Photo de couverture de AXA MILLESIMES


Fabrication de boissons

Pauillac, Bordeaux 4 513 abonnés

9 exceptional vineyards: Pichon Baron, Pibran, Suduiraut, Arlot, Quinta do Noval, Passadouro, Disznókő, Outpost & Platt

À propos

Created in 1987, AXA Millésimes is the home of nine exceptional vineyards across four countries, producing some of the finest wines in France, Portugal, Hungary and the United States. We have always sought out vineyard terroirs that are among the greatest in their region. We then devote our full attention to looking after these exceptional properties, always with the aim of producing each year the finest wine of which they are capable. Today our vineyards include Château Pichon Baron (2e Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac, France), Château Suduiraut (1er Grand Cru Classé, Sauternes, France), Château Pibran (Pauillac, France), Domaine de l’Arlot (Côtes de Nuits, Burgundy, France), Quinta do Noval and Quinta do Passadouro (Douro, Portugal), Disznókő (Tokaj, Hungary), Outpost Vineyards (Napa, Howell Mountain, USA), Platt Vineyard (Sonoma Coast,USA) Our goal is to make wines that are the individual, harmonious and perfectly balanced expression of our great terroirs, for the enjoyment of those who love wine throughout the world. We never forget our privilege and our responsibilities as the guardians of these exceptional vineyards, which we aim to pass on in the best possible condition to future generations. Join our vineyards on Instagram @pichonbaron @chateausuduiraut @domaine_de_l_arlot @disznokotokaj @quintadonoval_official @outpostwines and learn more about all our vineyards on

Fabrication de boissons
Taille de l’entreprise
201-500 employés
Siège social
Pauillac, Bordeaux
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
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Employés chez AXA MILLESIMES


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