Axilum Robotics TMS-Cobot is in Kobe, Japan, for the 6th International Brain Stimulation Conference ! Thank you to our partner Localite GmbH for conducting the demo with their compatible neuronavigation system and with a MagVenture compatible coil. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is increasingly personalized and accuracy and reproductibility are not options. Visit our booth and see how robotics, combined with neuronavigation, can improve the implementation of a TMS session, particularly in case of multiple sessions per day.
Axilum Robotics
Fabrication d’équipements médicaux
Schiltigheim, Grand Est 1 974 abonnés
Medical robots to improve medical procedures
À propos
Axilum Robotics was founded in 2011 in Strasbourg, France, by a team of leading experts in medical robotics. The objective of the company is to provide researchers and health care professionals with robotic solutions to improve both technical medical procedures and medical resources management. In 2013, the company launched TMS-Robot, the first CE marked medical robot specifically designed for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. TMS is a rapidly expanding non-invasive neurostimulation technique with therapeutic applications in drug resistant psychiatric and neurological diseases, like major depression, chronic pain, stroke rehabilitation. With its patented hemispherical architecture, TMS-Robot is intended to safely automate and improve the accuracy and repeatability of this non-invasive and painless brain stimulation technique, which is usually implemented manually In 2018, Axilum Robotics has reinforced its expertise in medical robotics with the launch of a new robotic platform using collaborative robotic technology. This new platform allows Axilum Robotics to extend its range of robotic solutions for TMS, with a more afordable and versatile solution. In 2019, Axilum Robotics became the first robotic company worldwide to receive both CE mark and FDA 510(k) clearance for a medical device using a collaborative robotic arm : TMS-Cobot The Company has customers in 20 countries and is looking for developping new medical and surgical applications with his "Cobot" platform. Axilum Robotics is ISO 13485 certified for its Quality Management System since 2013.
- Site web
Lien externe pour Axilum Robotics
- Secteur
- Fabrication d’équipements médicaux
- Taille de l’entreprise
- 2-10 employés
- Siège social
- Schiltigheim, Grand Est
- Type
- Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
- Fondée en
- 2011
- Domaines
- Medical Robotics et Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
21 avenue de l'Europe
67300 Schiltigheim, Grand Est, FR
Employés chez Axilum Robotics
Axilum Robotics a republié ceci
✨ Nouvelle avancée au CENTRE HOSPITALIER DU ROUVRAY ✨ Nous sommes fiers de partager une étape majeure dans le domaine de la psychiatrie grâce l’installation d’un nouvel équipement de rTMS robotisé. Le CENTRE HOSPITALIER DU ROUVRAY s’équipe désormais d’une technologie de pointe combinant : 🔹 Un stimulateur magnétique MagVenture 🧲 🔹 Un Neuronavigateur Localite GmbH 🎯 🔹 Un Robot Axilum Robotics🦾 Un immense merci au Dr Maud Rothärmel et à son équipe leur engagement et leur confiance. 🙏 👉#StimulationTranscranienne #rTMS #psychiatrie #Robotique
Axilum Robotics a republié ceci
Did you know that robotics can help deliver 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗦𝘁𝗶𝗺𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 (TMS) for treating depression or chronic pain? 🧠 TMS is a painless, non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. A coil is placed at a specific area on the surface of the head, then high intensity magnetic impulses are applied to the cortex. 💊 In the US, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation has been approved to improve symptoms of drug-resistant major depression, for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), migraines and to help people stop smoking when standard treatments haven't worked well. Research continues into other potential uses including epilepsy. Some treatments involve delivering repeated pulses, that's called repetitive TMS or rTMS. ❓But why robotics 😟 The conventional delivery of TMS is not optimal since the coil is either held manually or attached to a passive arm during sessions of more than 30 minutes, requiring the patient to remain perfectly still. 🎯 The use of robotics enables to improve accuracy and repeatability while maintaining safety (collision detection), keeping the coil position & orientation during the whole session, ensuring permanent contact with the patient's head and compensating for head motions. 🤖 This is TMS-Cobot, a robot designed and commercialized by French medtech startup Axilum Robotics led by Michel BERG. ✅ The system is compatible with coils from major manufacturers and can also be used in combination with a neuro-navigation system to benefit from MRI images. 🌎 With CE-mark, 510k clearance, TGA & HSA approvals, the TMS-Cobot is currently used by over 90 customers in 20 countries. 🚀 The Axilum team has been working on further applications for this robotic device - including transcranial focused ultrasound for drug delivery, ultrasound imaging, and laparoscopy. #medtech #roboticsurgery #tms #depression
La semaine dernière se tenait la première édition de "La Robotique Médicale en France", organisée par le cluster national MED ROBOTICS PLACE, né dans la Région Occitanie. Cette manifestation, au succès exceptionnel, a permis de réunir l'écosystème de la robotique médicale en France, pays qui se positionne en 3ème position dans ce domaine derrière les USA et la Chine. Paris, Montpellier et Grenoble sont sur le podium mais Strasbourg tient sa place avec 2 sociétés et des sous-traitants 2 start up sur 12 ayant présenté leurs projets étaient issues du laboratoire ICube Strasbourg. Axilum Robotics a eu l'opportunité de partager ses réalisations avec 90 robots dans 20 pays et ses projets de développement et partenariats, en particulier dans les ultrasons transcrâniens. Région Grand Est Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg Ville de Schiltigheim BioValley France ICube Strasbourg SEMIA Quest for health Nextmed Strasbourg IRCAD Institute of Image-Guided Surgery (IHU Strasbourg) Weil Industries FONDATION FORCE POUR L'INNOVATION ET LA RECHERCHE EN SANTE Bpifrance Sodiv Réseau Entreprendre Alsace Crédit photo Carole Rigenbach - RDECLIC
Thank you to HealthTech For Care for the invitation to be a speaker at the roundtable "Mental Health: Inside the Brain" It was an opportunity to speak about the potential role of innovative therapeutic solutions like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in psychiatric disease like major depression and the need for patients with drug resistant depression to have access to new therapeutic options. Axilum Robotics is committed to optimizing the implementation of this non-invasive stimulation technique thanks to its robotic and neuronavigated solutions. Thank you Anaïs Le Corvec, Veronique Narboni, MD , Maria NASSIF and Zofia Smoleń for the discussion
Axilum Robotics a republié ceci
14 robotic startups to pitch at the upcoming conference on Medical Robotics! 🔸AcuSurgical 🔸Artedrone 🔸Axilum Robotics 🔸BHealthcare 🔸Caranx Medical 🔸COLLIN Medical 🔸DigiSurge 🔸INEN Robotics 🔸Lupin Dentak 🔸Moon Surgical 🔸Quantum Surgical 🔸Robeaute 🔸Robocath 🔸TheraSonic Do you know all their robots? #medtech #roboticsurgery #madeinfrance
Axilum Robotics a republié ceci
🏆 Nous sommes fiers d'être lauréat des Concours d’innovation de l’Etat et de faire partie des 177 projets lauréats qui seront soutenus par l’Etat via #France2030 ! Merci au Gouvernement, à l'ADEME et à Bpifrance pour leur soutien via #France2030. Cette victoire représente une étape importante pour l’évolution de notre startup ! #France2030 Lauréat de la thématique Technologies Médical et Grand Prix de #iLab, notre projet vise à développer un robot médical pour améliorer la délivrance de médicaments dans les métastases cérébrales et de préparer les études cliniques chez l'homme. CEA CEA Joliot M2care Gustave Roussy Transfert Gustave Roussy Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster (PSCC) CNRS Agence de l'innovation en santé France Biotech Medicen Paris Region SNITEM Neighborhood, VCLS Innovation Center
Proud to be part of this great project with our partners Also looking forward to seeing the results !
Data acquisition for our first cTMS (Rogue Research Inc) study with COBOT (Axilum Robotics) and Localite GmbH neuronavigation is finally coming to an end. We are looking forward to the results! By the way: not all of our participants are > 1.9 m tall and slouch on the MagVenture treatment chair like this... 😉 Universität der Bundeswehr München medbo KU
Implementation matters ! Best wishes for a successful clinical trial ! #tmstherapy,#medicalrobotics,#surgicalrobotics
To truly understand our patients, I finally decided to be a subject (obviously before starting the real teial!!) and received cTBS with a robotic arm #TMS over the #frontopolar cortex today to optimize the protocol further based on my experience. 🥴🤩 Applying TMS over the frontopolar area is always tricky, and following the pioneering work by Colleen Hanlon in #SUD, ensuring a proper ramp-up and preparing subjects for eye blinking is crucial. #Addiction #BrainStimulation #cTBS
Axilum Robotics a republié ceci
Our experiments with cTMS Rogue Research Inc are running at full speed and on Monday we were able to discuss them in detail with Walter Paulus and Ken Möhwald in Regensburg. Thank you for coming! Universität der Bundeswehr München medbo KU
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