency and ensure higher quality in plastic material recovery. #SustainablePlastics #CircularEconomy #PlasticRecycling

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  • Commitment to Sustainability: Emissions Inventory Completed After months of effort and dedication, we at Scent Emotions have successfully completed our Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory. This milestone is a key step in our journey towards UNE-EN ISO 14064:2019 certification and alignment with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) standard, reinforcing our commitment to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. We have had the support of a team of consultants—Carlos López Compta, David Ausina Valdearcos, and Carlos Lapeña—from European Sustainability Consulting, renowned experts in the field, whose knowledge and experience have been instrumental in achieving this goal. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the Ayuntamiento de Viladecans (Viladecans City Council), especially Silvia González, as well as the Diputació de Barcelona (Provincial Council) and Ecoindustria Economia Circular al Delta del Llobregat for their unwavering support and financial backing in this high-impact environmental project. Our goal is clear: to continue advancing towards best environmental practices and actively contribute to a more sustainable future. #Sustainability #Environment #CarbonFootprint #ISO14064 #SBTi  

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  • We attended the Tech Day by Nexeo Plastics in Barcelona, and it was a very insightful event. Beyond the presentations on trends in polyolefins, digitalization, and mobility, what really stood out were the conversations with other professionals in the industry. It’s always great to connect with people who share the same passion for innovation and advanced materials. Events like this are a reminder of how important it is to stay up to date and, most importantly, to surround yourself with people eager to drive change. Thanks to Nexeo Plastics for organizing the event and to everyone who made it such a valuable experience. #TechDay #NexeoPlastics #Innovation #AdvancedMaterials #PlasticsIndustry

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  • Un paso adelante en la transformación de la industria de los plásticos en España Hemos tenido el honor de asistir, en el Ministerio de Industria y Turismo, a la presentación de la "Estrategia de la Industria Española de los Plásticos", un evento clave para el futuro de este sector en nuestro país. Esta estrategia representa una hoja de ruta ambiciosa que busca consolidar una industria circular, climáticamente neutra y competitiva, en línea con los objetivos de sostenibilidad y desarrollo económico de España y la Unión Europea. Una industria esencial para la economía y el empleo El sector de los plásticos genera más de 90000 empleos directos y aporta el 2,1% del PIB español, siendo un motor clave en sectores como la salud, la automoción, la construcción y la alimentación. Además, España es el segundo país de Europa en reciclaje de plásticos, con una tasa de reciclado del 50% en 2022. Compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la innovación Uno de los ejes principales de esta estrategia es la transición hacia una economía circular. Se han identificado diez líneas de actuación, incluyendo: - Industria 4.0 para digitalizar procesos y mejorar la eficiencia. - Reciclaje mecánico y químico, potenciando la reutilización de plásticos. - Neutralidad carbónica, alineada con los objetivos climáticos de la UE. - Investigación y desarrollo, con un gasto en I+D+i de más de 111 millones de euros en 2022. Desde Scent Emotions, nos enorgullece confirmar que nuestra visión y estrategia empresarial están alineadas con estos principios. Seguimos impulsando la transformación del sector con soluciones innovadoras y sostenibles que refuercen la competitividad y sostenibilidad de la industria. Retos y oportunidades El sector se enfrenta a importantes desafíos, desde la armonización regulatoria hasta la internacionalización y la captación de talento. La colaboración entre la industria y la Administración Pública será clave para asegurar la competitividad y sostenibilidad de este sector estratégico. Nuestro compromiso Desde nuestra posición, seguimos apostando por la innovación, la economía circular y el desarrollo de materiales sostenibles que contribuyan a un futuro más responsable y eficiente. #Sostenibilidad #Innovación #EconomíaCircular

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    3397 seguidores

    Honored to Celebrate Chinese New Year with Hong Kong Leaders at MWC25. We had the honor of being invited and attending the Chinese New Year celebration of the Snake, organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and Invest Hong Kong. The event, held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Barcelona on the occasion of the Mobile World Congress, was an excellent opportunity to strengthen ties with the business community and explore new collaboration opportunities with Hong Kong, a key hub for innovation and international business. The evening was graced by distinguished guests, including Hong Kong’s Minister for Innovation, Mr. Sun Dong, China’s Consul General in Barcelona, Madam Meng Yuhong, and Ms. Shirley Yung, Special Representative for Hong Kong Economic and Trade Affairs to the European Union, highlighting the strong commitment to fostering international cooperation and economic exchange. We sincerely thank the organizers for this invitation and for an unforgettable evening that reinforces connections between markets. #MWC25 #HongKong #ChineseNewYear

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  • El Ministro de Industria y Turismo, Jordi Hereu, ha presentado la "Estrategia de la Industria Española de los Plásticos", destacando que "El Gobierno de España apuesta firmemente por fortalecer la industria como motor esencial de nuestra economía y fuente de soluciones a los principales retos que afronta el país." Este documento refuerza el papel clave del sector en la economía nacional y su transición hacia un modelo más sostenible. Desde Scent Emotions, celebramos esta iniciativa que reconoce el impacto del plástico en sectores esenciales como la automoción, la salud y la construcción, al tiempo que impulsa la economía circular y la innovación. La estrategia destaca 10 líneas de actuación prioritarias, entre ellas la Industria 4.0, la mejora del reciclaje mecánico y químico, y la neutralidad carbónica, aspectos fundamentales para el futuro del sector. Es alentador ver un enfoque que apuesta por la transformación tecnológica y la resiliencia industrial. Ahora, el reto es convertir estas directrices en acciones concretas que permitan a las empresas innovar, ser más competitivas y alinearse con los objetivos europeos de sostenibilidad. #Plásticos #Sostenibilidad #EconomíaCircular #Innovación #Industria40 

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  • Today, on Safer Internet Day, Scent Emotions reaffirm our commitment to promoting a safer, more responsible, and ethical digital environment. This global initiative reminds us of the importance of cybersecurity, digital literacy, and online respect in an increasingly connected world. Whether as individuals, organizations, or communities, we all have a role to play in protecting privacy, combating misinformation, and fostering a positive online space. Let's use this day to educate, engage, and empower each other to make the internet a safer place for everyone. #SaferInternetDay #CyberSecurity #DigitalResponsibility

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