Fazer  Kannen kuva


Food and Beverage Manufacturing

Vantaa, Southern Finland 74 189 seuraajaa

We are a modern sustainable food company – guided by our promise: Northern Magic. Made Real.

About us

Fazer, The Food Experience Company, enables people to enjoy the best moments of their day. Our mission, Food with a purpose, builds on our strong 130-year heritage, consumer first approach and innovations to create the sustainable food solutions of the future. With our dedicated team of approximately 5,000 professionals, we focus on fast-moving consumer goods and our direct-to-consumer business in Northern Europe, and beyond with exports to some 40 different countries. Fazer’s operations comply with its Code of Conduct that is based on the Group’s values and the UN Global Compact. In 2023, Fazer Group had net sales of 1.2 billion euros. Northern Magic. Made Real.

Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Yrityksen koko
Yli 10 001 työntekijää
Vantaa, Southern Finland
Privately Held


Työntekijät Fazer


  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Fazer

    74 189 seuraajaa

    Groundbreaking news!🎊 We introduce unique Taste the Future snacks powered by Solein® protein made out of thin air at the Future Food-Tech event In San Francisco. “We are excited to introduce edge-cutting innovations through the Taste the Future products, reinforcing our commitment to innovating the future of food and developing sustainable food solutions that meet the needs of future generations,” says Heli Anttila, VP, New Product Development at Fazer Confectionery. As the world rapidly changes and it becomes increasingly difficult to predict consumer behaviour and requirements, direct consumer feedback is invaluable. “The Future Food-Tech event in San Francisco provides us a great opportunity to offer tastings of our Taste the Future chocolate snack bar and oat drinks. The feedback we receive will be important in refining and developing these products further.” The pioneering ingredient by Solar Foods is produced through a fermentation process that uses thin air and electricity as its main resources. The United States is the second country in the world where Solein® can be sold. Link to the media release in comments. #fazertastethefuture #futurefood #outofthinair #northernmagicmadereal

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  • The winners of the Rooster Award 2024 have been chosen🎉 💙At Fazer, we believe in celebrating excellence, and our Rooster Award is one way we do that! Since 2012, this accolade has honored over 500 talented individuals across Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. This year, we are thrilled to recognize 52 outstanding employees who embody our core values in their daily work. Each winner received a delightful chocolate trophy, a diploma, and a monetary prize.🏆🍫 Congratulations to all our winners and thank you for your exceptional contributions to Fazer!👏🎊 Among the Rooster Award winners were Juha Mälkiä and Stina Persson.

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  • Fazer´s Annual Review 2024 has been published. Our Annual Review provides insights into Fazer’s business development, strategy, and sustainability in 2024 and is available in Finnish, Swedish, and English. The Financial Statements and Corporate Governance Report offer a comprehensive overview of the company’s business performance, sustainability efforts, and governance practices. Fazer’s journey is unique and interesting! Discover some of our 2024 highlights or read the full Annual Review online. https://lnkd.in/dXbKMrUx

  • “Innovating for a more sustainable food system requires a fearless approach; it means pioneering solutions and venturing new unexplored possibilities”, says our Heli Anttila, VP, New Product Development at Fazer Confectionery.   Foodtech is at the core of Fazer’s strategy. On our path to sustainable food production, we shall not only focus on existing solutions and ingredients but also explore new sustainable food ingredients and applications. Interested?👀 Heli and Annika Porr from Forward Lab, Fazer Confectionery as well as Pamela Carlstedt and Daniel Johnsson from Fazer Lifestyle Foods will be attending Future Food-Tech event in San Francisco next week, on 13-14 March. Contact us or visit our Booth #11 on the exhibition floor to hear more!   #FazerTasteTheFuture #FutureFoodTech #Northernmagicmadereal  

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  • “Great interest in food innovations, and as a huge chocolate fan this sounded like something that is for me.”* 📢 We launch new grain-based Fazer Taste the Future candy tablets with no cocoa! Developing innovative and sustainable food solutions is one of our priorities. Here comes the latest 📢✨– Please tell us what you think about them – We will collect consumer feedback to develop the products further with a help of a QR code on the packages. 🌾Fazer Taste the Future is a grain-based candy tablet. No cocoa is used in making the tablet. Instead, it contains 10% malted oats or rye. 🍬The tablet is called candy tablet, not chocolate tablet since no cocoa is used in making it. 🍓 🌿There are two flavours – Red Berries and Mint Croquant with soft, mouth-watering textures. Vegan, malted oat-based Red Berries tastes sweet with dried cranberries and raspberries. Malted rye-based Mint Croquant tastes sweet with mint flavoured almond croquant. 🌾Grains for both tablets come from the Lahti region, Finland. Fazer uses only domestic rye and oats in its production. 🌱Both candy tablets are palm oil free. ✋ Handmade Fazer Taste the Future tablets are produced as a limited edition in Helsinki. The novelty tablets will be available at Fazer Café Kluuvikatu 3 in Helsinki, at Fazer Visitor Centre in Vantaa, in Fazer online store and at selected Gateau stores in Sweden from 18 February 2025. 💶Price: EUR 4.90 each/ SEK 55 *Feedback survey on Fazer Taste the Future candy tablets, n=111, Finland and Sweden, 2023. Read more in the comments. #fazertastethefuture #grainbased #candytablet #fazercafé #gateau #Northernmagicmadereal

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  • Let Your Love Bloom 🌹💗 This year, Geisha celebrates Valentine’s Day across the globe with a powerful message – Let Your Love Bloom. Just like plants need care to grow, love and friendship also require nurturing to flourish, and spoiling loved ones with special gifts, such as Geisha, is the perfect way to treat them and show care. Love is the essence of live, whether it is the love between parent and child, lifelong partners or friends. Happy Valentine's Day, let your love bloom ♥️

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      Yli 2
  • Fazer’s performance in 2024 is a clear demonstration of perseverance and resilience. Despite the increasingly demanding operating environment, Fazer concentrated on growth and profitability across the board, and the good performance was supported by efficiency measures. Fazer’s comparable net sales increased by 3% and the operating profit (EBITDA) improved. Read more: https://brnw.ch/21wQDnv

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Fazer

    74 189 seuraajaa

    Valistusta vai holhousta? Miten saadaan suomalaisten hyvinvointi nousuun. Ruoka on yksi keskeinen tekijä kokonaisvaltaisessa hyvinvoinnissa. ”On tärkeää turvata yritysten tutkimus- ja tuotekehitys jatkossakin. Moni asia ei tapahdu hetkessä, vaan esimerkiksi tuotepakkausten kehittäminen ja täysjyvän määrän kasvattaminen tuotteissa ovat pitkiä prosesseja, jotka etenevät ja tapahtuvat pitkällä aikavälillä”, totesi Elintarviketeollisuusliitto ry|ETL:n Hyvinvointipaneelissa esiintynyt tuotekehitysjohtajamme Heli Anttila. Hänen mukaansa kokonaisvaltainen hyvinvointi rakentuu pienistä terveysteoista kerrallaan. Suomalaisten kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointia pohtivat paneelissa myös Tuomas Kosonen, VATT Eevert Partinen, Terveystalo Mika Salminen , TLH Paneelin juonsivat ETL:n Marleena Tanhuanpää Mikko Käkelä #ruokailoa #kokonaisvaltainenhyvinvointi #Northernmagicmadereal

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  • Houkutteleeko tuoreen artesaanileiväntuoksuinen kesä? 🥖☀️ Myymäläleipomomme eri puolilla Suomea etsivät nyt kesätyöntekijöitä! 🌍👩🍳 Jos asiakaspalvelu ja ihmisten kohtaaminen innostavat sinua, ja haluat oppia leivonnan saloja artesaanileipureiltamme samalla työskennellen iloisessa ja kannustavassa ympäristössä, tartu tilaisuuteen ja tule osaksi tiimiämme myymäläleipomossamme! 🎉🍞 💙✨Lue lisää ja liity joukkoomme, jossa asiakaspalvelu ja laadukkaat tuotteet ovat sydämenasioita: https://brnw.ch/21wQtPi #ourfazer #urafazerilla #Northernmagicmadereal #kesätyö2025

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Fazer

    74 189 seuraajaa

    Finish line! 👏 🏁52 days, 17 hrs and 32 min. Gaël de Crevoisier, originally French, now living in Finland, participated in the World’s Toughest Rowing race* and crossed the finish line in the Antigua on Sunday 2nd January. We supported this brave solo rower in his ambitious goal to cross Atlantic by offering him a variety of Fazer products. Throughout the race, Gaël alternated rowing, eating tasty and high energy-density food and aiming for good – with the goal of raising money for a Atlantic4800 charity pot - Polar Pod and 1 Ocean - to protect the Oceans. Nutritious food enhances performance under challenging conditions. Competitive rowing requires a lot of strength and endurance. As a Food Experience company, we offered Gael Fazer Alku porridges and delicious Fazer sweets, chocolates and biscuits. In addition to rowing, sleeping and eating, Gaël’s days were filled with research that measures the effects of extreme performance on the mind and body. *“The World's Toughest Row”, is a premier event in ocean rowing organised since 2013. The race started 11th of December 2024 in the Canary Islands and ended in Antigua, in the Caribbean, covering over 4,800 kilometers. There were 50 participating teams of one to five rowers. Over the years the Atlantic rowing competition has raised tens of millions of euros for charities. Photo @worlds.toughest.row #Atlantic4800 #Northernmagicmadereal

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