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Eyriahrk Nunshkar

by Eyriahrk Nunshkar

Taura Hiriwa 04:21
Neir ner lerhk Neir ner lerhk inshk stark Umbere disrh Nirnin Hro Inshtak Neir ner lerhk Neir ner lerhk inshk stark Umbere disrh Neir negh tu Ninshtak
Miṅersh Khor Miṅersh Khan Guilu Khan guilu geberk Guain gher shker Miṅersh Khor Miṅersh Khan Guilu Khan guilu geberk Guain gher shker Meneishta Guimbgu geimh guidú Guemb dele dele Guembeim shker guerk Gein gher shtar Gein gher shkein Dilu Gombe dilu gembe le gombe Lueur dans la nuit Scintille à la folie Avec violence Histoire d'une vie D'amour et d'infini L'âme en coeur tendre L'oiseau de la nuit Noir brillant embellit Mes tourments d'homme L'âme qui revit Quand le corps mue et crie Oh! renaissance ! La Dame noire écrivit La plus belle poésie Oracle, Hommage


Hybrid of melodic avant-garde metal, experimental black metal, doom, drone, and ritualistic, with industrial elements.

Lyrics are in channelled improvised language, also known as glossolalia, or speaking tongues, mixed with some English, French, and 1% Māori.

An animistic approach and an intertwined topic: the thin line between creativity, improvisation and channelling the unseen realm (on a few occasions, the essence of past artists and musicians made itself known during the recording) combined with a hypothetical demystification of evil as a total breakdown of it, which brings us to the same root: fear, ignorance, and the absence of love. It's an exploration of the unknown or denied part of the self, the shadow self. A sonic depiction of light or the prime creator penetrating through our collective amnesia.


released February 22, 2024

Produced, composed, written, and arranged by Eyriahrk Nunshkar

Mixed and mastered by Santiago Fradejas

Performed by Eyriahrk Nunshkar: vocals, guitars, bass synths, drum machine on tracks 2 and 4.

Santiago Fradejas on midi drumming for tracks 1 and 5, and additional drum editing on tracks 2 and 4. 


all rights reserved



Eyriahrk Nunshkar England, UK

Eyriahrk Nunshkar is Amandine Fradejas's new progressive extreme metal crossover solo project. Also known as A.M Ferrari Fradejas. and Amandine Ferrari. For more information www.fradejasproductions.com/eyriahrknunshkar

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