Airbus Defence and Space Oy (Finland)

Airbus Defence and Space Oy (Finland)

Public Safety

Helsinki, Jyväskylä 2 689 followers

We connect those who protect us. | We hire tech and business talents to Jyväskylä and Helsinki.

About us

Airbus helps to secure people, nations and environment by providing superior operational views and data to form a better situational awareness for the people in the field. The company has two main business areas in Finland: Public Safety and Security business unit has a strong competence center for TETRA and 4G/5G communication solutions including of professional mobile application ecosystem. Intelligence business unit provides situational awareness solutions in the demanding areas of command and control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. Airbus is a safe and trusted choice as a system provider and integrator for any application that requires the levels of security and protection that only military-grade solutions can provide. Airbus is one of the largest R&D investors in Finland and highly international with over 90% of revenue coming from export.

Public Safety
Yrityksen koko
201–500 työntekijää
Helsinki, Jyväskylä


  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Airbus Defence and Space Oy (Finland), kuva

    2 689 seuraajaa

    🌈 ”International environment enriches your life.” With extensive experience of 20 years working in different international companies (with the last two years at Airbus Finland) Jan-Bernd Bechstein is one to talk! At our Helsinki office, Jan thrives in the vibrant international atmosphere, working as a Demo Project Manager, collaborating with offices across Europe, MEA, and Asia. As you can imagine, he’s immersed in a diverse blend of cultures, viewpoints, and approaches! 💬 ”It’s super exciting meeting people with different expertise, learning new things, exchanging ideas, experiences and knowledge”, Jan says. What’s his top tips for effective cross-cultural collaboration? 💛 Listen. Just listen to people, discover more what they do and how they think or what they like. It doesn’t have to be all about work! 💛 If you have some connection or anecdote about a topic or situation to what they said, maybe you can bring it into the conversation. 💛 Ask questions of topics or interest that you share or they are passionate about. Be curious. It might open new worlds for you. Such fantastic insights – thank you for sharing, Jan! How has working or studying in an international setting enriched your life? Drop your experiences in the comments—we’d love to hear your stories! 💌 #lifeatairbusfinland #airbusfinlandcareers #demoprojectmanager #projectmanager #WeAreAirbus #internationalworkingenvironment #international

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  • Welcome back Juha Laakso, our new Managing Director! This time, your people wants to know about your leadership philosophy! This is part 2 in our post series we saw as a juicy opportunity to get to know more about our new Managing Director Juha and his plans for Airbus Finland as we go through our business transformation! 🎤 Welcome back Juha! The topic of leadership philosophy is something we feel every leader should think about and be able to explain with others. We are happy that you set an example for this, so let’s go! 💬 “Absolutely, my pleasure!” 🎤 People are keen to understand how a Managing Director leads. Is their approach more authoritarian or democratic? Do they encourage innovation and creativity? How our leaders lead often sets the tone for the entire organisation and the culture. Juha, how do you lead? 💬 “First of all, there is nothing permanent in my way of leading and thinking. So, my rule number one is that leadership is always adapted to the situation and people in it.” 🎤 Awesome, Juha! Tell us more! 💬 “I don’t believe leadership can be hardcoded in stone. A leader who uses the same approach year after year with everyone probably fails at some point. My philosophy as a leader is to head into all situations with an open mind and openness to adapt my style to whatever that situation requires.” 💬 “Of course I go by the generic leadership principles such as openness, listening, transparency and empowerment as as the setting stones.” 🎤 What if you adapt wrong and fail? 💬 “Failure is not a bad word for me. And it shouldn’t be that for anyone. It is a vital part of development and learning. Leadership for me, is a continuous opportunity to understand not just the behavior of others but also my own. When you take each opportunity as a learning opportunity you expand your abilities to find the right style in different situations.” 🎤 When you adapt, how does it look like? 💬 “What a great question there, my friend! Somebody will benefit from coaching, somebody needs mentoring. Some teams excel when encouraged regulary while other people just want to discuss and hear your opinions, and that’s it. There are so many different styles to use.” 🎤 What kind of leadership behaviour would you like to see more at Airbus Defence and Space Oy (Finland)? 💬 “Be eager to learn every day. Listen, acknowledge and execute. These advise I try to do everyday and that is why no day is similar to each other. And that makes leadership such a motivating role!” 🎤 Thanks again, Juha! Next time, we want to ask you what personally excites you about our business at Airbus Finland. Will you come back to share? 💬 “Of course, this is fun!” #airbusfinland #lifeatairbusfinland #managingdirector #leadershipatairbusfinland #airbusfinlandcareers #juhalaakso #leadership 

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  • Remember our CEO Juha? We bet you do! Now let’s shine the spotlight on his go-to person, Pia Puntila! So, what is a typical day like as an Executive Assistant at Airbus Finland, you might wonder? "Every day is different, that’s for sure!" Pia says with a smile. And that’s one of her favorite aspects of her role. 👉 Days vary between legal documents to meeting coordination, event planning and internal communication. She is involved in many processes and work with several team, both locally and globally. Pia also loves the global vibe of her job! 🇨🇳 “I might start my day with an email from Beijing and finish with a phone call from Mexico.” 🇲🇽 Speaking of a global environment, here’s a fun fact (or two) for you: 👇 Airbus Finland employees represent over 20 different nationalities, and we have client relationships in more than 70 different countries. Sounds quite fascinating, right? Got any burning questions for Pia about her role or life at Airbus Finland? Drop them in the comments below! #ExecutiveAssistant #CEO #lifeatairbusfinland #WeAreAirbus #internationalworkingenvironment

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Airbus Defence and Space Oy (Finland), kuva

    2 689 seuraajaa

    Did you know that a shared fascination for aviation unites many of us here at Airbus? 🛫 yahya khafif is no exception! Actually, his excitement for the industry originally sparked his curiosity about exploring career opportunities at Airbus in Finland. Once he discovered the impactful mission of Airbus Defence & Space — developing cutting-edge software to make the world a safer place — he was sold. And here we are! 😍 Yahya is thriving as a Trainee on our demo team, where he’s excited to apply the learnings from his IT engineering studies to real-world projects. As someone experiencing life at a large corporation for the first time, the guidance for navigating the new environment has been invaluable. ”My team, especially Jan-Bernd Bechstein and Augustine Igbinidu-Uwuigbe were instrumental in helping me acclimate through regular check-ins and hands-on assistance.” “For example, Augustine guided me in understanding the SMARTwisp API, enabling me to build a well-integrated application with Agnet.” 💙 Inspired by Yahya’s story? Follow us to discover if we could be your next place of work! #lifeatairbus #WeAreAirbus #newcomer #trainee #youngprofessional

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Airbus Defence and Space Oy (Finland), kuva

    2 689 seuraajaa

    Join our HRBP Maiju Karppinen for a quick Q&A where she answers all your burning questions about what we do, where we are, and what are we all about here in Finland! 🇫🇮😍 Got more questions on your mind? Don’t hesitate to pop them in the comment box below, and we’ll get you the answers! 📩 #lifeatairbusfinland #Q&A #WeAreAirbus #HRBP #AirbusFinland

  • Diversity is such a diverse concept. Here at Airbus Finland, diversity is shown for example in the diversity of our people. 🌟 So many nationalities brings about different cultures, ways of thinking and approaching issues and versatile ways to communicate and solve problems, to mention a few! We can learn so much from each other and oneself when we open doors to diversity and acceptance. How does this resonate with you? 😊 #lifeatairbusfinland #airbusfinlandasaworkplace #careersintechfinland #techcareersinfinland

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  • Did you know a regular smartphone won’t cut it for mission-critical tasks? 📲❌ When it comes to firefighters, police officers, and other heroes caring for our safety, only “mission-critical” smartphones will do. In scenarios where failure isn’t an option, these devices are lifesavers! Here are some examples of what makes a smartphone mission critical: ✅ Integrated Features: It's not just about having the right apps; it's about how well they integrate with the smartphone's hardware. ✅ Security and Ruggedness: These phones are built to last through the toughest conditions, with top-notch physical durability and robust cybersecurity. ✅ Longevity and Ease of Use: Designed for long hours with features like extended battery life, physical push-to-talk keys, and crystal-clear voice quality. And we design the technology for these rough and rugged smartphones that enable easy use and secure connections. Now, what else do you want to know? Comment below or drop a DM, and we will respond! #WeAreAirbus #AirbusTeam #LifeAtAirbusFinland #AirbusCulture #MissionCriticalSmartPhones

  • Wondering how to stay connected in a hybrid work setup? Here’s how we do it at Airbus Finland 👇🛋 When you have teammates from Helsinki to Jyväskylä and across the globe, communication and trust are everything. 🤩 Our teams are encouraged to find their own groove, collaborating and communicating openly. It’s all about figuring out what works best! 🤩 Remember the virtual coffee breaks? They’re not just pandemic souvenirs; they’re a testament to our enduring sense of community. Still fancy those in-person coffee chats? Enjoy one at our fresh and cozy open hubs in the Helsinki office, just like the one in the picture! ☕️ 🤩 And let’s not forget the technology! It helps us bridge the geographical gaps: from project management and documentation to collaborative workspaces and virtual whiteboards, we’ve got the tools to keep us all on the same page, no matter where we are. How do you foster collaboration in a hybrid work setup? Share your thoughts with us! #lifeatairbusfinland #WeAreAirbus #airbusfinland #hybridwork #internationalteams

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  • Airbus Finland is full of surprises 🎉 Especially when you’re just starting out! One of the surprises for Lassi Jatkola was discovering that his role as a Business Analyst was highly dynamic. 🎯✨ ”My new role offered me an exciting opportunity to tailor it to my unique strengths and expertise,” Lassi says. “Airbus seeks to have a culture of empowerment, so I got to find the best ways for me to work to be successful in my role,” he adds. As highlighted by our colleague Jaakko Tolppanen in his insightful post, the Public Safety and Security organization in Airbus Finland is in the midst of a business transformation. 👉 This brings wealth of challenges but also new opportunities! 🎯✨ ”Embracing fresh perspectives and innovative ideas is not only encouraged but eagerly anticipated from every newcomer joining the company,” Lassi adds. And lastly, he emphasises one above all: the importance of collaboration with others! 🎯✨ "Establishing strong connections across various departments within the company is essential for success as a Business Analyst. I have been getting a very warm welcome and been happy to get to know so many amazing colleagues.” Curious about the adventures that await you at Airbus Finland? Stay tuned for more! #lifeatairbusfinland #businessanalyst #WeareAirbus #collaboration

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