Look Up Space

Look Up Space

Fabrication pour l’aérospatiale et la défense

Toulouse, Occitanie 4 082 abonnés

Committed to a sustainable and secure future in space and on earth.

À propos

Millions of satellites are orbiting around our Earth, bringing services such as telecommunications, geolocation, meteorology or climate changes observation. Look Up Space’s mission is to protect these vital assets, and to make sure that we can keep our low earth orbits operational. We will enable precise surveillance and tracking of previously uncatalogued space debris and objects while reinforcing European strategic autonomy. We are developing a persistent sensing capability and a state-of-the-art data processing platform, that will allow to drastically improve the safety and security of our precious space infrastructures. We are looking for talents ready to overcome the challenge in order to join our team. Do you want to take part of this mission and to contribute to a sustainable use of Space?

Fabrication pour l’aérospatiale et la défense
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Toulouse, Occitanie
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en


Employés chez Look Up Space


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    4 082  abonnés

    ✨ Nous sommes officiellement membre du Club Galaxie ! ✨ C’est un honneur de rejoindre ce réseau d’excellence qui réunit des acteurs majeurs de l’industrie spatiale et de la recherche. Un moment d’autant plus symbolique que notre parrain pour cette occasion était le CNES, représenté par Thierry Levoir, Directeur central de la sécurité industrielle et de la sûreté. Nous avons également eu le plaisir de partager cet instant avec Catherine Lambert, Présidente du CERFACS et du CLUB GALAXIE. Cette reconnaissance marque une étape locale importante, et nous sommes plus que jamais engagés à innover et collaborer au sein de cette grande communauté. Merci à tous ceux qui ont rendu cela possible ! 🚀🌍 🙏   #Innovation #Spatial #Collaboration #Excellence

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    4 082  abonnés

    🌟 Look Up Space at Small Satellite 2024: Innovating the Future of Space Sustainability! 🌟 We're thrilled to announce that our very own Juan Carlos Dolado Pérez, Co-Founder & CTO, and Laurence Lorda, Head of Flight Dynamics, will be representing Look Up Space at the prestigious Small Satellite Conference (SmallSat) in Logan, Utah, from August 3-8, 2024! This event is a melting pot of innovation, where the brightest minds in the small satellite industry gather to push the boundaries of space technology. Juan Carlos and Laurence will be there to share our latest advancements, connect with industry leaders, and explore new opportunities to propel Look Up Space to greater heights. What to expect from Look Up Space at the event: 🔹 Insightful presentations and demos on our cutting-edge radar and platform technologies 🔹 Engaging discussions on the future of space safety and operations 🔹 Networking opportunities with pioneers and visionaries in the industry 🔹 Exclusive sneak peeks into our upcoming projects and missions #SmallSat2024 #LookUpSpace #SpaceInnovation #SatelliteTechnology #SpaceSituationalAwareness #SpaceSafety #SpaceSustainability #TechLeadership #Networking Feel free to connect with Juan Carlos and Laurence on LinkedIn and share your thoughts, questions, or just a warm hello. Let’s make this event truly out of this world! 🌌 See you in Logan! 🌠

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    4 082  abonnés

    Next week, Look Up Space will be attending two major events in Tokyo, Japan! 🇯🇵 🛰 SPACETIDE 2024 📅 July 8 - 10, 2024   🌍 6th SWF Summit for Space Sustainability 📅 July 11 - 12, 2024   Join us as we explore the future of space and its sustainable development. Our leadership team will be there to share insights and engage in pivotal discussions:   👨💼 Michel Friedling (Gen. R.) - Co-Founder & CEO 👨💼 Philippe Moreels - CCO   These events are an incredible opportunity to connect with industry leaders, share innovative ideas, and collaborate on the development and usage of safe and secure solutions. Don’t miss out on this chance to meet us in person and discuss the future of space!   🔹 Are you attending SPACETIDE Foundation 2024 or the 6th Secure World Foundation Summit for Space Sustainability?  🔹 What topics or questions would you like us to address during the events? Share your thoughts!   Feel free to contact us!   See you in Tokyo! 🚀🌟   #Space #SpaceSustainability #SPACETIDE2024 #SpaceSituationalAwareness #LookUpSpace #FutureOfSpace #SWF

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  • Look Up Space a republié ceci

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    4 082  abonnés

    Have you ever wondered about the cat-and-mouse game happening in space? 🌌 🛰 Take the Luch (Olymp) 2, a Russian communications and signals intelligence (SIGINT) satellite, as a fascinating example. Since its launch in March 2023, Luch (Olymp) 2 has been drifting across the geostationary ring, “visiting” satellites from Eutelsat Group, SES Satellites, Intelsat, etc. Just last week, Luch (Olymp) 2 started a new set of maneuvers, hinting that its next target is likely Intelsat 10-02. 🔭 📸 Check out the attached images from Look Up Space’s multi-source data fusion platform. You can clearly see the increase in the semi-major axis of Luch (Olymp) 2, caused by these maneuvers, which in turn induces a longitude drift bringing it closer to Intelsat 10-02’s path. #SpaceSituationalAwareness #SatelliteTracking #SpaceSecurity #OrbitalMechanics #LookUpSpace #LuchOlymp2 #Intelsat1002 #SpaceData #GeostationaryOrbit

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    4 082  abonnés

    Have you ever wondered about the cat-and-mouse game happening in space? 🌌 🛰 Take the Luch (Olymp) 2, a Russian communications and signals intelligence (SIGINT) satellite, as a fascinating example. Since its launch in March 2023, Luch (Olymp) 2 has been drifting across the geostationary ring, “visiting” satellites from Eutelsat Group, SES Satellites, Intelsat, etc. Just last week, Luch (Olymp) 2 started a new set of maneuvers, hinting that its next target is likely Intelsat 10-02. 🔭 📸 Check out the attached images from Look Up Space’s multi-source data fusion platform. You can clearly see the increase in the semi-major axis of Luch (Olymp) 2, caused by these maneuvers, which in turn induces a longitude drift bringing it closer to Intelsat 10-02’s path. #SpaceSituationalAwareness #SatelliteTracking #SpaceSecurity #OrbitalMechanics #LookUpSpace #LuchOlymp2 #Intelsat1002 #SpaceData #GeostationaryOrbit

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    4 082  abonnés

    Nous y sommes : le cap des 10000 satellites actifs en orbite a été franchi ce mois-ci. Chez Look Up Space, nous dénombrons désormais (à l'heure de ce post) exactement 10007 satellites actifs, dont 6626 - c'est à dire les deux tiers - appartiennent à Starlink, la constellation de SpaceX d'Elon Musk. 9241 d'entre sont en orbites basses, c'est à dire pour l'essentiel entre 400 et 1200 kilomètres de la Terre. Sans compter les 13326 débris catalogués (une infime partie) et les 3122 étages de fusées qui orbitent autour de la Terre. Notre plateforme SYNAPSE et ses algorithmes maison détectent au moment précis où nous écrivons ces lignes 1027 risques de collision avec une probabilité supérieure à 1 chance sur un million et 75 risques de collision avec une probabilité supérieure à 1 chance sur 100000. Pour mémoire, la probabilité de gagner le jackpot à Euromillions est de une chance sur 140 millions environ. Et pourtant certains gagnent... Pour ces plus de mille risques de collisions par jour, les chances de remporter le funeste jackpot qui rendrait l'espace inutilisable sont 140 fois plus importantes. La question n'est pas si mais quand et qui va le remporter. Chez Look Up Space, nous sommes résolument engagés pour éviter cela et permettre aux générations futures de continuer à bénéficier des services spatiaux! Here we are: the milestone of 10,000 active satellites in orbit was passed this month. At Look Up Space, we now count (at the time of writing) exactly 1,007 active satellites, of which 6,626 - i.e. two-thirds - belong to Starlink, the SpaceX constellation founded by Elon Musk. 9,241 of these are in low Earth orbit, i.e. mostly between 400 and 1,200 kilometers from Earth. Not counting the 13326 pieces of catalogued debris (a tiny fraction) and the 3122 rocket stages orbiting the Earth. At the time of writing, our platform and its in-house algorithms are detecting 1027 collision risks with a probability greater than 1 in a million, and 75 collision risks with a probability greater than 1 in 100,000. For the record, the probability of winning the Euromillions jackpot is around one in 140 million. And yet some people do win... For these thousand-plus collision risks per day, the chances of hitting the fatal jackpot that would render the space unusable are 140 times greater. The question is not if, but when and who. At Look Up Space we are resolutely committed to avoiding this and ensuring that future generations continue to benefit from space services!

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    4 082  abonnés

    🛰 Enhancing military Space Situational Awareness (SSA) capabilities to support Space Domain Awareness. That is the primary objective of the #EMISSARY (European Military Integrated Space Situational Awareness and Recognition Capability) project, coordinated by Leonardo, involving over 40 members across 13 European countries and SMEs together with major key players as Look Up Space. #Space #Innovation #Defense #SpaceSurveillance

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    We are proud to contribute to the EMISSARY consortium, a critical initiative for Europe’s #SpaceSituationalAwareness and sovereignty. The European Commission has recently selected #EMISSARY under the “Initial operational capacity for Space situational awareness C2 and sensors” call, reinforcing our commitment to advancing collective security in space as part of the @European Defence Fund (EDF) programme. Building on the EDIDP programme (European Defence Industrial Development Programme), where #ArianeGroup, was the coordinator of SAURON (identification and characterisation sensors), and Leonardo, led INTEGRAL (Command and Control Centre), we continue to drive innovation in defense technology. Led by Leonardo and a budget of €100 million, EMISSARY unites 47 partners from 13 countries. Our mission is to design, test, and qualify an interoperable command and control center, fully integrated with European sensor networks, to ensure Europe’s strategic autonomy. As a national leader in EMISSARY, ArianeGroup is excited to build upon our work in SAURON and INTEGRAL, furthering our shared objective of safeguarding Europe’s autonomy and sovereignty in #SpaceSurveillance. #SpaceEnablers #Defense #SpaceIndustry

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    4 082  abonnés

    🇫🇷 @Look Up Space : un système de surveillance pour sécuriser l'espace et permettre son utilisation durable et responsable. 🇫🇷 ➖➖➖ 📡 @Look Up Space, fondée en 2022, développe un projet ambitieux pour doter la France et l’Europe et le monde d’une capacite globale et indépendante de surveillance des orbites basses. Ces orbites, dites LEO, sont stratégiques car elles concentrent la majorité des satellites et plusieurs centaines de milliers de débris. 🛰️ Notre démonstrateur radar de surveillance de l'espace SORASYS sera opérationnel dès l’année prochaine en Occitanie. Notre plateforme logicielle d’acquisition, fusion et traitement de données multi-sources SYNAPSE est déjà en test chez nos premiers partenaires et clients. ➖➖➖ 💡 Extrait du reportage : A l’écran, notre planète et tout autour une nuée de petits points matérialisant tous les objets en orbite autour de la terre. Soit 10 000 satellites actifs et des dizaines de milliers de débris. " Vous voyez, c’est bien congestionné, surtout en orbite basse. Nous savons détecter 1.400 risques de collisions dont certains avec des objets qui vont passer à 50 mètres de distance l'un de l'autre à des vitesses relatives de 15 kilomètres par seconde" explique Juan Carlos Dolado Pérez, cofondateur de Look Up Space et ancien chef du service surveillance de l’espace du CNES, devant l’écran. Grâce à cette vision, Look Up Space va pouvoir concevoir et industrialiser un système de radar « 100% made in France » 🇫🇷 Retrouvez l’intégralité de notre interview et du reportage d’Annabelle Grelier pour France Culture en podcast ici : https://lnkd.in/eJSXXAEz #LookUpSpace #France2030 #CNES #SpaceSafety #SSA #SST —————————

    Look Up Space : un système de surveillance pour sécuriser l'espace

    Look Up Space : un système de surveillance pour sécuriser l'espace


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