Publicación de Barcelona Supercomputing Center

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🏅Nobel de Química para Baker, Hassabis y Jumper por el diseño computacional de proteínas y la predicción de su estructura. 🧬💻 Alfonso Valencia, Director de Ciencias de la Vida del BSC, es autor de uno de los artículos más citados entre los estudiosos de la estructura de las proteínas. Hace casi 30 años publicó el método fundacional para la predicción del plegado de proteínas. “Modestamente, estoy muy contento de ver que mis desarrollos de los primeros métodos para la obtención de constricciones a partir de alineamientos de secuencias en los 90’ son reconocidos por la comunidad como la pieza clave sobre la que se construyen estos nuevos métodos” ✨📄Recuperamos esta entrevista de 2021 en XL Semanal Diario ABC en la que se preguntaba a Valencia: “¿Por hallazgos como el suyo le ‘cae’ a uno el Premio Nobel❓”: ➡ #NobelPrize

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BREAKING NEWS The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with one half to David Baker “for computational protein design” and the other half jointly to Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper “for protein structure prediction.”   The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2024 is about proteins, life’s ingenious chemical tools. David Baker has succeeded with the almost impossible feat of building entirely new kinds of proteins. Demis Hassabis and John Jumper have developed an AI model to solve a 50-year-old problem: predicting proteins’ complex structures. These discoveries hold enormous potential.   The diversity of life testifies to proteins’ amazing capacity as chemical tools. They control and drive all the chemical reactions that together are the basis of life. Proteins also function as hormones, signal substances, antibodies and the building blocks of different tissues.   Proteins generally consist of 20 different amino acids, which can be described as life’s building blocks. In 2003, David Baker succeeded in using these blocks to design a new protein that was unlike any other protein. Since then, his research group has produced one imaginative protein creation after another, including proteins that can be used as pharmaceuticals, vaccines, nanomaterials and tiny sensors.   The second discovery concerns the prediction of protein structures. In proteins, amino acids are linked together in long strings that fold up to make a three-dimensional structure, which is decisive for the protein’s function. Since the 1970s, researchers had tried to predict protein structures from amino acid sequences, but this was notoriously difficult. However, four years ago, there was a stunning breakthrough.   In 2020, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper presented an AI model called AlphaFold2. With its help, they have been able to predict the structure of virtually all the 200 million proteins that researchers have identified. Since their breakthrough, AlphaFold2 has been used by more than two million people from 190 countries. Among a myriad of scientific applications, researchers can now better understand antibiotic resistance and create images of enzymes that can decompose plastic.   Life could not exist without proteins. That we can now predict protein structures and design our own proteins confers the greatest benefit to humankind. Learn more Press release: Popular information: Advanced information:

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Does anybody know who won the Nobel prize in 2023? I mean, whithout google nor ChatGpt.

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