Privacy statement account

Gaiyo B.V. (hereinafter: Gaiyo) believes it is important that your personal data is handled carefully. Therefore, we have set out in this statement how we handle your personal data and what rights you have.

Why do we collect personal data?
Gaiyo collects, processes and manages personal data for the purpose of communicating with participants as well as measuring, analyzing, improving the Gaiyo app and possibly providing an initiation fee to participants. Whether a participant is eligible to receive a starting fee can be found in the terms of participation, which includes the rights and obligations that apply to participants who receive a fee.

This personal data we obtain includes:

All data requested from you during registration. In addition, all data collected during use by using the Gaiyo app (Android and iOS). Also, usage is requested from the Mobility Providers which are booked with the Travel Credit. The following explains exactly what data we process.

What data is processed about me?
When you create an account within the Gaiyo app, the following data from you will be processed:

  • Name, address and place of residence as obtained during account sign-up;
  • License plate number, driver’s license number, payment information, age range, email address, and operating system of smartphone (iOS or Android) as provided by the participant during account sign-up;

The Gaiyo app collects during the term after obtained consent from the participant:

  • Gps location registrations
  • User interaction through screen logging while using the app
  • Check-in and check-out behavior with timestamp from the Mobility Providers, obtained through the Mobility Providers.

For retention periods of participant data, please refer to sub “Retention of your personal data”.

What is the responsibility with regard to your personal data?
Personal data is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter AVG). The responsible party for the processing of your personal data to whom you can turn for questions or to exercise your rights is Gaiyo.

What is the responsibility with regard to your personal data?
The processing of personal data is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter AVG). The party responsible for the processing of your personal data that you can contact for questions or to exercise your rights is Gaiyo.

This entails that Gaiyo in any case:

  • Process your personal data in accordance with the purpose for which they are provided;
  • Limits the processing of your personal data to only those data that are minimally necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;
  • Asks for your explicit consent if we need it for processing your personal data;
  • Has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal data;
  • Does not pass on personal data to other parties, unless this is necessary for carrying out the purposes for which they were provided;

Is aware of your rights regarding your personal data, wishes to make you aware of them and respects them.

To whom will my personal data be provided?
Your personal data (name and address) will be used by Gaiyo for communicating with participants and improving the Gaiyo app. Also, the operation of Gaiyo uses the services of Amazon Cloud services, Mapbox, MailChimp, SurveyMonkey and when contracted with the Customer Contact Center (KCC) also Zendesk.

If you are signed up for “Test remote parking Rivierenwijk and Europalaan-Noord“, Gaiyo will provide data on trips made by shared transport, public transport and parking in its own parking lot (number, means of transport, departure time) to XTNT for evaluation of the test.

Your personal data (name, email, address, phone number, and driver’s license) may also be shared by Gaiyo with affiliated Mobility Providers (see current list in Gaiyo Terms of Use). Personal data is only shared at the time a rental or reservation is made. Data is only shared with this Mobility Provider that is strictly necessary for the use of this Mobility Provider.

Processing agreements are in place between Gaiyo and its partners, service providers and Mobility Providers (where appropriate) to ensure the protection of your data.

Your personal data (name and bank account number) may also be shared by Gaiyo with the payment provider Mollie. With respect to the processing of this Personal Data, both Mollie and Gaiyo are data controllers within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation. Please read here how Mollie handles your privacy.

Your Personal Data will not be provided to third parties other than those mentioned above, unless you give your consent or there is a legal obligation to do so, for example based on a lawful demand from competent authorities.

If you also use the Gaiyo app within the account of a third party (e.g., your employer), Gaiyo will receive certain Personal Data from such third party, such as your name, email address, and Gaiyo will share certain Personal Data with such third party, such as your business travel information (e.g., locations, times and dates). This is in part for the purpose of billing this third party for the costs associated with the use of the Gaiyo app in an itemized manner. A processor agreement is in place between Gaiyo and this third party where necessary to ensure the protection of your personal data.

Gaiyo’s partners may process your personal data in countries within the EER. If our partners process your personal data outside the aforementioned countries, Gaiyo has ensured that (additional) agreements are in place to guarantee the security of your personal data. The processing of your personal data thus takes place in all cases in accordance with the AVG.

Filing a complaint Personal Data Authority (AP)
If you believe that your privacy rights are being violated or that we are acting in breach of them, you have the right to file a complaint with the AP. Further information can be found on the website

Security of your data
The database containing your personal data has security features that ensure that information is not lost, misused, or altered without your consent. Only authorized personnel have access to your data. The database and website are adequately protected in accordance with the AVG. This ensures that your personal data is handled in a proper, careful manner. Personal data is stored pseudonymously and cannot be directly traced back to the individual.

Your data will be protected by the following technical and organizational measures:

  • Logical access control, using passwords;
  • Automatic logging of all actions around personal data;
  • Physical access security measures;
  • Encryption (encryption) of digital files containing personal data;
  • Organizational measures for access security;
  • Random checks for policy compliance;
  • Security of network connections via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology;
  • A secure internal network;
  • Prompt correction of inaccuracies in your personal data;
  • Cooperation with reputable security systems for online payments and transactions; one way you can tell is by the lock icon at the bottom of your Internet browser.

Gaiyo has designated a data protection officer within its organization to oversee the security of your data and compliance with the provisions of the AVG. The data protection officer can be reached for you at

Access to your data
You can request your personal data, as known to us, in writing via Gaiyo, Bolderweg 2, 1332 AT Almere. Please use ‘PG Gaiyo’ as subject and enclose a copy of your registration certificate and identity card or passport. On the copy you should shield the passport photo and the BSN. The KCC will notify you in writing within four weeks whether your person-related personal data will be processed. Where appropriate, a copy of the personal data being processed will be provided to you.

In accordance with the AVG, you may request The KCC to correct, supplement, delete, or block the personal data in question if they are factually incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant for the purpose or purposes of your participation, or are otherwise processed in violation of a statutory requirement. You can send your request in writing to Gaiyo, Bolderweg 2, 1332 AT Almere. Please use ‘PG Gaiyo’ as subject. Send a copy of your license plate and identity card or passport and mention the changes you want to make or your request regarding your personal data. On the copy you should mask the passport photo and the BSN.

You can, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the appstores delete your account. After a request to the helpdesk, your account will be blocked in the Gaiyo app within 7 business days, your data will then be handled “retention of your personal data”

Retaining your personal data

Personal data of participants who have created an account will be kept until 10 weeks after the end of the account, subject to your explicit consent to keep the data longer.

The purpose of keeping the data for another 10 weeks is:

  • Establish analysis and learning moments of the Gaiyo app;
  • Improving Gaiyo services;
  • Handle payments,

Depending on failure conditions of payment provider used, this retention period may be extended to a maximum of 26 weeks after the last transaction.
Data used for learning applications may be kept longer for statistical purposes. This data is anonymized and therefore cannot be traced back to a person.

Cookies are placed on our Gaiyo website. Cookies are small text files These cookies are used to make our website function better and to monitor web visits. Among other things, this allows us to see how many people have visited the website in a given period. We only use this data in aggregate, and thus anonymized, so that this data cannot be traced back to a person.

Tracking cookies from ourselves
With your permission, we place a cookie on your equipment, which can be retrieved as soon as you visit a website from our network. This enables us to know that, in addition to our website, you have also visited the relevant website(s) from our network. The profile built up as a result is not linked to your name, address, e-mail address and the like, but only serves to tailor advertisements to your profile so that they are as relevant to you as possible.

Cookie settings in your browser
You can adjust your browser’s cookie settings to refuse or accept certain cookies. With almost all browsers, information to adjust cookie settings can be found via that browser’s “Help” function.

Questions and more information
For all your questions about Gaiyo, including related questions about the General Data Protection Regulation, please contact Gaiyo’s KCC at

An overview of answers to frequently asked questions can be found at

This Privacy Statement was last amended on: December 13, 2023.
Download the privacy statement here.
