

Fabrication de produits chimiques

Lestrem, Hauts-de-France 91 750 abonnés

Innovant avec nos clients et partenaires pour offrir des ingrédients à base de plantes pour des modes de vie plus sains

À propos

A propos de Roquette : “Offrir le meilleur de la nature” Entreprise familiale, Roquette est un leader mondial des ingrédients d'origine végétale et un fournisseur majeur d'excipients pharmaceutiques. Fondé en 1933, le groupe, actuellement présent dans plus de 100 pays, à travers plus de 30 sites de production, réalise un chiffre d'affaires d'environ 5 milliards d'euros et emploie environ 10 000 personnes dans le monde. Depuis des décennies, la vie et la nature sont nos sources d’inspiration. Grâce à nos matières premières d'origine naturelle, nous créons une toute nouvelle gastronomie à base de plantes ; nous proposons des solutions pharmaceutiques qui jouent un rôle clé dans les traitements médicaux ; et nous développons des ingrédients innovants pour les marchés de l'alimentation, de la nutrition et de la santé. Nous nous appliquons à libérer pleinement le potentiel de la nature pour améliorer, soigner et sauver des vies. Portés par une volonté constante d'innovation et une vision à long terme, nous nous engageons à améliorer le bien-être des personnes partout dans le monde. Nous plaçons le développement durable au cœur de nos préoccupations, en veillant à prendre soin des ressources et des territoires. Nous sommes déterminés à créer un avenir meilleur et plus sain pour toutes les générations.   

Fabrication de produits chimiques
Taille de l’entreprise
5 001-10 000 employés
Siège social
Lestrem, Hauts-de-France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Food Nutrition Health, Plant-Based Chemistry, Human Food & Nutrition, Animal Nutrition, Pharmacy, Paper & Cardboard, Chemistry & Bioindustry, Performance Plastics, Starches, Sugars, Polyols, Proteins, Fibers, Lipids et Cosmetics


Employés chez Roquette


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    91 750  abonnés

    Our R&D and Customer Technical Services (CTS) teams are always working together to develop the newest innovative plant-based ingredients for food and nutrition products. 📣 We are proud to introduce the cream of the crop: NUTRALYS® Pea S854F pea protein isolate – a breakthrough ingredient that delivers an enhanced sensory experience in ready-to-mix formulations like protein shakes. Consumers can experience the creamy difference with this high-protein, smooth-textured ingredient that requires no thickener.    🤝🏼 This achievement was made possible through strong collaboration. Our R&D team worked closely with the CTS team to optimize the manufacturing process and ensure that the ingredient meets the expectations of the final consumer.    Our Head of R&D Americas, Jennifer Kimmel, says: "I want to thank my key technical collaborators, Torie Lange from Americas R&D, and Kevin Koval and Trisha Buchkowski from Americas CTS Food, for their outstanding contributions to this project. Of course, this was not a solo effort. The launch of NUTRALYS® Pea S854F involved an entire cross-functional team that brought together the best of our expertise and resources."    We are excited to see the impact that this innovation will have on the food industry and look forward to ongoing collaboration with our colleagues, partners and customers. If you want to learn more about NUTRALYS® Pea S854F, please visit the link in the comments. #ProudToBeRoquette #protein #teamwork #innovation #specializednutrition 

    • Picture of powder and creamy drink. NUTRALYS® Pea S854F pea protein isolate. Experience the creamy difference with this high-protein, smooth-textured ingredient that requires no thickener. 

Headshot photo and quote by Jennifer Kimmel, Head of R&D Americas, on blue background.
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    91 750  abonnés

    Our regional team in Singapore recently welcomed 22 post-graduate students from the NUS Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, National University of Singapore, for a visit.   The local team designed a program for these aspiring pharmaceutical science researchers and future innovators, taking them through how Roquette is unlocking the potential of nature for a healthier future through presentations, knowledge and experience-sharing. Their visit concluded with a tour of our Asia Pacific Innovation Center in Singapore.   “Thank you to the Roquette team for warmly welcoming us to their office and innovation center; it was a great opportunity for our students to learn beyond the classroom. The well-planned program and the caring way in which the team took the time to engage with our students was a real-life illustration of the Roquette values of authenticity, excellence, forward-looking and well-being,” says Assistant Professor Wenqian Chen (陈文谦) who led the student delegation.   By engaging with the NUS students, we are also building on our life+nature sustainability platform of care for people through nurturing the next generation of pharma innovators.   #ProudToBeRoquette #PharmaSolutions #innovation #education

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    91 750  abonnés

    It is important to take care of our immune health year-round and can be even more of a priority for many people during seasonal changes. 🛡️ Did you know that 83% of consumers believe that a healthy diet can help build immunity?   Indeed, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet is crucial for supporting our immune system. 70 to 80% of immune cells are found in the gut; therefore, gut microbiota and the immune system work together. Supporting microbiota is key for an adequate immune response, and fiber is a well-known partner for both gut health and the immune system.   Studies show that NUTRIOSE® soluble fiber has a prebiotic effect. By nourishing the beneficial bacteria 🦠 inside the gut, NUTRIOSE® is reinforcing the gut barrier, the first line of defense of our immune system. NUTRIOSE® also has immunomodulatory properties, with a strong anti-inflammatory effect in the gut.   Feed your gut – boost your immunity! 💪   Check out the video below and a link in the comments to learn more. 👇🏼 #immunity #nutrition #wellbeing #guthealth #fiber

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    91 750  abonnés

    🎉 Roquette’s #WomenAtRoquetteNetwork celebrates its sixth anniversary! The Women@Roquette network celebrated its 6th anniversary on Tuesday, October 15 with its members and sponsors, Marc Peeters, Anne HIRSCH ASKIENAZY, Eduardo Menchaca, Pascal Leroy and special guests, Roquette Edouard (President of Roquette) and Pierre Courduroux (CEO of Roquette). It was a great occasion to bring together people from around the world (online and on site) to blow out the network's 6th candle. It was also a celebration of all that has been accomplished to advance gender diversity and inclusion at Roquette in all professions by allowing everyone to reveal their potential. The Women@Roquette steering committee took the time to thank the sponsors and Roquette for the opportunity to bring together the members of the network to discover and be inspired by the many achievements of its members around the world. The members were also able to benefit from an exclusive conference on networking “From connection to action: cultivating our network” followed by a practical session at lunch.  A special thank you to our members for their commitment, trust and contribution to the success of the network. Happy anniversary, Women@Roquette! 🍰  🚀 Celebrate, Reconnect and Inspire #WeAreRoquette #forwardlooking #wellbeing  

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    91 750  abonnés

    Thank you to Journal du Net for giving Paul A. Smaltz, Vice President of Pharmaceutical Solutions at Roquette, the opportunity to share his point of view on the use of 3D printers in the pharmaceutical world. Read the entire article "3D Printing: A New Era for Customized Medicine?" in the link in the comments. 👇🏼 #ThisIsRoquette #Pharmaceuticals #forwardlooking

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    91 750  abonnés

    Well-being is one of the four core values at Roquette, and we believe that mental health is a crucial aspect of it.   For World Mental Health Day on October 10th and throughout the month of October, teams at our various sites around the world are offering a series of initiatives to encourage awareness and discussions around mental health and wellness. These initiatives, such as webinars with experts and in-person activities, aim to equip our employees with the necessary resources and tools to take care of their mental and emotional well-being.   Our goal is to provide a work environment where individuals feel supported and heard, and we encourage everyone to work together to create a supportive and healthy workplace for all. #WorldMentalHealthDay #wellbeing #mentalhealth #LifeAtRoquette

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    91 750  abonnés

    At Roquette, one of our objectives to help preserve the planet is to regenerate nature and biodiversity through initiatives in the regions where we operate, as part of our life+nature sustainable development program. 🌎 Recently, the Geneva Green Team, a volunteer group of our employees who work on local sustainability initiatives, organized a fun activity with a native plant nursery near our Americas region headquarters in Geneva, Illinois, USA. The volunteer team members enjoyed spending time outside collecting seeds from three different native plant plots. Native plants are an important part of local ecosystems and contribute to the overall health of our environment and the wildlife that benefit from these plants. 🌱 The collected seeds will help produce more plants in the area and restore biodiversity through restoration efforts led by the local Forest Preserve District. Actions like these are a way we can help take care of our planet’s natural resources, and we’re glad to be part of making a positive impact near the places we live and work.    #PreserveThePlanet #LifeNatureByRoquette #Volunteer #Biodiversity #Environment 

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    91 750  abonnés

    It's always a delight to share with others about what we do at Roquette as a global leader in plant-based ingredients. We recently had the opportunity to open our production site in Lithuania to showcase the journey of plant-based ingredients – from innovation and manufacturing to products for consumers – and host almost 150 interested people in the Panevėžys Open Industry Weekend 2024, as part of Panevėžys NOW 🏙. We welcomed fully booked tours for biotechnology and agriculture students from partners Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University, Kaunas University of Technology and VDU Žemės ūkio akademija / VMU Agriculture Academy as well as citizens of Panevėžys city.  🤝🏼 Thanks to everyone who volunteered to make this event an exciting success, and thanks to all the participants who attended! It was a great experience for our local community to learn more about what we make and how we serve our customers, as well as the types of jobs available for future talents interested in working with us.  #ProudToBeRoquette #manufacturing #biotechnology #agriculture #education 

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    91 750  abonnés

    こんにちは (hello) ! We are excited to announce that Roquette will be exhibiting at Booth 2-220 at Health Ingredients Japan. Explore our innovative food prototypes, including 100% plant-based soft serve ice cream made with NUTRALYS® plant protein and high-fiber jelly featuring NUTRIOSE® soluble fiber and mochi created with CLEARAM® tapioca-based modified starch. Our team of experts will be available to discuss how our plant-based solutions can enhance your food offerings. Don't miss the opportunity to taste and learn about Roquette's range of ingredients firsthand! 🍦✨ #HiJapan #RoquetteInnovation #plantbased #foodindustry Food ingredients Global

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    91 750  abonnés

    We were delighted to say “Bonjour!” to several residents of Croissy-sur-Seine, France, a western suburb of Paris, when they visited our Americas headquarters in Geneva, Illinois (USA). Croissy-sur-Seine is a sister city to Geneva, and the French visitors (Croissillons), along with our Geneva neighbors who hosted them, stopped by to learn more about the company that two Roquette brothers founded more than 90 years ago with a potato starch plant in Lestrem in northern France. We took great pride in sharing how our company, started in 1933, has grown to become a global leader in plant-based ingredients and a leading provider of pharmaceutical excipients. Thank you to the members of the International Cultural Exchange Committee and Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns for fostering this visit between residents of our countries. We especially enjoyed the reactions of the Croissillons, who were proud to see the impact that a company based in their native land has had all over the world, and especially in the Americas, to unlock the potential of nature to improve, cure and save lives. #ProudToBeRoquette #culturalexchange

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20 000 000,00 $US

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