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🌱 Restoration d'écosystèmes forestiers natifs à grande échelle. 💌 Recevez notre newsletter:

À propos

🌱 MORFO développe une solution de restauration des écosystèmes forestiers natifs à grande échelle. 💌 Recevez notre newsletter : 💡 Suivez #MORFOLETSGROW Nous adressons une problématique essentielle au maintien de conditions de vie acceptables pour l’espèce humaine puisque : - 75 % de la surface terrestre a été altérée par l’activité humaine, obligeant la faune et la flore à se replier dans des espaces de plus en plus restreints (source : Nations Unies, ODD n°15) - 80 millions d'hectares devraient être reforestés par an, alors que seulement 8 millions le sont actuellement, le plus souvent avec de la mono-culture créant des espaces pauvres en faune et flore : “75% des sols sont artificialisés et ont perdu leur potentiel en termes de rendu de services écosystémiques” (Robin Duponnois, Directeur de l’IRD) - en 2030, les forêts doivent représenter 35% de la captation de carbone dans le monde (source GIEC) Nous restaurons des écosystèmes forestiers natifs et diversifiés. Concrètement, nos équipes analysent de très grands espaces à l'abandon, travaillent avec des réseaux locaux de semenciers pour sélectionner et identifier les essences à replanter, déterminent les conditions optimales de plantation, revitalisent jusqu’à 50 hectares par jour et par drone et suivent la progression pendant plusieurs années.

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Services de conseil en environnement
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Drones, Machine Learning, Reforestation, Réhabilitation d'écosystèmes, Biodiversity, Environnement, Biodiversité et Biodiversity


Employés chez MORFO


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    🌳 Discover our new reforestation project in the North of Rio! This very promising project is one of the first examples of combining large-scale reforestation technology with the skills of local actors. To achieve the goal of 35% forest carbon absorption capacity by 2030 (IPCC), 8️⃣0️⃣ million hectares of new forests would need to be planted each year. However, only 8️⃣ million hectares are reforested annually (UN). To accelerate planting, MORFO’s drone technique must be supported by the knowledge and work of local populations. That's why @MORFO work with Instituto Terra de Preservação Ambiental - ITPA. In this 50-hectare project, 75% of the area is replanted by drones and 25% with the help of local populations who are already working there. ITPA provides MORFO with knowledge of the Mata Atlantica biome, access to a nursery for manual planting, and local workers to carry out the planting. This Brazilian organization has more than 20 years of experience in tree planting and has restored one million hectares of the degraded Atlantic forest. By planting seeds and restoring the ecosystem, this project helps regenerate this critical area that supplies 80% of Rio's water and 30% of its energy through the Guandu basin. #reforestation #forest #climatechange #climateaction #foret #reflorestamento #floresta #brasil #brazil #naturelovers #nature #RiodeJaneiro

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    🗓️ There’s still time to meet us this year! You follow MORFO but aren’t sure how to contribute? If you live nearby or will be in the area, you can support us at the following events: 🇧🇷 Brazil ESG Summit (São Paulo, Brazil) - September 3rd (today) 🇧🇷 Exposibram (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) - September 9th to 12th 🇬🇧 Carbon Unbound (London, UK) - September 11th and 12th 🇫🇷 Summit of Minds (Chamonix, France) - September 13th and 14th 🇺🇸 Brazil Climate Summit (New York, USA) - September 18th 🇺🇸 NYC Climate Week (New York City, USA) - September 22nd to 29th 🇫🇷 Amazon Week 2024 (Paris, France) - September 25th 🇧🇷 Brazilian Climate & Carbon Conference (São Paulo, Brazil) - October 15th and 16th 🇨🇴 Biodiversity Cop16 (Cali, Colombia) - October 21st to November 1st 🇧🇷 The Amazon and New Economies International Conference (Belém, Brazil) - November 7th Planning to attend any of these events? Comment below! #events #climateaction #reforestation #sustainability

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    📰 A new edition of MORFO's newsletter is out! 🌲 In this edition, we’re excited to share two exclusive resources our team has created to help advance reforestation: 📊 TIME TO SCALE UP: An informative infographic to print, share, and raise awareness about the current state of reforestation. 📑 DEFINING FOREST RESTORATION QUALITY CRITERIA: Our contribution to accelerating alignment on these common criteria, helping to improve the quality of all restoration projects. This paper was written after a joint webinar with Terraformation and Restor. Happy reading!

    Time to scale up!

    Time to scale up!

    MORFO sur LinkedIn

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    🐍 When it's the end of the day in the field and you meet a friend... It's no wonder we say here at MORFO that forest restoration involves much more than just planting trees... It also involves animals, from the smallest to the largest, like this boa constrictor recently found in the field! Seeing animals in the field gives us hope. After all, the more animals returning to the forests, the better the quality of this ecosystem! #biodiversity #climateaction #tropicalforest

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    Can you guess how many different species are inside this drone's tank? 🚨 Spoiler: it's probably more than you think! 🚨 It's incredible how devastated lands can transform into big lush forests. It seems like environmental magic... but at MORFO, it's reality with the right technology and science! The real "magic" lies in planting with biodiversity: 🌱 In 2022, 88% of reforestation projects still used low-diversity seedlings (SocialCarbon & Eco+, 2024). 🌳 Approximately 45% of these projects were single species, according to the FAO. Given this scenario, it's clear that we need high-biodiversity projects. Forests with multiple species are 70% more effective as carbon sinks than monocultures! That's why at MORFO, we select from a catalog of 300 species, planting 10 to 30 local species per project. ✨ So, if you guessed 10 or more species, congratulations! You believe in the magic of biodiverse forest restoration just like we do! Want to be that friend who knows everything about the subject? Keep an eye on our profile! This month, we'll talk more about the difference between planting with biodiversity X monoculture. Let's grow! #forestrestoration #tropicalforest #climateaction

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    🌲🌳 So, should we plant with biodiversity or monoculture… …Which is the better option for forest restoration? By 2022, 88% of global ecosystem restoration projects used low-biodiversity seedlings, with 45% being monocultures. While it may seem like a quick and easy solution, restoring with a single species can have deep negative impacts: 🚫 Less resistance: Monoculture forests are less resistant to diseases and pests, while biodiverse forests are more resilient to droughts and storms. 🌧️ Soil erosion: Monocultures can worsen erosion, making the soil more prone to landslides. 🏡 Local impact: Lack of diversity can harm local communities and reduce vital ecosystem services. MORFO believes in diverse restoration, offering research-based and technological solutions to create robust and sustainable forest ecosystems. Swipe to explore the pros and cons in detail! #forestrestoration #biodiversity #environment

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    🪺🔍 Do you recognize which species this nest belongs to? In one of our projects in French Guiana, we witnessed the return of life: A nest in one of the trees. The presence of animals in our projects is an ACHIEVEMENT, as the dense canopies of trees provide protection to birds from the sun, rain, and predators. STUDIES SHOW: Restored areas that are 20 years old have a more complex and diverse bird community compared to fragmented primary forest areas… …and gradually, we can see this reality coming to life. BIRDS X FOREST RESTORATION Moreover, recent studies demonstrate the importance of birds in forests and restoration projects: - Wild birds can increase forest carbon storage by up to 3️⃣8️⃣% through their seed dispersal activities. BUT… To ensure effective seed dispersal mediated by birds, it is essential to maintain at least 4️⃣0️⃣% forest cover and ensure that forest patches are no more than 133 meters apart. THAT’S WHY… Seeing birds in our projects or nearby is a source of optimism; it’s a sign that the forest is reconstituting itself and that, gradually, animals are returning – and each one of them matters. Let’s grow: from each leaf to each footprint! 💙 #nest #tropicalforest #wildlife #climateaction

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    🌳 Forests absorb nearly half the emissions from fossil fuels. 🥛 Is the glass half full or half empty? THE NEGATIVE This statistic was recorded between 1990 and 2019. However, fossil fuel emissions have continued to rise (the 5% drop during the pandemic was unfortunately offset by 2021). THE POSITIVE There were concerns that deforestation, wildfires, and other disruptions might significantly reduce the forests' ability to absorb CO2. But that’s not really the case. Despite various threats, forests have consistently absorbed about 3.5 billion metric tons of carbon annually over the past 30 years. Detailed Breakdown: - Tropical Forests: Saw a 31% decrease in carbon absorption due to deforestation. However, regrowth in some areas has helped offset this decline. - Temperate Forests: Experienced a 30% increase in carbon absorption, largely due to reforestation efforts, especially in China. So, is the glass half empty or half full? #tropicalforest #climateaction #environment #carbon

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    🏃👀 Trees don't walk, right? Well, what if we told you that's not entirely true... Today you'll meet the "walking palm"! NAME: Paxiúba (Socratea exorrhiza), found in several countries in Central and South America, including Brazil. 🐙 BUT... HOW DOES IT WALK? The secret lies in Paxiúba's adventitious roots: They develop horizontally on the surface, like "tentacles," acting as a natural propulsion system. By growing and dying, the roots redistribute the plant's weight, allowing gradual movement. BUT WHY DOES IT WALK? When "walking," the tree seeks sunlight for photosynthesis, water to stay hydrated, and nutrients for growth. It moves when there is not enough light or nutrients in its current location. Studies conducted in the Amazon estimated that Paxiúba can move up to 2 meters per year in areas with high availability of water and sunlight. 🔎 FUN FACT: Besides its movement, Paxiúba has various traditional uses in the region, such as in construction, food, crafts, and medicine for indigenous communities and the local population. #amazon #forest #environment #climateaction

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