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File metadata and controls

285 lines (244 loc) · 14.4 KB

Expand World Prefabs

Allows creating rules to react to objects being spawned, destroyed and more.

Install on the server (modding guide).


  • Modify or swap spawned creatures.
  • Modify or swap built structures.
  • Modify or swap other objects.
  • Swap destroyed creatures, structures and objects.
  • And a lot more...

Note: When swapping creature spawns, the spawn limit still checks the amount of original creature. This can lead to very high amount of creatures.


The file expand_world/expand_prefabs.yaml is created when loading a world.

This mod uses the data system of World Edit Commands.


Following parameters are available to be used in the yaml file:

  • <prefab>: Original prefab id.
  • <zdo>: Object id.
  • <par>: Triggered parameter.
  • <par0>, ..., <par4>: Part of the parameter (split by spaces).
  • <x>, <y> and <z>: Object center point.
  • <pos>: Object center point as x,z,y.
  • <i> and <j>: Object zone indices.
  • <a>: Object rotation.
  • <rot>: Object rotation as y,x,z.
  • <day>: Days since the world start (int type).
  • <time>: Seconds since the world start (float type).
    • Each day is 1800 seconds.
  • <ticks>: Ticks since the world start (long type).
    • Each second is 10000000 ticks.
  • <key_*>: Global key value.
  • <int_*>: Integer value from the object data.
  • <float_*>: Decimal value from the object data.
  • <long_*>: Big integer value from the object data.
  • <string_*>: Text value from the object data.
  • <bool_*>: Integer value from the object converted to true or false.
  • <hash_*>: Integer value from the object converted to prefab name.
  • <vec_*>: Vector3 value from the object converted to x,z,y.
  • <quat_*>: Quaternion value from the object converted to y,x,z.
  • <byte_*>: Byte value from the object converted to base64 text.
  • <zdo_*>: Object id value from the object.
  • <pid>: Steam/Playfab of the client that controls the object.
    • Note: The client always controls its player object.
  • <pname>: Player name of the client that controls the object.
  • <pchar>: Character id of the client that controls the object.


Most fields are put on a single line. List values are separated by ,.

  • prefab: List of affected object ids.
    • Wildcard * can be used for partial matches. For example Trophy* to match all trophies.
    • Value groups can be used (data system).
      • By default, each object component has its own value group. For example Tameable or Piece.
      • By default, keywords creature (Humanoid) and structure (WearNTear) have their own value group.
      • Note: Values from groups are cached, so the prefab yaml must be manually saved when changing an already used value group.
  • type: Type of the trigger and parameter (type, parameter).
    • Parameter is optional and can be used to specify the trigger.
    • Supported types are:
      • create: When objects are created. No parameter.
      • destroy: When objects are destroyed. No parameter.
      • repair: When structures are repaired. No parameter.
      • damage: When structures or trees are damaged. No parameter.
      • state: When objects change state. Parameter is the state name.
      • say: When objects or players say something. Parameter is the text.
      • command: When admins say something. Parameter is the text.
      • poke: When pokes field is used.
      • globalkey: When a global key is set or removed. Parameter is the key name.
        • Use field remove to trigger on key removal.
        • Note: There is no prefab or position for this type, so most fields won't work.
      • event: When an event starts or ends. Parameter is the event name.
        • Use field end to trigger on event end.
        • Note: There is no prefab for this type, so most fields won't work.
    • Objects spawned or removed by this mod won't trigger create or destroy.
  • weight (default: 1): Chance to be selected if multiple entries match.
    • All weights are summed and the probability is weight / sum.
    • If the sum is less than 1, the probability is weight, so there is a chance to not select any entry.
  • fallback (default: false): If true, this entry can only be selected if no other entries match.


  • remove (default: false): If true, the original object is removed.
  • removeDelay: Delay in seconds for remove.
  • data: Changes data to the original object.
    • Name of the data entry (from data.yaml) or data code that is added to the object.
    • This is done by respawning the original object with the new data.
  • injectData (default: false): If true, the object is not respawned when adding data.
    • Note: This doesn't work in most cases because clients don't load the new data.
    • Some possible cases are:
      • When adding data that is only used by this mod. In this case, clients wouldn't use the data anyway.
      • When changing data that changes during the normal game play. For example creature health.
  • spawnDelay: Delay in seconds for spawns and swaps.
  • spawn: Spawns another object.
    • Format is id, posX,posZ,posY, rotY,rotX,rotZ, data, delay, triggerRules.
    • Most parts are optional. For example following formats are valid:
      • id, posX,posZ,posY, rotY,rotX,rotZ, delay
      • id, posX,posZ,posY, data, triggerRules
      • id, data, delay
      • id, triggerRules
    • Id is required and supports parameters.
    • Position must be set before rotation.
    • PosY can be snap to snap to the ground.
  • swap: Swaps the original object with another object.
    • Format and keywords are same as for spawn.
    • The initial data is copied from the original object.
    • Swap is done by removing the original object and spawning the swapped object.
    • If the swapped object is not valid, the original object is still removed.
    • Note: Swapping can break ZDO connection, so spawn points may respawn even when the creature is alive.
  • command: Console command to run.
    • Parameters are supported.
    • Basic arithmetic is supported. For example <x>+10 would add 10 meters to the x coordinate.
  • triggerRules (default: false): If true, spawns or remove from this entry can trigger other entries.
  • addItems: Data entry that is used to add items to the container object.
    • Data type "items" is used for this.
    • If the item exists, its stack amount is increased up to the max.
    • Remaining stack amount is added as new items.
  • removeItems: Data entry that is used to removes items from the container object.
    • Data type "items" is used for this.
    • If the item doesn't exist then nothing happens.


  • biomes: List of valid biomes.
  • day (default: true): Valid during the day.
  • night (default: true): Valid during the night.
  • minDistance (default: 0 meters): Minimum distance from the world center.
  • maxDistance (default: 100000 meters): Maximum distance from the world center.
  • minAltitude (default: -10000 meters): Minimum altitude (y coordinate - 30).
  • maxAltitude (default: 10000 meters): Maximum altitude (y coordinate - 30).
  • minY: Minimum y coordinate. Same as altitude but without the water level offset.
  • maxY: Maximum y coordinate. Same as altitude but without the water level offset.
  • environments: List of valid environments.
  • bannedEnvironments: List of invalid environments.
  • globalKeys: List of global keys that must be set.
    • Parameters are supported.
    • The values are converted to lower case because the game always uses lower case.
  • bannedGlobalKeys: List of global keys that must not be set.
    • Parameters are supported.
    • The values are converted to lower case because the game always uses lower case.
  • locations: List of location ids. At least one must be nearby.
  • locationDistance (default: 0 meters): Search distance for nearby locations.
    • If 0, uses the location exterior radius.
  • events: List of event ids. At least one must be active nearby.
    • If set without eventDistance, the search distance is 100 meters.
  • eventDistance: Search distance for nearby events.
    • If set without events, any nearby event is valid.
  • filter: Data filter for the object. This can be a data entry or a single data value.
    • Format for a single data value is type, key, value. Supported types are bool, int, hash, float and string.
      • filter: bool, boss, true would apply only to boss creatures.
      • filter: string, Humanoid.m_name, Piggy would apply only to creatures with name "Piggy".
    • Ranges are supported for int and float.
      • filter: int, level, 2;3 would apply to creatures with 1 or 2 stars
      • filter: int, level, 0;1 is required for 1 star because 0 is the default value.
    • Wildcards are suppored for strings.
      • filter: string, TamedName, *(S)* would apply to pets with name containing "(S)".
    • For type repair, the filter is also checked for the player who did the repair.
      • Filter is valid if either the player or the object matches.
    • Data type "items" can be used to filter containers.
      • If item amount is not set, then the items must match exactly.
      • If item amount is set, then at least that many items must match.
      • Items are checked in the same order as they are defined in the "items" list.
      • If item amount is set but items are not, then only the item count is checked.
  • bannedFilter: Data filter that must not be true.

Object filters

  • objectsLimit: How many of the filters must match (min or min-max).
    • If not set, then each filter must be matched at least once. One object can match multiple filters.
    • If set, that many filters must be matched. Each filter can be matched by multiple objects.
    • Note: When using max, all objects must be searched.
  • objects: List of object information. Format is - id, distance, data, weight:
    • id: Object id. Keywords are supported ("all", "creature" and "<>").
    • distance: Distance to the object (max or min-max). Default is up to 100 meters.
      • Note: All objects are searched if the max distance is more than 10000 meters.
    • data: Optional. Entry in the data.yaml to be used as filter. All data entries must match.
    • weight: Optional. How much tis match counts towards the objectsLimit. Default is 1.
    • Note: If objectsLimit is set and multiple filters match, the first one is matched.
  • bannedObjectsLimit: How many of the filters must not match (min or min-max).
  • bannedObjects: List of object information.

See object filtering examples.


  • poke: List of poke objects:
    • prefab: Target object id or value group.
    • parameter: Custom value used as the parameter for the poke type.
    • delay: Delay in seconds for poking. Default is 0 seconds.
    • limit: Maximum amount of poked objects. If not set, all matching objects are poked.
    • minDistance: Minimum distance from the poker. Default is 0 meters.
    • maxDistance: Maximum distance from the poker. Default is 100 meters.
    • data: Optional. Entry in the data.yaml to be used as filter. All data entries must match.

Legacy pokes

Old way of poking.

  • pokeDelay: Delay in seconds for poking.
  • pokeParameter: Custom value used as the parameter for the poke type.
  • pokeLimit: Maximum amount of poked objects.
    • If not set, all matching objects are poked.
  • pokes: List of object information. Format is - id, distance, data:
    • id: Object id or value group.
    • distance: Distance to the object (max or min-max). Default is up to 100 meters.
    • data: Optional. Entry in the data.yaml to be used as filter. All data entries must match.


RPC calls are way to send data to clients. Usually these are used by clients but server can call them too.

Checks possible RPCs here.

  • objectRpc: List of RPC calls. The RPC must be related to the triggering object.
  • clientRpc: List of RPC calls. These calls are not related to any object.

RPC format:

  • name: Name of the RPC call. Must be exact match.
    • See list of supported calls: (
  • target: Target of the RPC call. Default is owner.
    • owner: The RPC is sent to the owner of the object.
    • all: The is sent to all clients.
    • ZDO id: The RPC is sent to the owner of this ZDO.
      • Parameters are supported. For example <zdo> can be useful.
  • delay: Delay in seconds for the RPC call.
  • source: ZDO id. The RPC call is faked to be from owner of this ZDO.
    • Parameters are supported. For example <zdo> can be useful.
  • packaged: If true, the parameters are sent as a package. Default is false.
    • This must be set to true for some RPC calls.
  • 1: First parameter.
  • 2: Second parameter.
  • 3: Third parameter.
  • ...: More parameters.


To set multiple values, following fields can be used instead:

  • types: List of types.
  • swaps: Swaps the object with multiple objects.
  • spawns: Spawns multiple objects.
  • commands: List of console commands to run.
  • filters: List of data value filters. All must match.
  • bannedFilters: List of data value filters. None must match.


State works for following objects:

  • Armor stand: Setting item triggers state with itemid variant slot or none 0 slot.
    • For specific item on any slot, use itemid or itemid variant.
    • For any item on specific slot, use * * slot.
  • Ballista: Targeting triggers state with the target id.
  • Cooking stations: Setting item triggers state with itemid slot or none slot.
    • For specific item on any slot, use itemid.
    • For any item on specific slot, use * slot.
  • Creatures: Each animation such as attacks triggers state.
  • Creatures: Being targeted by ballista triggers state target.
  • Creatures: Setting saddle triggers state saddle or unsaddle.
  • Creatures: Waking up from sleep triggers state wakeup.
  • Item stands: Setting item triggers state with itemid variant quality or none 0 0.
    • For specific item of any variant or quality, use itemid.
    • For any item of specific quality, use * * quality.
  • MusicVolume: Entering the volume triggers state without parameter.
  • Obliterator: Using the lever triggers state start and end.
  • Pickables: Picking triggers state picked or unpicked.
  • Traps: Triggering the trap triggers state with the target id.
  • Ward: Triggering the ward triggers state flash.


Thanks for Azumatt for creating the mod icon!

Sources: GitHub Donations: Buy me a computer
