Cycling friendly services schemes

Europe is the world's most popular tourist destinations and cycling tourism is an increasingly important factor in that success. The EuroVelo network, being the largest cycle network of its kind in the world, serves as strong basis for further development of cycling tourism in Europe.

In addition to quality cycle infrastructure, cyclists need adequate and appropriate services located along cycling routes and at major European destinations. Such 'cycling friendly services' can include restaurants, cafes, accommodation providers, shops, camp sites, tourist attractions etc. As such they are an invaluable tool for cyclists, they serve in developing more sustainable tourism offers and ultimately help in the economic growth of small and medium enterprises (SME).

Cycling friendly schemes criteria

Currently, thousands of businesses in the hospitality industry, tourist attractions or shops are offering cycle friendly services in more than 17 European countries. Many of them have certification systems that guarantee cycling friendly services which cover certain criteria, such as:

  • location near cycle routes
  • bicycle parking facilities
  • repair tools (pumps, screwdrivers, patches, etc.), information on local repair shops and a first aid kit
  • charging of electric bicycles for free
  • allow guests to fill up their water bottles
  • information on cycling networks and cycling maps
  • facilities for drying wet clothing
  • hearty breakfasts and packed lunch service
  • single-night accommodation
  • luggage transfer

Click on the links below to find out more information about relevant schemes when planning your next adventure.

List of cycling friendly services schemes

Austria Bike-friendly accommodation providers

"Radtouren in Österreich" offers a range of bike friendly accommodations that can be filtered in regions or cycle paths. Certified with the "bett+bike" quality label by ADFC.
RADfreundliche Betriebe

"Weinviertel" covers only the Weinviertel region of Lower Austria but gives much information on cycling friendly restaurants and accommodations. Further, it informs about resting stations with drinking water and bike rentals. (EuroVelo 9 and 13)
Belgium Bienvenue Vélo

In the region of Wallonia in Belgium offers the label "Bienvenue Vélo" a list of accommodations, restaurants, tourist organizations, tourist attractions and museums, producers and artisans - all suitable for cyclists. (EuroVelo 3, 5 and 19)

Fietslogies and Fietscafé

In the region of Flanders, there is currently no specific label but the welcome of cyclists is very natural. However, there are the 'fietslogies' and 'fietscafé' in Limburg (EuroVelo 19). You can also refer to the following website which provides a list of accommodations with bicycle-friendly services under a separate category 'Walking and cycling'. As a visitor, you will still have to filter out the bicycle-friendly services yourself.
Bike friendly accommodation

In the capital of Belgium, Brussels, offers a list of bike friendly labeled accommodations with certain services and facilities that cater for the needs of cyclists and clients. (EuroVelo 5)
Czech Republic Cyklisté vítáni (Cyclists Welcome)

The interactive map of long distance cycle routes in Czechia contains various types of services for cyclists such as accommodations, campsites, restaurants and tourist attractions. The results can be also filtered by type of service and cycle route. The initiative is part of the Cyclists Welcome in V4 project.
Denmark Bed and Bike Denmark

Certified with the label "bed + bike" by ADFC cycling friendly accommodations can be explored on the interactive map of Aktiv Danmark.

The official tourist information website 'visit estonia' provides an interactive map showing both bicycle routes and accommodation, natural parks, tourist attractions and much more.
Finland Welcome Cyclists

On the website of "Bikeland" you can find an interactive map providing information about cycling friendly services, such as accommodations, restaurants, bike rentals or cafes.
France Accueil Vélo (Cyclists Welcome)

Along the French cycle routes France Vélo Tourisme offers a wide range of services with Accueil Vélo, a national accreditation scheme guaranteeing a high quality of welcome and services for cyclists. This includes accommodations, restaurants, places to visit, tourist offices as well as bike rental and repair companies, all available to be explored on an interactive map. The “Accueil Vélo” brand is used in various regions in France, such as along the La Loire à Vélo (EuroVelo 6) as well as in the region of Alsace. (EuroVelo 5, 6 and 15)
Germany bett+bike

The bett+bike logo by ADFC can be found not only in Germany but in many other countries such as Switzerland, Belgium or Croatia. On the website certified accommodations are divided in four categories: bett+bike hosts, sports, camping and holiday homes. In addition, the results can be subdivided into regions and cycle routes. For an easier use while cycling, the bett+bike services can also be viewed with an app.
Bike-friendly accommodation + pubs along the Elberadweg

Along the 'Elberadweg' in Germany cycling friendly pubs and accommodations welcome cyclists with the label "radfreundlich" using the requirements issued by the ADFC as a guide. (EuroVelo 4, 7 and 13)
Greece Bike Friendly by NatTour

A network of 135 hotels, 9 municipalities and 60 partners managed by NatTour, a non-for-profit organisation. The Bike Friendly Label is a verification awarded to Hotels, Municipalities / Destinations and other bodies related to cycling in Greece that fulfil a number of criteria for servicing and facilitating cyclists.
Hungary National network of bicycle-friendly service providers

In Hungary, the national cycling-friendly service scheme was launched in cooperation with MAKETUSZ in the frame of the Cyclists Welcome in V4 project. There are now nearly 700 certified members. The goal is to have 1,500 service providers registered by the end of 2023. Check out the interactive map, including cycling-friendly restaurants and accommodations, attractions, bike parks, water refill points, repair stations, bike rest areas, and routes for both beginners and advanced cyclists available, following the below link.
Italy albergabici

"Albergabici" managed by FIAB offers a range of accommodations equipped to meet the needs of a cycle tourist with extras like luggage transfer or bike rentals. The results can be viewed on the interactive map.
Luxembourg bed+bike Luxembourg

Labeled with the "bed + bike" logo of ADFC cyclists can find bike friendly hotels, guesthouses, campsites, youth hostels and private accommodations in Luxembourg. All results can be divided by subcategories, like region or cycle route.
The Netherlands Fietsers Welkom!

The "Fietsers Welkom!" label is an initiative of Stichting Landelijk Fietsplatform and indicates cycling friendly restaurants, accommodations and campsites. It is renewed every year. The services can be seen on the interactive map together with all LF routes and cycling nodes.
Poland Cyclist-friendly places (Miejsc Przyjaznych Rowerzystom)

In the region of Małopolska in Poland offer the labeled Cyclist-Friendly Places (MPR) service facilities (including accommodation, catering, tourist attractions, tourist information, bicycle services, shops) tailored to the needs of cyclists. These can be either viewed on the interactive map online or in a downloadable excel table. (EuroVelo 4 and 11)
Cyclist-Friendly Place (Miejsce Przyjazne Rowerzystom)

"Miejsce Przyjazne Rowerzystom" is the recently created (2022) bicycle-friendly system of the Westpomerania Region, Poland, providing services to cyclists, divided into the following categories: accommodation facilities, catering facilities, tourist attractions, tourist information points and other commercial and service facilities.
Romania Velo Popas

Velo Popas is the first certification for cycling friendly services in Romania. The project is part of the Cyclists Welcome network and is coordinated by POPASURI - an NGO aiming to promote and to protect the Romanian heritage through sustainable activities and tourism. The certification process is managed by Bike in time.
Slovakia Cyclists Welcome! (Vitajte cyklisti)

In Slovakia cycling friendly accommodations, restaurants, camping and tourist attractions can be viewed on the interactive map of the cycling friendly service network "vitajte cyklisti". The page gives also more insight details on each service. The initiative is part of the Cyclists Welcome in V4 project.
Slovenia Biking accommodation

Scroll down on the website of the Slovenian Tourist Board to see the list of cycling friendly hotels, hostels, and tourist farms.
Spain Bikefriendly

On the interactive map of "bikefriendly" or the app you can find accommodations adapted to the needs of cyclist and cycle tourists.
Bike Friendly - Via de la Plata

Organized by the "Peregrino Online" and the "Association of the Via de la Plata" the network of Bike Friendly hostels offer specific services for cyclists. (EuroVelo 3)

On the website of "cycling-friendly" you can discover through the interactive map or a search filter certified accommodations located not only in Spain, but also in France and Andorra.
Sweden Bed & Bike

"Bed and Bike" is a collaborative effort between Cykelfrämjandet and selected hotels, hostels and other types of holiday accommodations with services that meet the cyclist's special needs. These can be viewed on the interactive map.

On the website of Switzerland Mobility detailed information can be found on accommodation, cycle services and bike rentals.

In order to promote cycling tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Türkiye Tourism Promotion and Development Agency (TGA) developed the “Bicycle Friendly Accommodation Facilities Certificate” for accommodations offering specific services for cyclists.
