EUR-Lex developments: August 2017

Here are the latest improvements and corrections:

  1. Document view > Relationship between documents
    • ‘Amendment to’ and ‘Amended by’ sections - the information is now set out in a table, making it easier to skim-read. You can also filter by relations and/or legal acts listed in the table if you so wish.
    • ‘Earlier/Subsequent related instruments’ sections – the corrigenda displayed here now include language codes so you can quickly identify the languages that have been corrected.
  2. Advanced search
    • There is a new heading, ‘Legal basis’, in the Preparatory acts advanced search form. Its fields enable you to find documents based on a specific article of a treaty or legal act.
  3. Results list
    • The result list under the relevant entries now includes ‘No longer in force’ and ‘Not yet in force’, in addition to ‘In force’. These labels which can also be seen at the top of the document view, just after the title, clarify the legal status of the documents concerned. They are colour-coded:
      • green — in force
      • yellow — not yet in force
      • red — no longer in force
  4. Committee of the Regions (CoR) and European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) events and documents
    • The procedure view for events involving the CoR and the EESC now includes the following metadata:
      • responsible body
      • plenary session
      • plenary date
    • The ‘Document information’ tab of CoR/EESC documents now includes the following metadata:
      • date of referral
      • date of vote
      • rapporteur
      • term of office
      • internal reference
      • procedural basis
  5. Internal Commission procedures
    • Additional information belonging to the planning stage (see example here) has now been added to the internal procedure view showing the process leading to the adoption of delegated, implementing and RPS (Regulatory Procedure with Scrutiny) acts.
    • The planning stage of an internal procedure depicting the steps leading to the Commission's adoption of legislative proposals can also be consulted.
    • Roadmaps and inception impact assessments, the main documents pertaining to the planning stage, are now available on EUR-Lex as well.
    • This release also features links to the relevant initiatives on the Better Regulation Portal, the tool that enables the Commission to receive feedback on upcoming proposals for legislation.
  6. Summaries of EU legislation
    • The search results list now includes the references of the document(s) summarised. Look below each summary in the list.
  7. My EUR-Lex
    • The ‘Standard’ profile in the search preferences is now undeletable and non-editable. This means users can always refer back to the system default options. If you have personalised the ‘Standard’ profile, your personalised profile will have been renamed. The new suffix shows the most recent date on which it has been modified, e.g. Standard_01062017. However, this doesn’t affect any choices you've made in your profile or the choice of which profile is set as default.
    • To simplify use of the account preferences, the export and print profiles have been discarded. However, all export and print actions remain available. The metadata to be exported and/or printed are preselected in the search profile. You can add or remove metadata as needed.

Contact us if you have any feedback or questions about these changes.