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ASharpPen edited this page Jul 17, 2021 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Valheim.DropThat wiki!

Drop That! is a mod that enables configuration of loot tables. This solution is set up to easily (well, somewhat) configure existing drop tables in the game. It can either add or replace existing drops.

See the Valheim wiki to get a list of item names which can be used. A pretty comprehensive guide for prefabs can be found here


  • Override any existing potential drop of a mob, by specifying the index (0 based) of the item you want changed.
  • Add as many additional drops with their own drop chance or drop range as you want
  • Discard existing drop tables
  • Discard existing drop tables for entities modified.
  • Configuration templates, for easy extension.
  • Add conditions for when a mob should drop an item
  • Server-side configs
  • Adds mod specific options for:
  • Performance improvements
    • Drop stacks instead of individual items. Want to have a stack of coins, that isn't a massive lag tower of individual coins?
    • Limit max amount to avoid those pesky world-crashing level 10 trolls.

How does it work?

When a world is entered, or a server is started, Drop That! loads all its configuration files. Whenever a creature, chest or other entity with a supported drop system is then in need of its drop table, Drop That intercepts and modifies the possible results.

The modification happens in multiple stages.

  • It modifies the possible drops themselves, and figures out how to associate its configurations with each individual drop.
  • When it's time to create the drops, the possible drops are filtered by the assigned conditions.
  • After a drop has been created, the drop is modified accordingly. Eg. make it into an Epic Loot item or set the item level.

Client / Server

Drop That needs to be installed on all clients and on server to work.

From v1.4.0 clients will request the configurations currently loaded by the server, and use those without affecting the clients config files. This means you should be able to have server-specific configurations, and the client can have its own setup for singleplayer.


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