🚀 Barcelona is quickly becoming the hub for autonomous technology, and we at Vaive Logistics couldn’t be more excited to see this shift in motion. With WeRide and Renault Group pushing boundaries with their autonomous Robobus service, it's clear that the future of mobility is already here. Last week, our team had the opportunity to experience the technology firsthand in the heart of Barcelona💡But at Vaive Logistics, we’re not just watching from the sidelines; we’re actively developing autonomous solutions that are also transforming logistics. For this reason, if you see the potential of autonomous mobility to reshape your logistics operations, we’re eager to explore how we can bring innovation together. No fluff. Just results. Let’s make autonomous logistics a reality🤘 #AutonomousDriving #SmartMobility #Innovation #VaiveLogistics #Barcelona
Vaive Logistics
Transporte, logística, cadena de suministro y almacenamiento
We are an autonomous driving technology company providing a new wave of delivery services
Sobre nosotros
VAIVE Logistics is the newest generation of delivery services that uses autonomous robots to transport goods more effectively and safely. Our company is building autonomous delivery robots in the context of urban last-mile logistics operations to help companies optimise their supply chain operations
- Sitio web
Enlace externo para Vaive Logistics
- Sector
- Transporte, logística, cadena de suministro y almacenamiento
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 2 a 10 empleados
- Sede
- Barcelona
- Tipo
- Empresa propia
Barcelona, ES
Empleados en Vaive Logistics
Albert Baldó i Canut
Senior Project Manager @ CARNET | Co-founder @ Vaive Logistics | MSc Civil Engineering
Oriol Martínez Fité
Automatic Control and Robotics MSc student at UPC - ETSEIB | Autonomous Driving Alumni @BCNeMotorsport
Heskiyas Wondaferew
Student at Washington State University
The countdown is on! Vaive Logistics is all set to take over #4YFN25 edition at #MWC25 (Barcelona, March 3-6), and we can’t wait to meet you there! Our team will be at our booth on Wednesday and Thursday (8.1 B35.8B). Come by to discover how we are transforming the future of autonomous logistics with our technology Ona!✨ But wait, there’s more! We’re bringing some serious action to the stage: 🔹 ACCIO Pitching Session: Tuesday, March 4 at 12:15h powered by ACCIÓ for the PRIMER Program. 🔹 Agora Pitch: Wednesday, March 5 at 13:15h, hosted by Cámara de Comercio de España as part of the Impulsa Startup Program. 🔹 Pitch Competition: Thursday, March 6 at 10:30h at Vueling's stand as part of the NextGen Aviation Challenge. 🎤✈️ And as if that wasn’t enough, our co-CEO Clément Lemardelé will be joining an exclusive roundtable discussion on Data, AI and Connectivity alongside key industry leaders from SEAT CODE , FREENOW, and i2CAT, on Thursday, March 6, from 11:00 to 11:30h at the Banco Sabadell Stage (Hall 8.1). See you there and let’s make some magic happen! 🤝💥👀 #4YFN25 #Innovation #Autonomous #Mobility #VaiveLogistics #Ona
🚀 Vaive Logistics al Demo Day del Programa Primer: Impulsant la connexió entre innovació i coneixement universitari 🚀 El nostre co-CEO, Albert Baldó i Canut, va assistir al Demo Day del Programa Primer 2024, organitzat pel Departament d'Empresa i Treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya i cofinançat pel Fons Social Europeu Plus. Un espai on es va reconèixer la importància de lligar el talent universitari amb l’ecosistema emprenedor per crear projectes sostenibles i innovadors. Enhorabona a tots els participants del programa qui van presentar els seus projectes! Durant l’esdeveniment, es va anunciar que Vaive Logistics participarà al 4YFN 2025 com alumni del programa. Una oportunitat única per continuar connectant amb l’ecosistema global i mostrar com la innovació tecnològica pot transformar la logística de l’última milla. La nostra experiència al programa "De la Ciència al Mercat" (impulsat per la Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, la Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona, la Universitat de Barcelona i la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), amb la participació del nostre cofundador Clément Lemardelé, reflecteix el nostre compromís amb l’aproximació entre universitats i empreses per impulsar solucions reals a reptes actuals. 🧠🤝🏢 Gràcies al Departament d'Empresa i Treball i a totes les entitats col·laboradores per crear aquest pont imprescindible entre recerca i mercat. #VaiveLogistics #ProgramaPrimer #Innovació #Emprenedoria #Startups #4YFN
Thrilled to be part of the #BotNet project in collaboration with CARNET and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). We are very proud of the results we have achieved and the valuable insights gathered in the vibrant Born neighborhood🚀. This milestone underscores the potential of our autonomous technology in real-world urban environments. Our team is more motivated than ever to continue scaling our solutions to new settings and challenges💪. #Innovation #Autonomous #Logistics #Delivery #OnaAtBotNet #Barcelona
🚀 Last November, Ona, the autonomous delivery robot, was tested in Barcelona’s El Born neighborhood as part of the BotNet project, developed in collaboration with Vaive Logistics, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and IRI - Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC and funded by Fundación ”la Caixa” and Barcelona City Council. 📦 This pilot offered a real-world challenge, with pedestrian-filled spaces, narrow streets, and inconsistent GPS signals, ideal for refining Ona’s navigation model and testing its ability to deliver parcels safely and efficiently in superblock areas. 📝 In addition to the technical test, it was also the perfect opportunity to gather feedback from residents, tourists, and local businesses through surveys, helping improve Ona’s software interface and overall user experience. The enthusiastic response from the public and media showcased growing support for autonomous delivery technologies and their potential to revolutionize urban logistics. 🌍 Through Vaive Logistics, our spin-off, we will keep working to achieve for smarter, greener, and more inclusive last-mile delivery solutions. And special thanks to the team at EDAG Group, whose contributions have been key to reaching this point in the project!
Vaive Logistics a la XXIX Trobada d’Economia a S’Agaró! Aquest cap de setmana (29 i 30 de novembre), vam tenir l’honor de presentar la nostra activitat en aquest esdeveniment tan rellevant, juntament amb les altres startups premiades al BNEW - Barcelona New Economy Week 2024. Aprofitem per agrair al Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona i a la Logistics 4.0 Incubator per donar-nos l’oportunitat de créixer i innovar dins d’un ecosistema tan inspirador. Durant la trobada, vam tenir la sort de participar en una sessió fascinant al costat de grans professionals com: 🔹 L'Agustí Abelaira – Gerent de Transformació Digital, Ajuntament de Barcelona 🔹 El Josep M. (Pep) Martorell Rodon – Director Associat, Barcelona Supercomputing Center 🔹 El Francesc Fajula de Quintana – CEO, Mobile World Capital Barcelona Finalment, agraïm el suport dels patrocinadors: Fundació Internacional Olof Palme (FIOP), La Vanguardia i la Cámara de Comercio de España, que fan possible aquest tipus d’iniciatives. Seguim treballant per revolucionar la #logística de l’última milla amb robots #autònoms i tecnologia de punta (Jakob Saalfrank, Grasshopper Air Mobility)! 🤖💡
🎉 Segon premi al Demo Day del programa Impulsa Startup! 🎉 El passat divendres vam tenir l’honor de participar al Demo Day del programa Impulsa Startup de la Cambra de Comerç de Terrassa. Ens fa molta il·lusió compartir que vam obtenir el segon premi, un reconeixement que ens impulsa encara més en el nostre camí com a startup de mobilitat i logística! 🚀 Volem expressar el nostre agraïment a: ✨ La Cambra de Comerç de Terrassa, especialment a l'equip que ens ha donat suport i format per l'Anna Pajarón, el Xavier Fernández López i la Montse Junyent. ✨ El jurat del premi: el Jordi Rodríguez Ripollès, el Kambis Kohansal Vajargah, l'Olivia Uguen i el Ralph Diestelhorst, per la seva atenció i valuosa retroalimentació. ✨ El nostre mentor, el Joan Matutano, pel seu acompanyament i saviesa durant aquest viatge. ✨ Totes les startups participants: GATERA MEDIA & Gatera Studio, Laudefy, NasApp, Trisquel IA Wellness, ADR Team, Keep Boat Afloat, DISKOVER, ATOM H2, Sinequanum OÜ, POLARIMETRICS, Becadvisor, Grillco. Ha estat inspirador compartir escenari amb projectes tan innovadors. Enhorabona a ATOM H2 pel primer premi! Gràcies també a totes les persones que creuen en Vaive Logistics i ens donen suport. Això només és el principi! 🌟 #ImpulsaStartup #Innovació #Startups #Logística
🎉 𝗝𝗮 𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗺 𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿𝘀/𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗹 #𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝗜𝗺𝗽𝘂𝗹𝘀𝗮 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗽! 🏆 𝟭𝗿 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶: ATOM H2 🌿 Sistema modular de generació i emmagatzematge d’hidrogen in situ que proporciona energia accessible a allotjaments i indústries, facilitant una transició fluida cap a una energia neta, eficient i autooperativa. 🥈 𝟮𝗻 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶: Vaive Logistics 🚛 Robot autònom d’entrega per a empreses del sector logístic. 👏 Felicitats als equips per les seves solucions disruptives! Estem emocionats de veure com aquestes idees prenen forma i impulsen un futur més sostenible. #Innovació #Startups #Sostenibilitat #Tecnologia
🚀 Ona’s journey through Mercat del Born has officially begun! Our team at Vaive Logistics is excited to collaborate with CARNET (CIT UPC) and IRI - Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC on the BotNet project, to reduce the environmental impact – such as pollution, noise, and congestion – caused by traditional delivery vehicles in areas designed to improve urban life quality🚗🌍. This initiative funded by Ajuntament de Barcelona in collaboration with Fundación ”la Caixa”, is centered around creating, developing, and assessing a new parcel delivery model within Barcelona’s Superblocks using a network of autonomous electric vehicles, like Ona. After months of hard work, our team is now closely monitoring Ona’s movements, ensuring safe and smooth navigation through the vibrant streets of El Born 🌆🤖. Every successful journey brings us closer to a more sustainable and efficient future for urban logistics. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to learn from Ona’s adaptation to the dynamic Barcelona cityscape! 🌍📦 More info🔗: https://lnkd.in/dJifD-Au #OnaAtBotNet #Barcelona #SustainableLogistics #Autonomous #UrbanMobility
Exciting news for Barcelona! 📢 From November 18th to 22nd, Ona, our autonomous delivery robot, will be showcasing the future of last-mile logistics around the historic Mercat del Born! This is a unique opportunity to see Ona in action, navigating autonomously through the beautiful streets of El Born neighborhood while carrying out real-life delivery tasks. Join us to witness how Vaive's cutting-edge technology is shaping the future of urban mobility and sustainable logistics. We would love to see you there—come by, ask questions, and experience the future of autonomous delivery firsthand! 🌍📦 #Innovation #Autonomous #Logistics #Barcelona #OnaAtBotNet #ComeMeetOna
🚀 Calling all mobility and deep tech enthusiasts! 🚀 Next week, Barcelona will be the epicenter of groundbreaking innovation with CARNET’s X Symposium on Urban Mobility Challenges, the Smart City Expo World Congress, the Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress, and the Barcelona Deep Tech Summit. On Monday, November 4, our co-founder and co-CEO Albert Baldó i Canut will moderate the first round table of CARNET’s Symposium about “Early Innovation”. In this first round table will participate Aleksandar Jevtić, PhD, Head of Research (FICOSA ADAS), Joaquin Olcina, Business Development Coordinator (Applus+ IDIADA), and Dr. Monika Bachofner, Open Innovation (VW Group Innovation). By bringing together experts, researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers, the Symposium offers a platform to reflect on the progress made, address ongoing challenges, and assess the societal impacts of urban mobility advancements. In addition, we're thrilled to announce that Clément Lemardelé, co-founder and co-CEO of Vaive Logistics, will be presenting our latest advancements at the Pitch Corner of the Barcelona Deep Tech Summit on Wednesday, November 6, at 10:30 AM. Clément will showcase our achievements, and share our experience in the "De la Ciència al Mercat" program — a unique 100-hour course aimed at empowering PhD students to transform academic research into entrepreneurial ventures. Mark your calendars, and come join us to explore the future of last-mile logistics and mobility!
👻🎃 Happy Halloween from Ona! 🎃👻 This Halloween, #Ona decided to go for a spooky new look! 🕷️ Transformed into a giant spider, our technology is taking on the streets, ready to bring last-mile delivery to a whole new level (without scaring pedestrians... we hope! 😉). Dare to meet her? This Halloween costume reminds us that autonomous mobility, while it may seem like science fiction, is a reality getting closer each day. As Ona evolves to navigate urban environments, we continue optimizing our technology to make transportation smarter, safer, and more sustainable. So, if you see a “spider” rolling around the University Campus these days… don’t be afraid! It’s just Ona, exploring new routes and preparing for a fully autonomous future (no tricks, just treats 😇). Happy Halloween from all of us at Vaive Logistics! #FutureOfLogistics #Halloween2024 #Ona #Autonomous