Laboratoires Pierre Fabre
Fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques
Toulouse, Occitanie 429 809 abonnés
New Ways To Care
Get to know our Senior Leadership Team. Follow their careers at Pierre Fabre.
Nuria Perez Cullell
Directrice Médicale, Patient et Consommateur Pierre Fabre
Jean-Luc Lowinski
President and CEO Pharmaceuticals Division chez Pierre Fabre Medicament
Giuseppe MELE
Entrepreneur | President | General Manager - Head of International | Cosmetics | Pharmaceuticals | e/ Retail
Vincent Huraux
C.O.O chez Pierre Fabre Group
Our Purpose
Owned by a "public interest” organization, we are committed to caring for patients, consumers and nature with respect and transparency. Every time we innovate to help each person live better… Every time we repay nature for her treasures... Every time we share the fruit of our efforts with those working and living beside us... Every time the Pierre Fabre Foundation improves access to health care for those most in need… Every time we care for a single person, we make the whole world better.
Corporate Website Our 2021 Integrated ReportWhat Makes Us Different ?
Our independence derives from our strictly humanitarian purpose. Primarily owned by a government-recognized public-interest foundation & secondarily by our employees, we dedicate 86% of our parts to humanitarian actions in the least-developed countries, with no financial return for the company. Each of us ensure the continuity of our foundation to: Train healthcare professionals Improve access to healthcare & medicines E-Health Combat sickle-cell disease Support tropical dermatology
Discover Pierre Fabre Foundation Restoring dignity to victims of sexual violenceInnovative Solutions "From Health to Beauty"
We are pioneer in dermo-cosmetics sector and expert in pharmaceutical care. We have a diverse and complementary product portfolio: from oncology, chronic diseases, skincare, haircare, healthcare, oral care to nutrition-health and phytotherapy. We are prioritizing our investments in R&D as well as our partnership agreements with biotechs or research laboratories worldwide.
Discover Our Brands Green Impact Index by Pierre FabrePerspectives d’employés
Un partenariat entre Pierre Fabre et NovAliX ouvre l’accès à la vaste collection de fragments de plantes créée par Pierre Fabre
Un partenariat entre Pierre Fabre et NovAliX ouvre l’accès à la vaste collection de fragments de plantes créée par Pierre Fabre
Par Valérie Bruneau Roucoules
· NovAliX, reconnu dans les domaines de la chimie et de la biophysique, emploie des techniques de criblage de dernière génération. Il vient élargir…