ESSEC Metalab

ESSEC Metalab

Think tanks

We look beyond data and AI technologies to study the conditions and impacts of their adoption by businesses and society.

À propos

Artifical intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are profoundly transforming businesses and society. With the emergence of new managerial models, new jobs, and fresh challenges, society will increasingly call on the services of managers who understand and can use new technologies to serve businesses’ main stakeholders. The power of AI and Machine Learning stems from the modification of business models and managerial practices, enabling businesses to make better-informed decisions using more precise and more extensive predictions and recommendations. Our ambition is to help businesses and society understand and use artificial intelligence and the power of data to enable individuals and citizens to make well-informed decisions in an ethical and fair manner. At ESSEC, we believe that the biggest obstacle to the successful implementation of data and AI technologies in businesses is not the lack of data scientists, but the lack of leaders trained in AI. As a management school, we believe we have an essential role to play, supporting the training of current and future managers to become high-performing leaders in the age of AI. ESSEC Metalab builds new bridges between technology and business, while exploring the interactions between science and society, as well as the challenges linked to the governance and ethics of Artificial Intelligence and data technologies.

Site web
Think tanks
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Établissement éducatif
Fondée en
ai, artificial intelligence, data, data technologies, management, business, society, economy, human, workplace et upskilling


Employés chez ESSEC Metalab


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