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Urgo Medical

Urgo Medical

Fabrication d’équipements médicaux

Make a difference by helping healthcare professionals heal patients

À propos

Urgo Medical is the wound-healing division of URGO group. Every day our 1600 employees are passionate about creating, developing and promoting highly innovative dressings and global solutions to heal people suffering from wounds. Our mission, as The Healing Company, is to make a significant difference for patients, healthcare professionals and the healthcare systems. In order to fulfil our mission: • Patient is at the heart of everything we do. • We keep innovating to develop the best in class solutions. • We have a pioneer and entrepreneurial mindset and we dare to take risks to find new solutions. This is why we are different. This is why we can make a difference. Our innovation and conqueror mindset enables us to be a dynamic Advanced Wound Care company. If you share our passion to make a difference, join us!

Fabrication d’équipements médicaux
Taille de l’entreprise
501-1 000 employés
Société indépendante
Fondée en
Medical devices


Employés chez Urgo Medical


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    56 727  abonnés

    Urgo Medical at #EWMA2025 - Join our exclusive Symposiums!   From March 26 to 28, 2025, we will be in Barcelona for EWMA 2025. Don’t miss out!   📅 March 26 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Area 8 🔵 Ulcera en pierna: compresión... ¿y qué más? 🎤 Nuria Serra & Angel Cuesta   📅 March 27 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Room 115 🔵 Managing leg ulcers... and beyond 🎤 Dr. Melina Vega, Dr. Leanne Atkin, and Viviana Gonçalves Huge thanks to Nuria Serra, Angel Cuesta, Dr. Melina De Vega De Ceniga, Dr Leanne Atkin, and Viviana Gonçalves for making this possible!   👉 Register now to secure your spot : EWMA - GNEAUPP 2025   See you in Barcelona! With Urgo Medical Iberia #EWMA2025 #WoundCare #UrgoMedical #LegUlcers #HealingPeople

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    56 727  abonnés

    Urgo Medical at #EWMA2025   Meet us at EWMA • European Wound Management Association from March 26 to 28, 2025, in Barcelona!   This is a unique opportunity to: 🤝 Connect with the wound care community 💬 Engage with our experts and ask your questions 💪 Share and learn best practices in advanced wound care!   Get ready for an exciting program: 📢 2 exclusives symposiums 📄 2 Workshops to discover UrgoFit and the Magnet Fibers   Step by our booth 66-67 and meet our incredible team! 👉 Click here to secure your spot and pre-register now : #EWMA2025 #WoundCare #UrgoMedical #HealingPeople

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    As the year draws to a close, we'd like to wish you all the best for the festive season. 💙 We'd also like to take this opportunity to reflect on past achievements and the road traveled so far. 🎉Our teams have contributed to Urgo Medical's progress over the year, their team spirit and commitment are an integral part of the company's success.   Discover the year's key facts and figures on video! 👀   We'll take a short break and be back on your LinkedIn feed on January 6 with news, updates and more.   Until then, we wish you a happy holiday season, full of laughter and moments with your loved ones! #UrgoMedical #HealingPeople

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    56 727  abonnés

    🏆 TLC-NOSF* dressings, a first-line treatment for the wounds you care for in your daily practice.   Based on 17 robust clinical studies, and over 10 000 patients, the systematic review published in the Journal of Wound Care (JWC) clearly supports why TLC-NOSF dressings should be used in first-line treatment for wounds such as leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, other long-lasting or recurrent wounds or wounds at risk of long lasting.   TLC- NOSF dressing improves healing outcomes of the treated wounds and the patient's quality of life and are cost-effective for the healthcare systems. ⚕️ Swipe to explore the findings of the study!   🔗 Link to the full paper here: *Technology Lipido-Colloid with Nano Oligo Saccharide Factor #HealingPeople #UrgoMedical

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    56 727  abonnés

    🧫🧪Meet Charline Malaty, Engineer apprentice at Urgo Research, Innovation and Development! A Master's student in Management and Innovation in Biotechnology at Université de Bourgogne, she is a Chemical Engineer Apprentice in the Chemical Expertise Department, Biomolecules division.   💡 As part of the Genesis project, Charline analyses biomaterial-based formulations to be used in the development of artificial skin, key components for skin integrity and healing. She ensures that the formulation is both effective and safe for patients. She works closely with the laboratory to develop test methods. She also monitors documentation and contributes to proposing new lines of research. 🌟 Her strengths - Organization - Responsiveness - Adaptability - Perseverance     💬 Why Urgo? “The warm welcome and excellent working conditions make Urgo a remarkable place to learn!”   On a personal level, Charline loves horse riding, and is passionate about cosmetics!    If you'd like to join #UrgoMedical, please consult our job offers here : #UrgoMedical #JoinUrgo #ProudtobeUrgo #MeetUrgosInterns

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    56 727  abonnés

    Are all dressings equally effective under multicomponent compression bandages to heal venous leg ulcers? 🤔 The answer is clear: No. Yet patients suffering from venous leg ulcers deserve the best healing protocol.   Our latest study recently published in the Journal of Wound Care (JWC) (Sept. 2024) reveals: ✅ Faster healing: TLC-NOSF dressings close wounds in 87 days compared to 125.5 days with neutral dressings—a difference of more than 5 weeks! ✅ Cost savings: TLC-NOSF dressings lower by 24% the global treatment expenditures, reducing costs from €2,751 to €2,099 per patient.   This real-life study, involving over 12,000 French patients from 2018 to 2020, underscores TLC-NOSF dressings as the superior standard for venous leg ulcer care under compression. 🏆   👉 Read the publication here: 📄 Download the PDF for free:   Thank you to our teams, healthcare professionals and partners who contributed to this achievement !

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    💡 Innovation: at the heart of Urgo Medical's identity   In an engaging op-ed, Guirec Le Lous, President of Urgo Medical and MedTech in France, reflects on the importance of preserving the levers that make France a land of innovation and collaboration between researchers, engineers and industry.   At Urgo Medical, we firmly believe that innovation is the driving force behind concrete solutions to improve patients' lives and support caregivers. In a context where every political decision can have an impact on this unique ecosystem, it is essential that we continue to defend schemes that encourage research and creativity.   Discover below his inspiring vision and his call to preserve innovation in the recently published tribune ( in french) 👇

    Voir le profil de Guirec Le Lous

    President at Urgo Medical President at MedTech in France

    Ils sont fous ces Gaulois ! 🙃 C'est la tribune que je publie dans l'Opinion pour sauver le Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR) !   Avec le CIR nous avons trouvé la recette, la « potion magique » 💫 pour innover et défendre notre Made in France.   Mais la France est un pays fabuleux : quand quelque chose fonctionne, quand une politique publique porte ses fruits, eh bien, nous Gaulois on veut tout casser.   Affaiblir le CIR c’est ignorer ce qu'est l’innovation : la rencontre entre des intelligences qui confrontent leurs points de vue et qui, petit à petit, inventent quelque chose de nouveau.   Toutes les entreprises de la MedTech in France en sont une fabuleuse illustration.   Il est encore temps, avec les discussions budgétaires au Sénat, de prendre la bonne décision. Ne changeons pas la recette du CIR ! Soutenons la recherche, nos industries et nos emplois, partout dans nos régions. Misons sur la sagesse du Sénat. ✏️Tribune publiée ici :   #jeunesdocteurs #brevets #IPbox #CIR

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    95% of pressure ulcers are preventable.  95% of treatments and pains caused by pressure ulcers could be avoided. At Urgo Medical, we understand the challenges healthcare professionals face in detecting, preventing and treating pressure ulcers. That’s why, on this #PressureInjuryPreventionDay, we’re introducing our Pressure Injury Pathway – a dedicated tool designed to empower healthcare professionals to: 🔹 Identify patients at risk early on 🔹 Accurately stage and assess each pressure ulcer, with visual guidance for every level from Stage 1 to unstageable 🔹 Follow tailored, stage-specific steps to ensure the right treatment at the right time Because the more knowledge healthcare professionals have, the better equipped they are to reduce the burden of pressure ulcers on patients. Get a glimpse at our pathway on the video ! More about pressure ulcers prevention and treatment on the website: #HealingPeople #StopPressureUlcerDay #TheMoreWeKnow

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    👣5 facts about diabetes and diabetic foot ulcer 👣 On todays’ #WorldDiabetesDay2024, we put a special light on diabetic foot ulcer, a pathology that can touch 1 in 4 patients with diabetes.  People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) due to: - nerve damage (neuropathy), reducing sensation in the feet 👣  - poor blood circulation,  slowing down the body's ability to heal wounds. 🩸 Swipe through our carousel to learn more about how diabetes impacts foot health and the challenges faced by patients globally. #UrgoMedical #HealingPeople

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    Voir la Page de l’organisation de Fondation URGO

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    NEW ! Bienvenue sur la page LinkedIn de la Fondation URGO ! 🌍 La Fondation URGO est riche de plus de 35 projets menés tous les ans par plus de 100 collaboratrices et collaborateurs d’URGO Group, dans plus de 25 pays. Leur engagement méritait un nouvel espace d’expression ! 🩺 Pour inaugurer cette aventure, Briac Le Lous, Président de la Fondation, vous présente notre histoire et nos engagements. Depuis 2010, la mission de santé de la Fondation URGO s'exprime au quotidien dans nos actions : la formation des professionnels de santé pour la cicatrisation, les premiers soins et le traitement de la douleur. Au quotidien, la Fondation URGO s’investit pour un meilleur partage des connaissances, au plus près des besoins des professionnels de santé et des patients. 👉 Sur ce compte, nous partagerons avec vous nos projets à travers le monde, nos partenariats et les valeurs qui animent chaque initiative qui font battre le cœur de la Fondation URGO. Merci de nous rejoindre sur ce chemin d’engagement et de solidarité. 💙 _____ NEW ! Welcome to the URGO Foundation's LinkedIn page! 🌍 The URGO Foundation has more than 35 projects carried out every year by over 100 URGO Group employees in more than 25 countries. Their commitment deserved a new forum for expression! 🩺 To inaugurate this adventure, Briac Le Lous, President of the Foundation, presents our history and our commitments. Since 2010, the URGO Foundation’s healthcare mission has been expressed on a daily basis through our actions: training healthcare professionals in wound healing, first aid and pain management. On a daily basis, the URGO Foundation is committed to improving the sharing of knowledge, as close as possible to the needs of healthcare professionals and patients. 👉 On this account, we will share with you our projects around the world, our partnerships and the values that drive each initiative that makes the URGO Foundation's heart beat faster. Thank you for joining us on this path of commitment and solidarity. 💙 #FondationURGO #Santé #Cicatrisation #Douleur #PremiersSoins Laboratoires URGO Healthcare Urgo Medical Laboratoires Juva Santé Laboratoires Super Diet

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