

Water Supply and Irrigation Systems

Lahti, Southern Finland 340 followers

With our solutions you can improve the water quality throughout the water circulation.

About us

SansOx ‘s innovative solutions has required the rethinking of water treatment. It is a process of change in water treatment – faster, more efficient, more control. Clean and correctly oxygenated or aerated water is crucial for several industrial processes and will significantly improve the well-being of plants and natural waters. At SansOx we believe that environmentally friendly products can also be efficient and economical. SansOx provides optimal oxygenation solutions for several branches of water treatment such as drinking water production, fish farming and industrial water processing. Our innovative products offer solutions for fast and efficient oxygenation with minimal energy consumption, energy efficiency, and more controlled solids separation. We are two time WssTP most innovative water innovative price winner (2014 with Oxtuber, 2015 with SaoxFuge).

Water Supply and Irrigation Systems
Yrityksen koko
2-10 employees
Lahti, Southern Finland
Privately Held


Työntekijät SansOx


  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: SansOx, kuva

    340 seuraajaa

    OxTube - fast and efficient way to aerate water. Even with POME wastewater treatment.

    Näytä profiili: Jukka Hakola, kuva

    Making the water around the world better, Entrepreneur, Owner, CoB and COO

    Solution that increased DO in POME process from 0,1 mg/l to over 2 mg/l - interested? In POME wastewater treatment aeration plays important role and is usually energy consuming. This can be changed and fast. SansOx delivered one solution, OxTube, to one of the POME wastewater treatment plants and it was connected to pump that moved wastewater from the settling pond to the aeration pond. OxTube dissolves air into water very efficient way and within 1 second and this way increase the DO in the aeration pond. The size of the pond was 2000 m3 and in the beginning (starting in the beginning of May) OxTube aeration was used only 8 hours per day. This was because the pump task was to move water  from settling pond to aeration pond and  8 hours per day with this was enough. The aeration pond has three surface aerators, but this was not clearly enough as the DO in the aeration pond was in average of 0,1 mg/l. DO number was not changed But COD started to decrease from over 1500 mg/l to less than 1000 mg/l. Unfortunately, this did not affect to DO which stays low and the smell still existed. In the beginning of June the running mode was changed and for 8 hours the pump still pumped waste water from settling pond to aeration pond. After this, for 16 hours per day, the pump pumped the water from aeration pond through aeration process (OxTube) back to aeration pond. This decrease the COD even more but also increased the DO level to totally new level as can be seen the enclosed graph. Also the smell was a lot less and the treatment after this was easier and the discharge water quality improved. Would this work similarly in your POME wastewater treatment plant? Interested? One thing is certain, OxTube will increase the DO in the water and in several cases totally even without extra energy as OxTube uses the existing flow of water as the source of energy. Please check or contact

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: SansOx, kuva

    340 seuraajaa

    Näytä profiili: Jukka Hakola, kuva

    Making the water around the world better, Entrepreneur, Owner, CoB and COO

    Interesting 2 days at Paper and Pulp summit in Delhi Two interesting seminar days provided a good view to the new technoligak solutions in water treatment of pulp and paper industry. Several pulp and paper companies also showed their best practices how to reach ZLD zero liquid discharge. The summit showed and highlighted the importance of water in pulp and paper industry. In SansOx's presentation OxTube's role in water aeration was highlighted and how it could be done even without external energy, just using the energy from the flow of the water. The presentation also brought up how installing of OxTube to the end of the discharge pipe line could improve the water quality by increasing the dissolved oxygen in water. Hopefully next year we can present the first references from pulp and paper industry in India.

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: SansOx, kuva

    340 seuraajaa kävi hakemassa palkinnon konsortion puolesta. Kuvassa myös Ålandsbanken Abp palkitsija markkinointi- ja viestintäjohtaja Crista Hietala.

    Näytä profiili: Jukka Hakola, kuva

    Making the water around the world better, Entrepreneur, Owner, CoB and COO

    Ålandsbankenin Itämeriprojekti palkitsi toimijoita Itämeren tilan parantamiseksi – SansOxin vetämä konsortio oli yksi palkituista Ålandsbakeninin vetämä Itämeriprojekti rahoittaa Itämeren tilaa edistäviä innovaatioita, startupeja ja toimintaa. Nyt rahoitusta kohdennetaan muun muassa nuoriin ja yhteisöllisyyteen. Tänä vuonna yksi palkituista oli konsortio, joka koostuu @Salo, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Savonia University of Applied Sciences ja SansOx. Projektin tarkoituksena on jatkaa Kuopiossa aloitettua tutkimusta kuinka SansOxin tuotteen, OxTuben, avulla otsonia voidaan liuotettua jätevesilaitoksen purkuveteen ja siellä olevia lääkejäämiä saataisiin pienennettyä. Samalla tutkitaan, kuinka haitallisia mikrobia voitaisiin poistaa ja kuinka purkuveden liuenneen hapenmäärän nousu parantaa veden laatua. Monet Itämeren osathan kärsivät liuenneen hapen puutteesta. Tällä voitaisiin parantaa sitä. Tämä lääkejäämien joutuminen luonnon vesiin ei ole ainoastaan Itämeren ongelma vaan sama ongelma tapahtuu jokaisella jätevesipuhdistamolla, myös sisävesissä. Varsinkin paikkakunnilla, jotka ottavat raakaveden pintavesistä yläjuoksulla olevien kaupunkien purkuvedet voivat tuoda ongelmia ja siksi olisi hyvä, ettei purkuvesi vain täytä asetettuja normeja vaan olisi parempi tasoista. Toisaalta voihan alajuoksulla oleva kaupunki puhdistaa oman raakavetensä paremmin. Valitettavasti myös kalat ja muu veden eliöstö kärsii lääkejäämistä ja mikrobeista sekä erilaisista haitallisista bakteereista ja viruksista. SansOxin PharmOx pystytään liittämään helposti osaksi purkuvesiputkistoa ja tarvittaessa myös erilaisiin kanaviin. Lisätietoutta saa ja yhteyttä saa helpoiten Ohessa myös linkki Ålandsbankin julkaisemasta lehdistötiedotteesta.

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: SansOx, kuva

    340 seuraajaa

    Näytä profiili: Jukka Hakola, kuva

    Making the water around the world better, Entrepreneur, Owner, CoB and COO

    SansOx together with the partners, one of the winners this year’s The Baltic Sea Project   The Baltic Sea Project, initiated by the Bank of Åland, encourages organisations to generate fresh ideas aimed at enhancing the Baltic Sea's well-being. Through funding promising initiatives the project actively works towards improving the Baltic Sea's condition.   This year the consortium containing the City of Salo, The Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare, Savonia university of Applied Science and SansOx was one of the funded winners. The awarded project is to study how pharmaceutical residues could be removed from discharge water from waste water treatment plant by dissolving ozone into discharge water and to remove the harmful microbes from the discharge water. The third dimension in the study is that as ozone is dissolved through OxTube, a product that dissolved the gas in this case ozone into the water in very efficient manner, the ozone residues are minimal but the dissolved oxygen content in the discharge water is high. The study will provide info also how does the higher dissolved oxygen affect the water quality around the discharge area. The outcome of the project are results from all above-mentioned dimensions, but also academic articles will be written.   It is important to start doing something for this issue as the countries around the Baltic Sea annually discharge in average of 1,8 million kg of pharmaceutical residues to the Sea. At the same time big areas of the Baltic Sea suffer from lack of dissolved oxygen and by increasing the dissolved oxygen in the discharge water with OxTube even without any extra energy, the water quality of some areas of the Baltic Sea could be improved. What is the situation with your city's waste water treatment plant's diacharge water? Is it discharged close to swimming beaches or does the next town take the raw water for drinking water from this river to where your city's treated waste water is discharged?   See more about the solution and the benefits of this solution called PharmOx, at our website or contact us at #pimpyourwater, #SansOx, #savoniaAMK, #THL, #SAlo  

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: SansOx, kuva

    340 seuraajaa

    SansOx appears in press.

    Näytä profiili: Jukka Hakola, kuva

    Making the water around the world better, Entrepreneur, Owner, CoB and COO

    A North Carelian regional newspaper Karjalainen wrote an article about SansOx and our journey in water business around the world. Our target is to improve the water quality at all stages of natural water circulation. Today SansOx offers an easy, quick and fast way of adding gasses like air, oxygen, ozone etc. as well as water treatment chemicals into water and total solutions based on this. There are over 100 SansOx solutions around the world treating water in about 20 countries. The journey started by providing solutions for cleaning water in fisheries and now we continue the work with treating potable water, waste water and natural water bodies in Asia, Middle East and Europe. Our deliveries include solutions for removing dissolved gasses and other substances from water. Pharmaceutical residues are easily removed with OxTube, the basis of our technology and with Oxtube you tackle radon as well. Improving and rejuvenating of natural ponds, lakes and rivers is the also high on our agenda. Even in Finland, where lakes and ponds are usually in good shape, starts to appear lakes that have 0 mg/l of Dissolved Oxygen. Our solution, LakeOx, can improve the situation significantly and rejuvenate the water in the lake or pond again. But our big dream is that we could provide solutions for potable water and make the tap water drinkable everywhere in the world. Unfortunately, we cannot make new water but we can always improve the quality of it. The whole article is avaiable in Finnish at pages of Karjalainen.

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: SansOx, kuva

    340 seuraajaa

    Spring summit brings water professionals together in Delhi India. This time pulp and paper were in focus in one of the sessions.

    Näytä profiili: Jukka Hakola, kuva

    Making the water around the world better, Entrepreneur, Owner, CoB and COO

    The second Spring summit was held yesterday in Delhi. Interesting presentations about the water situation in India and other parts of the world. The afternoon sessions were about pulp and paper and water's role in pulp and paper making. In my presentation I presented what could be done to see the wastewater something else than just as a cost. The cost comes that  certain requirements has to be filled according to the law but it could be seen as way to improve the quality of the water in the natural water system that the water is discharged to. The long target is to minimize the discharge water and a very good example of this was presented in the other presentation in the seminar. But in almost all the cases there is still discharge water from the pulp and paper process. In some of the countries in Southern Europe the legislation sets a target for DO (dissolved oxygen) in the discharge water. This way the quality of the water in the natural water systems next to the factory can be improved. It does not matter if the natural water system is lake, pond or river, higher DO always means better quality of water. Now proactive factories could benefit from this in areas where the legislation is not yet in force. By announcing how much oxygen is dissolved and discharged into the natural system in the environmental report, you can be a front runner in this matter. SansOx product called OxTube can increase the DO in most cases without any additional energy as OxTube uses the energy from the flow of the water that goes through OxTube. The air is sucked into OxTube and dissolved in matter of second or less and the dissolvement is very powerful. Want to know more, check or contact us via

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: SansOx, kuva

    340 seuraajaa

    SansOx is present at SPRING Water Summit next week and present our solution how to make discharge water's quality the hot topic for pulp and paper industry's environmental report. join us on 12th of March to learn more.

    Näytä profiili: Anshul Jain, kuva

    Managing Indo Nordic EU Water Forum - A platform for water stakeholders from India and Europe - commercial arm of SPRING project under H2020

    SPRING Water Summit 12 March 2024, please meet our confirmed speakers: Ms Martine Bottheim, Embassy of Norway Mr Markus Lundgren, Embassy of Sweden Dr Anita Sharma, Embassy of Denmark Dr Antti Herlevi, Embassy of Finland Mr Anshul Jain, Indo Nordic Water Forum We look forward to meeting you Registration Link

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: SansOx, kuva

    340 seuraajaa

    Tämä projekti on jo kolmas järven kunnostusprojekti, jossa #SansOx on mukana Intiassa lyhyen ajan sisällä. Näissä kaikissa SansOxin kehittämää ilmastustekniikkaa on käytetty nostamaan ja ylläpitämään järven liuenneen hapen määrä hyvällä tasolla ja aktivoimaan luonnollinen ilmastus uudelleen.

    Näytä profiili: Anshul Jain, kuva

    Managing Indo Nordic EU Water Forum - A platform for water stakeholders from India and Europe - commercial arm of SPRING project under H2020

    On the auspicious day of 22 January 2024, under guidance of Escorts Kubota Ltd, the groundbreaking ceremony was done at Sadpura lake in Faridabad graced by village elders, women and children. The 20 million INR project is being carried out by INWF with support from Government of Finland through patented technologies of SMEs from Finland and India. Other Nordic companies, especially SMEs, are welcome to contact us for collaborating on future such projects in India.

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: SansOx, kuva

    340 seuraajaa

    Näytä profiili: Jukka Hakola, kuva

    Making the water around the world better, Entrepreneur, Owner, CoB and COO

    Holiday wishes to you all. Let's improve the quality of the water at all stages of natural water circulation during the year 2024, too. New lake improvement news coming soon, hopefully still before we enter 2024. OxTube treated water makes also fish feel good under ice.

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