📊 Only 8% of plastic waste is recycled each year Last week at AXA Climate, Eva Moreau, co-creator of La Fresque du Plastique, shared insight with us about the #GlobalPlasticTreaty: an initiative run by the #UnitedNations to address the environmental effects of plastic pollution. 💡What are the goals of the Global Plastic Treaty ? The Global Plastic Treaty is an international agreement in progress, designed to combat plastic pollution worldwide. Participants in the Global Plastic Treaty include 175 UN member states, as well as NGOs, industry stakeholders, and scientific experts. As plastic pollution knows no borders, Eva Moreau shared some topics of the treaty: - Production of plastic: regulations on primary plastic polymers - Chemicals and plastics of concern: elimination and bans of chemicals, polymers of concern and avoidable plastic products - Avoidable plastic products: encouraging alternatives to plastic products - Circular economy: promoting reduce, reuse, refill, repair and recycling - Environmental impact: addressing the effects of plastic pollution on ecosystems - Health impacts: studying the effects of plastic pollution on human health - International cooperation: ensuring global compliance and cooperation and financing system 🗓 A Global Push for Companies to Tackle Plastic Pollution The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) was formed to draft the treaty. Started in 2022, the final session scheduled at the end of November (in Busan, Korea) aims to conclude the treaty negotiations. Ultimately, the treaty aims to drive a global transformation, encouraging companies to lead the way in drastically reducing plastic pollution and championing practices that support environmental sustainability and protect human health on a global scale.
AXA Climate
Paris, Île-de-France 20 605 abonnés
Climate and environmental adaptation
À propos
AXA Climate's guiding principle, "Make regenerative business universal," drives the company to lead a significant shift in business mindset—moving beyond merely reducing harm to fundamentally transforming how businesses interact with the natural world. With its range of services, including digital training programmes, science-based SaaS products, specialized consulting services, and climate insurance, AXA Climate empowers sectors such as agri-food, industrial, financial, and public with the tools they need to address the challenges of climate change and take meaningful actions. With a global presence, AXA Climate is a leading force in the movement towards regenerative business practices. For more information, visit climate.axa
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Lien externe pour AXA Climate
- Secteur
- Assurances
- Taille de l’entreprise
- 51-200 employés
- Siège social
- Paris, Île-de-France
- Type
- Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
- Fondée en
- 2019
- Domaines
- education, consulting, insurance et SaaS
Butterfly School
Plateformes de cours en ligne
Formation d'Introduction à l'entreprise régénérative. La butterfly School propose un parcours 100% digital, sur 10 semaines (entre 3 et 4 heures par semaine), destiné aux petites équipes comme aux grandes organisations. C’est un mélange de vidéos, d'interviews, d’exercices pédagogiques et lives hebdomadaires avec des experts et avec la communauté. La formation propose une double approche : - Technique : autour de la transformation des modèles économiques, via le décryptage de cas concrets et variés d'entreprises qui ont ouvert la voie du régénératif. - Culturelle : pour questionner en profondeur la logique volumique du "toujours plus" et changer le regard qu'on porte sur l'entreprise. Elle s'adresse aux entreprises désireuses d'aller au-delà de la réduction d’impacts négatifs, pour se mettre sur la voie du régénératif, c'est à dire pour apprendre à opérer dans le respect des limites planétaires, en accord avec les principes du vivant.
14, Boulevard Poissonnière
75009 Paris, Île-de-France, FR
Employés chez AXA Climate
Alors que le Plan d’Adaptation nous projette dans une France à +4°C d’ici la fin du siècle, l’adaptation se révèle un levier stratégique essentiel pour les entreprises. Dans sa tribune publiée dans Les Echos, Antoine Denoix, met en lumière les opportunités de l’adaptation au changement climatique pour les entreprises. 4 points à retenir : - L’adaptation touche le coeur d’activité de nos entreprises et engage leur #pérennité. Le réchauffement climatique affecte directement les chaînes logistiques et la productivité. Les dirigeants doivent impérativement prioriser les risques climatiques, tant à court qu’à long terme. - L’adaptation nécessite un ré-ancagre des plus grandes entreprises dans les #territoires. Les effets climatiques sont souvent ressentis à l’échelle locale, bien que les risques soient globaux. Une approche décentralisée permet aux équipes sur le terrain de réagir rapidement et de manière autonome. - L’adaptation climatique repose sur la #coopération entre acteurs publics et privés. Des initiatives collaboratives, telles que la réutilisation de la chaleur industrielle pour le chauffage résidentiel, illustrent le potentiel d’une adaptation partagée. - Attention au risque de #maladaptation. Pour éviter que les solutions adoptées ne contribuent involontairement à augmenter la vulnérabilité, une vision systémique est essentielle. Les entreprises doivent savoir évaluer l'interconnexion des risques. Les efforts de réduction des émissions de GES restent primordiaux, car le succès de l'adaptation dépend de l'efficacité de l'#atténuation. Loin d'être un frein, l'adaptation pourrait devenir un levier de transformation positive, favorisant l'ancrage local et la coopération. Pour lire la tribune dans son intégralité: https://lnkd.in/eTHWxEw2
Taking nature into account is a strategic necessity for the agri-food sector. According to the World Economic Forum, almost half of the world's GDP is moderately to highly dependent on biodiversity. Yet ecosystem decline is accelerating — impacting crop yields, water resources, and the resilience of the whole agri supply chain. For agri-food companies, understanding and managing interactions with nature is critical. The #TNFD provides a framework to help them understand, assess and disclose their dependencies and impacts on nature. But understanding all the TNFD documentation, and implementing it remains a big challenge. That's why AXA Climate and BL évolution have decided to develop a practical guide, to help you understand: 1️⃣ the objectives of TNFD 2️⃣ its methodology and tools, 3️⃣ each step through various case studies, 4️⃣ best practices You can find it here: https://lnkd.in/e7Upk_A7
Fear not, this matrix is less frightening than it seems. In fact, it can even be very useful. A tool like this is essential for a comprehensive assessment of decarbonization potential across your investment sectors: What criteria to take into account? How to prioritize companies or sectors? What decarbonization actions should be implemented? With the support of AXA Climate, Abenex tackled these questions, and this matrix was part of the answer. 📈 How can Private Equity funds turn decarbonization into a growth opportunity? Addressing decarbonization requires time, collaboration, and a strong commitment to mitigation. We identified the following categories of measures for both LPs and GPs to support their portfolio companies: 1️⃣ Governance Support – Secure leadership commitment and embed decarbonization into strategy. 2️⃣ Expertise Sharing – Provide access to best practices and specialized insights. 3️⃣ Value Chain Engagement – Collaborate with partners to decarbonize across all stages. 4️⃣ Financial Backing – Enable R&D and pilot projects through targeted funding. 🧠 What did we learn? The path to decarbonization is challenging for the Private Equity market. At AXA Climate, we help investment funds navigate these complexities, offering tailored strategies that drive sustainable growth. An example of a successful partnership is our work with Abenex, a longstanding player in the European Small and Mid-cap PE market, who places sustainability at the core of its value creation approach. In line with their portfolio decarbonization journey and SBTi commitment, we identified sector-specific decarbonization levers by mapping Abenex’s entire portfolio and analyzing supply chains’ emission sources. Learn more about our approach at the link below Want to start your decarbonization journey? Contact Stefano Bonelli, PhD, Emilie Guo, Marie Voriot
Nous avons eu le plaisir d'accueillir Ben Haggard et les membres du Regenesis Institute for Regenerative Practice chez AXA Climate pour le lancement de la traduction française de leur ouvrage, "Régénérer, principes fondateurs et pratiques inspirantes pour les entreprises et les territoires". Ce livre, enrichi par plus de 40 ans d’expérience et de nombreux exemples concrets, propose une approche unique pour les acteurs engagés sur les enjeux des #territoires. Quelques points clés du livre : 👉 Plutôt que de nous voir séparés de la nature, nous sommes invités à nous percevoir comme faisant partie d'un tout coévolutif, en relation symbiotique avec les lieux que nous habitons. Cela implique de révéler l'essence et la vocation propre de chaque territoire. 👉 Les processus régénératifs reposent sur le potentiel à développer, plutôt que sur les problèmes à résoudre. 👉 Ils encouragent également à envisager notre « rôle » dans un contexte systémique plus vaste, au-delà des tâches et fonctions que nous remplissons. 👉 Enfin, l’objectif est d'identifier des points d'acupuncture pour créer un impact systémique, où des actions ciblées peuvent produire de larges effets en chaîne, loin d’une approche linéaire d'action-réaction. Merci à Rue de l'échiquier et Laura Winn 🦋 pour leur travail précieux. Ce livre offre de nouvelles perspectives passionnantes – à découvrir sans attendre !
🌱 To enable the agricultural sector to shift toward #regenerative practices, all actors need better and adapted funding models. Regenerative agriculture offers numerous benefits: healthier soils 🌾, richer biodiversity 🐝, improved water conservation 💧, climate resilience 🌦️, and more robust crops 🌽. Achieving these requires a true paradigm shift! This transition demands unique and innovative #financing strategies to enable new types of investment because time horizons, risks and expected outputs and outcomes for regenerative agriculture are different when compared with conventional agriculture. That's why, together with AXA, Tikehau Capital, and Unilever, we have launched an impact investing strategy dedicated to the scaling of regenerative agriculture. One of our core missions is to share the insights and lessons learned #publicly, helping to build a thriving ecosystem for regenerative agriculture finance and inspire meaningful change! 🤝 Get in touch to learn more about the journey behind our impact and financing strategy!
♻️ How about focusing on recycled, not just recyclables? Last week at AXA Climate, François Grosse, senior executive & entrepreneur, reminded us of an often overlooked reality: aiming for a high recycling rate is not the ultimate solution for achieving a truly circular model. Indeed, growth in consumption and limited material to recycle can completely wipe out the beneficial effects of recycling. Would the solution then be to limit the growth in our consumption, rather than trying to limit the production of waste? “If material consumption increases by more than 1%, there is no long term solution, due to exponential effect,” according to François Grosse. However, we need to turn the problem on its head and take action on production. 💡 François Grosse’s solution: switch the focus from "recyclable" to "recycled" in new products. He proposes imposing a percentage of recycled material in all new production, with progressive long-term targets (for example, 80% recycled material). This would have several advantages: - Waste becomes a valued resource, increasing incentives to recycle. - Growth is constrained by the amount of recycled material available, limiting the extraction of virgin resources and reducing the climate and environmental footprint. ➡️ Of course, this transition will have to be gradual and tailored to different industries and regions of the world, but that's the price we'll have to pay to stay within realistic global limits. 📖 To find out more, François Grosse's book "Croissance soutenable ? La société au défi de l'économie circulaire” explores this vision in depth.
80% des dirigeant·e·s de TPE-PME expriment le désir d'agir davantage pour l'environnement mais ils·elles ne sont que 22% à déclarer avoir entamé une démarche de décarbonation*. Ce décalage s'explique principalement par les obstacles rencontrés, d'ordre économique d'abord avec le manque de budget, mais aussi humain, faisant face à un manque de compétences au sein de leurs équipes. Or les TPE-PME-ETI représentent 30% de l'empreinte carbone de la France, et pèsent aussi sur le bilan carbone de leurs client·e·s. Ainsi, pas de transition environnementale sans les TPE-PME-ETI ! C'est pourquoi en partenariat avec l’Association AXA Prévention et le soutien de avec Carbon Cutter et Bpifrance nous avons conçu le guide "Décarboner sa TPE-PME Comprendre & agir", pensé pour être le plus utile possible aux TPE-PME-ETI. 📘Ce guide propose : ✅ Des étapes clés pour initier une démarche de décarbonation, quelque soit votre taille ou secteur d’activité. 💬 Des témoignages d’entreprises ayant entamé leur transition à l'instar de Tecnifibre, Ponthier, Fonderies de Sougland, MEGEVAND FRERES, ALTHEORA, FoodChéri et DESCHAUMES. 🔗 Des liens vers des financements et des formations disponibles dédiés aux petites et moyennes entreprises. Et lorsque l'on sait que 65% des dirigeant·e·s déclarent se sentir peu accompagné·e·s, voire seul·e·s, pour avancer sur la transition écologique, on espère que ce document sera pour une première piste utile. Merci pour leurs contributions à ce guide : Claire Lesieur, Emilie Courageux, Clotilde Halna du Fretay, Agathe Peltier, Anne-Clémence Barbier, Romane Berlioz, Marguerite Descamps, Valentina Zajackowski (*)Sondage OpinionWay pour AXA Prévention Illustrations originales de Andrea de Santis
The vulnerability of milk production and livestock feed is stark, with risks multiplying in the face of rising temperatures and erratic weather patterns. In 2024, AXA Climate joined forces with Guillaume Floch and Groupe Nutriset, specialised in the development, production and distribution of nutritional therapeutic foods, to assess the impact of climate change on the dairy industry and value chain, as part of their fight against global malnutrition. What did we learn? 🥛 By 2050, the quality and quantity of milk in Europe and the United States will be affected by climate change. 🥛 97% of the milk purchased by Groupe Nutriset in is expected to be affected by heat stress, resulting in a 3.5% drop in milk quality. 🥛 Heat waves will be on the increase, affecting 36% of production. The climate will have an increasingly significant impact on the production of feed for cows, and on the nutritional value of the feed on which it depends. What's next? We work with Nutriset to advise them on adaptation solutions to maintain the quality of its dairy products, which are mainly intended for vulnerable populations in developing countries.
🌳 1 in 3 trees worldwide is threatened with extinction, according to the IUCN. Last week, the IUCN released its updated Red List and it’s alarming. 38% of tree species are threatened with extinction worldwide. This threat is underscored by climate-related challenges (such as wildfires and pest outbreaks) that are increasingly impacting forests all over the world, notably in Germany and Portugal. 🤝 In these two countries, AXA Climate, as part of the PIISA Project, aims to find solutions that take into account both climate risks and forest management practices through innovative insurance instruments. We are leading 2 pilot projects looking at forest insurance: 🇩🇪 Germany: advancing resilience in forestry This pilot has made progress in modelling wildfire and windthrow risks in the Bavaria region. With AXA Germany and forest owner Forst Arco Zinneberg, we’re working to develop customised indemnity and parametric insurance products that protect forest owners financially. These solutions aim to support more resilient forestry practices amidst increasing climate challenges. 🇵🇹 Portugal: reducing risk through adaptation Together with local government partner AGIF, this pilot has created wildfire mitigation scenarios and historical wildfire simulations. The next steps involve integrating climate change projections and adaptive measures, such as firebreaks and fuel reduction strategies, into insurance frameworks. These changes could potentially reduce premiums by limiting the burnt area. 🗓 The final goal is to assess the replicability across other EU regions! To go further, discover the new reports in the comments.