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Infopro Digital

Infopro Digital

Technologie, information et Internet

Gentilly, Île-de-France 65 119 abonnés

À propos

Infopro Digital est un groupe technologique européen. Nous comptons plus de 4000 collaborateurs de 80 nationalités et sommes présents dans 21 pays. Notre métier : concevoir des contenus, des données et des technologies pour les professionnels, dans 5 secteurs d'activité (construction & secteur public, automobile, risques & assurances, industrie, distribution). Rejoindre Infopro Digital, c’est rejoindre un groupe d’entrepreneurs, où la prise d’initiatives est encouragée et où de véritables responsabilités vous sont confiées. Nous recrutons chaque année de nombreux talents aux profils et compétences variées : - Des experts des technologies et des données : des ingénieurs, développeurs, data analysts, etc., - Des commerciaux : business développeurs, customers success managers, key account managers, etc - Des experts du digital : marketing digital, UX designer, web analyst, project manager, etc., et aussi - Des créateurs de contenus : journalistes, chef de projet évènementiel, chargé d’édition, etc. Nous attachons une attention particulière, outre les compétences techniques, aux personnalités et au potentiel de nos collaborateurs. Nous recherchons des candidats motivés à l’idée d’aider les professionnels à réussir dans un monde de plus en plus complexe et digital. Découvrez nos offres d'emploi

Technologie, information et Internet
Taille de l’entreprise
1 001-5 000 employés
Siège social
Gentilly, Île-de-France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
information professionnelle, salons, événements, éditeur de logiciels, Data, technologies, B2B, marketplaces, formation, automobile, assurance, secteur public, construction, médias, industrie, distribution, medias, leads, events, trade shows, softwares publisher, insurance, public sector, retail et industry


Employés chez Infopro Digital


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    65 119  abonnés

    Mieux qu'un lundi ! Dernier jour pour profiter de Franchise Expo Paris, identifier des solutions de franchise et vous lancer dans l'entrepreneuriat ! Last day to take advantage of Franchise Expo Paris, identify franchise solutions, and embark on entrepreneurship! 🎟 Get your ticket 👉 []

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    65 119  abonnés

    Last Friday, our brand celebrated Women in Technology and Data🌟 Congratulations to the 36 winners who have made significant contributions to their their organisations and clients, paving the way for greater diversity in their sectors. #WITAD2025

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    🌟The day has finally arrived. Women in Technology and Data Awards have now commenced at the prestigious Corinthia Hotel.🌟 A word from our Global Content Director of WatersTechnology Victor Anderson: "I'm especially excited about this year's Women in Technology & Data Awards because we have so many new companies represented by our 36 outstanding category winners. This year's winners are a mix of new entrants to the industry and veterans with more than 30 years' experience. All have made significant contributions to their own organisations and those of their clients, and it is fitting that their achievements are recognised today." Thank you to everyone who entered the awards this year, we had an exceptional amount of outstanding entries. We look forward to congratulating all our winners and an afternoon of celebration. Happy (early) International Women's day from WatersTechnology and stay tuned for our winner announcements. 🏆 #WITAD2025 #WITAD

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    65 119  abonnés

    La 3e saison de #TerritoiresetIndustrie a débuté hier à Orléans ! Ce temps fort organisé par La Gazette des communes et L'Usine Nouvelle rassemble les acteurs du secteur public et les industriels pour favoriser la réindustrialisation des territoires.

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    145 851  abonnés

    Hier s’est déroulé la 1ère étape de #TerritoiresetIndustrie à Orléans autour du thème : " Réindustrialiser le territoire : La décarbonation au service de la compétitivité". Les rédactions de La Gazette des communes et L'Usine Nouvelle ont été ravies de récompenser les acteurs du territoire. 🏆 Félicitations aux lauréats de la 1ère étape dans les catégories : - "Prix Pépite industrielle de demain", remis au lauréat HappyVore - "Prix de la politique publique", le lauréat est CLEE ORLEANAIS - "Prix Réindustrialisation/Relocalisation", remis au lauréat Honda France Manufacturing - "Prix de l’encouragement", remis au lauréat Lyreco France Accueillie par Orléans Métropole En partenariat avec : Caisse d'Epargne Loire Centre, HANNOVER MESSE, Panattoni France, TotalEnergies

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    65 119  abonnés

    What makes the solutions from our brands, Barbour ABI, Baublatt, DOCUmedia, EBP, ibau GmbH, Vecteur Plus stand out? We combine our human expertise, data and technologies with in-depth industry knowledge. All construction project leads on our platforms are confirmed by our in-house research local teams based in the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

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    25 080  abonnés

    Watch out for other lead providers comparing oranges to apples. All construction project leads on the Barbour ABI platform are confirmed by our in-house research team and will be tracked from planning application all the way through to completion. Our project universe is currently 1.6 million strong. Discover the Barbour ABI difference here - #Construction #Project #Leads

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    65 119  abonnés

    Kicking off today: the Financial Crime New York Summit organised by the 1LoD teams! 🌍 Over 50 industry experts and 300 delegates have gathered for a day of insightful discussions, valuable networking, and benchmarking opportunities. Discover the highlights of the event 👇

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    Happening TODAY: Over 50 expert speakers and 300 delegates gather for a day of insightful discussions, networking, and benchmarking. With more than 45 sessions, the summit focuses on strengthening financial crime risk management through innovation, collaboration, and technology. Key Highlights: Keynote Interview with Anthony Scaramucci: Gain unique insights from the former White House Communications Director and Founder of Skybridge Capital on regulatory enforcement, policy, and emerging financial crime risks. Plenary Sessions: Future-Proofing the Financial Crime Function From the Outside In: A 2025 Regulatory Perspective What Comes First in the Financial Crime Function – the Team or the Tech? Breakout Streams: Deep Dive into the latest practices in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC), Emerging Threats and Technology, Sanctions, and Fraud Risk. We will see you there. If you didn't get a ticket, stay tuned for our upcoming event in London. #fincrime #compliance #marketabuse #1lod #FinCrimeSummitNY

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    🌍 Central Banking Spring Meetings begin in Cape Town Today marks the first day of our brand Central Banking’s Spring Meetings, which bring together key voices for two days to explore a roadmap for resilience and innovation in emerging markets. Check out the latest agenda:

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    12 038  abonnés

    We are at the first day of Central Banking’s Spring Meetings here in Cape Town. Global brand director Michelle Godwin and Benchmarking editor Dan Hinge started the day with some opening remarks. Followed by a keynote speech on ‘Ensuring resilience and innovation in our economies: Ethiopia’s recent journey and possible lessons for other countries’ by Helaway Tadesse, Senior macroeconomic advisor to the governor at National Bank of Ethiopia. #CBSpringMeetings25 #centralbanking #innovation #resilience

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    65 119  abonnés

    À la recherche de projets de construction et de marchés publics en Belgique ? Envie de découvrir les prochains événements de votre communauté professionnelle ? Le nouveau site web de notre marque EBP facilite votre navigation pour que vous accédiez au contenu recherché en un minimum de clics. Découvrez sans tarder les contenus qui vous sont destinés 👇

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    3 343  abonnés

    🎉 Célebrons ensemble : 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐮 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐛 𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞 ! Oui, nous avons tout repensé ! Pas juste un simple relooking, mais une transformation complète.. Vous aurez du mal à le reconnaître… 🫣 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭 ? Il fallait naviguer sur cinq sites différents pour trouver des informations sur nos Projets, Formations, Événements, Consulting, Actualités… 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 ! Tout est désormais centralisé sur un site fluide et conçu pour vous mener sans effort vers l’information qu’il vous faut, en un clic (bon, parfois deux ! 😉). 𝐃é𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐫𝐞𝐳 :  ✅ Un design moderne, épuré et intuitif ✅ Nos quatre solutions réunies en une seule histoire ✅ Notre engagement envers vous Que vous recherchiez un projet (de construction), une formation ou simplement curieux, 𝐣𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐳 𝐮𝐧 œ𝐢𝐥 𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐳-𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬 ! 🔗𝐃é𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐫𝐞𝐳 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐮 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐛 ! :

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    Day 2 at LUXEPACK LA – the ultimate event for creative packaging on the West Coast! 🚀✨ The show floor has been alive since yesterday with top luxury and indie brands showcasing cutting-edge innovations and forging game-changing collaborations. Here’s what you can expect: ✅ Vibrant halls filled with leading exhibitors & visionary suppliers ✅ Exciting brand discoveries & innovative product launches ✅ Unmatched networking opportunities – real-time deals are happening!

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    9 599  abonnés

    LUXE PACK Los Angeles is in Full Swing! 🚀✨ Day 1 is off to an incredible start! The show floor is buzzing with top luxury and indie brands, cutting-edge innovations, and game-changing collaborations. From groundbreaking packaging solutions to inspiring networking moments, LUXE PACK LA is proving once again why it's the premier event for creative packaging on the West Coast. ✅ Packed halls with leading exhibitors & forward-thinking suppliers ✅ Exciting brand discoveries & fresh product innovations ✅ Unparalleled networking opportunities – deals are happening in real time! If you're here, you’re already ahead of the curve. If you're not, what are you waiting for? Join us tomorrow for another day of limitless inspiration! 📍 Register Here: #LuxePackLA #Packaging #Innovation #Networking #PackagingDesign #LuxuryBrands

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    🪄 MakeUp in Los Angeles opens today! From cutting-edge product launches to exclusive expert talks, this is where the Skincare & Makeup industry’s biggest players come to connect, inspire, and shape what’s next. Step inside, explore, and let the beauty revolution begin!

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    9 203  abonnés

    🚀 MakeUp in LosAngeles is officially open! 💄✨ The wait is over – the doors to MakeUp in LosAngeles are now open! Get ready for two immersive days where creativity, innovation, and the future of beauty take center stage. From cutting-edge product launches to exclusive expert talks, this is where the industry’s biggest players come to connect, inspire, and shape what’s next. Step inside, explore, and let the beauty revolution begin! ✨ #MakeUpinLosAngeles #BeautyForward

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