FinVector Oy  Kannen kuva
FinVector Oy

FinVector Oy

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Kuopio, Eastern Finland 7 792 seuraajaa

Discover a unique cGMP, in a unique setting, in a unique country. Welcome to FinVector, Kuopio, Finland.

About us

Welcome to FinVector, a leading cGMP manufacturer of viral-based products with a strong commitment to restoring hope, purpose and a true sense of belonging for those living with chronic health conditions. FinVector is owned by Ferring Ventures S/A. Learn more: Instagram: @finvectorians - LinkedIn: FinVector Oy -

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Yrityksen koko
201–500 työntekijää
Kuopio, Eastern Finland
Privately Held


Työntekijät FinVector Oy


  • Sinustako meidän seuraava Business Controller? ⭐ Etsimme kokenutta Business Controlleria vahvistamaan Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) -tiimiä! Tämä on erinomainen tilaisuus päästä osaksi kansainvälistä ja ainutlaatuista huippuosaajiemme yhteisöä, ja kehittämään sisäisen laskennan prosesseja. Tehtävänämme on luoda toivoa ihmisille, jotka kamppailevat vakavien sairauksien kanssa. Business Controllerina mahdollistat sen vastaamalla taloudellisten lukujen seurannasta, budjettien ja ennusteiden rakentamisesta sekä talousraportoinnin kehittämisestä. Olet mukana budjetointi- ja ennustamisprosesseissa, laadit kuukausittaisia johdon raportteja ja seuraat keskeisiä suorituskykymittareita (KPI). 📈 Kiinnostuitko? Lue lisää tehtävästä urasivuiltamme - linkki työilmoitukseen kommenteissa 🔗 #finvectorians #embracinglife #deliveringhope #rekrytointi #rekry

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  • FinVector Oy julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Kuopio is home to numerous international success stories in the fields of health technology and pharmaceuticals. Today we had the great pleasure of meeting with FinVector Oy, Charles River Laboratories and Aurealis Therapeutics. We identified several regional strengths and discussed how to accelerate the growth and success of North Savo in the future. Many thanks to Matthias Krieger, Antti Nurmi and Juha Yrjänheikki. 🤝 #menestystehdäänyhdessä

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  • FinVector Oy julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Näytä profiili: Omar Alsaedy

    QC Analyst at FinVector | Analytical Chemist | Experienced with GMP & GLP Environments in Pharma Industry | M.Sc. in Chemistry UEF | Erasmus Mundus Candidate for EMQAL MSc program.

    Day by day, I see how a multicultural environment fosters acceptance, new perspectives, and shared growth. It’s an honor to be part of FinVector, where people from 50+ nationalities work together as one team. Standing next to our 3D-printed company map, I proudly point to Egypt - my homecountry - as the only Egyptian here. It’s a reminder that no matter where we come from, we all contribute to something bigger. Thank you, FinVector Oy, for this thoughtful gesture! Here’s to working together, learning from each other, and celebrating our differences! #FinVector #MulticulturalWorkplace #ProudlyEgyptian

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  • A place where women in science give hope 👩🔬💙 At FinVector, our mission is to deliver hope. A huge part of our success is thanks to the incredible women who contribute to every facet of our work. The truth is that without women, we could not do science. Today, February 11th, we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This UN-recognized day highlights the crucial role women and girls play in science and technology. It's a day to recognize their achievements, challenge stereotypes, and inspire the next generation of female scientists. It's also a call to action to break down the barriers that still prevent women from fully participating in STEM fields. It doesn't matter which area of FinVector you explore – the impact of women in science is undeniable. We believe that diverse teams lead to better science. We are incredibly proud to have a majority of women, over 300 of them, contributing to our mission. Our organization is committed to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. We believe that by empowering women in science, we are not just improving our company – we are contributing to a brighter future for everyone. #FinVectorians #EmbracingLife #DeliveringHope #WomenInScience #February11 #InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience

  • A place to call home - Lotta Rissanen’s journey back to Kuopio and FinVector 💙 For many, the road back home is a journey of rediscovery and purpose. For Lotta Rissanen, it was also about finding the right balance between life and a fulfilling career. Starting as an Engineer at FinVector, Lotta seamlessly blended her professional aspirations with her love for Kuopio, Finland, a place she and her husband now proudly call home. Read the full article and find a YouTube video link from our website. Please find the link in the comment section 👇 #finvectorians #embracinglife #deliveringhope #careerstories

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  • The President of the Republic of Finland has awarded the Order of the Lion of Finland, 1st Class Knight's Crosses, to Giuseppe Carloni, Chairman of the Board of FinVector Oy, and Jean-Frédéric Paulsen, Executive Chairman of Ferring Pharmaceuticals and Ferring Ventures, upon the motion of Kuopion kaupunki - City of Kuopio. This is the first time the City of Kuopio has proposed decorations for foreign nationals. ⭐ Read the full post from our website, link in the comments 🎖 #finvectorians #embracinglife #deliveringhope #theorderofthelionoffinland

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  • Are you a hands-on problem solver with a knack for keeping things running smoothly? We're looking for talented Maintenance Technicians to join our Engineering department of over 40 skilled colleagues! What you'll do 🔧  ◾ Maintain and repair cleanroom and laboratory equipment and systems. ◾ Perform preventive maintenance to ensure smooth operations. ◾ Collaborate with a skilled team and document your work meticulously. Hiring teams 👥 ◾ Clean Facility and Utility: Focus on cleanroom maintenance and utility systems. ◾ Maintenance and Calibration: Handle preventive maintenance and calibration of production equipment. What we offer 🌟 ◾ A diverse and independent role in a growing international organization. ◾ Competitive and extensive employee benefits, including extended health services, ePassi benefits and recreational activities. ◾ Participation in our annual bonus program. Apply by February 16th via our Careers portal (link in the comments) 📅  #finvectorians #embracinglife #deliveringhope

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  • FinVector Oy julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Näytä profiili: Lisette Van Tassel

    Manufacturing Expert at FinVector Oy

    Contributing to a positive work environment has been made easier by having fantastic coworkers and by working at an organization like this! Thank you FinVector Oy for this MVP award for positive impact! I strive daily to be empathetic toward my colleagues and be at least one more smiling face for them to see ☺️ With the award gift card, I selected to receive a pretty travel bag 👜

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  • Welcome to the team, Senior Accountant 💰 Join our rapidly growing international company as a Senior Accountant! We're looking for a skilled financial expert to partner with our current Senior Accountant. If you have strong accounting knowledge, are detail-oriented, and are proficient in Finnish and English, apply now! We welcome applications until Sunday, February 9th. Learn more about the position via the link in the comments. Tervetuloa taloon, ammattitaitoinen kirjanpitäjä 💰 Liity nopeasti kasvavaan kansainväliseen yritykseemme Senior Accountantiksi! Etsimme kokenutta taloushallinnon asiantuntijaa työpariksi nykyiselle Senior Accountillemme. Jos sinulla on vahva kirjanpidon osaaminen, olet tarkka ja kommunikoit sujuvasti suomeksi ja englanniksi, hae nyt! Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy 9. helmikuuta. Kiinnostuitko? Lue lisää työtehtävästä kommenttikentän linkin kautta. #finvectorians #embracinglife #deliveringhope #hiring #rekry

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  • We are extremely proud to support young talents on their journey to becoming professionals. In November 2024, Aapo Pesonen made history by becoming the first laboratory technician to graduate through this new apprenticeship model. 🥇   In October 2023, Kemianteollisuus - Chemical Industry Federation of Finland and the Ammattiliitto Pro - Trade Union Pro presented a new apprenticeship model for laboratory technicians designed to alleviate the labour shortage. Five companies and four cooperating educational institutions, including Savon ammattiopisto, participated in the pilot experiment, and the first laboratory students entered the workplaces in the fall of 2024. FinVector was one of the pilot companies attending the new apprenticeship model.   Find the link to the full story from the post below. Once again, congratulations, Aapo! #finvectorians #embracinglife #deliveringhope

    Ensimmäinen laborantti on valmistunut Kemianteollisuudenkin mahdollistaman oppisopimusmallin kautta! 🎉🤝 Kuopiossa Savon ammattiopistossa laboratorioalaa opiskellut 18-vuotias Aapo Pesonen pääsi oppisopimusmallin kautta FinVector Oy:lle opiskelemaan käytännön työtä. Viime marraskuussa Pesonen valmistui laborantiksi.👨🔬 ”Oppisopimusajalta sain palkkaa, minkä lisäksi tuli työterveyshuollot ja tasavertaiset edut muun henkilöstön ja työkavereiden kanssa. Käytännössä olin samassa asemassa ja tein samoja töitä kuin yrityksen muutkin työntekijät", Pesonen kertoo kokemuksistaan. ”Suunnitelmissa on laboratorioinsinöörin tutkinto – ja mahdollisesti paluu takaisin FinVectorille”, Pesonen summaa. Kemianteollisuus - Chemical Industry Federation of Finland on ollut mukana mahdollistamassa oppisopimusmallin laboranteille. Uusi malli mahdollistaa oppisopimuksen myös alaikäisille laboranttiopiskelijoille Lue lisää Aapon kokemuksista työssä oppimisesta ja oppisopimusmallista 👉

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Samankaltaisia sivuja


FinVector Oy 1 Kierros yhteensä

Viimeinen kierros


48 181 729,00 $

Katso lisätietoja crunchbasesta